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No Spend/Low Spend January week one check in (1/1-1/6)


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I need to be talked down. Lol. One of my NY resolutions was to get caught up with our photo books. Ive only completed my 6 year old's first year. I havenever purchased baby books for my twins. I came across Halcyon's project life post, and now I really want to order the supplies. Dh is on board because he knows how bad i want to get these books done, but I would start with my twins and that would be a lot of money for 2.



I know I should wait until February. I'm posting it here to hold myself accountable. :)




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Yesterday did not go well at all. Woke up to no power, some idiot ran into a light pole a block from my house and took the whole thing out. We didn't get power back till 8:30 last night. So decided it sounded like a good day to run errands. I bought a coffee since I couldn't make any here for $4.75, and then got the kids breakfast for 12.77. In my grocery budget I include dog food, toiletries, etc this week I budgeted $125. Ended up spending $180.21. While at the mall yesterday I also bought myself a new wallet because the dog chewed a hole in mine for $5.38, and found nice hoodies for the boys for $43.38. Then I spent $8.15 on lunch out. So in all I overspent $129.64 yesterday!


1/1-2.99 Les Mis Kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3- $129.64


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I'm in. I have no money, so this should be easy. ;) lolol I'm going to post things that I do to SAVE money and be frugal that day, too.


1st- $0

I'm not counting $ that doesn't come out of my pocket, bills, or groceries (as long as I don't go over my budget). I'm mostly counting extras.


1/1- $0

1/2- $0

1/3- $0

1/4- $0


I'm pretty much cheating at this, because I literally CAN'T spend any additional $. lol I don't have any. ;) It's encouraging, however, to see others working to not spend $ either.


We have 3 birthdays in Jan not including both of my parents. I was given a gift card and some used books that I will use for presents so as not to spend any extra $. For a cake(s), I will make it myself and try to squeeze it into our very modest food budget. I'm trying to think about how to decorate with craft paper or whatever I have from around the house. Should be interesting! :) I won't be buying my parents any presents. They are very understanding.


ETA: Almost forgot to say that I menu planned for Jan to help keep our grocery budget as low as possible! (I qualify for food stamps, but it's never enough.) I'm working REALLY hard to not spend any $ out of pocket for groceries.

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Well, I am finding my weak points. One is the temptation of takeout. We can't take the kids out in public at all this winter (preemie--rsv season) and takeout has been our one escape....we have been going for a car ride and then picking up something we can heat up at home through drive through. The other is in wanting to pick up something to finish a project.


1/1: $0

1/2: $12 takeout (& $30 in groceries I'm not counting)

1/3: $40 in getting baby announcement photos & album printed on snapfish (free shipping deal)--announcements are going in my now very late Christmas cards to save postage.





January total: $52

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I am only tracking my spending, not dh's.


Jan 1: $57 for Lively Latin Book 2 on sale.

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle book (fun money)

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp for project life (fun money)

Jan 2 cc: $19.99 monthly nytimes sub on kindle

Jan 2 cc: $75 ymca monthly family membership

Jan 2 cc: $52 next week's afterschool care fees

jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 for shipping of free Project Life stuff from a friend, vet: $143.50. $1.99 on cc for kindle book (budgeted in fun money)


Total so far cash: $226.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $151

Amount transferred to savings: $50

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We had to run out on the first to get toilet paper- whoops. I grocery shopped for the first week on 12/31 as I like to shop early in the week. So total spent this month is $80. I already fueled up my car for this month so I don't have to worry about that. I'm not counting anything hubby spends- this is just for me and I'll challenge him to a no spend month (again lol) later!

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I did good today! Only $10 on a moleskin notebook (for my Zen to Done organize your life project a la the discouraged thread.)


I bought some groceries too, but I'm still under budget on those.



(I didn't buy the project life stuff. I'm itching to, but so far so good. I'm making myself wait until our second payday.)

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I'm in :) I'll be going for a low spend, sticking within our budgeted amounts, month. I tightened our budget this month so I need the accountability.


So far I've bought much needed ornament storage boxes, much needed Rubbermaid, and essentials. We are stocked with food for the month, only needing fresh produce, milk, and bread weekly. I've done my monthly essential shopping at Target. We have a painting/photo project this month, but already had it in the budget.


Really, I need to stay off Amazon (though I do need to buy a couple school books ths month, but already in the budget). It's only logging in to buy only what I need, and not browsing the 'if you liked this, you'll love this.' Oh, and not eating out - that's a big one we need to work on.


I'll track extras not in the budget, and make a note if we survived the day without eating out!


1/1 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out

1/2 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out

1/3 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out

1/4 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out

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We are going for low spend, as we already know it will not be a no spend. We have some big expenses this month coming, that are planned, and so we are trying to minimize other expenses to offset that.


1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

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You know what will be hardest for me? Not clicking "Buy Now" when I see a Kindle book I want!! ;)


Me too! I started sending the samples over and having them in their own collection called 'My Samples'. Then I only purchase when I am ready to sit down and actually start reading the book. Of course, just the other day I hit 'Buy Now' instead because I really wanted it ;) But, at least I've curbed my Kindle spending.

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On the plus sside, i bought a new pair of spendy workout sneakers in november from zappos, and only now realize that THEY are the cause of my achy knees. Turns out that these are ultra lightweight sneakers, not meant for hi impact workouts. So i called zappos just to see what they would say, and a very nice man said i could return them, without a box, worn and everything. So i will get a credit for that, and be able to spend much less in feb on a pair of my old trusty asics. Nevermind that they seem to be impossible to find.....

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6/3 $66 grocery store... more than I should have spent so I'm annoyed. I bought dumb things. I shouldn't shop when I'm crying.



Plus, you think it's June. :coolgleamA:

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Went grocery shopping today & ran less items to post office than planned since I'm in low spending month.


USPS: $3


GAS: $27

So far so good! I passed both thrift shops and wanted to just "peek" in...but didn't! Hooray! :) I saw several things at the store today that I almost purchased bit asked myself, "do I NEED this" and it all was never picked up & purchased! :)

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Yikes! I almost bought Bath and Body Works clearance items online! $70 worth. I was strong and dumped the cart. I kept trying to justify the price because everything was so cheap and I found a 20% off coupon. I can't believe I even went looking for a coupon code. I'm mad at myself but also happy that I restrained.





I think that is part of what this challenge is about. Restraint. And seeing where the money is going!


1/1 $0

1/2 Three books for dd's community college classes

1/3 $0

1/4 Gas for my car at the cheap gas station near co-op, 20 cents cheaper per gal than by my house!

1/5 ...going to go the grocery store... :ph34r:

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Hi everyone!


I'm thinking the best way to do this is to reply with a daily total, (or whatever you feel comfortable sharing, you can just update with a description of your progress if you like) and update it throughout the week. I'll start new threads for the week on Monday.


Feel free to post goals too!



My goal is no extraneous spending (clothes, housewares, etc.) and to keep the grocery budget down to $600 for the month. That includes all toiletries and such. I just spent $180 and stocked up on some staples. At the September no-spend, my goal was to spend nothing on groceries and only eat what we already had, with the exception of coffee and milk. I was able to meet that goal (okay -- I fudged and bought lettuce a few times). I think we'll be okay for this goal. The problem is that between September and December I kept up the grocery no-buy and now I have next to nothing in the pantry. I have plenty of meat -- enough to last probably until May, but I've got nothing to have with meat.


The bulk of today's purchases are fresh and frozen veggies and fruit. I also got some cheese (very expensive here), gf pasta, a big bag of brown rice, a smaller bag of wild rice (very cheap here), some gf all-purpose flour, and an assortment of dried beans and peas, along with the necessary toiletries.

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1/1 $0

1/2 $2.12

1/3 $20 (food for potluck, dd's snacks for slumber party and adorable hair peice for calendar photoshoot)

1/4 $10 late fees to library (not even close to total, that will get paid in full in feb) and $119 cheque to the dance studio for a dance mom jacket I bought before xmas (budgeted for from gst cheque that was deposited today). $34 gas into car Grand Total for today $163, only the $10 was unbaudgeted)

1/5 $0

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I had the Prismacolor 150 pencil set and an extra colorless blender, white, and black in my cart at Dick Blick. With their 15% off plus free shipping, it would have been about $110 which is a really good price. We're missing so many colors, and today my 3 year old was trying to sharpen a 1 1/2 inch long pencil in our sharpener. I have money for homeschool supplies in our savings account. But I called a friend to see if she wanted to add anything to the order (she had previously mentioned doing a shared order to cut shipping), and she didn't answer. I let the deadline for the discount and free shipping go by without hitting the buy button.


I've actually gotten a little too good at not hitting that button over the years. Sometimes I have to force myself to buy...unless it is food related.

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I've been teetering on a curriculum purchase all day. I've been trying to hold off, and I was even trying to talk myself out of it, because it's not really *necessary* items... but then again, there are other ways we save money by homeschooling, and if I'm going to educate my son I want to do it the best we possibly can. So, curriculum purchased.


But, there will be other things where I do choose to put off a purchase. For me, like others have said, it will be about restraint (minimizing Kindle purchases!) and careful decision making. Every time we choose NOT to purchase something frivolous or unnecessary, it's a step in the right direction.

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1/1 - 1/4 = about $100 in groceries. We haven't purchased anything above what I would normally buy in food items.


ETA: I take that back! I did buy clearance king sized, 700 thread count sheets for $14!! I couldn't pass up that deal! So one purchase beyond food items!


ETA #2: Monday is my appointment for 4 new tires on the van so next week is shot already! Though we did plan and prepare for this....It will run around $500. :crying:

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Agree. It's actually not wanting you all to see how much I could purchase if it were not for this thread. Someone has to be declared the winner of the week, right?


Oh shoot, I have to edit my week. I just paid for a month's music lessons for DD.

Ha! I love the part above where you say "it's actually not wanting you all to see how much I could purchase" LOL. That is me! I am being SO good compared to usual, and even still my totals are higher than most people here. Granted, everything is budgeted for, but I am trying to save a lot more this year so I need to cut back even there.
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I'm hoping to get through this weekend in the black. :) we are driving out to the indoor farmers market today and it's near the yarn store.

Don't go in. Seriously! I have more yarn than I could knit in 30 years and I just find I can't resist beautiful skeins regardless. Knitting takes a whole lot longer than....um....buyiing yarn LOL.
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Our spending week runs Friday-Thursday, so for me, a week is done.

This week's results:

Groceries- under budget by $7

Gas- Under budget by $15

Eating out- spent none of this week's budgeted money

Discretionary spending- only expense was $5.27 for a caulk gun for the kitchen remodel we're working on.


Things I thought about buying but didn't:

blade for my rotary cutter- it's nicked and skips a few threads when it cuts.

Les Mis soundtrack- not the one from the movie. I have Christmas money from mil but didn't buy it.

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my goals for this month are to keep my Amex bill (which we do pay off monthly, but last month was ridiculous) down. My thoughts are that when the billl comes in, if it is under $XXXX amount I will put the "remainder" into savings. So, for example, if I want my bill to be less than $800 this month, and the bill is $600, i will put 200 into svings. I really want to build up our savings, so this is a good incentive. I just have to figure out what the top amount should be. IN addition, I want to put $25 a week into my ING account. Not a lot, but something doable right now.


I really dont spend a ton on myself, but since we recently bought a new house, there a so many things we need for the house (weed whacker, storage bins, shelving for the closets, new shades, hanging lights for the dining room....) I am trying to control that spending, even though a lot of it is needed, and spread it out over a longer period of time.


I am not involving DH yet too much in this. I am mostly responsible for household expenses, not including the monthly mortgage and monthyl bills. So while he does do a costco run every now and then, I am mostly in charge of the household stuff. He also hates budgeting so much and it is hard to get him to stick to a plan. Luckily, he doesn't spend a ton.

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I think I' m not doing so well. :glare:


1/1 Gas $55.00, Fast food $20.00

1/2 $0.00

1/3 Gas $49.00 (refilling after the trip), Groceries $180 (fresh fruits and veggies, turkey on sale, ingredients for about 10 meals plus leftovers, Dimetapp and light bulbs)


Three days in and I have already spent $304.00. I also have a printer cartridge (55.00) and some castile soap ($15.00) in my Amazon cart. I'm going to need to make copies soon and I'd like to make some bathroom cleaners.

You're not doing badly! The only thing not necessary is the fast food and maybe that was necessary, lol!


Thanks. The fast food wasn't strictly necessary, but we were on the road from 4pm - 10pm. I should have packed food from my mom's house. Filling up with gas twice in one week is expensive, but I am optimistic that I will only have to fill up once more the rest of the month.


1/4 $0.00

1/5 If I can get the next week's worth of copies out of the printer, this should be a $0.00. If I can't, I'm going to go ahead and order the printer cartridge.

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Late to the game, but I love the idea of accountability!

I am not including already-budgeted food/gas/household items, only the "extra" stuff that I can do without!


1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 so far, so good :hurray:

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my goals for this month are to keep my Amex bill (which we do pay off monthly, but last month was ridiculous) down. My thoughts are that when the billl comes in, if it is under $XXXX amount I will put the "remainder" into savings. So, for example, if I want my bill to be less than $800 this month, and the bill is $600, i will put 200 into svings. I really want to build up our savings, so this is a good incentive. I just have to figure out what the top amount should be. IN addition, I want to put $25 a week into my ING account. Not a lot, but something doable right now.



I kind of do this, but put the extra into sinking funds. It's a game with me- I no longer look at it as 'how much I spent', but rather 'how much under budget' I was.

I have sinking funds that I want filled by a certain date- and when I fill them earlier because we've been under budget and I've been able to throw extra into the fund, I love it. Last year I was able to throw a few thousand into our joint savings account because I had filled the sinking funds and had accrued more- dh was so surprised- and I was glad I transferred it all in one chunk rather than a little here or there. He was more shocked to see the big amount rather than smaller monthly contributions. Men, you know...


Isn't it difficult to figure out what to set your spending budget at?

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1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 so far, so good :hurray:



Thanks for that money saving tip! I rarely buy anything at VS but do like to use the free panty coupons. I've thrown several in the trash because they expired before I could get to the mall- which I rarely visit. Thanks for telling me I can use them even if they're a little expired!!!


Someone told me Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons are the same way- they'll accept them expired. Can anyone confirm that?

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I kind of do this, but put the extra into sinking funds. It's a game with me- I no longer look at it as 'how much I spent', but rather 'how much under budget' I was.

I have sinking funds that I want filled by a certain date- and when I fill them earlier because we've been under budget and I've been able to throw extra into the fund, I love it. Last year I was able to throw a few thousand into our joint savings account because I had filled the sinking funds and had accrued more- dh was so surprised- and I was glad I transferred it all in one chunk rather than a little here or there. He was more shocked to see the big amount rather than smaller monthly contributions. Men, you know...


Isn't it difficult to figure out what to set your spending budget at?


Yes, it is VERY hard. Especially because DH''s income varies so much (self employed). I am thinking of taking the midpoint of our Amex bills over the last year (sorry, the averaage) not including the last couple of months when we were buying stuff for the house, and use that as my starting point. We try and use the Amex for everything as it has great rewards, so most of our household expenses are on there.

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hubby went to the store lastnight to buy me one box of sandwich baggies.


He bought the baggies ($1.99) and $30 worth of ice cream and toppings. OKEY DOKEY.... LOL (that's ALOT of ice cream!)


I did spend another $8 yesterday, but that will be reimbursed.


I can NEVER send DH to the store for one thing. He will inevitably load up the cart with "neccesities".

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Thanks for that money saving tip! I rarely buy anything at VS but do like to use the free panty coupons. I've thrown several in the trash because they expired before I could get to the mall- which I rarely visit. Thanks for telling me I can use them even if they're a little expired!!!


Someone told me Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons are the same way- they'll accept them expired. Can anyone confirm that?

It kind of gave me the feeling like I went shopping for something fun, without actually spending money. I think I got that out of my system for awhile! It's the little things (literally!). :thumbup1:
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I am only tracking my spending, not dh's.


Jan 1: $57 for Lively Latin Book 2 on sale.

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle book (fun money)

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp for project life (fun money), cc: $19.99 monthly nytimes sub on kindle, cc: $75 ymca monthly family membership,cc: $52 next week's afterschool care fees

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 for shipping of free Project Life stuff from a friend, vet: $143.50. $1.99 on cc for kindle book (budgeted in fun money)

Jan 5: $7.65 for 120 photo prints on snapfish, $2.00 for Project Life Photos at walgreens


Total so far cash: $228.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $159

Amount transferred to savings: $50

No Spend Days: 0/5

Nothing outside of budget so far.

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