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Where Oh where.......are you tonight??


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And how about "Hey Grandpa, what's for supper?"


We're havin fried chicken so crisp and hot,

With taters and gravy make sure and take a lot.

There’s green beans and fatback and biscuits with butter,

And cold cold milk, straight from the udder.

And fer desert, get ya some pie,

There’s sweet tater, apple and of course yer favorite shoo-fly.


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You know, I have so many songs like this taking up space in my brain that it's no wonder I can't remember normal, everyday, helpful things. It would be nice to be able to delete the "You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille" file and replace it with, oh I don't know, the Latin vocabulary I am attempting to learn with my children.


But alas--I was definitely singing along when I saw the title of this thread.

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When I'd visit my grandparents we'd watch this too. Grandpa preferred Lawrence Welk, same time, different channel but we watched Hee Haw anyway.



Lawrence Welk was the other side of my family. Whatever I got to see depended on which grandparents I was staying with at the time. :)


Now 'Goodnight, sleep tight.... And pleasant dreams to you...' is stuck in my head.

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Love, love, love Hee Haw!


My girls love it too because dh and I just couldn't raise kids who were culturally illiterate about Hee Haw. :tongue_smilie:


We found episodes on YouTube, but want to buy them at some point.


It was one of my family's favorite TV shows growing up.


Does anyone remember Puttin' on the Hits (a lip sync contest show) or The Mandrell Sisters (Miss Mandrell! Miss Mandrell!)?


Those were two of my family's favorites as well.

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