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General Hospital or Days of Our Lives?


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Who the heck has time for soaps? during the day I am teaching, or chauffeuring or cleaning. If I have some down time during the day I pop online or I read. It doesn't really matter which you pick, the storylines never change. I used to watch days of our lives before I had kids. I bet I could start watching today and pick right up where I left off 15 years ago. Real life has enough drama to fill my quota lol.

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Who the heck has time for soaps? during the day I am teaching, or chauffeuring or cleaning. If I have some down time during the day I pop online or I read. It doesn't really matter which you pick, the storylines never change. I used to watch days of our lives before I had kids. I bet I could start watching today and pick right up where I left off 15 years ago. Real life has enough drama to fill my quota lol.


Because we're lazy, do-nothing mothers, obviously. lol



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I watched a soap eons ago. It was a big improvement when I stopped watching it. I don't watch them, I don't have time for them. I'd rather dvr stuff to watch at my convenience. I dvr'd the Richard III excavation, and dudeling watched it twice in 24 hours. Pretty cool. I just wonder if it will take an act of parliament to get him reburied in a site befitting a king.

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Scorpio is from GH, no? My sister used to sneak-watch that one.


My mother also banned Barbies for a time. We used to covet friends' Barbies and play at friends' homes. My mother did give up that ghost, and we even had a Barbie Dream House. I think I played with that until I was 14. Barbie was totally into my borther's GI Joes.



I don't know where he's from. All I know is that when they broke that couple up, I was over soap operas. I think I went to college around that time too and god help anyone who changed the station from MTV back in that day...


I don't think I could do soap operas anymore. I don't have that much time to devote to them. It would cut into my internet time or Modern Family or Criminal Minds. :lol:

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I'm trying to think... I think it's been 25 years since I watched a soap opera. Robert and Holly Scorpio. What one was that from??



That was around when I followed GH, too. We used to watch it during our lunch break at law school. The dean would wander down sometimes and make fun of us for watching soaps. Then he'd pause for a moment or two. A few days later, he sat down for a few minutes. Within a week, he was showing up with his sack lunch and watching the entire hour with us. So I guess I can count among my dubious contributions to society my part in the corruption of a respected law school dean.

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Robert and holly were from GH. That was back in my high school days. My best friend and I used to pretend we were Holly Scorpio and Celia Quartermaine (they were bffs and dressed beautifully and always went out to lunch). I've watched the soaps on ABC off and on for years, but stopped about 5 years ago. I just got bored. They do get tiresome after a while and can be so over the top. Although if I had to pick one, I'd pick GH.

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Robert and holly were from GH. That was back in my high school days. My best friend and I used to pretend we were Holly Scorpio and Celia Quartermaine (they were bffs and dressed beautifully and always went out to lunch). I've watched the soaps on ABC off and on for years, but stopped about 5 years ago. I just got bored. They do get tiresome after a while and can be so over the top. Although if I had to pick one, I'd pick GH.



So if Robert and Holly ever come back, I'll watch GH again. But I don't think they'd be as much fun to watch. He's got to be 50-60 now and she was actually not the most skilled actress in the world. I never saw either of them more than a year or so after their GH stints but I think Robert was a voice on the "Rescuers Down Under." And she was on "Dynasty" for awhile.


I was in my junior and senior years of high school for that story line. I remember racing home to catch the last 30 minutes because school got out at 3:00 so the earliest I could get there was 3:30.


I wonder if you can watch the old episodes anywhere?


I think the depressing thing about being 40ish and watching soap operas would be the ages of the main characters. Except for the token matriarch, I don't think the roles for women are particularly interesting. Not that the men have it much better either...

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Possibly nothing is more enjoyable than sitting down with a large peanut butter rice crispy treat while taking in the Young and the Rested. Yes, I know it's really Restless. That show always makes me laugh. The story lines are so implausible. I just love it and can pick it up pretty quickly even if I haven't watched it for a few years. My husband secretly watches it at his mom's condo when he goes to visit her for lunch. But don't tell anyone. LOL.


Plus, they occasionally have bonus scenes where shirtless, buffed, tanned and oiled-down CEOs are working out in the corporate gym. Just like in real life. ;)

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Is Marlena still posessed? :)


I briefly watched Days of Our Lives for a few weeks one summer in middle school. We don't even have a TV now so I'd be hard pressed to recommend one but I did like the supernatural angle that show had for awhile.

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Who watches TV programming anymore when the show is actually on?


I vote Another World. Except it's been off the air for years. ;)


I miss Mac & Rachel, and even that evil Iris. I had to sneak watch it, as my mother didn't allow soap operas.




Yes, this! :) I used to watch DOOL and Another World when I was younger. I kept up with both of them until AW went off the air and I had kids. I don't watch DOOL anymore, but I do read the updates online. :)

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A Funny-----when I was a kid my mom always watched Days of Our Lives.................fast forward at least 25-30 years...............and now when it comes on after the noon news, I STILL KNOW MOST OF THE CHARACTERS AND PLOT............seriously, I don't think I missed much in the past 25 years. I don't watch it but think it is funny how much is still the same after all that time.

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Who watches TV programming anymore when the show is actually on?


I vote Another World. Except it's been off the air for years. ;)


I miss Mac & Rachel, and even that evil Iris. I had to sneak watch it, as my mother didn't allow soap operas.


Me too!!!! That wast he best soap EVER. I was watching in Jr. High when Josie and Matt first got together, and thought it was SO romantic. And Amanda and Sam. And the twins...what were their names? With Jake? And yes, Mac and Rachel are my relationship role models. I still remember the white and red roses he got for her every year, and that they came even after he died.

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My mom watched soaps all. day. long. when I was a kid. I literally know the characters on all of them. I started watching Y&R, Ryan's Hope, AMC and GH when I was in 7th grade. Back when David Hasselhoff played Snapper Foster on Y&R and Nikki was somebody's younger sister and was a 17 year old stripper. Yeah. And GH? The whole Luke & Laura thing was HUGE. I had photos of Scotty Baldwin in my locker for all of ninth grade. Never knew what Laura saw in Luke. Especially because he RAPED her. Good grief!!

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And GH? The whole Luke & Laura thing was HUGE. I had photos of Scotty Baldwin in my locker for all of ninth grade. Never knew what Laura saw in Luke. Especially because he RAPED her. Good grief!!


Wow, 35 years ago. I was in college, and had never watched a soap in my life, when somehow I got sucked into this thing with the college lunch-time crowd just as the Luke and Laura thing was about to break. How weird was that???


Girl falls in love with her rapist. And the country goes into a romantic swoon. Serious weird. But I was there too.


Please don't tell anyone :D



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Wow, 35 years ago. I was in college, and had never watched a soap in my life, when somehow I got sucked into this thing with the college lunch-time crowd just as the Luke and Laura thing was about to break. How weird was that???


Girl falls in love with her rapist. And the country goes into a romantic swoon. Serious weird. But I was there too.


Please don't tell anyone :D





Your secret is safe with me, Bill. (I was right there with you!!!)

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Oh, you simply have to pick Days.....I just watched today's episode, and those genius writers figured out how to work the "plot" so that most of their male leads wound up stripping in a strip bar - all in the same episode. Now that's some quality viewing right there! :ph34r:


I started watching Days when I was on bedrest with my first pregnancy some 26 years ago and we didn't have cable... I've stopped here and there, but thanks to DVRs, I can watch it after everyone is asleep and I'm trying to get some work done late at night. Or cruising the boards.

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Its funny I read this and thought "wow, soaps are still on the air." I used to watch both back in the 80's but I couldn't tell you which one was the best to watch now. I can still remember cutting out of school early to get home in time to watch Luke and Laura's wedding.


Without knowing any of the characters now I bet what is going on is someone is involved in a love triangle. There is a bad girl scheming to get something. The wealthy family is feeling put upon and an evil character from their past is back in town.


If only Dr. Noah Drake would return/

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Wow, 35 years ago. I was in college, and had never watched a soap in my life, when somehow I got sucked into this thing with the college lunch-time crowd just as the Luke and Laura thing was about to break. How weird was that???


Girl falls in love with her rapist. And the country goes into a romantic swoon. Serious weird. But I was there too.


Please don't tell anyone :D



That absolutely could NOT have been 35 years ago. :svengo: Ugh.

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So if Robert and Holly ever come back, I'll watch GH again. But I don't think they'd be as much fun to watch. He's got to be 50-60 now and she was actually not the most skilled actress in the world.


I wonder if you can watch the old episodes anywhere?



Robert and Holly have been on occasionally. He's older, but still good looking and he still has that sexy accent. I don't like the person they made Holly into, though. Laura, Scotty, Lucy, Felicia and Anna are all regulars now. And Luke is still on... he goes off on his adventures but always comes back. Frisco was on for a few weeks just recently, but he left when Felicia rejected him in favor of Mac. Not that I ever watch it or anything....


You can watch snippets of old episodes on youtube.

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I started watching Days of Our Lives in utero. I watched it pretty faithfully all through college, and then not at all since.


I graduated from college in 1993, but sometimes if the TV is on during the day I catch a glimpse. It would take me about 2 days to be entirely caught up, I think, and a lot of the characters are still the same!


I especially love how an actor leaves and then comes back as a different character. Only in the Soaps...

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I especially love how an actor leaves and then comes back as a different character. Only in the Soaps...

Or how about a character gives birth, a year later the child is school age, 2 years after that the kid is a teen and 2 years after that he's an adult. The only character I have seen truly grow up on a soap is Robin Scorpio on GH. It was the same actress the whole way through.

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That was around when I followed GH, too. We used to watch it during our lunch break at law school. The dean would wander down sometimes and make fun of us for watching soaps. Then he'd pause for a moment or two. A few days later, he sat down for a few minutes. Within a week, he was showing up with his sack lunch and watching the entire hour with us. So I guess I can count among my dubious contributions to society my part in the corruption of a respected law school dean.



:lol: When I was a teen, I would record Days of Our Lives to watch when I got home from school. Around that time my dad started a job that had him getting home around the same time of day as I did. So I laid on the floor and watched TV while he would sit on the couch behind me and read the day's paper. At first he teased me about it and made fun of the show. After a few shows, I noticed he got pretty quiet while it was on, and then I realized that when I looked back at him, he'd have the corner of the paper turned down as he watched over it. Then he started asking about backstories. That's when I started teasing him.


I still bring that up occasionally, just to keep him humble :D He swears it's impossible to be subjected to soap operas on a daily basis and not be sucked into the drama :lol:

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I don't think I could do soap operas anymore. I don't have that much time to devote to them. It would cut into my internet time or Modern Family or Criminal Minds. :lol:




I so enjoy MF. It gets funnier and funnier. CM is too depressing for me. I can't worry about TV crime at the same time I am worrying about those young girls on Dance Moms. ;)

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I used to watch Days from 1990 through some time in the early 2000's. I see the weekly summaries from time to time and it amazes me that the show is still rehashing basically the same plots as over a decade ago!



Perhaps there is comfort in the rehashing...you know, why kids have to be read Goodnight, Gorilla a zillion times. lol I have not watched a soap in a couple of decades, but remember when pregnant Rachel fell while painting a picture (so plausible). She called Iris before she passed out so Iris could send Mac home. Iris didn't tell Mac, so Rachel had a miscarriage.


The two most overused phrases in daytime soaps:


"She/he is going through a rough time."


"She lost the baby. She is going through a really rough time right now."

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