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Last night's Downton Abbey


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I won't say more.


ETA: Dh's comment, seeing how upset I was, "You would think this happened to a real friend of yours!" Well, it feels like that. I carefully avoided spoilers, so this was a shock. I kept waiting for Mary or Cora to wake up from a bad dream.

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agreed. I hadn't seen any spoilers either and had NO Idea that was going to happen. I never thought they would do that. Even seeing all the signs during the epidsode I thought she would pull through. I had such a crappy weekend and was looking forwardt o Downton Abby relaxing me. Not so much. ugh.

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I knew it was going to happen bc of a spoiler, but I wasn't sure how. As soon as they said she had a headache and swollen ankles, I thought pre-eclampsia. I didn't know the effects of eclampsia after birth, tho--I think it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.


Question--Is England already enjoying Season 4?

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agreed. I hadn't seen any spoilers either and had NO Idea that was going to happen. I never thought they would do that. Even seeing all the signs during the epidsode I thought she would pull through. I had such a crappy weekend and was looking forwardt o Downton Abby relaxing me. Not so much. ugh.



Yes, even after it happened I kept waiting expectantly thinking, NO WAY!!! NO WAY!!!!

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I knew it was going to happen bc of a spoiler, but I wasn't sure how. As soon as they said she had a headache and swollen ankles, I thought pre-eclampsia. I didn't know the effects of eclampsia after birth, tho--I think it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.


Question--Is England already enjoying Season 4?


I am wondering what will become of Branson now. I will miss her free spirit that she brought to the show.

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I knew it was going to happen bc of a spoiler, but I wasn't sure how. As soon as they said she had a headache and swollen ankles, I thought pre-eclampsia. I didn't know the effects of eclampsia after birth, tho--I think it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.


Question--Is England already enjoying Season 4?


No. The last one anyone has seen is the Christmas special, which PBS will air as the last episode.

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OK my understanding was once the baby (and placenta) was born you were ok.

Am I wrong?

This detail *really* bugged me.


ETA <googles>




Why did Sybil die after the baby was born, surely the placenta had been delivered? And why did one seizure episode kill her? Could they have saved her?


Eclampsia can occur following the birth of the baby. Although the cause of the problem - the placenta - has been delivered, the symptoms do not always alleviate immediately.


Imagine you cut yourself badly, and lose a lot of blood. The doctor stitches up the wound, and the cause of the problem (the open wound) is no longer an issue. However, you’ve lost a lot of blood, and it takes time for your body to recover and get back to normal. During this time, you could be anaemic, and feel unwell.


It is similar with eclampsia. The initial cause of the problem (the placenta) is no longer a problem, but the lasting damage caused by it (hypertension, proteinurea) takes a while to be recovered from, and so you can still be unwell (and have a seizure) even though the initial cause is gone.


As for why she died after one seizure, I cannot say. It is entirely plausible, but without further information I couldn’t say. She may have had a brain haemorrhage, or organ failure. It’s something the writers would have to decide, but it can happen.


If she was in hospital and medicated, she may have survived. They would have been able to better maintain her airway following a seizure. However, I couldn’t honestly tell you whether or not she would have survived.


What I can say, is that medication at the time they first thought she had pre-eclampsia could have helped, and that might have saved her.

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So upsetting! My youngest was watching it with me, but fell asleep when she had the baby. She doesn't know yet. I have heard it is a sad and tragic season. I really want a show with happy endings every week! I have enough of real life in my own real life.

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If it is bad enough and untreated, sometimes the mother does not suddenly stop being ecliptic.


Today the mother would be giving blood pressure and other meds to control the symptoms until her body recovers. They didn't know that or have it available then.


What annoyed me was everyone acting like there wasn't a third doctor in the house! Wasn't Matthew a small country dr before inheriting his fortunes?

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I will say that it really highlighted the need to have a care provider that truly knows you. I can say with certainty that my midwife would know if I normally have thick ankles, would know if my mood changed, etc and would act accordingly. Probably why they have such good outcomes. And clarified to me why doctorst hat don't know you very well tend to go overboard with caution..it's because they know they don't know you and have to assume everything is abnormal, as they don't know what is normal for you. Which is certainly better than what happened with Dr. Phillip! Just really crystallized my experiences in a way that I hadn't had before.


Also, man...I thought Lord Grantham was going to KILL the doctor. Or Tom. Or both. And Lady Grantham is scary when upset. She strikes me as the kind that almost never gets angy, but once she does she doesn't forgive.


And was anyone else wondering about that poor baby that had nothing to eat all night long while they looked for a nurse?

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I was shocked when I saw it--absolutely shocked! But I think it worked well for the story and much more realistic than, say, Matthew's recovery from the wheelchair. This weekend I read an interview with Julian Fellows or whatever the writers name is, and he said much research went into that part so I understand how Matthew COULD have walked again, but that just didn't ring true. Too convenient. So for this--yeah--it worked for me even though it was sad.

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Oh yes! You're right. He was a lawyer. My error. I knew he was one of the two.


I did like that lady grantham plans to honor her daughters desire the keep Tom in the family and going forward as she put it. Or upward as we might phrase it today.


It was typical for small stressed babies to die within 48 hours of their mothers due to lack of finding a nurse. The baby was probably given sugared water or even sugared milk and kept very warm near a fireplacr while they searched. Which was more than some poorer families could manage.

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I watched the whole season before, but the first time I saw it, I had no idea it was coming. It's like a punch to the gut!


I had to go out and research the story line and it's entirely plausible. I found a couple modern news stories about women who died or almost died after giving birth. One mother 2 weeks after having her baby.


Why couldn't they have just sent them back to Ireland or to Liverpool!? :( Sybil was a favorite for me!

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I watched the whole season before, but the first time I saw it, I had no idea it was coming. It's like a punch to the gut!


I had to go out and research the story line and it's entirely plausible. I found a couple modern news stories about women who died or almost died after giving birth. One mother 2 weeks after having her baby.


Why couldn't they have just sent them back to Ireland or to Liverpool!? :( Sybil was a favorite for me!


Women still die from childbirth in the United States, even today. Probably more than you think, and the maternal death rate is actually on the rise right now in this country. In fact, the maternal death rate has tripled in the United States over the past decade (the rate includes death up to 42 days after birth, which is how long birth complications...like eclampsia...can kill you). The US is ranked 50th in the world for maternal death....with 49 countries better at keeping mothers alive during and after childbirth. In the US, 12 women die for every 100,000 births...and it's going up. Childbirth is so risky, in fact, that no insurance company will issue a life policy for a pregnant woman.

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But I think it worked well for the story and much more realistic than, say, Matthew's recovery from the wheelchair. This weekend I read an interview with Julian Fellows or whatever the writers name is, and he said much research went into that part so I understand how Matthew COULD have walked again, but that just didn't ring true. Too convenient. So for this--yeah--it worked for me even though it was sad.


Unfortunately, I saw spoilers, so I knew it was coming, but I still cried! I was frustrated with the writing, however. There should have been some handwringing on Lord Grantham's part and more remorse, not just stoic acceptance of some responsibility. I did like the Dowager Countess being motherly toward her son and thought her performance was excellent, as was Sybil's.


I don't think the writing is as good this time around. Lots of good one liners, but the stories don't seem well developed. I get stressed out every time they show Bates.

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I didn't see any spoilers for last night, and I am so glad. Now I am afraid to ever google Downton Abbey again. ;) Does anyone know how many episodes are in this season? I would google it but . . .




I think there are 6 plus a Christmas special. I've seen them all, but I'm keeping my lips zipped!

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The show has gotten really boring and slow so they had to do something. They couldn't have the baby die since that would be the second baby to die. So it had be the mom. But I think it was a bad choice. I would rather see Bates killed off, that subplot has me falling asleep. And the ex-prostitute-who- can't-cook is old after just one episode. The show is awful compared to season 1.

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I was able to get a life policy while pregnant, however it excluded payment if I died due to labor or complications caused by pregnancy/delivery.


We tend to view pregnancy in the light we must to accept our role with it. Happy. Exciting. Nervous. Most women actively avoid dwelling on just how risky it can be. In fact, we are actively encouraged to expect a pain free trauma free kumbahjah birth experience where if you just focus, breathe in and out and listen to your dr as tho he knows all - you will have a hallmark commercial delivery.


Truth is birthing babies is dangerous business deadly for iirc roughly 10% in the states.


I understand lady grantham's anger towards her husband. But I think she is going too far to presume her daughter would have lived if she had surgery. That would have given her a chance, but it still would have had a very high chance of death. And Lord Grantham should have listened to his wife, but his reasons for changing drs were valid too. His moment in the hall of asking which dr was certain sure was I think something many family members would do in a moment of crisis. If lady grantham is going to be furious, I wish she would be with dr full of bluster and crap Philip instead of her husband.


Tho I will also note I don't think most men would have been this involved in the decision back then. Or even today really. My dh certainly was as he has been with me many years, but most reasonable men lacking such experidncd defer to the women in the family who have btdt to at least help with the decisions.


I hate to see this hurt the grantham marriage.

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Unfortunately, I saw spoilers, so I knew it was coming, but I still cried! I was frustrated with the writing, however. There should have been some handwringing on Lord Grantham's part and more remorse, not just stoic acceptance of some responsibility. I did like the Dowager Countess being motherly toward her son and thought her performance was excellent, as was Sybil's.


I don't think the writing is as good this time around. Lots of good one liners, but the stories don't seem well developed. I get stressed out every time they show Bates.



I get stressed out with Bates too! In fact, that has become my least favorite storyline, whereas it used to be one of my favorites.

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Women still die from childbirth in the United States, even today. Probably more than you think, and the maternal death rate is actually on the rise right now in this country. In fact, the maternal death rate has tripled in the United States over the past decade (the rate includes death up to 42 days after birth, which is how long birth complications...like eclampsia...can kill you). The US is ranked 50th in the world for maternal death....with 49 countries better at keeping mothers alive during and after childbirth. In the US, 12 women die for every 100,000 births...and it's going up. Childbirth is so risky, in fact, that no insurance company will issue a life policy for a pregnant woman.


This is true. I think a lot of people think dying during/after childbirth in this country is a thing of the past. I personally know of two cases within the last month of women dying. Both of them were shortly after the birth, but in both cases the death was related to the childbirth. I think it will probably only continue to get worse.

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