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What food(s) are you hesitant to admit you love?

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I was packing up our healthy lunch for tomorrow (we're headed for a beach day). As I packed up the black bean/brown rice burritos (which are delicious), oranges, popcorn and some crackers and cheese, I was struck with a craving for Spaghettio's (with meatballs, no less).


I work very hard to be frugal and healthy, but sometimes the 70's child in me just takes over. Who knew Red Dye #2 was addictive.


What do you crave that you know isn't the healthiest choice?


(I should add here, I like Pepsi, Ho-Ho's, hotdogs and Twinkies. I'm sure there is more but that's what comes to mind.)



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This pregnancy - my "bad" craving was Pepsi. And I LOVE Little Debbie Peanut Butter Bars. Obviously - don't give in too often because I am sort of a health nut. And when I do give in - I absolutely do not read the ingredient list before I buy it or then it would go back to the shelf.


I also love milk - which I know isn't really good for ya. But we buy organic and I am not giving up my comfort food of breakfast cereal in the middle of the day or night.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm a crunchy Cheetos person too. I love the new jalapeno cheddar. I had eaten quite a few little bags before I brought myself to read the ingredients.


I also like the Little Debbie peanut butter bars, Jalapeno Pretzel Pieces, peanut m & m's, and brownies of any kind, and take out fried chicken.


There is this desert that some ladies at church make, with a pecan shortbread crust and layers of chocolate pudding and cream cheese/cool whip. I could eat that all day.


Speaking of the 70's, I absolutely adored the taco flavored Doritos that they used to make. For some reason my family called them "Stinky chips." If they made them again, I'd be in trouble.


Spaghettios now make me feel sick. There was just something about the combination of eating Spaghettios and drinking green Koolaid at day care that ruined it for me.

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When I go to a deli (hardly ever), I sheepishly order liverwurst with mayo on pumpernickel, I notice an uncomfortable silence takes over the crowd of customers....or is it my imagination???


My second favorite deli sandwich is egg-salad with bacon...


Also a big fan of the BIG MAC. I only eat them when we are on road trips. One or two a year seems to satisfy me.


95% of the time I'm a whole grains, fruit and veggie person. The other 5% I fall of the wagon, I do it big time.



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Chucky Chook (that's Aussie, well my family's brand of Aussie, for KFC- I grew up on the stuff- that and McDonald's were the only junk food I knew as a child :) )

McDonald's Fries

I am a corn chip lover- best not to have them in the house.

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No fear to admit anything here:


I love dried, shredded calamari (squid), sushi, coconut milk, grill cheese and tomato sandwiches, baked stuffed tomatos (stuffed with mac & cheese), popcorn with sour cream and onion or cheddar cheese powder, and Sheetz frozen Vanilla & Caramel latte with whipcream topping.

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Oh, good grief! My list is way too long. Some of you put down only 2 or 3 items! I don't even know where to start! Peanut M&Ms, almost any Little Debbie snack cake, including frozen peanut butter bars, Jiffy peanut butter. Hmmm, I'm noticing a trend... LOL! I'm not a big chip person, but watch out if there are any sweets around.

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There is this desert that some ladies at church make, with a pecan shortbread crust and layers of chocolate pudding and cream cheese/cool whip. I could eat that all day.




Oh, I love that stuff! But I haven't had any for years and years. Next time y'all are having a church dinner could you let me know so I can come too?


Really, I guess I'm too picky of an eater to make a list. There are moments that Doritos or donoughts sound good, but, right now they sound awful.

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Sometimes, much as I believe in "real food", much as I talk it up to others and have become something of a local spokesperson for healthy eating, I find I'm like a recovering alcoholic. Some of those old urges are still there, waiting to sneak out and bite me in the bum! Except for a few of the candy-type temptations, I have managed, so far, to resist.



  • Cotton candy (though I could never as much as I once could, it still tempts me)
  • Gummy bears and their ilk
  • Krispy Kreme donuts
  • Corn dogs
  • Sour Cream and Onion potato chips
  • McDonald's fries


It wasn't so long ago that I posted of my own dilemma, very much like yours! :D

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Why would you think that liverwurst is an unhealthy food? It is packed with iron. It's "real" food! I guess I just don't put it in the same category as junk foods. But, hey, I am mostly German, so that explains a lot! Liverwurst, bratwurst, hotdogs, salami, etc.


I guess my biggies that I crave and know are not good for me are:


Planter's Cheese Balls, which thankfully are no longer in the stores!

Snickers Bars

Big Macs

Diet Pepsi

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Cheetos (LOVE these things!)



I'm a crunchy Cheetos person too. I love the new jalapeno cheddar. I had eaten quite a few little bags before I brought myself to read the ingredients.


oh my! I love me some crunchy Cheetos!


Right now... Trader Joe's Almond in a Coconut Cloud candies & their mini beef tacos. :glare:


Mini Beef Tacos and Chicken Tacos are AMAZINGLY delicious! A little salsa and sour cream to dip them in and mmmmmm.mmmmm.mmmmmm.




[*]Cotton candy (though I could never as much as I once could, it still tempts me)




I just had some cotton candy at the boardwalk last Friday... it was great!


some people here have listed food that I didn't know we were suppose to not admit to liking! For example, peanut butter, milk or M&M's... I just assumed everyone loves those! :confused:

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M&Ms are my all time favorite. If I had a jumbo bag, I'd eat it ALL LOL When I was a kid I loved liverwurst and those fake cheese slices with tons of mayo on wonder bread. GAG!


M&M's are my absolute favorite treat. I didn't put them on my list however, cause I don't consider them "unhealthy", if in moderation. Hot dogs, on the other hand, are unhealthy no matter if you eat one or a dozen. Yuck for you but soo yum in every other sense.


BTW, which color of M&M's do you prefer? I used to be a light brown girl until they replaced it with blue.

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I was packing up our healthy lunch for tomorrow (we're headed for a beach day). As I packed up the black bean/brown rice burritos (which are delicious), oranges, popcorn and some crackers and cheese, I was struck with a craving for Spaghettio's (with meatballs, no less).


I work very hard to be frugal and healthy, but sometimes the 70's child in me just takes over. Who knew Red Dye #2 was addictive.


What do you crave that you know isn't the healthiest choice?


(I should add here, I like Pepsi, Ho-Ho's, hotdogs and Twinkies. I'm sure there is more but that's what comes to mind.)




Ding Dongs! Oh yeah, cherry sours, peach rings, and gummy bears!

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McD's french fries

gummy bears

snowball cupcakes



Reese peanut butter cups

Donuts (And I've been blessed to live in a town without a DD or Krispy Kreme)

Bbq hot dogs blackened of course.

Peanut butter with syrup on pancakes

Liverwurst on crackers and I only mention it because my family thinks it's toxic.

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Because, no one is hesitant to admit THAT! At least on this board! Did you see the thread awhile back about TWTM entry in wikipedia? How Mike's is the official drink of this board? :lol:



That was so hysterically funny!


I guess you're right, nobody is hesitant about their Mike's! There must be some closet Mike's fans out there just waiting to come out though, don't you think?

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Add me to the Cheetos-lovin' club! I cannot leave them alone if they're in the house.


What else?


Hot dogs. Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. Homemade ice cream with heavy cream and lots of eggs. Bacon. Cheese (glorious cheese).


I really could go on and on. :blushing:


But anything Little Debbie just screams elementary school to me, especially if you pair it with Chilly Willy orange drink, the thought of which makes me gag now, but fond memories there. :D

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But anything Little Debbie just screams elementary school to me, especially if you pair it with Chilly Willy orange drink, the thought of which makes me gag now, but fond memories there. :D


I LOVE Little Debbie! :blushing: I don't buy them, but they do evoke memories of the past when I pass by them in the grocery store!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Green, of course. :lol:


Please let me in on the joke! A boy in school once told me green m & m's were good luck, of course I had a terrific crush on him at the time.


Now I am wondering what that meant.:glare:

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Pssst, over here.;)


Aack! And this kid went to church with me! The son of an elder!


Well, in my case, ignorance was bliss. I thought it was so romantic of him to give me his lucky m & m's. :001_huh:


Call me cluless.

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Aack! And this kid went to church with me! The son of an elder!


Well, in my case, ignorance was bliss. I thought it was so romantic of him to give me his lucky m & m's. :001_huh:


Call me cluless.










(...that little laughing guy kind of resembles a green m & m now doesn't he?)

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Please don't think less of me!


  • McDonald's fish sandwiches - with all the tarter sauce (although I do scrape it off these days)
  • McDonald's Big Mac - I haven't had one in years. Are you noticing a trend?
  • Buttery garlic bread - lots of butter, lots of garlic. I just snacked on this last night. Maybe that's why dh was trying to pretend he was asleep when I went to bed...
  • strawberry Twizzlers - I could eat 'em all day!
  • liverwurst - I think...I haven't had it in a while. I had a friend whose mom would give us liverwurst as a snack...
  • Burger King Whopper with cheese - again, I haven't had one in years...
    High fat, low nutrition. YUMMO! Not that I ever eat these things...;)
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I was packing up our healthy lunch for tomorrow (we're headed for a beach day). As I packed up the black bean/brown rice burritos (which are delicious), oranges, popcorn and some crackers and cheese, I was struck with a craving for Spaghettio's (with meatballs, no less).


I work very hard to be frugal and healthy, but sometimes the 70's child in me just takes over. Who knew Red Dye #2 was addictive.


What do you crave that you know isn't the healthiest choice?


(I should add here, I like Pepsi, Ho-Ho's, hotdogs and Twinkies. I'm sure there is more but that's what comes to mind.)




McDonalds french fries. :001_huh:

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