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I just can't do cloth diapers anymore.

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You're better than me. I did cloth with my oldest, and for awhile with my second, but they were only 13.5 months apart and I went disposable for my sanity--having 2 in cloth was more than I could handle. Stayed with disposables for the remaining 3. At one time I had 3 in diapers; I would've been in the looney bin for sure!

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You're better than me. I did cloth with my oldest, and for awhile with my second, but they were only 13.5 months apart and I went disposable for my sanity--having 2 in cloth was more than I could handle. Stayed with disposables for the remaining 3. At one time I had 3 in diapers; I would've been in the looney bin for sure!



No, you're better. I ONLY had my third in cloth (with the first two I didn't even consider it). Better make that my ONE and ONLY. :D

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I use AIOs and maybe I am a weirdo but I find them heck of a lot easier then sposies :lol: I am about to have 3 in cloth within the next 2 weeks :D I only ever used sposies with my first until he was 2 months old and I learned about cloth but one thing I vividly remembered that no matter the brand of sposies every single poo would be out the gussets and up his back so I was constantly washing poopy baby items anyway well and my clothes and whatever he was laying on. :lol:


But from mom to mom don't ever be ashamed what you need to do to keep your sanity. Happy mom equals happy baby and there is no shame in sposies!

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I feel you. With my first three we were all about cloth. My #4 kid got them as a newborn but has been in Costco 'sposies pretty much from then on out. And I had such a nice stash....but if something has got to give, then better the diapers than my sanity.

Edited by dollhouse
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I was die hard about using cloth at one time. I had three kids very close together and I cloth diapered all three at the same time. But then, along came my current baby after a long space, and he has worn me down so badly with what a horrible sleeper he is, and with his high-needs personality, that I gave up on cloth by the time he was about a year old.


I felt guilty about it for awhile, but you know what? There are just other things that are more important, as far as mothering him and caring for my family, so that was one thing that just, realistically, had to go. I think mothers feel too much pressure to do it all nowadays, and it's just not possible to do everything.

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Just do what you can. My girls were exclusive cloth diapers till Potty training. My boys not so much. My older boy is huge! Outgrew his diapers and I didn't have time to make more. He was nearly 2 and fit into size 6 diapers. I potty trained him when he Outgrew the size. I broke my foot with two toddlers last yr and put the 1 yr old in disposables. He's still in them for no reason at all. I just got lazy/overstressed and my cloth diapers he fits in perfectly sit unused.


I have really nice fast drying AIO diapers too. They go on just like a disposable! Why am I not using them? I just have the one in diapers and a huge stash built for two! Maybe I'll break them out today! I forgot cloth existed!

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I used prefolds with many eldest without incident. However, I couldn't easily get them on super-active DD the Younger, and couldn't justify the expense of purchasing fitteds for only one child.

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I never used cloth diapers. Never even considered them. All my cousins and my friends had babies at around the same time as me and they used disposables, too. I joined a couple of mom and tots groups and met several moms that I became good friends with, they all used disposables.


I didn't know anyone even used cloth diapers anymore until I started homeschooling and came online to research homeschooling when my oldest was 5 and found parenting and homeschooling forums and came across all these heated "discussions" about which was best.


Seriously, get off the internet, look around you irl. You will feel better.

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I did them with DS3 religiously. Cloth wipes, the whole bit. Now with DS4 I can't stand it. I can barely keep all the s*&^ off my floor let alone off a cloth diaper :lol:. Sorry ladies, I guess I'm a 'sposie girl after all.


Its okay, we all hit our breaking point. If you are horribly worried you can use the organics. Though maybe it is just your system your over... Are you using all in ones or pre-folds with wraps?


My SIL used the pre-fold and wrap concept, I wish I had discovered that one! Much easier than the all in ones IMO. She just kept a neat little stack in her diaper back whipped the poopy one off, into a ziplock it went and walla replaced with a prefold. Took up much less space than my all in ones.


What is it that you are hating about the cloth? Is it just managing getting them all done? That can be completely overwhelming, but certainly is something that DH could be enrolled into doing if he started doing the math. I hate to say it, but I used this one to engage help from my DH. The threat of a weekly diaper bill vs just help me get the laundry done was motivation enough for a clean basket of nappys every morning. :)

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Do what works best for you. That said, I did cloth diapers with three until they were two and I'm pretty lazy. Remove, shake over the toilet (if solid) and throw in the washer. When the load is dry I throw them into a basket. Minimal effort.


How I wish. I made it about a year with DS2. His poo was NEVER, not once, shakeable. It was usually about five minutes of spraying with him screaming at the door because he wanted me but if I left it open, he'd try to get in the toilet. As long as he was EBF, I absolutely loved it. But going through the poop spraying and screaming 5-10 times a day wore me down.

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I used them almost exclusively with DS1 until he was 3 1/2. I used them mainly with DD until DS2 was born when she was 2. I used them on and off with DS2 and DD until DS1's accident in May. Haven't used them since. I am debating if I donate them, sell the good quality ones or try using them again. I am just not sure what I want to do. I figure I'll decide in December and do something about it come January.


I actually may use cloth wipes again come December even if I don't use cloth diapers, I love cloth wipes they are so much nicer then regular ones.

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I CDed my second from 10 months. I planned to CD #3 from the start, but an emergency c-section threw my plans off. When I finally got around to trying them, she woke up and screamed every time she peed. So I got rid of my stash and went to sposies, and that's what we'll do with this one. I'm so over spraying out dirty diapers in the toilet and battling stink issues.

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I was die hard about using cloth at one time. I had three kids very close together and I cloth diapered all three at the same time. But then, along came my current baby after a long space, and he has worn me down so badly with what a horrible sleeper he is, and with his high-needs personality, that I gave up on cloth by the time he was about a year old.




Yes! My 4th is also one cranky kid. I'm exhausted from just bouncing him all day long!

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No shame! The one thing I've noticed about homeschooling moms is that we can not do it all. Most of us seem to have at least one area where they just compromise and let the guilt go. For some, it's using paper plates; for others, it's not cooking; for others, it's hiring a cleaning lady. If using disposable diapers takes a headache off of your plate, then I vote for doing it and not worrying about it.

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How I wish. I made it about a year with DS2. His poo was NEVER, not once, shakeable. It was usually about five minutes of spraying with him screaming at the door because he wanted me but if I left it open, he'd try to get in the toilet. .

:lol: Yes. This, and the diapers have (for the past 3 months) sat for waaaaay too long in that diaper bag. I'm not going to admit how long I've been letting them sit, but trust me, it just ain't sanitary.


I use some pretty awesome diapers--all BumGenius 2.0 with snaps. Can't find the time to shake, spray, soak, wash, dry (double time), fold, stuff, and change so much more often than with disposables (they hold a lot of pee, and it doesn't reek of ammonia).


I will say that I did enjoy (enjoy? no maybe tolerated) prefolds with EBF poo. No problem there...it's the big-baby poop and pee that added so many new steps.

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I am definitely cutting back with #3, especially getting rid of all the pink ones.;) We'll have to see how it goes, but right now I just can't imagine keeping up with diaper laundry and the new high-maintence-cooking diet we currently follow (for medical reasons)--unless DH just really wants to do diaper laundry a couple evenings a week.


I'm right there with ya.

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I went back and forth with all my kids, despite making and selling my own cloth diapers.


I love, love, love fitteds with Thirsties covers for the EBF stage. No leaks. Sposies leaked poo everywhere, especially my oldest, who was a preemie and had zero fat on his thighs.


Once they got to solids, their pee changed too, and I often couldn't get the diapers clean enough. Getting an HE washer was the final nail in the cloth diaper coffin.


So I used cloth at stages where cloth worked better, and I used sposies at stages where those worked better.


Thankfully, I've been completely diaper free in my house for the last year. Hooray!

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How I wish. I made it about a year with DS2. His poo was NEVER, not once, shakeable. It was usually about five minutes of spraying with him screaming at the door because he wanted me but if I left it open, he'd try to get in the toilet. As long as he was EBF, I absolutely loved it. But going through the poop spraying and screaming 5-10 times a day wore me down.


I think I sprayed 3 times ever, for that reason..toddler trying to "help". Found out I could just do an extra wash, with detergent, and it all still came clean. Much easier. So once toddler poop hit we did a warm wash with detergent, a hot wash with detergent, and extra rinse. Before toddler poop it was just rinse, hot wash, rinse. But the extra wash cycle was totally worth not having to spray the diapers. I mean, sure, I plopped off anything I could get off using a toddler wipe, but never sprayed and got stuff all wet and gross.

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I used them pretty much full-time with babies 1 & 2 and for 1 year with #3 and #4 and decided to not even attempt with #5. Too much chaos ... too many little ones and homeschooling ... I can only do so much! I totally get where you are coming from!

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I think I sprayed 3 times ever, for that reason..toddler trying to "help". Found out I could just do an extra wash, with detergent, and it all still came clean. Much easier. So once toddler poop hit we did a warm wash with detergent, a hot wash with detergent, and extra rinse. Before toddler poop it was just rinse, hot wash, rinse. But the extra wash cycle was totally worth not having to spray the diapers. I mean, sure, I plopped off anything I could get off using a toddler wipe, but never sprayed and got stuff all wet and gross.


Wouldn't work with my kid's poop. Imagine chunky peanut butter spread thickly all over the inside of the diaper. If I didn't spend about five minutes spraying every millimeter of the diaper and all the wipes, I was wiping a significant amount of solids out of the washing machine. It was awful. And he pooped every couple of hours.

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I CDed my third baby, and attempted to CD this fourth one, but as someone else said...something's gotta give. When you get three or four children all needing to be fed, clothed, cleaned and cleaned up after, in addition to homeschooling and housework...I'm just too busy to worry about the landfills. I feel some guilt, but I am *slightly* less stressed. I am seriously seeking ways to simplify my life so I can be a better mother and teacher.

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I'm with you! My father in law passed away last spring after an intense and stressful period of us helping to care for him. Then we had visitors for weeks after the funeral. I completely ignored the dirty diapers in the pail for probably.......a month. After I finally washed them most of them fell apart, I assume from soaking in urine for so long. (They were Chinese prefolds, not super expensive fitted ones.) This is probably my last baby, so I'm not stocking up on any more. It's paper here till she's done.

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If you are weird, I'll join you:tongue_smilie: I HATED disposables and found cloth so much easier. Disposables created just as much laundry for me.


Same here! We didn't plan well enough with this baby so she was in disposables for the first two months and I hated it!


I am completely addicted to cloth diapers. Actually, call me crazy, but I would love to have 2 or more in diapers so that I'd have an excuse to have a bigger stash. :tongue_smilie: I've been toeing the line with how many I can get away with getting for just 1 baby without it being excessive. (I'm at 7 aio, 32 pockets, 36 prefolds, 4 covers, and a bunch of homemade and others I'm not counting because I don't use them)


But I get that not everyone is crazy diaper obsessed and that sometimes sposie is the way to go. :)

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Ha. I was going to use them this time after using disposables. It was one of those things I thought would make me a better parent.


Well, a rough delivery later with me on bedrest and the husband changing all the diapers meant no cloth diapers were used. I never got around to them and learned that parenting does not depend on what you use on a baby's bum.


One dry summer later and I'm not sure our well could have handled the extra water for washing anyway. We had to order water twice as it was.

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Wouldn't work with my kid's poop. Imagine chunky peanut butter spread thickly all over the inside of the diaper. If I didn't spend about five minutes spraying every millimeter of the diaper and all the wipes, I was wiping a significant amount of solids out of the washing machine. It was awful. And he pooped every couple of hours.



...someone needs to compile all of these anecdotes into a book for new moms. The things I learn about on the WTM Forums!

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