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UPDATE 2-28....Cars for driving in the snow.....suggestions needed.


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I need a new car. I have a 2003 Accord and it is having issues. I have driven one Accord or the other for 18 years, so I am seriously considering something different.


What I need/want:

at least 25mpg minimum in the city. I drive in the city, with a lot of starts/stops, about 500 miles a week so mpg is important.

Full size Sedan or larger (tall kids with long legs)

Must handle snow well (we go the mountains often) and be heavy enough to not get blown around on windy bridges.

Decent trunk space for vacations

Safety ratings must be high.

Doesn't have to be brand new, but no more than 3-5 years old.

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We have a four wheel drive Toyota rav4. It seats 5. The mileage is great. It isn't a full size sedan but it is roomy enough that our 6'1" son and 5'11" daughter can ride in the back comfortably while still allowing comfortable seating in the front. The hatchback area isn't huge but it can hold several suitcases and the area under the floor is a nice size for additional luggage. We live in Alaska and I've never had a bit of trouble in the snow. Our previous rav4 was a front wheel drive and this is far superior in terms of handling. Overall, I love it. It might not be your dream car, but it's worth a look.

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Another vote for subaru. I drove it everywhere in nasty winter weather and always felt safe. The mpg is pretty good- I think it is right around 25mpg. If you get an outback you can pack a ton in the hatchback. You'll have much more space than with the accord. It was my favorite car ever. I sold it almost 9yrs ago because we needed more seats and I still miss it and sigh when I see others driving similar cars.

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Subaru gets my vote, also. We have two of them, and had both out in the heavy, wet snow on unplowed back roads today. (The local schools were closed because of the snow, which means we pack up the sleds and head out in the country to our friends' houses!) I don't hesitate to go where I need to in these cars.


Last I checked, ours were getting 23mpg city/25mpg highway. They hold their value well, also. I just kelly blue booked the '99, and it's supposed to be worth nearly $4000 if I wanted to sell it in my front yard. Not bad for a car I bought used for $3000, and which now has 250k miles on it. It's running like a champ.


Note: I shopped a long time before I could locate our Subarus. Used ones are hard to find in snow country: people don't get rid of them! Also, I notice you were mentioning long-legged people in your family...I'm short-legged, but long-waisted, so I SIT tall...and there's lots of head room. The seats are fully adjustable height-wise; perhaps one of their models would work for you?


Happy car shopping!

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I was also going to say Subaru. I don't have heavy snow here, or hardly any but we do get ice and water covered roads. The all wheel drive has been great. I have had no problems at all with sliding or hydroplaning. Oh, and like Bridget above, I love that it has so adjustable. Both dh, who has long legs, myself who sits tall but with short legs, and my youngest, who sits medium, but with even shorter legs than mine can all fit fine with no problems.

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I would agree with the suggestions for a Subaru. We just bought a Mazda CX-5 (small crossover SUV) that I really like. My hill to die on was gas mileage, and this thing has the best we could find for the size. I consistently get 30+ MPGs, more on the highway. It does come in an AWD version, tho we just got front wheel drive (not a lot of snow here). It is not a huge vehicle, but I feel we have plenty of space. I also like that it does not feel like an SUV when you drive it--any SUV I have ever driven feels like driving a squirlly go-cart. I hate it. But not this. It handles a lot more like a car.

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Regardless of the car you get, plan to put good money into tires and tire care!


I've had a bunch of cars over the years. All old with high miles and not too many safety features. The ONLY time i had a snow problem was several weeks ago with my near bald tires. I have some problems that caused the tire tread to wear down very quickly and very uneven which is why they got as bad as they are. I can't replace the tires until i get the underlying problems fixed. Well, i could, but I'd be destroying brand new tires.

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I love my Subaru Outback. It manages to be small on the outside and roomy on the inside. It is a bit raised, so you can drive on rough roads, but not as high as an SUV -- the Subaru allows you to see what is around you and park easily in crowded city spaces.


BTW, the newer Outbacks are higher; I wish they had kept the old size.

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I have a Toyota highlander hybrid. I get about 25 mpg. It is a smaller SUV, so there is some space. I *THINK* you can get them with 3 rows of seats, but we only have 2 girls so we didn't worry about it. There are only 3 brands that DH will even look at in cars: Toyota, Honda, & Subaru. I had an outback, the older model that wasn't built up to look like a mini SUV, and I *LOVED* it. If they ever come out with a hybrid or HIGH mileage one, I'm all over it! DH drives a prius, and it gets 40-50 mpg.

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Yes, I specifically went with an older Outback because it wasn't high. I have arthritis and getting into my husband's Toyota tundra is not pleasant for me.


I did want to say something about tires. FIrst of all, if anyone wants them, I have a four set of wonderful Michelin ICE tires for free for the taking. They don't fit any of our cars now and we don't even live where there is appreciable snow. But those ICE tires came in super handy living in Northern VA. We had a few very miserable winters there and we lived in a neighborhood of steep hills, including one to get out of my small area. I was driving a Hyundai Sonata and couldn't get out with regular tires. I had to special order those Ice tires but they did the job better than my dh's Toyota Tundra with all wheel drive but no snow tires did.

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I went back and read the replies just to see if my suggestion was unique. :001_cool: Wow, lots of votes for Subaru.


Here's my dream car - http://www.subaru.com/build-your-own/tribeca.html?s_kpi=hero_image


Now, if only someone would toss an extra 40k my way, it would be parked in the driveway. :auto:



Just to throw it out there, we got our 2006 Tribeca in 2008 and paid about $20,000. We bought it at Carmax, of all places. I'm in love with this car. Sun roof, leather heated seats, the whole nine yards. You might want to look for a used one!

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Yes, I specifically went with an older Outback because it wasn't high. I have arthritis and getting into my husband's Toyota tundra is not pleasant for me.


I did want to say something about tires. FIrst of all, if anyone wants them, I have a four set of wonderful Michelin ICE tires for free for the taking. They don't fit any of our cars now and we don't even live where there is appreciable snow. But those ICE tires came in super handy living in Northern VA. We had a few very miserable winters there and we lived in a neighborhood of steep hills, including one to get out of my small area. I was driving a Hyundai Sonata and couldn't get out with regular tires. I had to special order those Ice tires but they did the job better than my dh's Toyota Tundra with all wheel drive but no snow tires did.



I was going to mention winter tyres. I have a standard front-wheel drive Ford Focus hatchback. So far, my winter tyres have made all the difference - no snow problems at all. It's an investment up front, but then you they just wear down at the same speed as the summer ones would, so it's barely an extra cost. I do pay to have them swapped over in the autumn and spring, but if you were more mechanical than I am you could do that yourself. We do have space to store them in the garage, which makes a difference.



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Another vote for snow tires. I live on a very steep hill in a place that gets serious snow and ice for 6 months of the year. We have owned all types of cars. As long as the car is FWD and we have snow tires, we have zero problems, ever. So, I would look for what you can afford, is comfortable for your family, and gets good gas mileage before worrying about winter worthiness. AWD is a nice concept but most people who think they "need" it really do not. And AWD really takes a hit on the mileage. That said, Subarus are great. As are the smaller crossovers like Honda CR-Vs and Toyota RAV-4s. Most places do not allow chains anymore as they rip up the road.

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I agree with everyone about snow tires too. LOL We kept studless snow tires/ice tires on our two main cars from November till spring. They are a necessity to me and make a huge difference in traction in our cold, wet/icy climate. We have them on the VW Golf and my Accord and these two cars go everywhere in the snow with them.



If there are situations where snow tires aren't enough.....I don't go there!

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yeah, i kinda miss my subaru wagons. i used to drive on dirt roads a lot. here in VA we dont get much snow, and i switched to a 5-speed mazda5 last car. its more flexible and was a better fit for 3 kids. but once in a while when it snows or I go down a dirt road, i miss my subarus.

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I bought a 2013 Subaru Outback last night....Twilight blue/Black leather. :0) I am really surprised that I bought a brand new car but I couldn't get what I wanted in used. By the time I upgraded a used one to what I wanted, it was cheaper to buy it new LOL



It is the blue one on the cover and on the page with the car going through the woods. The ironic thing is that this summer it will look just like the picture on the cover, yellow kayak and all. LOL







Thanks for everyones advice! After I looked at the Outback, nothing else compared. LOL You all rock for great advice!

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I bought a 2013 Subaru Outback last night....Twilight blue/Black leather. :0) I am really surprised that I bought a brand new car but I couldn't get what I wanted in used. By the time I upgraded a used one to what I wanted, it was cheaper to buy it new LOL



It is the blue one on the cover and on the page with the car going through the woods. The ironic thing is that this summer it will look just like the picture on the cover, yellow kayak and all. LOL







Thanks for everyones advice! After I looked at the Outback, nothing else compared. LOL You all rock for great advice!



I have an Outback with black leather interior too -- it's a package with the sunroof and climate control. Love it -- and, although it's 5 years old, it still looks new.

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