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How do you know God exists?


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Take away your sacred scriptures, teachings, theology. How do you know? Really know? If you have had a miraculous encounter how do you know that wasn't simply overwrought emotions? A chemical imbalance?













Help. :(








If the thread gets icky I will probably just walk from it, but I am really hoping that the collective Hive wisdom will not disappoint. Also, this is not an Orthodox issue. If it weren't for Orthodoxy, I would already have walked away.

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Simply put Hebews 11:1 ~



Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction (evidence) of things not seen.


I actually had this verse on a poster in my dorm room in college years ago - before salvation.


I think a lot of the "world" "expects" to see a more obvious representation of God. To have to "see" God is not faith. Faith is knowing and believing without seeing.


Now we see His "creation" and other representations such as: miracles, works, etc. down through the ages and even today. But, faith is best summed up with Heb 11:1.

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I don't. I believe there is a Higher Being, a higher purpose. I just happened to have found my home within Christianity, more specifically, Catholicism.


Catholicism gives me the closeness to God that I desire. I need the ritual. I love the liturgical year because I like the idea of incorporating religion into my day-to-day life. I love the Saints, because I need solid examples of how to be a good person, not that there aren't without the Saints.


I once read a book, Finding Your Religion, I think. The man was traveling to all the sites of major religions. While staying at the home of a Hindu priest (I don't know the proper term for their clergy or trained), he approached the man and said he wanted to become Hindu. The man asked why in the world he would want to do that? He was American, grew up heavily influenced by Christianity. He pretty much told him instead of becoming apart of a whole different religious system than he was used to, he should adapt his thinking of Christianity.


This might make me a bad Christian and Catholic, but my journey is my own. I question Christian and Catholic beliefs. I constantly reassess where I am on my journey. Sometimes, it is HARD. I have dry spells where I wonder if God is real, but I still pray. Even if I am just talking to myself, it helps me to think things through.



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well, i can't prove what i know -- if that's what you mean. although my belief is faith based, it started with a transformation in me that i can't explain. it was an experience greater than me & the evidence of God for *me* shifted from maybe to yes. perhaps to certainty.


i hope you find the answers you are looking for. :grouphug:

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For me, He just is. I don't think I could make myself disbelieve. There have been clear moments where I have felt His presence, and He has lifted me up when I didn't think I could get through. I know I didn't feel those moments due to emotion or imbalance because the easier choice would have been to credit something else. I hope you are able to work through whatever is going on and find some peace. :grouphug:

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I don't know how I know, but ever since my first childhood memories (age 2 or 3) I remember believing in God and wanting to know God and be near/with Him. As a little child, age 5 or so someone told me His name, Jesus. I had my mom take me to church, even though she wasn't church going. I called upon Him in every need by singing the Jesus Loves Me song. I don't have any very emotional stories or obvious "this is God" moments but a long abiding love and longing to know Him and be with Him and now that I'm Orthodox and the music is worshipful, worship Him.


I hope you find the assurance you are looking for. Sometimes when I have doubting moments, which are more frequent now that I'm Orthodox (which makes me think the enemy is at work) it helps me to zoom out and look at big picture across time and space and the immensity of that puts my mind at ease that there must be God.

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How do we know that God doesn't exist?


We don't. I like to err on the side of caution. :laugh:


Look, if I think too large about it, if I pull the lens too far back, I can talk myself out of anything. But there are some things that help me when I do that.


1. Where does love come from? It's not a human construct.


2. Where do human rights come from? They're not a human construct.


3. Why do humans have to believe something? Even if their answer is atheism, it's a belief system. Why do we have to have a belief system? Because we're so dumb we have to make this stuff up? I think it's because we know where we came from in our innermost being.


4. What are the chances of all of this? Even if the bang was bigger than we ever thought, and there are parallel universes out there that we don't know about--what are the chances?

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Because the scriptures created an echo in me that said, hey this fits with what is true in my heart.


Then I said, hey you, God, are you real? If you are, connect with me in some way.


While I was waiting I would talk to Him sometimes. I tried to learn more about the scriptures to see if I really did agree with them completely. And one day, I felt something there. Something like when you take a big breath and let it out after holding it. Only I wasn't doing that. A stillness. A heightening. A centering. A lightness. A density. I can't really explain it properly.


Okay, I thought. I'm just feeling good today. Weird.


But I found the same thing would happen in bad times when I prayed. Or when a way opened up that I just seemed to know I should take. Or when I was in a really, really bad mood and I wasn't praying but I was going to do something or say something really stupid. It would just pop up. Weird.


I suppose I was young enough when it first happened that I didn't question my sanity much. I tested it. Made a little graph to see if it was just coming at certain times of the month or during certain moods. It always followed what I ultimately wanted to be as a person, so I decided it must be God. Sometimes it feels like a soft, warm nudge in the right direction. Sometimes when I've made other decisions that seemed right at the time (but ultimately weren't) its felt like lying naked on a cold metal table.


I suppose many could say I have a heightened sense of imagination or a weird endocrine system but so far physical science and the rest of my life hasn't proven that to be true. I suppose until that time I'll have to assume its God. It certainly works in the way the scriptures say God would work, although it wasn't what I imagined when it all started.


BTW, before I become some amazing religious person I don't always feel this. At the moment I'm going through a 4 year drought since my son was diagnosed and that's been hard. I thought if anything it would be stronger and more comforting now, and it isn't. But somehow, on the worst nights of fear and doubt, when I'm finally ready to let go of Christianity and God and everything else, way back in the corner its there, holding on. Not comforting me, or holding me the way I thought, but showing up at the worst moment and putting a single hand on my shoulder. No advice, no suggestions, just a reminder that sometimes faith is holding on by your fingernails through a situation that makes no sense from your position. Sometimes our hearts are too numb to feel much of anything from anyone, let alone a person we can't see or hear.


Sometimes you just do the best you can until you can do better. Its okay to rest on this journey if you don't know which way to go.

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I also remember having an understanding or sense of the concept of God at a young age (3 or 4) and we did NOT go to church. There is scripture that speaks about "eternity in their hearts" and it speaks of mankind, not just people of a particular faith, but throughout the world and ages. I agree also with the statement about creation.

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Because the scriptures created an echo in me that said, hey this fits with what is true in my heart.


Then I said, hey you, God, are you real? If you are, connect with me in some way.


While I was waiting I would talk to Him sometimes. I tried to learn more about the scriptures to see if I really did agree with them completely. And one day, I felt something there. Something like when you take a big breath and let it out after holding it. Only I wasn't doing that. A stillness. A heightening. A centering. A lightness. A density. I can't really explain it properly.


Okay, I thought. I'm just feeling good today. Weird.


But I found the same thing would happen in bad times when I prayed. Or when a way opened up that I just seemed to know I should take. Or when I was in a really, really bad mood and I wasn't praying but I was going to do something or say something really stupid. It would just pop up. Weird.


I suppose I was young enough when it first happened that I didn't question my sanity much. I tested it. Made a little graph to see if it was just coming at certain times of the month or during certain moods. It always followed what I ultimately wanted to be as a person, so I decided it must be God. Sometimes it feels like a soft, warm nudge in the right direction. Sometimes when I've made other decisions that seemed right at the time (but ultimately weren't) its felt like lying naked on a cold metal table.


I suppose many could say I have a heightened sense of imagination or a weird endocrine system but so far physical science and the rest of my life hasn't proven that to be true. I suppose until that time I'll have to assume its God. It certainly works in the way the scriptures say God would work, although it wasn't what I imagined when it all started.


BTW, before I become some amazing religious person I don't always feel this. At the moment I'm going through a 4 year drought since my son was diagnosed and that's been hard. I thought if anything it would be stronger and more comforting now, and it isn't. But somehow, on the worst nights of fear and doubt, when I'm finally ready to let go of Christianity and God and everything else, way back in the corner its there, holding on. Not comforting me, or holding me the way I thought, but showing up at the worst moment and putting a single hand on my shoulder. No advice, no suggestions, just a reminder that sometimes faith is holding on by your fingernails through a situation that makes no sense from your position. Sometimes our hearts are too numb to feel much of anything from anyone, let alone a person we can't see or hear.


Sometimes you just do the best you can until you can do better. Its okay to rest on this journey if you don't know which way to go.



Thank you! The bolded is exactly where I am at....today.

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I don't know, but I believe. I have had some experiences that I believe were influences of the Divine. Might I have just had a little bit too much seratonin or dark chocolate? It's possible, but I don't think that explains it.


I also think that everything that is - is too intricately perfect to be accidental.

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I was raised to have faith in a practicing Christian (protestant) home where there was a lot of praying and talking about Jesus, so that certainly helped.


Then when I was 18 I had a near death experience because of anorexia and God audibly spoke to my spirit and walked me through healing daily for about 3 months where I gained 75 pounds. It was nothing short of a miracle because I literally could not put hand to mouth before then without panic attacks (I was down to 65 pounds at 5'6").


I also remember a time where I felt a spiritual being lay with me when I was a child and feeling very lonely when family left town. It was just cousins who I didn't even know very well, but for some reason them leaving after a visit brought forth so much loneliness and I was crying and very distraught in my bed. I very clearly felt a spiritual presence lay with me and embrace me, I still remember that after all of these years.


Since then, we have converted to Catholicism which gives far more depth to the reason behind suffering than I was ever able to find as a protestant, so that has helped.

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Because with my 20/20 hindsight :) I see no other reason why my life would be what it is now if it wasn't for Him loving me and saving me (in the broad sense IYKWIM) long before I ever knew Him. I love because He first loved me. I've had several turns in my life that just couldn't be anything but divine intervention.

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Because when God communicates with me, my mind is enlightened with knowledge/communication I didn't have before and my heart is filled with peace. I am familiar with His voice. There is nothing more real or sure in this world to me than that. If that isn't real, nothing is. I know there is a God.

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I do actually have a somewhat miraculous story. Several years ago I was in court fighting court-ordered visitation for my horrible ex-husband to spend more time with my daughter. This had been going on for a few years and he had mistreated her on several occasions, so I wasn't going to give up my fight, but I had already spent $16,000 on this nonsense and I was completely flat broke. I didn't have a lawyer anymore (because I couldn't pay him anymore) so I went into the court proceedings completely alone.


I am standing there, praying praying praying, freaking out, and I tell the judge all of this stuff and everything that's gone on between my ex-husband and my daughter. My turn speaking ends and in my head, I am silently, desperately, praying, "God! God! Please help me! Please help my baby- please do something- anything! Please! Please!"


And I am telling you, just as sure as the sky is blue, my ex's lawyer could not speak. It was just like Evan Baxter on Bruce Almighty. He stuttered, "uh, I, uh, yeah, uh, clears throat, um, uh..." And he could not get out one single word. Not one. It was unbelievable. My ex is staring at him. The judge is staring at him, I'm staring at him, and he is just beet red and clearing his throat and clearly freaked out. He does this for a living and he could not speak. After a few seconds it clicked in my head what had happened and I silently put my head down and smiled, I looked at the judge and he looked at me and then he dismissed my ex's requests for new visitation.


I will never forget that day. Even now, God's faithfulness that day makes me teary eyed. It was just unbelievable. I had faith before that day, but wow. My faith, for obvious reasons, is unshakeable now.

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First, :grouphug: Second, let go of the fear guilt. <3 I spent 30 years forcing myself to believe a certain way and never questioned out of fear and guilt. It's powerful. If you question then you don't have faith and if you don't have faith then you're going to hell. If you doubt then those doubts are from Satan. It's almost like brainwashing.


I have really struggled with religion the past 4 years and I finally let go and gave myself permission to research. I'm very confident there is a God. But I believe it is a loving and compassionate God who we cannot possibly put into words or feelings. Different groups have tried and I think maybe they've gotten glimpses of this God. Perhaps this God has sent prophets to different cultures but we've twisted the messages into our own religion. Jesus had a great message but it got lost in religion. Mohammed had a great message but it too got lost. My current read is The History of God which shows us how each religion came to be. The timeline of it all is quite surprising. PM if you want to talk more or would like more book suggestions. I also found a very compassionate forum that has helped me tremendously. (((Hugs))) I know how difficult it is and how hurtful it is to be shoved back into a box telling you to just have faith. <3

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Because of amazing creation I know God exists. It's complex - think of the creation of a baby and so much more.


Sounds like you're going through tough times. Lots of times we question and ask why do bad things happen. While we're in the midst of turmoil and heartache it's hard to see this, but the other part of that question is why don't MORE bad things happen - God is in charge, loves us and has a plan.

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Which is the Old Testament reading about the Spirit/God coming softly in on the wind, when the Prophet was expecting lightening and Whammo ?

It's like that. You can resist it and deny it and not see it for years, and then realise it has persistantly, quietly been there all along.

It quietly upholds me and leads me true if I listen.


And cos it has to be.


I wouldn't hold together without it.


Sometimes I don't feel the wind, but with quiet and prayer and Sacraments it is very present.

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I wanted to quote this because I believe people experience God through many different religions and cultures. People across all religions have had experiences with their God. I think we have those experiences and try to put them into the context of the religion we know, whether that be Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. But God is still the same.

The most comforting picture of God I have is this: God is everywhere. He doesn't intervene. He doesn't play favorites. But God is there. When you cry God weeps with you. When you laugh God is laughing with you. When you question God is right there with you. God is there but not intervening but is there. That is so comforting to me to believe God loves us all, no wrath, no favor, but there with us.


I once read a book, Finding Your Religion, I think. The man was traveling to all the sites of major religions. While staying at the home of a Hindu priest (I don't know the proper term for their clergy or trained), he approached the man and said he wanted to become Hindu. The man asked why in the world he would want to do that? He was American, grew up heavily influenced by Christianity. He pretty much told him instead of becoming apart of a whole different religious system than he was used to, he should adapt his thinking of Christianity. That single vision of God has given me more love of people and myself than I've ever had before. :)


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Here tis...

A reading from the 1st Book of Kings (19:9. 11-13)

When Elijah reached Horeb, the mountain of God, he went into the cave and spent the night in it. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying, 'What are you doing here, Elijah?' Then he was told, 'Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord. Then the Lord himself went by. There came a mighty wind, so strong it tore the mountains and shattered the rocks before the Lord. But Yahweh was not in the wind. After the wind came an earthquake. But the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there came the sound of a gentle breeze. And when Elijah heard this, he covered his face with his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.


The Word of the Lord.

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For me it is taking the leap of faith. The wonder of creation also causes me to believe; I believe it is too orderly, to miraculous to be chance. I have also had several personal incidents in my life where a prayer was answered or where (I believe) God spoke to me (through a situation or a strong feeling or an idea that came into my head out of the blue) that causes me to believe in God.

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?

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I am so glad somebody posed this question. Not only how do we know that God exists. How do we know that the Bible is real? Is there proof that the disciples wrote it? How do we even know that it was just all made up? How can you believe in something where there has been no actual proof? I have heard the Faith answer many times. I am a person who needs to see something to actually believe it. I grew up Catholic, turned non-denomination Christian. But growing up and being taught there was a God. I just believed. It seemed like the thing to do. But now I have been asking myself the same question the OP is. Have been struggling with this for a while.

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?

Thank you again for asking the same questions I have had.
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Why do we long for something more? Why do we search for purpose? Why do we shake our fists at injustice?


I love the OP who said that creation points to a Creator. You can't ask where did all of this come from without pointing to a starting point.


Why has every culture searched for a god(s) since the beginning of time. As far as science as come, it doesn't satisfy the soul.

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?


I am one of those people who has cried out but gotten no response (or so I think). I am stubborn and hard-headed. I could be hit upside the head with a spiritual 2 x 4 and not realize.


It is so hard for me to thank God for what I have because what about the people who don't have what I do? Why should I have it and not them? I struggle with this a lot. I know everyone has their struggles in life.


Good questions. Difficult questions. Keep questioning and seeking (((hugs)))

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?


I haven't had a prayer not answered. I've had them answered in ways I hated, but they've never not been answered.


Offer your suffering up as a sacrifice and light a candle.

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I had an experience at church once that was enough for me. I grew up not believing but being raised in a Christian family. When I married my Husband I chose someone who did not believe. I made it a point to talk about his before hand.


Fast forward a few years and my life was falling apart. My marriage was rocky, I didn't have a job and my then 3 year old was sick with we didn't know what. I went to church with my Mom and I had been praying for answers, especially as it concerned my daughter. After about two months I just really felt that my belief was changing and one day at church I was ready to accept it. At our church at the end of the service they ask that if you decided during the service (or at any other time) to dedicate your life to Christ or re-dedicate your life that they want you to step forward and make it public. They do this after every service and play music. The Pastor always stands on the stage and never greets people. They have special people down at the bottom to greet people as they walk up. This one particular day I am standing at my seat and really feeling that it's time for me to do this. I feel it very deeply but I can't go. It's a huge church and I just wasn't sure I could do it. I remember standing there thinking, "if I could just get a hug or something once I got there I would be okay. " The music stops and the Pastor says, "I know there is one more person out there that wants to come up and I will give this next person who comes up a Hug." Now, remember this is a HUGE church. I didn't say this out loud, only in my head. The Pastor is very respectful of his wife and does not do this. He never hugs anyone. He only shakes hands. I have now been at this church for 7 years and to this day have never heard him repeat this. I guess I was the only goof-ball that needed a Hug to accept Christ but for me it was enough that He is real. I don't always understand everything but I will always believe. Now, if I could just get my Husband to do so! Of course, I went up and I was the only one!

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?



The time I prayed the hardest, it was not answered how I wanted. My dad died, even though I begged he be spared. It is one of those times I mentioned being lifted up when I didn't think I could be. I was devastated and angry. Strangely enough the reason I was carried through is that my dh helped push me forward. Dh is an atheist but God used him to help me. Dh says that is one of the only times in his life he felt he almost believed. He won't say he believes now but he is in Mass with us every week and he is searching and trying. I feel God placed this man in my life and it is a total miracle I married him given his atheism. God used dh to help me keep my faith and I pray one day soon God uses me to bring dh to Him.

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I wanted to answer this before I go to bed. :) I don't believe God does intervene. I think good things happen in our lives as do very tragic things. But I don't think God plays favorites. Pretend there are 2 children dying of cancer and both families pray. One child lives but the other doesn't. Did God answer one prayer but not the other? I don't see that as loving. I think God weeps with the child that passes away and is joyful with the child that lives. But God doesn't direct either scenario. I also don't think Gid intervenes and wins wars for us. According to my Facebook wall, God sends wrath to Godless schools and that's why we have school shootings. ;) I don't buy it though.


I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?


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How do I know God exists? I don't know, I trust he does. I've lost my trust in some many things over the years. God seems to come through even when I feel like I've been stuck in Hades guest room for a long time.


My son told me the other day that he believes that God exists because he was born on my mother's birthday. That, in itself, was a lengthy set of what many would call circumstance, yet my mom prayed and believed for me to have a child for years. She never told me this until I was pregnant He ended being 3 weeks earlier and the best birthday gift she ever got. They are best buddies and 57.4% of the reason we moved back. He would beg to see his grandmother in his birthday when we didn't live here, it's all he wanted. Even at 15, that relationship is a great bond of love. To me, that love and connection is the embodiment of the love I feel like God is.


Religion I have some issues with, God is easier for me.

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I wanted to thank you all soooo much. This has been a very good thread for me and I really appreciate the pm's.


What about those who have cried out and God did not answer? Or didn't answer in the way you were hoping? I know that having God answer prayer is wonderfully reassuring, but what about when He doesn't....at least not the way you were hoping. And, yes, I am thinking of the more traumatic life situations. How do you have faith then?



My eldest child was sick with CF. Inherited. Incurable. She got sicker. She died.

It was her who dragged me to the church. She didn't want prayers for a cure and felt she'd had a good life and was prepared to die.

We spent the next 18 months after she died (and the previous 5 years) in court with their father. Like the other poster, eventually, thankfully without a lawyer.


God always answers, but sometimes it's not the answer you want.


I have found acceptance to be a really difficult road. But very freeing.

I can't control everything.

If God were knowable, fathomable, well it wouldn't be God.

God is much too big for me to ever fully know or understand. For someone who always wants to understand everything, this has been a hard lesson.


At the moment I am in a place of acceptance. God and I will argue again in the future. He can take it.

Anyway, that's one take.

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Creation tells me God is real. A honey bee's precision, the chaotic blooms of wildflowers in spring, my own mind's ability to even ask this question - the design itself points to a designer.


As to how I can continue to believe when I have "troubled deaf heaven with my bootless cries" - that is faith, faith that God is who He says He is. I stop my own small child from grabbing a hot oven, no matter how desperately he wishes for it; and at his young age, he has not yet learned that I can be trusted to act in his best interests. The analogy expands, for me, through faith - God encompasses dimensions I can't even process, let alone contain; his power is vast, and his love is certain. He has our best interests at heart, even when our suffering seems to overwhelm us. He did not make this suffering - He is not the source of brokenness and hurt.

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How do I know God exists? I don't know, I trust he does. I've lost my trust in some many things over the years. God seems to come through even when I feel like I've been stuck in Hades guest room for a long time.


My son told me the other day that he believes that God exists because he was born on my mother's birthday. That, in itself, was a lengthy set of what many would call circumstance, yet my mom prayed and believed for me to have a child for years. She never told me this until I was pregnant He ended being 3 weeks earlier and the best birthday gift she ever got. They are best buddies and 57.4% of the reason we moved back. He would beg to see his grandmother in his birthday when we didn't live here, it's all he wanted. Even at 15, that relationship is a great bond of love. To me, that love and connection is the embodiment of the love I feel like God is.


Religion I have some issues with, God is easier for me.


My oldest son was born on my mom's birthday. It is a very special bond. The day is bittersweet for my mom and me now, but we celebrate the time they had before my son passed away.

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Take away your sacred scriptures, teachings, theology. How do you know? Really know? If you have had a miraculous encounter how do you know that wasn't simply overwrought emotions? A chemical imbalance?




I know because I wasn't emotional at the time. I prayed in a very methodical way at set times for days on end, and asked for that proof (it all started with discussion we had with our pastor - long story). Anyway, when nothing happened, I'd literally tell God that I was really tired and I would be back tomorrow night to pray, listen, spend time, read His Word, etc.


One day, the Holy Spirit moved, and it was unmistakable. I stayed up almost all night and told my husband when he got up.


No matter what voices I hear or how bad things get, I've always got that.

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To be perfectly honest I don't know how I know God exists.


I've always known He exists. Even when I walked away for a time I knew.


For a logical rational answer try reading Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas. I say try because it often leaves me like this :confused1: and at times like this :willy_nilly:


For an emotional more intuative answer all I can say is faith.


As for the other, God will answer. He may not answer in the time and place and way you want Him to, but one will get an answer. Sometimes prayers are answered immediately with the results one felt one needs. Other times one can pray for years before getting an answer. And, sadly, sometimes the answer is "no", or at least "not right now."


We can't dictate to God. We can't bargain with Him. If that were the case I'd be better educated, better looking, thin, and rich with about 10 kids. As it is I'm not well educated, no where near pretty, pudgy, poor with a single child. I simply have to wait to find the answer to why later. So be it. What else can I do? Well, I could work off the pudgy if I weren't so lazy. But that is another thread for another day.


Ultimately it is either a matter of reason - we have plenty of reason to know God exists. Or it is a matter of faith.


Perhaps it would be okay if you use a Catholic prayer:

Make me deserving of the faith that I need to get near you. Forgive my shortage and light my way to the right path. Endowed me with the gift of humulity and courage to confront the trials of this world. Please father never live my side and give me a shield to protect against envy from others and my own self pity.



You've had such a long hard road in your faith journey. I hope you find what you are looking for. :grouphug: If I can help in any way PM me. (Not that I'll try to convert you. I think you are where you belong.)

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