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Tell me it's okay and we made the right decision....please.....


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Backstory: I came down with a stomach virus that hit me pretty hard earlier this week. Now I have cold symptoms. Thurs Dd got it, threw up all day, and was just beginning to eat normally yesterday. Fri and Sat Dh and Ds got it and spent the days throwing up and running to and from the bathroom. They have not yet been able to eat anything, only drink gatorade in sips.


According to everything I've read we are not safe to be around others until 3 days after we are symptom free. That is probably today for me, but not for the rest of the family.


Dh called our church choir director last night and told him the kids would not be singing or playing piano at the candlelight service tonight. I feel terrible backing out, but no one wants this virus as a Christmas gift! Dd and I probably could have gone and looked normal (though Dd is still having symptoms and contagious) and I know there are some people who would just go anyway, but if we pass this on to others everyone will know it was us, and they will be so miserable right at the holidays. Tell me we did the right thing.

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Yes--you did the right thing!!! Stomach virus is horrible, as you well know. I wouldn't go knowing we were contagious and possibly spreading that virus around. And stomach virus is highly contagious. You're thinking of all those others in not going. That in itself is a great Christmas blessing.


Hope you're all better soon! :grouphug:

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You did the right thing and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I would not appreciate being sick over the holidays but what would worry me more is if my elderly parents caught it. It could land them in the hospital or worse. Thank you for thinking of others.

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You absolutely did the right thing. Thank you. Our family has been on the receiving end of a bug this week, although it was passed on to dh before the friend (yes, he's still a friend) knew he had it, as he came down with it only one day earlier than dh did, and one day after they were at a function together. Although it was a 24 bug, it will take dh a week to recover fully, as things are a triple whammy for him with the chronic health issue that is part of his life. When he gets sick from something minor like this, I monitor him every hour, and fully expect him to end up at the hospital. It has happened before.


If you looked at dh, all you would see from the outside is a fully functional adult in seemingly good health. You would never know what a toll a tiny bug takes on him. I know there many others like him, and they can't afford to live life secluded or in fear.


Thank you for keeping your germs at home and doing your best to give others a lovely holiday. Give your children a thank you from us for their sacrifice in giving up their event.

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Thank you! You are all making me feel better. It makes a huge difference if my Dc don't show. There are only 9 kids in the children's choir and mine are two of the most outgoing (you can hear them sing). I know the choir director sets his heart on these events and will be extremely disappointed. I know that isn't something I should be worried about, but, still I feel guiltily. If you read any of my past posts the director is a single man and just does not understand the special tired that comes with family life. He often expects us all to follow along with whatever plans he wants to make, so he's not what I would call understanding.

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Thank goodness there are people in the world like you!


NO ONE wants to get sick, but imagine all the babies and older people that come out for Christmas services. Shut-ins, people with compromised immune systems. A lot of people go to church on Christmas. I'm sorry but a really bad bug like this could kill someone with a poor immune system. This is not a normal cold, this is one of those really yucky illnesses that no one should be exposed to. And frankly, they spread like wildfire this time of year.


Good for you for caring enough about others to do the right thing.

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Yes, you did the right thing!!! One of the quickest way to lose me as a friend(well not really but it does make me very angry!) is to come around me while sick. It is probably my biggest pet peeve. Sorry I'm rambling and ranting but it really bothers me A LOT! You definitely did the right thing by staying home!!

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You absolutely did the right thing! My personal opinion is that the reason the stomach flu seems to be so prevalent around Christmas is that people go out more when they're sick, because they don't want to miss Christmas festivities. If I went to your church, I'd be grateful for your consideration of others.

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Definitely the right choice. I had a stomach virus Wed/Thu and little DD came down with it yesterday. Today I'm keeping all three kids home from church for fear my older two might share it before they come down with it (though I'm hoping they won't at all). I'm a big proponent of bunkering down, staying home, and keeping it to yourself!

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Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! As a mother of children who catch every stinking stomach bug within a 50mi radius, I thank you for considering others.


We have had to back out of a Sunday School Christmas program before due to stomach issues. I felt bad because my kids were feeling better at the time of the program, but they had been symptom-free for <24 hours. I just couldn't risk the health of all those other kids right before the Holidays. You did the right thing.

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Yes, you did good.

We were at a get-together the other day. Didn't find out until we got there that the host's kids had been sick. They didn't tell anyone until we were there. I wish they had given us a head's up and the choice on whether we wanted to attend. I'm praying no one here gets it as we have to travel on Wed.

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Yes, you did the right thing! As Imp said, if the director is annoyed, it's his problem, not yours. Your family's health comes first... not only did you probably keep others from getting sick, but your family's immunity is already down trying to recover... the last thing you'd want is to go out and catch something else on top of the stomach bug.


Hope you all feel better in time for Christmas!!

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If you read any of my past posts the director is a single man and just does not understand the special tired that comes with family life. He often expects us all to follow along with whatever plans he wants to make, so he's not what I would call understanding.


You did the right thing carrying out your responsibility caring for your sick children. He would understand if he knew that he might have caught the stomach flu, spoiling his entire week.


For sickness. Ginger teas always help get rid of my children's stomach issues. Simply boil a peeled cube ginger in water or milk, (remove ginger), put the boiled liquid in a cup adding, tsp honey).



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