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What is your favorite movie?


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My daughter's favorite movie is Inception. She is watching it right now. She's 24 years old.


My favorite movie is Music and Lyrics. I like both Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant.



I love Music and Lyrics too. Such a sweet little romantic movie.


My favorite movie of all times though is Ghostbusters. I bet I've seen it 500 times. I can quote it. I wanted to grow up and be a Ghostbuster when I was a kid even.

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It depends on my mood. Just recently, I watched The Artist and was blown away. It may be my new favorite movie. I watched it twice in as many days and I don't like to rewatch movies, especially not within 24 hours.


I will nearly always make time to watch The Princess Bride if it's on, and I still like The Bad Seed and Poor Little Rich Girl (Shirley Temple). I like old movies.

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Oh, too many to have one favorite!


Wizard of Oz (childhood revisted every time it shows)

Schindler's List (will never forget the little girl in the red coat, but I am aware of the criticism lobbied against Spielberg)

Tree of LIfe (LOVE this--cried thru the whole thing)


New favs include Beasts of The Southern Wild and Moonrise Kingdom.


Ds being a cinema major, I now know about Les Trois Colours (Blue, Red, and White) and that one about the angel who becomes human...oh yeah, Wings of Desire.

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More often than not, I'll answer Raiders of the Lost Ark. DD the Elder even gets her name from something in this movie.


However, when I'm not able to blot the sequels from memory, I might say Blade Runner, or just "anything by Wes Anderson." When I'm feeling sentimental, then Truly, Madly, Deeply. There's too many to list.


ETA: And Shakes the Clown.

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Singing in the Rain

White Christmas

Princess Bride

Blues Brothers


For just explosion movies,

Con Air

The Rock (Connery and Cage are just fun)


But my all time need to feel better show is As Time Goes By (not movie, but absolutely wonderful)

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I love Music and Lyrics too. Such a sweet little romantic movie.


My favorite movie of all times though is Ghostbusters. I bet I've seen it 500 times. I can quote it. I wanted to grow up and be a Ghostbuster when I was a kid even.




Love GB!! A friend and I saw it so many time in the theatre and laughed harder each time! I thought we were going to get kicked out.


Oh Brother

All the HP movies

Sean of the Dead

Hot Fuzz

The Others

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It depends on my mood and who is in the room.


If the kids are around, Harry Potter. My favorite is Order of the Phoenix.


Christmas time? The Ref


Drama? Shawshank Redemption


Comedy? Uncle Buck


Romance? Sweet Home Alabama


Secret Favorite Movie (for all you Friends fans): Dirty Dancing. Oh, yes. I get teased but I don't care! "No one puts Baby in a corner!"

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Dds and I can watch Gidget over and over.


Dh and I never tire of Idiocracy and So, I Married an Axe Murderer.


If it's just me, I usually opt for Sweet Home Alabama, The Bride Wars, or The Blind Side.


ETA: Ack! How in the world could I forget Anne of Green Gables. We all love it here and its one of our family favorites.

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It's a Wonderful Life.


Elf (we must have watched it 34 times jus this past month and I still laugh)


Practical Magic




Howl's Moving Castle


Moonstruck. (there are only two good movies Nicholas Cage made...Moonstruck and Raising Arizona)


Princess Bride


Young Frankenstein


The Blues Brothers


The Philadelphia Story


High Society

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