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Why, why, WHY?!?!?! (another school shooting)


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Yes, but how is it relevant to the situation? The way I understood the reference, I found it crass and insensitive. But I hope to be wrong.


I don't think it is relevant and I'm not sure why it is posted here. Perhaps I am being a bit sensitive because I am tired of seeing that type of rhetoric on facebook. *note to self, stay away from facebook for a while*

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A mentally ill person is not a monster. This kind of thinking prevents people with mental illness from seeking help.



If he is sane enough to know right from wrong, he is a monster, illness or no.


I'm tired of all this "the shooter was a VICTIM" nonsense. The Columbine killers weren't bullied. They were as popular in their own circle as any other kid. Just because a kid is strange, unfriendly, and unlikable doesn't mean he was made that way by bullying. You really think the kind of person who plans to kill a bunch of people is going to be someone who gets elected homecoming king? This is yet another attempt to make the criminals into the victims.


The kid was obviously seriously messed up for years. Friends knew it. His family knew it. His mother tried to help him. For some reason, it didn't work. What that reason is, we can't say, but assuming that he was messed up because someone, somewhere, at some time did something to him is ludicrous.


I was bullied at my huge, "economically diverse" high school plenty because of my grades and the fact that I won so many competitions--it was pure jealousy, and I was targeted by people I didn't know with whom I shared no classes. I just went to the principal's office and told them to stop calling out my name on the announcements when I won things and to leave me out of other high-profile lists, I nixed nominations for various things I didn't care about (actually, some of my classmates DID try to make me homecoming queen, and I got my name removed by saying that I had no intention of attending--if nominated, I will not run, etc.), and I publicly creamed the very next person who tried to jump me, and then I was left alone. It didn't turn me into a murderous monster. It doesn't turn anyone into one.

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If he is sane enough to know right from wrong, he is a monster, illness or no.


I'm tired of all this "the shooter was a VICTIM" nonsense. The Columbine killers weren't bullied. They were as popular in their own circle as any other kid. Just because a kid is strange, unfriendly, and unlikable doesn't mean he was made that way by bullying. You really think the kind of person who plans to kill a bunch of people is going to be someone who gets elected homecoming king? This is yet another attempt to make the criminals into the victims.


The kid was obviously seriously messed up for years. Friends knew it. His family knew it. His mother tried to help him. For some reason, it didn't work. What that reason is, we can't say, but assuming that he was messed up because someone, somewhere, at some time did something to him is ludicrous.


I was bullied at my huge, "economically diverse" high school plenty because of my grades and the fact that I won so many competitions--it was pure jealousy, and I was targeted by people I didn't know with whom I shared no classes. I just went to the principal's office and told them to stop calling out my name on the announcements when I won things and to leave me out of other high-profile lists, I nixed nominations for various things I didn't care about (actually, some of my classmates DID try to make me homecoming queen, and I got my name removed by saying that I had no intention of attending--if nominated, I will not run, etc.), and I publicly creamed the very next person who tried to jump me, and then I was left alone. It didn't turn me into a murderous monster. It doesn't turn anyone into one.


Well, good for your for being able to stand up for yourself. However, being bullied for winning awards is vastly different from being bullied because one is socially or physically awkward. There's simply no comparison. Being bullied for winning awards might hurt one physically, but doesn't destroy your self esteem to the same extent as being bullied for simply being weak or different.


Our past experiences affect us in more ways that even psychologists can understand, even if it doesn't "turn" us into anything, not as directly. Obviously your past experiences affected you in a way that led you to express yourself in this particular way in the post above. So some might say it "turned" you into a person who doesn't seem to understand that some people are more vulnerable to bullying than others, due to a vast range of factors.

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One of the Facebook friend posted a t-shirt which reads...


Ă¢â‚¬Å“Dear God, Why do you allow so much violence in our schools? Sincerely Yours, A Concerned StudentĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.

Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in school. Sincerely Yours, God.Ă¢â‚¬




My facebook status yesterday, in response to these types of status updates:


With respect to my "believing" friends: Your God is either everywhere or nowhere. Please, stop trivializing and minimizing and making superficial your faith with trite sayings about God "not being allowed in school". What happened yesterday was evil: the level at which no faith tradition can comprehend. Please don't use this tragedy (which is not YOURS) as a way to evangelize. I'm pretty sure the Jesus I knew would rather you find a well run, legit way to help the families.


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I'm tired of all this "the shooter was a VICTIM" nonsense.


I work in mental health, and 99% of the professional people *you think* are saying this are actually only trying to find out how to keep it from happening again. Promise.


For the average layman you think is saying this, they are just trying to find cause and effect to make themselves feel safer, less likely to suffer from random events, less at the hands of heartless genetics and blind luck.

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Question: What do you say to your kids - the teens - who have heard this armchair stuff on TV about his possibly having Aspergers/being on the Autism spectrum - that are also on the spectrum? Oldest and middle are scared that they are going to turn out like this guy. I've tried to limit the news here but DH is not cooperating. My boys are seeing a cognitive therapist, a neuropsychiatrist and have community support workers as well. My oldest also has a tutor and is active through youth group and a community woodworking program. Middle is in youth and a golfer in the First Tee. They aren't isolated socially - they each have a close friend and many acquaintances. Any advice on how to reassure them that their path is much different and that if they starting having any issues we'd move heaven and earth to get them help?


My mother was told my brother would turn out like this guy. He did not at all - he went to college, got his BA and graduated with honors. He took care of both my Mom and Grandma when they got sick and died of cancer within four months of each other and he holds down a job. (He is not diagnosed - he was misdiagnosed for years as a child/teen - but has a lot of traits in common with my boys) I know that it doesn't work that way but how do I explain it to their rigid minds?


They are very upset that anyone could harm a 'little' as they call them. It violates the rules. They have always been great with younger children.

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pdalley, just because they are saying that he is on the spectrum, that doesn't mean it is the only thing wrong with him. Many of these spree shooters better fit the description of bipolar or schizophrenia. Left intreated either of those mental illnesses can lead to a break with reality in which they do not know what they are doing. People with high functioning autism only don't generally have a genuine break with reality that leads to this sort of tragedy.

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Question: What do you say to your kids - the teens - who have heard this armchair stuff on TV about his possibly having Aspergers/being on the Autism spectrum - that are also on the spectrum? Oldest and middle are scared that they are going to turn out like this guy. I've tried to limit the news here but DH is not cooperating. My boys are seeing a cognitive therapist, a neuropsychiatrist and have community support workers as well. My oldest also has a tutor and is active through youth group and a community woodworking program. Middle is in youth and a golfer in the First Tee. They aren't isolated socially - they each have a close friend and many acquaintances. Any advice on how to reassure them that their path is much different and that if they starting having any issues we'd move heaven and earth to get them help?


My mother was told my brother would turn out like this guy. He did not at all - he went to college, got his BA and graduated with honors. He took care of both my Mom and Grandma when they got sick and died of cancer within four months of each other and he holds down a job. (He is not diagnosed - he was misdiagnosed for years as a child/teen - but has a lot of traits in common with my boys) I know that it doesn't work that way but how do I explain it to their rigid minds?


They are very upset that anyone could harm a 'little' as they call them. It violates the rules. They have always been great with younger children.



Lanza had a lot more going on than being on the spectrum. I have told my son he was mentally ill, which he was. Ds doesn't even understand that he could technically be lumped in the spectrum pile with Lanza. What he did is so far out of his realm of belief or understanding it makes sense that of course, he had something ELSE wrong.

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pdalley, just because they are saying that he is on the spectrum, that doesn't mean it is the only thing wrong with him. Many of these spree shooters better fit the description of bipolar or schizophrenia. Left intreated either of those mental illnesses can lead to a break with reality in which they do not know what they are doing. People with high functioning autism only don't generally have a genuine break with reality that leads to this sort of tragedy.




Right. I know this and have tried to explain it to them. Their co-morbid conditions are ADHD and CAPD and dyslexia. Some generalized anxiety but nothing like schizophrenia or bipolar. Sadly all we are hearing are the autism blurbs and not them going into the mental health issues. I'm calling their cognitive therapist in the am for advice and have taken control of the TV and internet for the day. I wish there was some way I could reassure them. It doesn't help when you get these 'experts' going on about autistics having a 'lack of empathy'. That's a bald faced lie IME. If anything they have too much of it.


I wish the media realized the damage they can do - misidentifying the shooter for example. Based on what I've seen from Lt. Vance there is no way the CT state police released that info. The shooter's brother was subjected to all sorts of awful things on his facebook page and their father heard that the brother was the shooter from the media. There needs to be responsible reporting and some journalistic integrity again.


Meanwhile I'm outlawing the news media as best I can for the duration.

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pdalley, just because they are saying that he is on the spectrum, that doesn't mean it is the only thing wrong with him. Many of these spree shooters better fit the description of bipolar or schizophrenia. Left intreated either of those mental illnesses can lead to a break with reality in which they do not know what they are doing. People with high functioning autism only don't generally have a genuine break with reality that leads to this sort of tragedy.



There is a good blog entry on the Daily Kos called "They're Saying the Shooter had Asperger's" written by a man with Asperger's. The post isn't political, but the site is, so I don't think I can link it.

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There is a good blog entry on the Daily Kos called "They're Saying the Shooter had Asperger's" written by a man with Asperger's. The post isn't political, but the site is, so I don't think I can link it.


I've had them read a lot of the self advocacy bloggers who are speaking out about this. I'm hoping it will help. I'm off to google that article. Thanks

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I can't quote on my phone, but the whole God isn't allowed in schools quote makes it sound like God was siting outside the school saying, "Neener, Neener, I can't help you because you won't let me in." How insulting!


It also presumes that those who are religious are to magically check in their beliefs at the door, to be stored and picked up when the school day is over. It's simple minded at best, and I'll leave it at that.

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Question: What do you say to your kids - the teens - who have heard this armchair stuff on TV about his possibly having Aspergers/being on the Autism spectrum - that are also on the spectrum? Oldest and middle are scared that they are going to turn out like this guy. I've tried to limit the news here but DH is not cooperating. My boys are seeing a cognitive therapist, a neuropsychiatrist and have community support workers as well. My oldest also has a tutor and is active through youth group and a community woodworking program. Middle is in youth and a golfer in the First Tee. They aren't isolated socially - they each have a close friend and many acquaintances. Any advice on how to reassure them that their path is much different and that if they starting having any issues we'd move heaven and earth to get them help?


My mother was told my brother would turn out like this guy. He did not at all - he went to college, got his BA and graduated with honors. He took care of both my Mom and Grandma when they got sick and died of cancer within four months of each other and he holds down a job. (He is not diagnosed - he was misdiagnosed for years as a child/teen - but has a lot of traits in common with my boys) I know that it doesn't work that way but how do I explain it to their rigid minds?


They are very upset that anyone could harm a 'little' as they call them. It violates the rules. They have always been great with younger children.


Your boys (and brother) sound awesome. I'd keep the conversation going with them- you're lucky they are open with you and expressing their fears and concerns. I'm sure by venting to you it helps them. I'd keep focusing on the differences by pointing out that the killer was obviously unstable.

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Question: What do you say to your kids - the teens - who have heard this armchair stuff on TV about his possibly having Aspergers/being on the Autism spectrum - that are also on the spectrum? Oldest and middle are scared that they are going to turn out like this guy. I've tried to limit the news here but DH is not cooperating. My boys are seeing a cognitive therapist, a neuropsychiatrist and have community support workers as well. My oldest also has a tutor and is active through youth group and a community woodworking program. Middle is in youth and a golfer in the First Tee. They aren't isolated socially - they each have a close friend and many acquaintances. Any advice on how to reassure them that their path is much different and that if they starting having any issues we'd move heaven and earth to get them help?


Maybe talk to them about other characteristics of the killer, shared by others, who don't become school shooters? The killer was also:




from CT

trained in target shooting

a child of divorce

a techie

had an older brother

enjoyed video games


Not all children of divorce become shooters. Not all people who are from CT become shooters, etc.



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I so agree! I have a 13 year with Aspergers (Autism Spectrum Disorder), who is into gaming and computers and brilliant...and he is scared and so sad this weekend. I have explained this young man had far more things going on than a Dx of Autism. We have been spending time away from the TV and computers too.




Right. I know this and have tried to explain it to them. Their co-morbid conditions are ADHD and CAPD and dyslexia. Some generalized anxiety but nothing like schizophrenia or bipolar. Sadly all we are hearing are the autism blurbs and not them going into the mental health issues. I'm calling their cognitive therapist in the am for advice and have taken control of the TV and internet for the day. I wish there was some way I could reassure them. It doesn't help when you get these 'experts' going on about autistics having a 'lack of empathy'. That's a bald faced lie IME. If anything they have too much of it.


I wish the media realized the damage they can do - misidentifying the shooter for example. Based on what I've seen from Lt. Vance there is no way the CT state police released that info. The shooter's brother was subjected to all sorts of awful things on his facebook page and their father heard that the brother was the shooter from the media. There needs to be responsible reporting and some journalistic integrity again.


Meanwhile I'm outlawing the news media as best I can for the duration.

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I think autism spectrum is the easy diagnosis everyone is throwing around. The shooters shop teacher is reporting it was much more than that. The shooter didn't feel physical or emotional pain. He would completely withdraw from school during the day and the school would call his mother. You can read the full article. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/15/adam-lanza-pain-loner-teacher_n_2308641.html

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What is this weirdness with blaming video games? Mass Effect, an RPG, is especially laughable as a target.


The FB page was NOT THE PAGE OF THE SHOOTER. It has nothing to do with him. Neither do video games have anything to do with the motive for what he did. It's a bogus defense attorney argument to externalize blame.


Want to know what "inspired" him? Chances are another school shooting.


And the Asperger's "diagnosis" is going to be bogus. Bogus and infuriating. Every emotionally disturbed kid is getting slapped with an AS label these days, and it is absurd. I honestly don't think an Aspie would EVER do something like this. It's an act of indirect revenge, and someone who is really on the AS could not understand it as such.


You are merely speculating as well.


It could have been any of these things, or something else entirely.

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You are merely speculating as well.


It could have been any of these things, or something else entirely.


What I really want to know is why the mention of the second shooter has now been expunged from the news reports. All major stations mentioned a second gunman almost immediately, based on eyewitness reports. Then those reports weren't merely elaborated upon in later reports, they were expunged. They still appear in cache on the front of the browser but have been removed, from what I have found.



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What I really want to know is why the mention of the second shooter has now been expunged from the news reports. All major stations mentioned a second gunman almost immediately, based on eyewitness reports. Then those reports weren't merely elaborated upon in later reports, they were expunged. They still appear in cache on the front of the browser but have been removed, from what I have found.





Why the hmmm? People are panicked, make mistakes and assumptions. It's to be expected. At one point it was reported there were two or three gunmen in a mall shooting here earlier this week. There was only one.

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What I really want to know is why the mention of the second shooter has now been expunged from the news reports. All major stations mentioned a second gunman almost immediately, based on eyewitness reports. Then those reports weren't merely elaborated upon in later reports, they were expunged. They still appear in cache on the front of the browser but have been removed, from what I have found.





For the same reason it was originally reported that Ryan was the shooter, that the mother was a teacher at the school and was killed there, that the shooter was voluntarily let in because they knew him, and more inaccuracies: the pressure in a 24/7 news cycle to report something, anything, whether it was obtained from a credible source or not.

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Why the hmmm? People are panicked, make mistakes and assumptions. It's to be expected. At one point it was reported there were two or three gunmen in a mall shooting here earlier this week. There was only one.



Right. But normally updates are made to existing reports. Existing reports aren't merely expunged. I literally looked at several that have disappeared. I find that odd.


Yes, people get things wrong. Then we hear things like, "Originally, police believed (or witnesses said) X, but later it was discovered that Y is actually true."

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For the same reason it was originally reported that Ryan was the shooter, that the mother was a teacher at the school and was killed there, that the shooter was voluntarily let in because they knew him, and more inaccuracies: the pressure in a 24/7 news cycle to report something, anything, whether it was obtained from a credible source or not.



True. But they merely corrected all of those inaccuracies. They didn't remove all reports that made any mention of them.

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Right. But normally updates are made to existing reports. Existing reports aren't merely expunged. I literally looked at several that have disappeared. I find that odd.


Yes, people get things wrong. Then we hear things like, "Originally, police believed (or witnesses said) X, but later it was discovered that Y is actually true."



Like this one?


"The massacre prompted the town of Newtown to lock down all its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today. Authorities initially believed that there were two gunmen and were searching cars around the school, but authorities do not appear to be looking for another gunman."




What is it you are suggesting?

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Like this one?


"The massacre prompted the town of Newtown to lock down all its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today. Authorities initially believed that there were two gunmen and were searching cars around the school, but authorities do not appear to be looking for another gunman."




What is it you are suggesting?



Did not see that one. CBS, ABC, FOX reports aren't there anymore.


I'm not suggesting anything other than we never get the full story.

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Did not see that one. CBS, ABC, FOX reports aren't there anymore.


I'm not suggesting anything other than we never get the full story.



I found the same story at other news websites. Often what you see early on is not an ABC or Fox story, but rather stories pulled from an AP or Routers feed. These usually aren't kept around as more detailed, updated stories come out.

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I heard Friday, on two separate news stations, that a second gunman was found in the woods. He looked one woman right in the eye and said, "I didn't do it.". Then one time I heard that boy in the woods was the brother, who happened to be at work at the time of the ahootings, and it was proved to be true he was at work.


That type of reporting needs to end. Period.


But does anyone know if anyone was in fact found in the woods?

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I think there needs to be serious consequences for some of this completely ridiculous, irresponsible and damaging gossip telephone game poo being passed as journalism.


500,000 for giving a name that's wrong.

Another 500,000 for posting FB and or photos of people that are wrong.

Losing their broadcast license even if they get too many fines.


Seriously. It ruins lives, makes it difficult to get proper juries, and causes panic and more.


Many of those reporters should be fired.


And some of those supposed 'experts' in child development or whatever spouting just as much speculation should have consequences too.

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Huh? Violence happens in lots of places where God is allowed, including houses of worship. :confused1:


Some areas of the world have the highest rates of atheism and the lowest rates of homicide.


Not only that but the whole quote makes ZERO sense. Ask one of the kids who was molested by a priest in a church whether or not god was "allowed" in the church.


What about the churches and temples that have been shot up recently? Was that god just not good enough?


How does anyone know if those dead children or dead teachers weren't praying to god in their last few seconds? Were they just not good enough for god? You really think not one of those 20 dead kids knew who Jesus was??


If this was a Christian school (because you know, those do exist in our country), do you think the shooter would have been stopped by a mystical force?


That entire quote is HORRIFYING, not just from a secular viewpoint. If I was a believer and my child was dead on that floor and someone said something that.incredibly.stupid.to.me, I would try to grab a cop's gun and blow that person away and make the world a better place.


You have to laugh at that stupidity. Tough cookies, dead Christians. Tough cookies, you heathen jerks. You cannot freaking WIN!!!

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I think there needs to be serious consequences for some of this completely ridiculous, irresponsible and damaging gossip telephone game poo being passed as journalism.


500,000 for giving a name that's wrong.

Another 500,000 for posting FB and or photos of people that are wrong.

Losing their broadcast license even if they get too many fines.


Seriously. It ruins lives, makes it difficult to get proper juries, and causes panic and more.


Many of those reporters should be fired.


And some of those supposed 'experts' in child development or whatever spouting just as much speculation should have consequences too.



I read about the shooting around 10:00 that morning. It was reported that a teacher had been shot in the foot. I read the little blurb, shrugged my shoulders and went about our day.


What should be happening in instances like this is that the media reports that there was a shooting and then SHUTS UP until we know what's going on. No one should have reported anything or photographed anyone (particularly children) until the police cleared the scene. One of these days, something horrific is going to happen because we are allowing general chaos to happen at these sites.


What if the guy in the woods who might have been walking his dog was DEAF? What if he panicked at the site of a bunch of guns pointed at him?


What if the vehicle with the windshield popped out was just in the process of getting replaced and the technician was wearing headphones and bopping along to some tunes?


What are we going to do when a shooter slips by because everyone is running around looking for an interview? Good grief. Take off your shirt, put on another, widen your eyes in terror and Poof! You look like another child victim.


And a tragedy should not mean that everyone within a 20 mile radius gives up all their civil rights or right to privacy!!

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westboro plans to protest the funerals. saw it on facebook then googled it


everybody. everybody has turned it into a platform and used it as a bullhorn


the facebook even showed a pic of palastenian children holding a poster that


says, "we feel your pain like you would feel ours."



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Regarding talking to kids who are on the spectrum and have to process hearing this information/misinformation..........


Autism and special needs families are not my speciality. Those on this board with SN kids know FAR more than I do. However, family communication and talking to children age or developmentally appropriately is an area I am competent in.


I would use some form of:


Dear child, you are hearing things about the shooter being autistic. Being autistic does not cause mental illness or violence. But just like an autistic person can get cancer, asthma, or the flu, an autistic person can also become mentally ill. The problem is that we know a lot about autism; news people and most other people do not. They get scared when something is "different" about people. When people get scared, they act funky. They sometimes make things that are different "bad". So I think what is happening is that people fear autism, and they are heartbroken over the killings. They connect the two issues - but in reality, the issues aren't connected. This is an extreme example of some of the barriers people like you will face; scared people who don't know better. Sometimes those people even look like they *should* know, people like reporters, and experts.



I would strip it down or build it up, depending on the age and developmental level of YOUR child. It won't be an easy concept to address with autistic kids - even with perfect or good wording.



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Regarding talking to kids who are on the spectrum and have to process hearing this information/misinformation..........


Autism and special needs families are not my speciality. Those on this board with SN kids know FAR more than I do. However, family communication and talking to children age or developmentally appropriately is an area I am competent in.


I would use some form of:


Dear child, you are hearing things about the shooter being autistic. Being autistic does not cause mental illness or violence. But just like an autistic person can get cancer, asthma, or the flu, an autistic person can also become mentally ill. The problem is that we know a lot about autism; news people and most other people do not. They get scared when something is "different" about people. When people get scared, they act funky. They sometimes make things that are different "bad". So I think what is happening is that people fear autism, and they are heartbroken over the killings. They connect the two issues - but in reality, the issues aren't connected. This is an extreme example of some of the barriers people like you will face; scared people who don't know better. Sometimes those people even look like they *should* know, people like reporters, and experts.



I would strip it down or build it up, depending on the age and developmental level of YOUR child. It won't be an easy concept to address with autistic kids - even with perfect or good wording.




Thank you Joanne, I was hoping you'd chime in. :) I think I got them off this track for now but I want to prepare them.

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I'm afraid that the concentration on the shooter will cause mass hysteria that will be detrimental to special needs kids. I personally don't have a child with Asperger's but I am afraid that people will now segregate and shun children with this diagnosis. What a disservice by the media.

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It is unrealistic to expect a 24 hour news provider to report only confirmed facts.


They are the equivalent of a game of telephone at a time of mass confusion of a breaking tragedy. It is reasonable to expect them to correct errors as they are discovered. It is not reasonable to expect a government agency to fine them when they are not claiming that their statements are fact.


It takes time to gather, confirm, and analyze statements and present them in a logical coherent chronological fashion. Turn off the 24/7 and wait until the more serious thoughtful journalists report on the incident. Journalistic competency and integrity takes time.

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It is unrealistic to expect a 24 hour news provider to report only confirmed facts.


They are the equivalent of a game of telephone at a time of mass confusion of a breaking tragedy. It is reasonable to expect them to correct errors as they are discovered. It is not reasonable to expect a government agency to fine them when they are not claiming that their statements are fact.


It takes time to gather, confirm, and analyze statements and present them in a logical coherent chronological fashion. Turn off the 24/7 and wait until the more serious thoughtful journalists report on the incident. Journalistic competency and integrity takes time.



I have yet to hear one retraction. Or correction for that matter. And I've watched the big three. And CNN.


They also could refrain from parading out a bunch of 'experts' to diagnose a shooter. I am fairly sure they did not get the older brother's name as the shooter from a LEO source. So maybe the responsible thing to do would have been not to report it without confirmation from the CT State police?


Sorry, I expect them to hold themselves to some standard. I refuse to excuse this tabloid style reporting being thrown out as news. They need to learn not to contribute to mass hysteria instead of feed it.

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