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Ugh, beware the norovirus

Elinor Everywhere

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The new norovirus that's going around is extremely contagious, so beware! My dd (Typhoid Mary, who catches everything) came down with it Thursday, I got it yesterday (I rarely get sick), my son came down with it about 4am this morning (he almost NEVER gets sick), and my dh feels like a ticking time bomb.


The good news is that it lasts only 1-3 days, but what awful days they are.

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Ugh! You poor things. We had it about 10 years ago and having norovirus is something we will NEVER forget :ack2: . I have never gotten SO sick, SO quickly, in my life. Thankfully, it passes quickly.


Your poor dh. My dh was the last to go down, too. I remember hoping, but not really believing, that it would pass over him.


Take care!

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The new norovirus that's going around is extremely contagious, so beware! My dd (Typhoid Mary, who catches everything) came down with it Thursday, I got it yesterday (I rarely get sick), my son came down with it about 4am this morning (he almost NEVER gets sick), and my dh feels like a ticking time bomb.


The good news is that it lasts only 1-3 days, but what awful days they are.



I just read that! Makes me want to be a hermit!

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We've been fighting this since last weekend. First my aspie got it (probably from PS), then two days later it was me, then oldest ds two days after that. We bleached everything, and thought we were done but dh fell sick yesterday. He'd been travelling last week, and likely brought it home from the airport or plane. He's been miserable and is just now beginning to recover. One ds hasn't had it yet, and he says he feels like there are buzzards circling in the air above him waiting to swoop down and get him.


It's really a miserable virus. So very contagious and only a few particles are needed to infect you (to compare, something I read last night said the flu takes about 1000 particles to infect someone - norovirus only takes 18).

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This stuff is scaring me way more than the flu. Last time there was a bad stomach bug going around older dd had it for two weeks, and had several trips to the ER and one stay in the hospital. When she gets any stomach bug, she's down for at least a week. She just cannot handle that type of virus at all.

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This stuff is scaring me way more than the flu. Last time there was a bad stomach bug going around older dd had it for two weeks, and had several trips to the ER and one stay in the hospital. When she gets any stomach bug, she's down for at least a week. She just cannot handle that type of virus at all.



Oh boy, I hope she doesn't get it. My dd most likely brought it home from school, and it's amazing how quicky it spreads. Rather Stephen King-like!


I had lunch with my mom on Friday (before I had symptoms), and sure enough, this morning, (her birthday!) she started throwing up. I feel so bad now...knowing what I know now I would have quarantined ourselves as soon as my dd caught it so I wouldn't spread it.

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I just read an article about this.



*You can infect others 2 weeks after infection.

*Hand sanitizer DOES NOT kill the virus, wash hands with soap for 30 seconds.

*Bleach is needed to kill virus on surfaces. It has a long shelf life.



I read this, too. They said on hard surfaces like door handles, escalator rails, etc, the virus can live 2 weeks. Oy!

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We passed it around for oh... like three weeks. First I went down, then my husband, then my middle son, then my daughter. Luckily, Infant didn't get it (I was terrified he would since I nurse him and he had to be right on top of me most of the time).

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Treat all surfaces with dilute bleach water (a little bleach goes a long way). Not only can it live on them for quite a while....we don't always build immunity by having this virus, so it's possible for a family to get reinfected by surfaces in their own house. I know someone whose entire family came down with it four times in a row. She finally started using dilute bleach water on all surfaces, and having everyone rinse their hands in it (then rinse it off) - they they stopped getting it.


Alcohol in hand sanitizers does not kill it. The chemicals in antibacterial wet ones or foaming alcohol-free sanitizers (benzalkonium chloride or benzethonium chloride) do kill it.

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For the first time in a long time I feel kinda scared. What happens in those 1-3 days?



You spend a lot of time in the bathroom while your body forcibly expels the most horrifically smelling stuff you can imagine. If you're lucky, this only happens from one end at a time. DH was not so lucky. :(

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I just read an article about this. NOTEWORTHY POINTS: *You can infect others 2 weeks after infection. *Hand sanitizer DOES NOT kill the virus, wash hands with soap for 30 seconds. *Bleach is needed to kill virus on surfaces. It has a long shelf life.


In other words, there is no hope; we will all succumb?

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You spend a lot of time in the bathroom while your body forcibly expels the most horrifically smelling stuff you can imagine. If you're lucky, this only happens from one end at a time. DH was not so lucky. :(


Oh my....I had the SAME experience as your dh. Truly disgusting. And yes, what's up with the smell? I threw up more each time just from smelling it. Seriously gross.

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Treat all surfaces with dilute bleach water (a little bleach goes a long way). Not only can it live on them for quite a while....we don't always build immunity by having this virus, so it's possible for a family to get reinfected by surfaces in their own house. I know someone whose entire family came down with it four times in a row. She finally started using dilute bleach water on all surfaces, and having everyone rinse their hands in it (then rinse it off) - they they stopped getting it.


Alcohol in hand sanitizers does not kill it. The chemicals in antibacterial wet ones or foaming alcohol-free sanitizers (benzalkonium chloride or benzethonium chloride) do kill it.



Ohhhh......I REALLY wish this weren't true. :ohmy:

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That's crazy...I've never heard of anything (viral) living for 2 weeks on a surface. :scared:



Yup. :(. Norovirus scares the heck out of me. Horrible, horrible stuff and incredibly contagious. I read some stories on the Internet a few years back I wish could forget. Ick. Nothing graphic but really freaky how easily and quickly!! it can be spread from person to person.

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Yup. :(. Norovirus scares the heck out of me. Horrible, horrible stuff and incredibly contagious. I read some stories on the Internet a few years back I wish could forget. Ick. Nothing graphic but really freaky how easily and quickly!! it can be spread from person to person.


I got it at my office job. It hits so quickly that you don't have time to plan. A single guy that worked in the office was working late and got sick. He was so sick, he couldn't leave, so he ended up sleeping under his desk for most of the night and finally left before we got in to work the next morning. Of course, he was contagious the day before, so within hours of the rest of us arriving we started getting sick. We had no idea what was going on. I barely made it home and literally fell out of our truck in the driveway, vomiting. My poor husband. He ran out of the house, "OMG, OMG what's wrong??!?!!??!" The kids went down that night and dh succumbed the next evening.


Despite having had it, and knowing how gross it is, I don't change our plans or not go out in public. We do our best to not unnecessarily touch surfaces and wash hands with soap, but I can't live in a bubble. As it stands, we're pretty a healthy lot :).

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