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Kate M. is pregnant!!


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She is only 1 month along. I bet they had hoped to not tell the media for at least another couple months. I hope she doesn't lose the baby and have to deal with that publicly. If she hadn't been admitted, I bet they wouldn't have confirmed the speculation so early.

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Not me. I had it all my pregnancies and had all boys.



Had it with my first, a girl, had it with my third, a boy...rough pregnancies! I feel very compassionate towards the young lady. If I'd have had HG and the media at the same time, somebody would have been in a world of hurting and I'm pretty certain it would be the dude with the camera pointed at me.


Add to that the pressure to "produce an heir' and YIKES!



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Shouldn't be we happy about the morning sickness?


I seem to recall the nurses reassuring me, as I wept and vomited,, that a sick Mom means the pregnancy is coming along well. Or do they just say that to make miserable Mamas feel better?\



HG is more than morning sickness, more than anything that could ever be quantified as "normal". It is so severe that it requires, for many women with it, regular IV hydration and nutrition. It threatens the pregnancy for certain and can destroy mom's health. I barely came through with dd and with ds, there was concern for the sheer loss of muscle tissue I was experiencing because my body was leaching nutrients and calories from every part of my body. Fortunately, with him, I weighed more than I did with dd so it took me a while to look emaciated. With dd, I looked like I was starving to death and I'm not kidding. I went down hill so fast, my doctor flipped his lid and dh said he was sorry we ever chose to start a family. It took nearly six years to convince him to have another and thankfully, I didn't have HG and so he was happy to try for number three. It hit again. He said no more but despite our best efforts we ended up with child number four, whom we would not trade for anything. However, my fear...literally a practically PTSD reaction of having HG was so strong that after the test came back positive, I cried nearly uncontrollably for days. Thankfully, I didn't have it.


There aren't words to describe how bad it is. I feel truly awful for her. I hope that the royal family will be human and let her become a recluse. They need to leave her alone....no pressure...nothing but rest and loving care.



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HG is more than morning sickness, more than anything that could ever be quantified as "normal". It is so severe that it requires, for many women with it, regular IV hydration and nutrition. It threatens the pregnancy for certain and can destroy mom's health. I barely came through with dd and with ds, there was concern for the sheer loss of muscle tissue I was experiencing because my body was leaching nutrients and calories from every part of my body. Fortunately, with him, I weighed more than I did with dd so it took me a while to look emaciated. With dd, I looked like I was starving to death and I'm not kidding. I went down hill so fast, my doctor flipped his lid and dh said he was sorry we ever chose to start a family. It took nearly six years to convince him to have another and thankfully, I didn't have HG and so he was happy to try for number three. It hit again. He said no more but despite our best efforts we ended up with child number four, whom we would not trade for anything. However, my fear...literally a practically PTSD reaction of having HG was so strong that after the test came back positive, I cried nearly uncontrollably for days. Thankfully, I didn't have it.


There aren't words to describe how bad it is. I feel truly awful for her. I hope that the royal family will be human and let her become a recluse. They need to leave her alone....no pressure...nothing but rest and loving care.







I seem to have emerged from the darkest days, but I'm still dealing with HG daily. This is all a little too close to home.

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And the poor thing has HG.....that hits a little close to home for me right now. Poor, poor thing.



Poor Kate. And I did think of you, Kristin, because I wasn't familiar with HG until you told us your story.


And I, too, am surprised at how pleased I am to hear she's expecting. They just both seem like such lovely people. William won me over when he spent the evening before his wedding wandering around saying hello to ordinary people who had gathered to wish the couple well, and Kate seems genuinely sweet (but tough enough for the life she's chosen).

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She is only 1 month along. I bet they had hoped to not tell the media for at least another couple months. I hope she doesn't lose the baby and have to deal with that publicly. If she hadn't been admitted, I bet they wouldn't have confirmed the speculation so early.


Some of what I read sounds like they hadn't planned to announce it this early. The fact that she was hospitalized seems to be what made them go ahead and announce it. I would imagine that, like many couples, they preferred to wait until she was further along.

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Does anyone know if THC is ever prescribed for HG or morning sickness in the UK?


I doubt it. Mostly bc it's not considered very effective for HG.


I do know that zofran was a life saver with my last couple HG pregnancies. It wasn't available before then with my others. And even that wasn't enough at times. HG is not just about keeping food down. There were literally days when I would just puke bile bc my stomach was empty. Even on IV hydration only, I would be puking or dry heaving multiple times an hour.

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I hope she responds well to treatment bc they had both commented they wanted a big family. Whatever that means. I bet it means closer to four than my ten, but whatever. :)


I come across very few women who are willing to endure multiple HG pregnancies. There is little to no support for a woman having it once and even less if she has another pregnancy. :(

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Oh ok. The only Kate I know of in media or something is Kate Moss LOL. Is she still around? I have heard the name Kate Middleton but that's about it

You and I must live under the same rock. :laugh:


Some of what I read sounds like they hadn't planned to announce it this early. The fact that she was hospitalized seems to be what made them go ahead and announce it. I would imagine that, like many couples, they preferred to wait until she was further along.


I would imagine, with someone in the public eye, that this was likely the case--if this is someone that the paparazzi is all over, and someone got wind of the pregnancy...well, they probably decided to go ahead anounce it so they could do it on their terms, early or not.

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All you poor gals who have had to deal with HG, my heart goes out to you. :grouphug: It sounds awful. I was lucky enough not to be sick with my son... there were other pregnancy issues, but thankfully, throwing up wasn't one of them!!


Congrats to William and Kate... I admit this makes me happy too, they seem like lovely people, and it's just such... a hopeful thing, in the midst of bad news in the world every time you turn around!!

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I hope she responds well to treatment bc they had both commented they wanted a big family. Whatever that means. I bet it means closer to four than my ten, but whatever. :)


I come across very few women who are willing to endure multiple HG pregnancies. There is little to no support for a woman having it once and even less if she has another pregnancy. :(

Well, one thing in her favour is that I'm sure she's getting extremely attentive medical care, more so than the typical woman would receive, plus she'd be able to get any domestic help required, so she wouldn't have to worry about keeping the house running.


Doesn't help w/the reality of HG, but in terms of support, I think she's likely better off than other women in the same boat.

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Shouldn't be we happy about the morning sickness?


I seem to recall the nurses reassuring me, as I wept and vomited,, that a sick Mom means the pregnancy is coming along well. Or do they just say that to make miserable Mamas feel better?\



That was true for me. I've been pregnant four times; the only time I had any morning sickness was with ds. I miscarried the other three. So dh and I were actually happy and relieved whenever I got sick, although it was not fun!



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Shouldn't be we happy about the morning sickness?

I seem to recall the nurses reassuring me, as I wept and vomited,, that a sick Mom means the pregnancy is coming along well. Or do they just say that to make miserable Mamas feel better?\



This is what a doctor on the radio said, for whatever that's worth.


She should throw up on them. At least they would learn to stand back and use a longer lens.



It's the ones with the long lenses she has the most trouble with. Remember the holiday photos that were published a few months ago.


Well, one thing in her favour is that I'm sure she's getting extremely attentive medical care, more so than the typical woman would receive, plus she'd be able to get any domestic help required, so she wouldn't have to worry about keeping the house running.

Doesn't help w/the reality of HG, but in terms of support, I think she's likely better off than other women in the same boat.



I'm sure she's getting the royal treatment.




Yea! Folks here seem to be hoping this will mean another bank holiday for them. Lol.


Woohoo!!!!! :D


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Shouldn't be we happy about the morning sickness?


I seem to recall the nurses reassuring me, as I wept and vomited,, that a sick Mom means the pregnancy is coming along well. Or do they just say that to make miserable Mamas feel better?\

I think that they say that to try to make people feel better, but I had some awful HG with some of my pregnancy losses (it's rather insult to injury when the HG lasts longer than the pregnancy), as well as two of my viable pregnancies (both of my girls -- though I know people who have been sicker with boys, and some very sick regardless of baby's gender).

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Could you imagine what that would be like if one was the doctor preforming a C-section on her? Which twin to pull out first?


I wouldn't assume twins means a cesarean in England. They have much better maternity protocols on that than in the states where c/s are ridiculously over performed.

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