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Anyone else evaluating their curriculum choices/planning next year


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Yes and no. It will be first grade for my oldest. I do know we'll stick with Math Mammoth (because I discovered this year that Right Start wasn't the best fit for us) and probably Elemental Science. We'll add in Story of the World next year. However, I'm still undecided on what to use for Language Arts. Right now we're a little more than halfway through OPGTR and do plenty of beginning readers. I'll likely continue working through OPGTR, but will want to add in more starting next year (spelling, etc.). I've been doing quite a bit of research but still haven't officially decided on anything!

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I am set for language arts. DS will continue with CLP for phonics, spelling, and writing. and add in Abeka Language 2. DD will continue with OPGTR. Math is also set. Singapore Essential Math for DD and Liberty Math B for DS.


History is up in the air. My options are:

Leave them both with CLP at their grade levels.

Beautiful Feet Early American History for both.

Sonlight Core A for both


Science is a little set:

DD will do CLP

DS will do either Noeo Biology, CLP, or REAL Science Odyssey

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We are focusing on writing a lot this second half and using it conjunction with our character/good values training. We are using Aesop's Fables and writing the "lesson" and she's copying it. She's a young 1st/2nd this year (just turned 5) but she's a smarty pants. Oh we will be using the next set of Mr. Q science, Earth Science. We love/d the biology/life science one! Next year we are doing a conjunction of 2nd/3rd grade with only a few 1st level things (i.e. handwriting).

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All set here except for a few things. I'm hoping to relax a bit next year. Both outside the home and in it. We tend to go in ebbs and flows like that. I feel like I'm been going 100 mph nonstop the last couple years. I need a break to catch our breath.

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I have it narrowed down to what I'm leaning towards, and some things that I know I will stick with. I think besides what I'm going to stick with, I am going to fill in the rest with Christian Heritage Curriculum and add Memoria Press for geography & lit guides. At least that's the current plan. Ask me next month. lol

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We are adding for Quince, Life of Fred, Michael Clay Thompson, Mapping the World by Art, and some Critical Thinking Books, I am trying to decide between Latin Prep and Lively Latin 2. Considering Beautiful Feet Early American Literature set only since we are secular.


Emma will be getting some more of the subjects her brother already does from my signature.


Every thing else will just be the next thing.

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I like to start planning early primarily so I can look for good deals on curriculum. If I wait to the last minute, I'll have to pay full price for things I could have bought used.


Ds will be in 5th, and here's how things are looking.


Math: BJU finish 5th/start 6th, LOF Fractions


Reading and Literature: BJU 5th Reading and 6 novels for a book club that I lead (haven't picked the titles yet)


Grammar: trying R&S for the 1st time this semester; undecided for next year


Spelling: same as grammar, will use ACSI if I don't like R&S


Writing: Continue IEW with SICC or a theme book


History: SOTW 3 audio over summer (possibly 4, too)

American history next year; allow him to choose 2-3 Time Traveler's CDs; haven't settled on a spine


Social Studies: plan to purchase some kid books on money and economics


Geography: Trail Guide to US Geography


Science: want a textbook, leaning toward A Beka 5th because I like the topics

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I am changing some things. The biggest change will be that we are taking the Writing Road to Reading plunge and going to attempt the Spalding method for handwriting and spelling. We shall see how it goes. We also dumped Apologia Astronomy and are working exclusively with Elemental Earth/Astronomy now. Otherwise, I think everything else stays about the same.

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I think I have finally been doing this homeschooling thing long enough to realize that it is pointless for me to think about next year until it is only a couple months out. So much will change between now and then in terms of ability and attention spans that the only set things are the next level up of those books that have worked this year - SOTW, MCT, and AAS/AAR for both. Everything else will be up in the air until much, much closer. Plus, I'm finally so busy schooling 2 with all their various needs and activities that I really don't have much time to plan ahead. I'm pretty sure that the homeschooling veterans promised that this day would come, and sure enough, they were right.

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I think I have finally been doing this homeschooling thing long enough to realize that it is pointless for me to think about next year until it is only a couple months out. So much will change between now and then in terms of ability and attention spans that the only set things are the next level up of those books that have worked this year - SOTW, MCT, and AAS/AAR for both. Everything else will be up in the air until much, much closer. Plus, I'm finally so busy schooling 2 with all their various needs and activities that I really don't have much time to plan ahead. I'm pretty sure that the homeschooling veterans promised that this day would come, and sure enough, they were right.


I have found this to be true, but I still can't help myself. I love planning and researching curriculum.


Most of my picks for this year are working very well and we will continue this year. The only main thing that I have changed is writing. My boys were doing IEW SWI annd while it is a good program and they were doing well with it, it wasn't fitting me as a teacher, so we are switching to WWE. I will continiue with MFW with my HSer. 6th grade grammar is the only thing I am not set on, but am strongly leaning to R&S just need to figure out whether to use 5 or 6. everything else seems to be working and we will just move up to the next level, but of course everything is open to change.

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I start planning now because we usually use whatever, if any, tax refund we get for it.


Also, it gives me time to make a list and bargain shop, whereas if I wait until I need it, I don't have as much opportunity to do that.


Really though, I think other than math and some lower level consumables, I won't be buying much this coming year. I have what I need for my high schoolers, except their college books. (ouch!) It's their senior year, so I'm basicly outsourcing everything except math to local colleges. My middlers will use the materials I have on hand. My little ones will continue using what they already have.


I'm glad you brought this thread up bc I really need to make a list for each kid of what I have and what I need to get.

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I think I have everything planned. I also think I have most things either on hand from past years or purchased. That feels good after some struggling and waffling with language arts for the 12 year old for a couple of years. Still firming up our pre algebra choice, but I'm about 90% set on that one.

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I started making a list of 4th grade curriculum several months ago. I've got much of it purchased already. Planning ahead allowed me to take advantage of the Thanksgiving sale of SOTW. I was estatic! I also just purchsed the group buy of Home Art Studio. I got a great deal on geography from a fellow WTM gal. (Thanks AprilMay!) I think all that remains to buy is math and grammar.

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I have never seen this--or any other--forum so calm in December and January. Usually December and January are panic times. Moms often feel like they are failing and only have a few months to get things on track. They are too broke to buy the things they think will save their year, so start selling off expensive curricula at low prices to other panicked cash-strapped moms.


I'm just amazed at how calm everyone is this year. :confused:


I'm not compaining! I think it's great! I'm just surprised, and curious about what is different about this year.

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Yeah fall 2013 lol. I'm hoping to be done and ready for next school year. My biggest thing is finding the "accountability" group for our next year. We have to "officially" opt out of K for 5 year olds, or join an accountability group. Since Jenn turns 6 in December I"m just going to join the group, plus we are working ahead of grade level.

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Always in December because DH and I can discuss any big decisions while he's off, and then I'm ready to register in January-March for our local and online choices. Mine are teens, so getting our outsourced choices is a very important step that can't be put off.


And I can start watching for deals on books and such, although I actually have most of what I need for next year and usually do a big purchase in May to get the last pieces.

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I've been thinking a lot about it over the Christmas break. I think I'm going to base history mostly on SOTW instead of Connecting with History, although I'll probably still use lots of the CWH books. If it means that I have to spread out the history cycle, I'm okay with that.


I think I'll also use WWE/FLL for my upcoming 2nd grader instead of making my own copywork and language lessons. The simplicity would be nice and if he likes the book selections, I'll get him the full books for reading.


Those are the big changes I've come up with.


I'm still totally up in the air with spelling/vocab for my will-be 4th grader and haven't decided if either will be doing any foreign language. That's somewhat dependent on how my mom, the retired Spanish teacher, recuperates from her winter of chemo.

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I like settling on options in winter, buying in Spring and getting everything prepped and filed in early summer. I'm all about having pacing, copies made and general lesson plans filed for the entire year before we start.


I'm pretty set with my 2nd grader and she'll be continuing on with programs that have been working though I am strongly considering changing to Math In Focus instead of using Singapore Standards for her next year. We've actually had a great year and I hope the momentum continues with the curricula that we are using.


My almost turning 5 year old will be an official K kid next year and I am trying to decide what to do with him. We are more than halfway through MP K and it has been a good fit for him but I don't think I want to move him into MP 1 next year because he is still a bit young and the mechanics of writing are still somewhat of a struggle for him. I'm looking at CHC grade 1 with some simple modifications. We'll see!

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I like settling on options in winter, buying in Spring and getting everything prepped and filed in early summer. I'm all about having pacing, copies made and general lesson plans filed for the entire year before we start.


I'm pretty set with my 2nd grader and she'll be continuing on with programs that have been working though I am strongly considering changing to Math In Focus instead of using Singapore Standards for her next year. We've actually had a great year and I hope the momentum continues with the curricula that we are using.


My almost turning 5 year old will be an official K kid next year and I am trying to decide what to do with him. We are more than halfway through MP K and it has been a good fit for him but I don't think I want to move him into MP 1 next year because he is still a bit young and the mechanics of writing are still somewhat of a struggle for him. I'm looking at CHC grade 1 with some simple modifications. We'll see!


My DD is a younger too, she's ahead but we're working through SM 2a right now, she just turned 5 in December. We do a lot of it orally and have her work out the problems but me write down the answers.

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I've made some changes for next semester that will carry over into next year. I've had the Preschool-6th layout in my head for awhile so for the most part it is just a matter of what living books to add, schedule changes (which we do on a regular basis here), and changes in HOW we do it.


Nothing changes for us in math, logic, or languages (Latin and Greek). We aren't changing what we're doing for memory work but the order that we do it, the time of day we do it, and we will put enrichment on more of a loop schedule. The main changes I'm making are in the area of language arts. We're moving it to the afternoon and putting everyone in the same program for phonics/spelling (Yes Phonics.....WRTR take off). In grammar I will change to working on the whiteboard with my oldest two using the Dictation Resource Book. For writing we will change to Pre-Scripts in January for my oldest two and the youngest two will continue learning manuscript with me using Yes Phonics. My third will drop the D'Nealian style he was doing and just review regular manuscript with me. My oldest two will continue with IEW's Fables book, which we all love. For literature they will drop their guides and start writing narrations after each book instead. They will continue with free reading, Mc-Call Crabbs comprehension tests, and McGuffey Readers. I will add in comprehension lessons and literature term lessons with my oldest added into our grammar lesson time. They will use this to guide their narrations. My younger two will continue with Bob Books.


In January I will put money aside for CC registration fees and buy whatever is available now for our CC year next year before they are sold out and Pre-Scripts which is coming out then. In February and March I will buy whatever supplements (from CBD and random other companies) I want them to have for summer and while I am off for the baby's birth. In April I buy living books from VP because there is free shipping and in May I buy anything from their new catalog that I don't own (their new product additions) that is a living book because I want to get it before it goes on back order. In June I finish off CC buying at practicum. In July I finish CBD orders for the fall and anything else I need for the fall that I didn't get yet. After that until the next January I mostly just make amazon orders.


Now that I cut out our lit guides and some other things my price for next year has dropped dramatically! I'm excited to see how little I can spend for next year, which means more book money!! (And money to buy more shelves to put them on....lol).

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I've already got science and history, although I'm trying to decide if I want to get HSITW's Middle Ages Project Passport to add to SOTW2. I'll figure that out closer to the start of next year. Math, Spanish, Latin, spelling, literature, PE, music, art - all pretty well set unless something we are using this year fails catastrophically in the next couple of months.


English is really the only thing that's still up in the air. I have ILL, and we have been going SLOWLY through MCT Island, but I really like Galore Park's English programme. Also, I don't want to use WWE4, so I'll need a different composition curriculum. I'm leaning towards IEW's SWI or Fables, Myths, and Fairytales, or continuing CTT's creative writing program if we don't finish level 2 this year. Still thinking.

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After much soul-searching and thinking about it, ;) I think I've finally settled on an abbreviated academic line-up for my oldest. She'll be a 3rd grader with great foundational skills, a big heart, plenty of energy, and many projects she wants to work on. :)


To be honest, my oldest daughter has been my "Gordian knot" in terms of what kind of path to take for the next few years (3rd, 4th & 5th). I haven't thought about my twins' upcoming work, because it's easy to pick and choose what worked for the oldest, drop what didn't amount to much, determine what fits the situation of teaching two at a time, and tailor it all to who they are individually.


We also would like to move in the spring/summer, so that throws a wrench into the whole thing, KWIM?


And, speaking of evaluating curriculum -- I'm learning how important it is to NOT see homeschooling as "having something on the shelf to work through." For us, homeschooling is a life we have chosen and been called to build with and for and alongside our children. There are many books in the world, and more educational products than you can shake a stick at. I am learning to more deeply love and respect and value our daughters, and to make choices about homeschooling from the perspective of a mother, more than a teacher.






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Yep! I've actually already gotten some of it. :)

For grammar, I didn't like FLL 3 so we'll be moving out of that series, and Link will start R&S 4. Astro will be doing Growing with Grammar 2.

We're sticking with Zaner Bloser handwriting and Spelling Workout. Astro will also be continuing/finishing up Explode the Code as well as (maybe) Beyond the Code.

Link will be moving up in Singapore Math, hopefully making it through 3B/4A/4B next year. Astro will move into/continue MUS Beta.

We're doing SOTW 3 for history, and following the WTM recommendations for 3rd year science. We tried a 'science curriculum' this year and I miss the WTM format of science from last year. So we'll be going back to it for Chemistry.

Link will move from Memoria Press Latin (he did Prima Latina this year) to Latin for Children next year. Astro will start Song School Latin the following year.

We'll continue Artistic Pursuits with K3 Book 2.

We'll do the second volume of Classical Kids CDs, as well as do the next of the composer coloring books (sounds silly, but it's what we do just to get a little of it into their heads.)

I'm planning on starting Link in a keyboarding/typing program next year. I would rather get him familiar with the correct way to type early on, even though I originally wasn't going to worry about it until 6th grade or so. (next year will be 4th for him)

Pink will be doing the first little ETC books and a few fun things with me, plus we'll start OPG, probably. Nothing real big - she'll only be 4. :)


As far as buying and such, I always have my lists made in the fall - looking through what I want, investigating, researching, etc - if I think I'll want to change something, that is. I always make up a budget and find the prices for all the items new, so I can make sure I get a good deal buying used. ;) I try to have it finalized by the first of the year, and I'm just looking occasionally to see if any of what I'm looking for happens to be for sale. I don't look every day, just here and there - and I just started looking before Christmas. I'll do any buying I have left the end of February, curriculum wise, and go from there. I like having it all gone through and scheduled and planned in advance. :) It's part of the fun for me!

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I actually feel like we have found our "groove" here- I'm just moving my oldest to the next level for everything. The only decision I really need to make is what I am doing with my Kinder (I know we'll keep doing Logic of English Foundations, but I need to choose his math), and if I want to use some sort of lit guide or vocab program with my oldest.

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Still lots of planning to do here. My youngest is easy, but my oldest is moving into 6th and I'm getting nervous. ;) We'll stick with our grammar, spelling and math. I have WWS for 6th and CW for 4th already, so at least writing is taken care of. I think for science we'll stick with Apologia, probably using Zoo 3 and either botany or Anatomy. History/Reading is my main thing I'm trying to figure out. We've been using a combo of Ambleside (Lit) and AO/BF/TQ for history and while we liked the books a lot, it seemed rather piecemeal. I want something more planned out for me. I'm looking at maybe moving to Sonlight next year. Possibly. Really I just want the instructor's guide cuz I'm cheap. And Latin! I've always said we'd do latin every year and it's never happened for longer than a couple of months. Grrr!

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After much soul-searching and thinking about it, ;) I think I've finally settled on an abbreviated academic line-up for my oldest. She'll be a 3rd grader with great foundational skills, a big heart, plenty of energy, and many projects she wants to work on. :)


To be honest, my oldest daughter has been my "Gordian knot" in terms of what kind of path to take for the next few years (3rd, 4th & 5th). I haven't thought about my twins' upcoming work, because it's easy to pick and choose what worked for the oldest, drop what didn't amount to much, determine what fits the situation of teaching two at a time, and tailor it all to who they are individually.


We also would like to move in the spring/summer, so that throws a wrench into the whole thing, KWIM?


And, speaking of evaluating curriculum -- I'm learning how important it is to NOT see homeschooling as "having something on the shelf to work through." For us, homeschooling is a life we have chosen and been called to build with and for and alongside our children. There are many books in the world, and more educational products than you can shake a stick at. I am learning to more deeply love and respect and value our daughters, and to make choices about homeschooling from the perspective of a mother, more than a teacher.






I absolutely agree with it's a way of life. We surround dd with good materials, ask questions, explore life around us even when we don't sit down and do school. Nothing is off limits for us. Not to long ago dd, when she was almost 5, asked me what happens when we die (we lost her great, great grandmother). She also asked me what happens to make a baby (she knows we are struggling with infertility) so I explained it simply, "a grown up man and woman fall in love and decide to have a baby" she wanted more details. She is aware of the sperm meets egg thing from talking about animal cells/animal reproduction in Life Science. She asked me if human beings reproduce the same way as animals. I said yes the sperm meets the egg. She asked me how. I told her something called sex but that it was for grown-ups and that private areas are still private areas. She grasped it just fine and was content at that area. She did come home that day from being out with me and ask daddy if his sperm was okay though lol.

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No idea for next fall. Jeepers :eek:


Well actually she'll be continuing with AoPS (algebra 2 and geometry concurrently), we'll be studying American history using the K12 book American Odyssey and taking lots of field trips (easy to do when one lives in the midAtlantic), and I'm thinking she'll do algebra-based physics. But that's all I've figured out.

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I'm getting there, but I first have to really how well my new plans go this spring, since we're going from almost unschooling to more rigorous!


On the plate for fall...


Continue with a combo of Brave Writer Lifestyle & Igniting Your Writing for ds; ETC and Beyond the Code for dd (and BWL)


Continue with Life of Fred for math


Dd will likely continue with her American-history-through-the-American-Girls studies, OR she can be folded in with ds, who wants to do the Middle AGes this fall, although I haven't decided for sure on resources yet. Under consideration are OUP's World in Medieval/Early Modern Times, Dorothy Mills' Middle Ages, or ???


Science - we'll be finishing off ES's Logic Stage Biology, if we don't finish it over the summer, and then we'll move into ES's Logic Stage Earth/Space science.


That's what I've figured out for now!

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Yes, I've been planning out next year and I'm happy to see I'm not completely crazy to be thinking about it already. :D We need to know about how much to budget for it and we also use some of the tax return, so I wanted to have an idea of what we're going to do.


DD will be in K. I think we're going to go with SL p4/5, Singapore, HWT K, and building thinking skills primary. We may add extra science because it's DD's favorite but I'm not sure what, yet.


We're using BOB books and Hooked on Phonics right now but I'm not sure how much I'm liking HoP. I'm considering switching to OPGTR here soon. She can read CVC and CVCe words, so I don't know if OPGTR would still be a good fit. I haven't looked into how far it goes yet, I just have seen it recommended a lot and I don't care for what we have. I'm also looking into AAR.

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