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I'm so excited! A meat truck just came to my house!


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A meat truck came to my house, too. At first, I was flabbergasted -- the WTM meat truck actually came all the way out here! By the time she got to the door, I was ready for her.


I told the lady I'd just bought half a steer. She wanted me to give her the okay to tell my neighbors that I recommended her. I laughed, and said, "look around you, at all the cows! Dairy and beef, on the hoof, in all pastures not used for growing feed corn!"


Chicken?, she asked. We've all got 'em, I said.


Fish? Everyone has a fishing rod and gun. We are all set for protein! Now you better get out of here because my dog is looking at you as a potential diet variation. Everyone else has a hungry dog, too.


I got a kick out of that.


PS I don't have chickens, a gun, a fishing rod, or a dog who is hungry. Aidan was barking, growling, and lunging at the storm door throughout this encounter, which added to the ambiance.

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The meat truck was here last week! I laughed and told him we had a whole pig in our freezer and we are waiting on a cow to finish. He was rather pushy.

They aren't supposed to be in the neighborhood because of licensing issues so I called the police as soon as his ratty pick up pulled away from my curb.

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I'm probably the only person on here who actually buys stuff from the meat truck. Good fish is hard to get way out here and my family LOVES their fish.



Thank you for admitting to it!


We bought from them twice. The first time went so well, we decided to do it again (different meat truck/company) but the quality was so poor the second time, we never would do it again. In fact, the fish was so bad, we tried to call the number on our flier to get a refund but no one ever answered.


And after that, I joined WTM. And have sat here in shame ever since. :lol:

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I was afraid to buy anything. I just wondered if it was legit.




I don't get the meat truck at all. Does anyone inpect the vehicle? Does anyone inspect where the meat is processed? They sure as heck didn't know anything about what the meat ate or where it was grown.


I could not throw that bozo and his dilapidated truck off my property fast enough. And I did get a huge laugh out of watching him go to the beef farm across the street. :laugh:

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The meat that dh bought was not in slimy brown paper packages. They came in boxes that were packed by an actual company in plastic pouches with the air all sucked out (there is a name for that but it is escaping me at the moment!). We were able to google the company that packaged the meat. It was a legitimate company. The meat was frozen and seemed kept at a temperature that was safe. That may vary from company to company, truck to truck though. I have no idea. Anyway, we haven't died yet.

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I've never heard of the meat truck except here on the boards. I was going to say maybe they aren't in Florida, but clarkacademy has seen it so I guess there's at least one roaming the penninsula. :lol:


The only food truck I've ever seen that goes door-to-door is Schwan's and I know that doesn't count. :(

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What I think the guy I dealt with was doing was trying to sell off whatever he had left. Not that he makes his living entirely going door to door to sell meat.


I'm laughing because I've seen way too much Law and Order in my lifetime. Is this meat that "falls off" the back of a union truck or something? I saw an episode like that on L&O once but it was stereos. :D

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I don't get the meat truck at all. Does anyone inpect the vehicle? Does anyone inspect where the meat is processed? They sure as heck didn't know anything about what the meat ate or where it was grown.


I could not throw that bozo and his dilapidated truck off my property fast enough. And I did get a huge laugh out of watching him go to the beef farm across the street. :laugh:


The guy that we get here is from a reputable company. I know where the meat is processed and I've seen inside his truck. I suppose it will vary a lot from company to company and truck to truck. The guy we get here is fastidiously clean and organized and the meat is well packaged in vacuum sealed bags and them boxed.

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The guy that we get here is from a reputable company. I know where the meat is processed and I've seen inside his truck. I suppose it will vary a lot from company to company and truck to truck. The guy we get here is fastidiously clean and organized and the meat is well packaged in vacuum sealed bags and them boxed.



Vacuum sealed! That was the term I was searching for. I think we buy from the same guy.

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Yeah he said something like I have some extra meat left over for sale. I was like ewww... I wonder if that is even legal. Who knows.



Well, if it comforts you at all... On the L&O episode, one of the truck guys ended up spending eternity as part of a concrete piece for the Brooklyn Bridge or Trump Towers or something.

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I don't even get the idea of a meat truck from a marketing perspective. Why not a bakery truck? Why not throw a couple dozen Perfect Chocolate Cupcakes in the back of your van and drive around town trying to sell them? At least people are more prone to buying a cupcake on impulse than a bottom round, right?


I do think a meat truck came here to my house when we first moved in. It isn't common where we live; I guess because we are back in the woods and not in a neighborhood. IIRC, I didn't buy any just because I couldn't understand why a guy in a van would be trying to sell me hamburger. At that time, I also was buying a 1/4 beef from my nephews in 4H, so it was moot.

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I had a meat Van here yesterday the dogs were out front and making a huge fuss, I didn't let.him get 10 steps before yelling out the door that we were Vegan. We are not! But I'm not buying meat out of a van!!!


Haha! We do this, too!


As a matter of fact, this past Friday I had just gotten home from a quick jaunt to the store and parked on the street in front of the house. I followed the meat truck dude into our cul-de-sac. He circled and stopped on the opposite side and was walking across the street toward me as I was heading up the driveway to the front door. I just hollered across the street "We're vegan!"


We're not. However, we ARE transitioning to a more plant-based diet, cooking meat only about once a week or 10 days or so. As it is, at that rate, I've got enough (organic) meat in the freezer to feed us for about 3-4 months.


Last time I tried to get a few answers re: organic, grass fed/grass finished from another guy. He tried to talk in circles around it, but I didn't give in. It was so much easier and quicker going the "vegan" route. :laugh:

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When I was a kid the local butcher used to have a meat truck. It was great and it meant housewives in the middle of nowhere could get meet. Many of them didn't drive and didn't have freezers (most had fridges by then though) and they only got to shop once a month or so.


Different in a urban area though. We do have these dreadful trucks that go round selling cheap clothes and offering credit that the people they sell to can't afford.

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I just read the original teA thread for the first time in its entirety. Then I came here and this was the first thread. And after all that teA talk the title of this thread had me a bit :confused: I was afraid there was another euphemism I didn't know.


Back to your regularly scheduled posting.




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I had my first truck last year. I can't think it was a legitimate company since the guy has a crazy story that was obviously a lie. Supposedly, someone in the next city over (43000 pop.) supposedly ordered the meat and refused. So he decided to drive 17 miles, go through most of my city (180,000 pop) and go down a street only used by actual residents of the street, their guests, and the service people who service us, and make it to near the end to come to my house. I don't think so. I didn't call the city since the no solicitation law was passed only around that time and hadn't gone into affect yet (they have to get a license).

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No, that would be the pool boy who shows up in a kilt.


I just read the original teA thread for the first time in its entirety. Then I came here and this was the first thread. And after all that teA talk the title of this thread had me a bit :confused: I was afraid there was another euphemism I didn't know.


Back to your regularly scheduled posting.




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I don't even get the idea of a meat truck from a marketing perspective. Why not a bakery truck? Why not throw a couple dozen Perfect Chocolate Cupcakes in the back of your van and drive around town trying to sell them? At least people are more prone to buying a cupcake on impulse than a bottom round, right?


I do think a meat truck came here to my house when we first moved in. It isn't common where we live; I guess because we are back in the woods and not in a neighborhood. IIRC, I didn't buy any just because I couldn't understand why a guy in a van would be trying to sell me hamburger. At that time, I also was buying a 1/4 beef from my nephews in 4H, so it was moot.



Two of my friends have seen the meat truck in the last month or so. I haven't seen him yet.


Some friends of mine DO have a cupcake truck. Because of weird food truck laws here, they can't just drive around, I guess. So they park at a couple bars on the weekends and during the day Saturday, they park outside an indoor kids' play place.

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I just read the original teA thread for the first time in its entirety. Then I came here and this was the first thread. And after all that teA talk the title of this thread had me a bit :confused: I was afraid there was another euphemism I didn't know.


Back to your regularly scheduled posting.



Yeah, I am pretty sure the guy wasn't selling his own flesh. ;)

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We used to have an old man in the neighborhood who rode around on a bicycle and sharpened knives and scissors. He was sort of a relic. His bike had a bell that rang as he peddled and it would tinkle along up and down the streets - very charming. He should have followed the meat truck around!


Apparently, knife-based bicycle sharpening was a thing!



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Yeah, I am pretty sure the guy wasn't selling his own flesh. ;)

:lol: O.dear.me. I am having visions of some guy coming to the door indicating that there are many varities of meat available to choose from....


I have seen the meat truck in our neighborhood but no one has ever come to our door. I know there is a Swanson truck that I see regularly. I often wonder what all they seel but never enough to go look online.

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I have seen the meat truck in our neighborhood but no one has ever come to our door. I know there is a Swanson truck that I see regularly. I often wonder what all they seel but never enough to go look online.


I had a neighbor once who appeared to buy multiple huge boxes of stuff from them, and I do see their trucks sitting around in local giant parking lots of Walmart type stores periodically.

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  • 4 months later...

The Meat Truck came! The Meat Truck came! It was a thrilling experience!


Similar story to everyone else - they'd made their last stop and had leftover meat they'd sell for cheap.


We're also out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by cow farms. Quite strange!


They looked like meth addicts, too. And drove a sketchy looking white van. There was a logo on the passenger side door, but I couldn't see what it said.

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I just learned I'm in the club and didn't know it. I asked DH if he'd heard of such a thing and he informed me a meat truck stopped by our house the week before we moved. Now we get our beef delivered to our house but the guy doesn't go door to door. He typically sells in the (open) market where it is socially acceptable to handle the meat before deciding to buy or not and where hand washing is not a cultural norm. Avoiding this sometimes means waking early to a phonecall at 5:15 Monday morning but I <3 our beef guy. (There are actually people that go up and down our road daily selling bread and pastries, popsicles, icecream, drinks, etc. but not raw meat.)

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I had a meat Van here yesterday the dogs were out front and making a huge fuss, I didn't let.him get 10 steps before yelling out the door that we were Vegan. We are not! But I'm not buying meat out of a van!!!

This is what I do; though we are not vegan either. Buying meat from the back of a truck just seems wrong! Although, the Schwann's man has gotten my business from time to time. Buying ice cream is almost always the right thing to do.  ;)

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