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Prayer request: DS3 is having surgery today


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Today at 12:30 pm, my son Stephen is having surgery. I'd appreciate prayers for him. He's had surgery several times, and he has Asperger's, so I cannot tell whether he is afraid or nervous. He says he is fine, BTDT. Usually, if I have a 3 hour conversation with him, near the end, he gets around to telling me how he feels, but he has not wanted to talk about this surgery at all.


Please pray specifically that the surgeon operates on the correct side, that the surgeon follows our instructions and does not let residents or med students operate in his stead, and that he prescribes sufficient painkillers for Stephen afterward, and that the surgery goes well, without complications.


Stephen has a very low pain threshold and a history of having more severe pain which lasts longer than expected.


He will be coming home tonight, and the car ride is up to 1.5 hours long, so please pray that he is comfortable on the ride home. I know that every time I've come home after surgery, every little bump on the road causes me severe pain, and it would be great if that didn't happen to Stephen.


I'm usually not nervous when two of my sons have surgery because we have always had the same surgeon and hospital in Boston. We are in PA now, and I do not have sufficient experience with the hospital, and none with this surgeon, to feel at ease. He is board-certified, and his credentials check out, and it's a good hospital, so I don't think it is rational to be worried. This is just an emotional response that I am not used to having, due to unfamiliarity with the people and the institution.


Thank you very much!

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Thank you all very much for praying.


Lawana, my husband is taking Stephen to the hospital and will stay there with him. I am not going. Stephen doesn't want to be mothered, and my husband wants to be left in peace to read in the waiting room. So both of them prefer that I stay home.


No Chris, DS3 is my 3rd-born son, as I'm sure you figured out! For a moment there, I thought I'd had a senior moment, and I'd said Stephen was 3 years old.

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Thank you all for your prayers!


Stephen got out of surgery at 3 pm, and the surgeon said everything went very well. DH will be able to see him in about an hour, and will start the drive home in 3-4 hours. Thank goodness Stephen has always reacted well to anesthesia ... he shouldn't have any trouble coming out of it, or suffer any side effects from it.

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Thank you again for all of your prayers!


Stephen got home around 8:45-9:00 pm. He is in some pain, but it is manageable. He has been talking about philosphy non-stop since he got home. Recovery period is 2 -3 weeks, and he specifically is not allowed to carry a book around for 2 weeks. I thought that was funny ... the hospital staff and doctors seemed surprised that he brought a book with him (The Plague, Camus). I guess I'll be his book-bearer! He is in good spirits; talkative as usual after surgery.


I really appreciate you all praying for Stephen (and for me). He said to tell you all thank you very much.



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