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Are you talented?

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I think you all need to broaden your view of the word talent. For example, I am a champion butt-chewer. I think it takes talent to do it RIGHT. Need some butt chewed? Call me. I will admit that dh is even better than me, but he has more practice. I think I have more innate ability.


In that case, I am good(and have the patience for) small talk and chit chat. I may not have really close friends, but I almost never go anywhere without finding some one friendly(and occasionally weird) to talk to. :lol:


Oh and I usually have a Simpsons or Buffy reference for most occasions. I just don't do that, because I have a talent(;)) for realizing that people think I'm weird when I do.

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I *think* I have talent. Some days. Other days I'm not so sure. (I posted some of my creations in my last blog post if anyone wants to see.)



BUT - I put a ton of work into my "talents". I knit for 8-10 years before branching out into my own designs. I can do some creative lesson planning, too, but the two months of an intensive Microsoft class definitely helped me figure out how to put things on paper. I don't have any natural talents - just ones that cost me a lot of time and energy to learn.

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Photography is my main talent, i've been doing that since I was a kid. I know I have the eye for it but I am not as good now as I was because of lack of time and money to devote to it. I am just trying to get back into it now.


I am also good at fixing things and any 3d crafts. I think its just that I have an ability to see these things and figure out whats wrong or manipulate a material into something else.


I really wish I could draw or sing, that is the talent I would love.

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Well, I do think I'm good with children but I don't think that's a special quality.


I think it is a special quality, and I'm thankful for people like you. Every time I hear in church (or any church I've attended) that they are short-handed and need more volunteers, I feel guilty but know better than to volunteer. I'm terrible with children. No one really believes me, but really, I don't belong in there.




That's amazing! Really. People think I'm an artist but I'm no where near that good anymore. (Used to draw but gave it up)


Some people think I'm pretty good at math as I'm doing AoPS prealgebra with my son. I wish I were really good at math. I'm just good enough at math to see how exciting it could be if only I were better at math.


I did a number of girls' hair since prom. I cut my friends' hair in college. I cut my boys' hair. I LOVE to style my dd's hair. We look up styles on Pinterest and copy them. I love it. Does that count as a talent?


Yes. My poor girls are stuck with a mom who can spray their hair with water and brush it straight down. I even mess up ponytails. My oldest would have gorgeous, long, thick, wavy hair if we could figure out what to do with it other than part it in the middle, brush it, and let it dry to a frizz.

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Not overwhelmingly useful on a daily basis, but I can organize complex thoughts well. My hobby is helping desperate PhD students organize their thinking. The topic does not matter - theology, IT, biochemistry. I don't even have to understand the topic very well. I can just see the holes and know the questions to ask. Then, the material forms itself into something coherent that I can see and no one else ever can.


I just need a way to SELL this talent. :001_smile:


Ruth in NZ

Edited by lewelma
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I play piano. I have a hard time admitting that I'm any good, but I guess I am. I wasn't allowed lessons until I was 16, but I was playing major works within two months. I often wonder what I could have done if I had been given lessons when I first showed aptitude for it at 2. As is, I haven't played more than a handful of times in four years and I don't do anything with it. :(

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I think I'm pretty good at some things, but not talented in that Miss America Talent Competition sort of way. Can't dance, can't act, really can't sing, can't play an instrument.


I always figured if I were the pageant type I'd have to either diagram a sentence or make an omelet.


:lol: I have none of thosetypes of talents either. My "talent" is the way I am able to work with animals. I guess I don't think of it as a talent though, more of a passion with a natural affinity.

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Growing up I sang a lot and thought I was good. I moved to Nashville and learned I am not very talented. We have people here working the scrubbiest of bars who will blow the doors off of anyone on the radio. Now I sing alone in the car. :D

I can pick up anything with my toes, they are very flexible.

I write fantastic term papers.

I am a lot of fun at a party.

I have good ideas and am a champion brainstormer.

Edited by Mad Charity
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I have the almost supernatural ability to procrastinate...:lol:


I do tend to do well with artsy type things...drawing, crafty stuff. I worked hard and developed my colored pencil work...but it has been awhile since I've done much...this one was about 6 years ago:




Wow!!! That is beautiful!!! Amazing work!!

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I can also change the words in songs or add words to tunes to fit the occasion, when the mood strikes me. I did a lot of funny little songs for the kids while they were younger, to the tune of popular or well-known songs or t.v. tunes.


Hey, I never thought of that as talent, but it is! I do that and actually drive my kids crazy. I use popular tunes and make up silly lyrics. I also made up songs for them all that I still sing to them. I told them it was their diaper song, the one I sang while changing their diapers. I have a special song for each of my animals too.


Thank you! :tongue_smilie:

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I think you all need to broaden your view of the word talent. For example, I am a champion butt-chewer. I think it takes talent to do it RIGHT. Need some butt chewed? Call me. I will admit that dh is even better than me, but he has more practice. I think I have more innate ability.


I would be the champion crier. I cry very easily and most especially when anyone fusses at me. My friends and family used to make fun of me when I was a kid for being too sensitive. I've never grown out of it. BUT, I have major empathy. I can pick up on feelings and share them. It's almost embarrassing sometimes. I can come into a sad scene in a movie, see 30 seconds of it and begin to cry even if I don't understand the scene. Is that talent? :)

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No performing arts talents. Even my kids ask me to stop singing to them starting at infancy.


I can read upside down, mirror images and sideways, almost as well as I can right side up and I read very fast.


I can type 100+ wpm.


I can do very good Halloween make-up using just markers and standard make-up.


Me too!

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I have enjoyed all of the posts! I wanted to respond to every single one. I knew there were some cool things happening with this crowd.


I would love to be able to draw. That seems way cool!! The most detailed drawing I can do is a Christmas tree with the jagged edges instead of just a triangle. :)


I'd also love to learn to cook AND enjoy it.

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I would be the champion crier. I cry very easily and most especially when anyone fusses at me. My friends and family used to make fun of me when I was a kid for being too sensitive. I've never grown out of it. BUT, I have major empathy. I can pick up on feelings and share them. It's almost embarrassing sometimes. I can come into a sad scene in a movie, see 30 seconds of it and begin to cry even if I don't understand the scene. Is that talent? :)


I think having empathy for others is a very special thing. :grouphug:

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According to my coworkers who usually call me in to deal with difficult patients.....



I can tell someone to F-off with a smile on my face and leave them feeling like it was their idea! :lol::lol:





I want this talent. :tongue_smilie:

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Turns out I'm really good at writing--especially humor. I never knew. And I'm getting better at photography.


I started a blog in January. The point of the blog was to take one photograph a day and write a little paragraph about it.


It turns out that, unbeknownst to myself until now, I'm talented at writing humor--like Irma Bombeck type of humor. It comes so easily to me that it has to be a natural talent. I haven't done anything to make this talent grow--it's just *there*.


I'm 39 years old, and before this year I never knew I had any talents at all. It's been very gratifying to finally find a talent.

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I can also change the words in songs or add words to tunes to fit the occasion, when the mood strikes me. I did a lot of funny little songs for the kids while they were younger, to the tune of popular or well-known songs or t.v. tunes. So as to not sound too normal, I also made up songs for my dogs when I had them, and now for the cats. :D The current one in use is simply "Kitty, Kitty. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty Cat" - to the tune at the beginning Sanford and Son, if you recognize that at all. Or the other one "Stinky cats, Stinky cats, Stinky smelly cats" to Jingle Bells, when I'm cleaning the litter box. I have, in the past, had a lot more elaborate songs, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.



I do this, we call it musical crowbar. I mostly came out of my inability to remember the words to anything.

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You might say my talent is being able to brush my teeth without getting water and toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror, but I think that's more of a SuperPower.


I play a couple of instruments and can read music. I can sing alto but it's not what you'd call pretty. :tongue_smilie: I can do embroidery. I can pack for a family of 8 in 2 suitcases for a week long vacation.


I wish I could write stories or tell a joke or give semi-intelligent or witty answers on the spot.

Edited by Susan in TN
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What are you talking about?!? I saw how you decorated your homeschool room. That's talent. :001_smile: And you're definitely pretty darn good at photography. Most of my pictures come out blurry.:tongue_smilie:


Aww. Thanks. :001_smile: I have a hard time remembering that I can decorate (for myself--I'm terrible at helping other people decorate their homes) since my house never looks like the pictures. Ha! Laundry, papers, two-year-old-found-a-pen artwork on the walls...

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I have the almost supernatural ability to procrastinate...:lol:


I do tend to do well with artsy type things...drawing, crafty stuff. I worked hard and developed my colored pencil work...but it has been awhile since I've done much...this one was about 6 years ago:




wow. that is ridiculous!! in a GOOD way!

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