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Mom had heart attack. PSA

Lizzie in Ma

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My Mom had a massive heart attack on Sunday night. She had symptoms since Thursday but they were so atypical none of us picked up on it, even my sister who has worked in the cardiac field for 12 years. She had intermittent pain in BOTH her arms that finally got so bad Dad made her go to the ER.

NO chest pain, no nausea, dizziness, nothing else, nothing typical.

By the time she got there she had 100% blockage and was taken immediately to the cath lab for a stnt. It was touch and go for awhile and she is not out of the woods yet.

Bottom line is she killed off half her heart muscle and it remains to be seen how much function she regains and she is still in danget of a "catastrophic event".

So, like most of us, who would have popped some ibuprofen and had some wine instead of goint to the ER, lesson learned. Had she gotten there earlier, prognosis would be a lot better.

She had NO history and NO risk factors.

Fair warning.

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:grouphug: That is scary. Things like this are beginning to worry me at my age, 45. I didn't realize a heart attack might not have chest pain. I also thought accompanying pain in only the left arm meant something. I guess I need to find out more about this. Sorry about your mom. I hope she fully recovers!

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The variety of heart attack symptoms in women has been an "issue" of mine since a friend had one. She called EMS, and they LEFT telling her to "go to sleep, it's indigestion".


A friend drove her to the hospital (thank God) and she was having a heart attack.

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I am so sorry for your mother. I was with my MIL when she fell, breaking her pelvis. At the ER, she complained about chest pain, and the feeling of someone sitting on her chest. Despite these classical symptoms, her heart attack wasn't diagnosed until the next day.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so glad she got to the ER in time and hope she gets better.


A woman from our area had a heart attack last year. She was seemingly in good health, exercised regularly, and was only 44. During the week before she blacked out and started having chest pains, she had shared with friends at an event that she felt absolutely exhausted and couldn't seem to get enough sleep. That was the only symptom she had (at least that she shared with anyone), and no one thought much of it until afterward. I didn't know that extreme fatigue even was a symptom of heart trouble.

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This whole arm pain thing scares the bejeebies out of me. I shattered my collarbone when I was a kid, so my arm hurts a lot of the time. It is my right arm, and even though I know it always hurts, still, in the back of my mind, I sometimes wonder.


Praying for a good recovery for your mom.

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Oh Lizzie, I'm so sorry about your mom.


My dad waited just five hours before going to the hospital with his heart attack symptoms. Even just those five hours made a huge difference in how much damage his heart sustained.


Prompt attention to ANY strange, unexplained symptoms is very important.


Hoping your mother recovers. If you ever need to chat, feel free to pm me. We are still dealing with MAJOR complications from my dad's heart attack he had six months ago.


(And I can't *not* add this.Please, PLEASE be very aware of making sure the nurses are changing your mother's position frequently. As in, every two hours. My father's biggest complication right now is the horrendous bed sore he got when he was on life support for three weeks following his heart attack. I'm so mad that he survived such a major heart attack only to possibly lose his life to a bed sore of all things.)

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:grouphug: praying your mom pulls through. It sounds like even if she went to the hospital with her symptoms they would not have seen it as a heart attack anyway and the damage would have been the same, after all your sister who has experience in this field didn't see it. I am glad for the PSA but it sounds like there wasn't much that would have made a different outcome for your mom.

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