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Is there anywhere "safe" to discuss

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:grouphug:Jean, I remember the dean's wife of the seminary dh went to saying have friends beyond your church that aren't invovled directly in your ministry. Often easier said than done. It's a demanding, tough job. :grouphug:

If you find a place, do you think there's room there for the homeschooling family of Christian psychologist?

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It's not necessarily a matter of venting, though it might include some of that! It's more of a matter of needing perspective - of figuring out what needs to be addressed even if it causes strife and what needs to be just "sucked up" because it is part of life - esp. that of a pastor's etc. You know, the kind of thing that discussions on this board deal with - but safer for this sort of topic.

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Very few places. DH and I are both ordained ministers. Not having a safe place to talk is part of why we are no longer serving that way. PM me if I can be an ear.


DH & I are former pastors (He was ordained, I was not, although we both went to seminary). Not having a 'safe place' was a major challenge for us- it was impossibly difficult to find perspective because I didn't have 'safe' place to talk to anyone who really knew what it was like... the alone-ness of not having a safe peer-group was incredibly challenging.


I am available as well if you need an ear...:grouphug: And I"ll be lifting you up in prayer as well....

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Thank you so much for all the hugs and understanding and support. If I weren't actually helping ds15 with a chem lab (I'm waiting for him to set up the equipment), I would be blubbering at this moment. Some of it is that dh and I actually need to talk some things over. But he's a bi-vocational pastor and finding time to talk is a really hard thing right now.

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Ok, part of what I pm'd Jean is that I found the best support is from other clergy wives IRL. Our church has an annual retreat for us and it is really amazing to be with this group of ladies! I look forward to it all year. Nobody else, no matter how sympathetic, can really get it.

However, my group is rather far flung and it would be nice to have some support closer to also... I have been talking with the local Anglican priest's wife about trying to start something in our town-- for many clergy wives. It would be fun and helpful. I don't know whether it will be tea and chatting, or lectures (like about clergy taxes-- I bet lots of clergy wives are the ones who do the taxes! or about famly wellness or dealing with trouble in the parish, bringing up clergy kids, or many other topics), or Bible study, or what, but we want to get a few of us together and see what happens.

I also worry, because from time to time there is a story in the news about a horrible tragedy in some pastor's family... that they had been struggling with something, whether addiction or financial troubles, for a long time and it was a dreadful secret they could not tell anyone because they had to put a good face on everything... and finally something awful happens-- I would hate for that to happen in my own town and I never even knew the family even though I could have offered support if the wife had reached out to me, but why would she even think of doing that? I hope we could make a community where clergy wives who are struggling could find someone to confide in. I wonder if some of you all could start this in your own towns, if you are inspired to do so.


Anyway lots of towns have clergy meetings for the clergy-- why not try to start, through them, a meeting for their wives? I am going to a meeting of clergy wives in our region next week-- meeting in a vineyard-- very apt!

:grouphug: to all.

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I agree with the other posters; the only safe place that I have is another pastor's wife. I have tried joining yahoo and facebook groups for pastors' wives, but they all end up being either cliquish or just a place to vent about your job or your kids or your neighbor.


Little Nyssa, this other pastor's wife and I have discussed having a get-together for other pastors' wives in our area, but we don't think that would work. She and I don't really fit in with the others. In the 6+ years that my husband has been pastoring I have met quite a few of them, and I am definitely not made from the same mold...there is no parking space at my church labeled for the "first lady," I don't drive a Lexus, and I don't own clothes as dressy as they wear. My husband has been mocked to his face for not showing the prosperity that a "true pastor" would have, and their wives wouldn't deign to speak to me. The few pastors' wives that are not like that are more than a bit appalled that I home school; there is such strong loyalty to the public school system among the clergy in this town that it isn't funny.

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oh jean, i realize you don't know me...but please, if you ever need to talk i am happy too. my husband has been in full time ministry for 11 years. he's a worship pastor, but i still understand the demands of church and have seen firsthand what lead pastors deal with. we have seen it all & i'm a safe place with no judgement.:grouphug:

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Not a pastor's wife, but couldn't you start a private discussion group here or like a yahoo group, some place where you screen members and don't publish messages publicly?



PW here, too. I bet threre's a good number of us here who could/would support each other in a private social group. I have found a lot of support and willingness/desire to understand each other from WTM members.

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You can pm me any time.

I am blessed to have friends to whom I can vent, but I am finding I do it slightly less with one in particular, now that her husband works for mine. She does say I'm good about not disrespecting my husband--so I'd caution you about that with anyone you vent to. And I'd stay away from any public forums online.

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:grouphug: We need a retreat. :D I've been in this for many years. Pm if you'd like.


There is a wonderful retreat for Pastor's and their wives at America's Keswick in Whiting, New Jersey every year. I can't tell you how much they spoil us! They just minister to us and feed us and love us and feed us and.... :)


They also have a retreat just for Pastor's wives every spring. It's equally as wonderful.


The Pastor's conference is $100 for 4 days for both husband and wife, including all meals. The PW conference is $50, same deal.

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This is a pastor's wives forum.


:iagree: I haven't been on here for a long time, but I remember that there's even an anonymous way to ask for advice. You post to a mod and they repost under a generic name.


I've also found that the only people IRL that I can talk to are other pw's. And I'm even extremely careful with which of those that I share with. It's one of the most difficult things about being a pw. As others have offered, I'm more than happy to chat if you want to pm or e-mail me. :grouphug:

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Ladies, i am an administrator on another message board. We have just re-opened our pastor's wives board. It is completely private, and only those given access by an admin can view it and/or post. I am waiting for permission from the moderators here to share the link with you (not sure it that's against the baoard rules or not).

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I used to be in a yahoo group for pastor's wives and I am still friends on facebook with some of them. The group is not denomination-specific. If you're interested in joining, email me at ebeattycpa @ yahoo . com (remove spaces) and I will pass on your contact info to one of the moderators.

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I'm keeping an eye on this thread.....

DH has been an ordained minister for 12 years, currently working with a parachurch organization (ministry @ a university).

He's also an elder @ our church, where I am the Children's Minister/Director.


I totally understand the need to have a safe place to talk & put things in perspective!


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the stresses and problems affecting a pastor's family?

I'm headed out this afternoon to a pastor's wives retreat. So looking forward to encouraging some of the wives that live in small towns in Western Montana. Almost all are bivocational and churches under 50 people. Many of their husbands have served over 20 years in the same small community where the church will never grow because there aren't the people. We have great distances between communities so they all feel extremely isolated. Our weekend will consist of sharing, prayer, singing, walks, etc. Nothing fancy but an extreme blessing. If anyone wants to bless a few pastor's wives you might consider arranging something like this!

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I still haven't heard back from the moderators, so I'm going to go ahead and post the link to the message board.




If this is against board rules, I am sorry. Just delete it.


I pray many of you will join us over there. It is a non-denominational, safe place for both vocational and bi-vocational pastor's wives.

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I wanted to pop back again to thank everyone who has reached out to me on this thread and through PMs. I have joined a forum for pastor's wives and have been warmly welcomed. As for my problem which motivated me even starting this thread, God has resolved things very well for the moment. Pastor's lives being what they are, I'm sure this problem and others will crop up again.

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We've had some new ladies request membership on our private board, but I don't know if it's you. Please contact me either here or at the other board so I can approve your membership and assure privacy for our current members :)




My name over there is EiramAnnod (DonnaMarie backwards. Don't ask) :tongue_smilie:

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