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Schizophrenic 10 year old Jani on Dr Phil


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I remember a little while back there was some discussion about Jani and whether she was truly schizophrenic or just highly gifted with very poor parents. Today the family is on Dr Phil. Was just wondering if any of you have changed your opinions after watching today.

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I don't think it's for us to judge...I certainly would not want to be in the parents shoes knowing that people out there were talking about how our kid is just smart and we're dumb....I think that no parent would ever want to live the life that they do and certainly wouldn't if they didn't have to. It seems like they are doing the best they can with what resources they have.

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I have seen many documentaries on this poor girl. I most defi itely do NOT think her issues are due to being gifted. She wants to harm and kill. She hallucinates. She is a danger to self and others. She is schizophrenic, and maybe has something else, too, but I don't now.


Last time I saw something the family had serious concerns that their son also had schizophrenia. What an awful blow.


My brother and aunt were able to lead somewhat normal lives with medication, although neither ever worked much. From what I've seen of poor Jani, I don't know that she will ever lead anything which resembles a quality, normal life. It is so sad.

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I don't think it's for us to judge...I certainly would not want to be in the parents shoes knowing that people out there were talking about how our kid is just smart and we're dumb....I think that no parent would ever want to live the life that they do and certainly wouldn't if they didn't have to. It seems like they are doing the best they can with what resources they have.


My heart breaks for those parents. If ever there was a couple that needed respite, REGULAR respite, it is them. The last documentary showed their struggles and I feel SO bad for them. And they definitely believe Jani has schizophrenia, and I also do.

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I have seen many documentaries on this poor girl. I most defi itely do NOT think her issues are due to being gifted. She wants to harm and kill. She hallucinates. She is a danger to self and others. She is schizophrenic, and maybe has something else, too, but I don't now.


Last time I saw something the family had serious concerns that their son also had schizophrenia. What an awful blow.


My brother and aunt were able to lead somewhat normal lives with medication, although neither ever worked much. From what I've seen of poor Jani, I don't know that she will ever lead anything which resembles a quality, normal life. It is so sad.


I've only seen her on Oprah & Dr Phil. I have to say I wasn't sure from the Oprah episode. Dr Phil seems to make it much more clear, though she knows the difference between hallucinations and reality and other schizophrenics I've seen did not know.

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I've only seen her on Oprah & Dr Phil. I have to say I wasn't sure from the Oprah episode. Dr Phil seems to make it much more clear, though she knows the difference between hallucinations and reality and other schizophrenics I've seen did not know.


My friend's son does know, and my brother does know when his thoughts are paranoid, although not always.


I don't know which channel showed the shows I saw, but they were both/all hour long documentaries. It was an hour of getting a glimpse of their daily life, their thoughts, opinions and struggles. Maybe it was on a medical channel, I don't know.


I never saw them on Oprah or Dr. Phil.

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I've only seen her on Oprah & Dr Phil. I have to say I wasn't sure from the Oprah episode. Dr Phil seems to make it much more clear, though she knows the difference between hallucinations and reality and other schizophrenics I've seen did not know.


Because her parents educate her as they learn. They don't hide things from her. This is no surprise to her and it's quite rare to be diagnosed with the severity she has in children as young as she was. I also feel that she is probably fairly bright, but with the schizophrenia, it makes it extremely hard to focus.

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I have seen many documentaries on this poor girl. I most defi itely do NOT think her issues are due to being gifted. She wants to harm and kill. She hallucinates. She is a danger to self and others. She is schizophrenic, and maybe has something else, too, but I don't now.


This is what I remember most from the docu, that she was homicidal toward her brother, and they had to have them in separate apartments. That being said I think there is a fine line-- for some individuals-- between schizophrenia, autism, and profound giftedness. Look at bobby fischer for example. In today's eyes he most certainly would have been considered HFA but he was also a savant and suffered from delusions and paranoia. He thought the russians had put an implant in his teeth, for example. Anyone listening to his rambling radio show calls (including the infamous post-9/11 rambling) toward the end of his life can see this was not a person in touch with reality. Maybe one day there will be a diagnosis for the profoundly gifted who are also delusional and autistic, because there certainly do seem to be people out there like that. Just an aside, wasn't one of einstein's sons schizophrenic? Perhaps there is a genetic component between these disorders.


But, I do question the family's desire to televise their daughter's suffering. One documentary maybe, but haven't they done multiple shows on her? And now Dr Phil?

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My 12 year old son has schizophrenia. It is a daily heartbreak.




This is what I remember most from the docu, that she was homicidal toward her brother, and they had to have them in separate apartments. That being said I think there is a fine line-- for some individuals-- between schizophrenia, autism, and profound giftedness. Look at bobby fischer for example. In today's eyes he most certainly would have been considered HFA but he was also a savant and suffered from delusions and paranoia. He thought the russians had put an implant in his teeth, for example. Anyone listening to his rambling radio show calls (including the infamous post-9/11 rambling) toward the end of his life can see this was not a person in touch with reality. Maybe one day there will be a diagnosis for the profoundly gifted who are also delusional and autistic, because there certainly do seem to be people out there like that. Just an aside, wasn't one of einstein's sons schizophrenic? Perhaps there is a genetic component between these disorders.


But, I do question the family's desire to televise their daughter's suffering. One documentary maybe, but haven't they done multiple shows on her? And now Dr Phil?


This is the problem with diagnosing mental illness. You may see ten different experts and get five or ten different diatnosis. One of my best friends is suffering this heartbreak with her only child. It is so frustrating.


What you write above about Bobby Fischer sounds like they guy portrayed in the movie A Beautiful Mind. I don't understand how he could be considered profoundly gifted while suffering such debilitating delusions. Out of touch with reality is no gift.

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But, I do question the family's desire to televise their daughter's suffering. One documentary maybe, but haven't they done multiple shows on her? And now Dr Phil?

From what I have read on the father's blog, the income from the TV stuff pays for Jani's care and helps allow them to have the separate residences. People also donate after watching them. I don't think they are split up now, but before it was due to her violence towards her brother.

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I think there is a connection between high intelligence and many mental health issues. I don't know why at all. Maybe just God's way to make us humble??? Maybe the high intelligence somehow burns out the brain???? Maybe a long time ago it was all equal but more of the less intelligent, mentally ill died out without ancestors and the more intelligent, mentally ill were able to keep it together long enough to get married and have kids before getting worse???? I don't have an answer but do know that there has been a correlation seen.

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I think there is a connection between high intelligence and many mental health issues. I don't know why at all. Maybe just God's way to make us humble??? Maybe the high intelligence somehow burns out the brain???? Maybe a long time ago it was all equal but more of the less intelligent, mentally ill died out without ancestors and the more intelligent, mentally ill were able to keep it together long enough to get married and have kids before getting worse???? I don't have an answer but do know that there has been a correlation seen.


I have never, ever heard this before but I can say that I personally know exceptionally bright people who are also mentally ill. hhhhhhmmmmmmmm.... Wish I had the mental capacity to research this as it is sad, but fascinating!

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But, I do question the family's desire to televise their daughter's suffering. One documentary maybe, but haven't they done multiple shows on her? And now Dr Phil?


On most topics I'd probably agree with you, but in this case, I think they are trying to raise awareness of the lack of services for children with mental health issues. I think it's a pretty widespread problem (the insufficiency of resources) and Jani is just an extreme example of it.


I can't imagine how exhausting it would be to parent her. The community needs to step up for these kids / families who truly need more support. I'm a fiscal conservative, but if there was ever a good reason for collective funding, this is it.

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Personally, I think it is horrible that anyone would put their mentally ill child on national television (on more than one occasion, apparently! :eek:) for any reason. I think it is exploitative and potentially incredibly damaging to the child, who is already in bad shape to be trotted out for Oprah or Dr Phil. Who wants their kid to be the poster child for mental illness??? What an awful thing to do to a kid.


I may be in the minority here, but I have no respect for a parent who would do that, and I often question whether these parents are truly trying to help their child, or if they're just narcissistic people who are looking for fame, accolades, pity, and pats on the back by showing the world how difficult their life is, because of their child's illness. Who among us would really think to call Oprah or Dr Phil and ask to be on their TV shows to talk about our children? :confused:

Edited by Catwoman
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I know quite a few people who would be willing to go on a talk show to talk about their children's issues. When you are desperate for help and hope or if you really believe society needs to be educated its worth considering.


Do you have a child with an exceptional dx of any sort? If not maybe its just not something you can relate to unless you are in their shoes. Even then of course personality will really play into your decisions to of course.

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I think there is a connection between high intelligence and many mental health issues. I don't know why at all. Maybe just God's way to make us humble??? Maybe the high intelligence somehow burns out the brain????


Or maybe it's because a person capable of seeing, feeling, knowing so much more than what "normal" people can manage carries a heavier burden.


Certainly, with profoundly gifted children this is often true. They know and feel things deeply that many adults don't even notice, and they do not have the emotional maturity to handle all of that knowing.

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I know quite a few people who would be willing to go on a talk show to talk about their children's issues. When you are desperate for help and hope or if you really believe society needs to be educated its worth considering.


Do you have a child with an exceptional dx of any sort? If not maybe its just not something you can relate to unless you are in their shoes. Even then of course personality will really play into your decisions to of course.


Thankfully, I am not in their shoes, so you're right about me not being able to directly relate to the parents, but I do think it would seem to be a bad idea to subject an already emotionally unbalanced child to the extreme stress of being on national television -- and it would certainly seem to me that it would make the child feel even more "abnormal" than ever to be singled out in such a way. It would also be terrible for a child to hear her own parents speaking about her mental problems (and how difficult she made their lives,) in front of the whole world.

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Personally, I think it is horrible that anyone would put their mentally ill child on national television (on more than one occasion, apparently! :eek:) for any reason. I think it is exploitative and potentially incredibly damaging to the child, who is already in bad shape to be trotted out for Oprah or Dr Phil. Who wants their kid to be the poster child for mental illness??? What an awful thing to do to a kid.


I may be in the minority here, but I have no respect for a parent who would do that, and I often question whether these parents are truly trying to help their child, or if they're just narcissistic people who are looking for fame, accolades, pity, and pats on the back by showing the world how difficult their life is, because of their child's illness. Who among us would really think to call Oprah or Dr Phil and ask to be on their TV shows to talk about our children? :confused:


I strongly agree. And I do have a child with an exceptional diagnosis.

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I can understand, even agree, with all your concerns about going on national tv with a child. Yet I still seriously considered it when a group I was part of was going onto a talk show with their children. Every concern you listed was a concern that was discussed along with many other concerns and hesitations. It wasn't a decision they rushed into lightly.


I can assure you though they weren't looking for fame or gurgling to exploit their children. The goal was raising awareness.


It was going to be an awkward horrible situation with a high price for sure. Sometimes that's the only way to get things done though.

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FWIW, I only caught a minute of Dr. Phil, but it seemed that Jani wasn't on the show "live," only on videotape. But I could be wrong. I did hear the dad list the medications Jani is on, at least what she was on when the tape was made; it was a rather stunning list, and he said most adults would not be able to tolerate the levels they have to use.



I don't see it as awful or inappropriate or attention-seeking, but understand YMMV. I see it as wanting to educate other people about the disease, and using media to do that. It is an extraordinary story. (Thanks for linking, Joanne.) I can somewhat relate to the part (in J's link) where they go thru the misdiagnoses, the lack of sharing between professionals and resultant wasted time, the lack of appropriate facilities...it is soooo frustrating, and my experience can't even touch theirs.


I hope one day a cure is found.

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Personally, I think it is horrible that anyone would put their mentally ill child on national television (on more than one occasion, apparently! :eek:) for any reason. I think it is exploitative and potentially incredibly damaging to the child, who is already in bad shape to be trotted out for Oprah or Dr Phil. Who wants their kid to be the poster child for mental illness??? What an awful thing to do to a kid.


I may be in the minority here, but I have no respect for a parent who would do that, and I often question whether these parents are truly trying to help their child, or if they're just narcissistic people who are looking for fame, accolades, pity, and pats on the back by showing the world how difficult their life is, because of their child's illness. Who among us would really think to call Oprah or Dr Phil and ask to be on their TV shows to talk about our children? :confused:


I bet there are a lot of parents out there with kids who have similar conditions who are greatly relived that there's one family willing to bring it to the public's attention. It often takes a family like that for many of us to understand what neighbours, family and friends dealing with those issues are going through.


I also can see a case made for the fact that the more people who know about the girl and what she has to deal with then the more advocates and friends she may have in life.


I also think many of us don't understand the huge financial strain on families dealing with mental illness in children. I think a lot of parents might choose a similar route if it meant they could afford the medical bills and afford to stay home with their child to care for him/her.

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Thankfully, I am not in their shoes, so you're right about me not being able to directly relate to the parents, but I do think it would seem to be a bad idea to subject an already emotionally unbalanced child to the extreme stress of being on national television -- and it would certainly seem to me that it would make the child feel even more "abnormal" than ever to be singled out in such a way. It would also be terrible for a child to hear her own parents speaking about her mental problems (and how difficult she made their lives,) in front of the whole world.


Those are all subject to "maybe". Because maybe the child doesn't find it stressful or terrible.


We really don't know.

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FWIW, I only caught a minute of Dr. Phil, but it seemed that Jani wasn't on the show "live," only on videotape. But I could be wrong. I did hear the dad list the medications Jani is on, at least what she was on when the tape was made; it was a rather stunning list, and he said most adults would not be able to tolerate the levels they have to use.



I don't see it as awful or inappropriate or attention-seeking, but understand YMMV. I see it as wanting to educate other people about the disease, and using media to do that. It is an extraordinary story. (Thanks for linking, Joanne.) I can somewhat relate to the part (in J's link) where they go thru the misdiagnoses, the lack of sharing between professionals and resultant wasted time, the lack of appropriate facilities...it is soooo frustrating, and my experience can't even touch theirs.


I hope one day a cure is found.



She wasn't on the set live, they had her in the "Dr Phil House" which, to my understanding is a home where he has some people come for observation and therapy (I am not a regular viewer though). There was some video of Dr Phil interacting with her in the house. He brought in a puppy which she petted, they talked on a couch, they baked cookies together. She had a lot of trouble focusing (think severe ADHD x 10), sitting still, and tracking a conversation from one sentence to the next. She kept rubbing her hands together frantically and jumping up and running out of sight; the only time she seemed to focus on something was when Dr Phil would ask her to distinguish between hallucinations and reality, when she would sort of look at him sideways. Dr Phil repeatedly commented on her high energy. Her parents mentioned repeatedly this is what she's like on enough medication to put a normal person in a coma.


I did find it exploitative, though I often find things on that show exploitative.

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Personally, I think it is horrible that anyone would put their mentally ill child on national television (on more than one occasion, apparently! :eek:) for any reason. I think it is exploitative and potentially incredibly damaging to the child, who is already in bad shape to be trotted out for Oprah or Dr Phil. Who wants their kid to be the poster child for mental illness??? What an awful thing to do to a kid.


I may be in the minority here, but I have no respect for a parent who would do that, and I often question whether these parents are truly trying to help their child, or if they're just narcissistic people who are looking for fame, accolades, pity, and pats on the back by showing the world how difficult their life is, because of their child's illness. Who among us would really think to call Oprah or Dr Phil and ask to be on their TV shows to talk about our children? :confused:

I wonder if TV interviews are the only way they can properly provide for her? Therapy and meds and a separate residence cost tons of money. I personally could not provide for a child like Jani without doing TV. We are barely able to pay our debts and expenses as it is. I feel for the family!

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I haven't seen the documentary but going off what I'm reading here, there is a good chance the child has a condition called Pyroluria. Its CUREABLE, its caused by a severe functional deficiency of Zinc and B6 so while blood levels can be normal they never make it into the cells for use. The Sz part occurs due to the high copper levels the Pyroluria causes combined with low histamine. The condition is genetic so when I hear of more then one family member with a mental health condition, especially Bipolar or SZ I can bet you they are dealing with this condition or one similar.


We were in Bipolar hades, long family history of mental illness from ADHD/Depression/BP/SZ and it wasn't until I said enough to drugs and started learning about alternatives and even then it took a year and I learned of it by chance. NONE of our Dr's had ever heard of it save our Pedi's PA who has seen it only once years ago. Its a simple urine test to detect it and with that we had the answers to generations of suffering in my family. Those who opt for treatment no longer suffer mental health issues in my family:) I wish this condition and those similar were well known but big pharma would lose billions if it were. So much suffering and its pure greed:(

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I haven't seen the documentary but going off what I'm reading here, there is a good chance the child has a condition called Pyroluria. Its CUREABLE, its caused by a severe functional deficiency of Zinc and B6 so while blood levels can be normal they never make it into the cells for use. The Sz part occurs due to the high copper levels the Pyroluria causes combined with low histamine. The condition is genetic so when I hear of more then one family member with a mental health condition, especially Bipolar or SZ I can bet you they are dealing with this condition or one similar.


We were in Bipolar hades, long family history of mental illness from ADHD/Depression/BP/SZ and it wasn't until I said enough to drugs and started learning about alternatives and even then it took a year and I learned of it by chance. NONE of our Dr's had ever heard of it save our Pedi's PA who has seen it only once years ago. Its a simple urine test to detect it and with that we had the answers to generations of suffering in my family. Those who opt for treatment no longer suffer mental health issues in my family:) I wish this condition and those similar were well known but big pharma would lose billions if it were. So much suffering and its pure greed:(


Jani's parents have a group. Maybe you should mention it to them....they are open to hearing things, but they are doing only what they know of at this time to help keep her alive and happy. They may already know about it, but maybe not....

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I wanted to cry....for Janni, for the parents, for the brother. Just so sad for everyone. Not one of them will lead a "normal" life. My oldest is Autistic and will never live independently. That is an overwhelming feeling as a parent. Fortunately, my dd doesn't have the violent tendencies this child does. I just had do much empathy for the parents. Watching the little girl broke my heart. I don't doubt she's schizophrenic and can't believe anyone would blame the parents:confused:

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I haven't seen the documentary but going off what I'm reading here, there is a good chance the child has a condition called Pyroluria. Its CUREABLE, its caused by a severe functional deficiency of Zinc and B6 so while blood levels can be normal they never make it into the cells for use. The Sz part occurs due to the high copper levels the Pyroluria causes combined with low histamine. The condition is genetic so when I hear of more then one family member with a mental health condition, especially Bipolar or SZ I can bet you they are dealing with this condition or one similar.


We were in Bipolar hades, long family history of mental illness from ADHD/Depression/BP/SZ and it wasn't until I said enough to drugs and started learning about alternatives and even then it took a year and I learned of it by chance. NONE of our Dr's had ever heard of it save our Pedi's PA who has seen it only once years ago. Its a simple urine test to detect it and with that we had the answers to generations of suffering in my family. Those who opt for treatment no longer suffer mental health issues in my family:) I wish this condition and those similar were well known but big pharma would lose billions if it were. So much suffering and its pure greed:(


What's the treatment for Pyroluria?

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In terms of the test, do you know the name of the test? I'm intrigued. And if it is as simple as a urine test to detect...



Here is the link to the lab we use, we learned the hard way not to use the path via our insurance as the sample was damaged every time (thawing in transit or exposed to light which destroys pyrroles rapidly) I ended up paying out of pocket for the test and shipping it over night straight to the lab myself. It was the best $73 I've ever spent and changed our lives.




What's the treatment for Pyroluria?


Basically its very high doses of Zinc Picolinate and a combo of B6 and P5P. These doses are toxic to someone without Pyroluria but are harmless and needed for a person with it. At the beginning your taking a bunch of vitamins because its a chain reaction of deficiencies created by the zinc/b6 issue but after a few months you can often back off and some people just need the zinc/b6, for us we also need Manganese which is part of the chain reaction.


This is the best article on Pyroluria I have seen http://naturalinsight.hubpages.com/hub/Pyroluria-A-Hidden-Disorder


There is also an awesome facebook page for support as well, the yahoogroup I would not recommend as it seems to be more for people with lyme based pyroluria and I see often see bad advice given in general IMO. The FB group has been life saving for us.:D

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I haven't seen the documentary but going off what I'm reading here, there is a good chance the child has a condition called Pyroluria. Its CUREABLE, its caused by a severe functional deficiency of Zinc and B6 so while blood levels can be normal they never make it into the cells for use. The Sz part occurs due to the high copper levels the Pyroluria causes combined with low histamine. The condition is genetic so when I hear of more then one family member with a mental health condition, especially Bipolar or SZ I can bet you they are dealing with this condition or one similar.


We were in Bipolar hades, long family history of mental illness from ADHD/Depression/BP/SZ and it wasn't until I said enough to drugs and started learning about alternatives and even then it took a year and I learned of it by chance. NONE of our Dr's had ever heard of it save our Pedi's PA who has seen it only once years ago. Its a simple urine test to detect it and with that we had the answers to generations of suffering in my family. Those who opt for treatment no longer suffer mental health issues in my family:) I wish this condition and those similar were well known but big pharma would lose billions if it were. So much suffering and its pure greed:(


Wow. That is amazing!!!

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I wanted to cry....for Janni, for the parents, for the brother. Just so sad for everyone. Not one of them will lead a "normal" life. My oldest is Autistic and will never live independently. That is an overwhelming feeling as a parent. Fortunately, my dd doesn't have the violent tendencies this child does. I just had do much empathy for the parents. Watching the little girl broke my heart. I don't doubt she's schizophrenic and can't believe anyone would blame the parents:confused:


:iagree: I just finished the father's book today. I do not blame this family one iota for taking this story public. Imagine your child having a horrible and rare ailment and taking your child to people who you think will help your child and getting no help at every turn? Awareness is extremely important to the families of the mentally ill. The mental illness this child has is every bit as real and serious as any chronic illness.


And given the mental state of this particular child, I really think she would be unlikely to find speaking on camera as more stressful as her regular life. It appears to me her parents are very careful with what they will allow. Sadly, there is little chance this child will grow up to be a fully functioning member of society. I think she is extremely lucky to have parents who have done as much as they have. They have made extreme sacrifices to keep her living at home with them.

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:iagree: I just finished the father's book today. I do not blame this family one iota for taking this story public. Imagine your child having a horrible and rare ailment and taking your child to people who you think will help your child and getting no help at every turn? Awareness is extremely important to the families of the mentally ill. The mental illness this child has is every bit as real and serious as any chronic illness.


And given the mental state of this particular child, I really think she would be unlikely to find speaking on camera as more stressful as her regular life. It appears to me her parents are very careful with what they will allow. Sadly, there is little chance this child will grow up to be a fully functioning member of society. I think she is extremely lucky to have parents who have done as much as they have. They have made extreme sacrifices to keep her living at home with them.


:iagree:. Mental illness is seriously underfunded. Also, combine that with the stigma that it still has. If this helps by bringing it out on tv and gets one parent/spouse/self to find help for their loved one.I feel for the parents. I am sure that the care for her is way beyond what the insurance pays.

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On most topics I'd probably agree with you, but in this case, I think they are trying to raise awareness of the lack of services for children with mental health issues. I think it's a pretty widespread problem (the insufficiency of resources) and Jani is just an extreme example of it.


I can't imagine how exhausting it would be to parent her. The community needs to step up for these kids / families who truly need more support. I'm a fiscal conservative, but if there was ever a good reason for collective funding, this is it.


:iagree: there are no resources for adults, either.


If ever there was a family who TRULY needed respite, this is it. What AMAZING parents they are!

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It's heartbreaking. I really feel for parents and kids in this situation. It's a long road ahead.

Interesting. I just read the father's post too. I am glad she is being helped with Clozaril. It did not help our son. It is considered a drug of last resort.
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I read his book.


I have real concerns about someone raising a kid when he shook her as a two-month-old.


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


I haven't read the book, nor did I see the TV shows, but the shaking thing is just horrible -- and I would think it could account for a lot of this child's problems!

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I've read the book and it is heart wrenching. My DS slept no more than 1.5 hrs at a time at night, was up for the day at 5:30 or 6:00 am, didn't fall asleep until 11:00 pm, and took 15-30 minute naps 2-3 times per day for at least 2 months. I had to sleep in an armchair with him to get him to fall/stay asleep. His lack of sleep was horrible for months afterward as well, though at least I was able to lay down. The sleep deprivation really messed me up. I never shook him, but I will admit that I was exhausted and angry and yelled in frustration and stomped and threw things a few times! I'm not usually like that, but going without sleep makes me shaky, depressed, teary, overwhelmed, and unable to sleep when I do have the time. I'm fascinated by the story and can't really come up with a real conclusion in my own mind about what is going on with her.


I just noticed something interesting. I just watched one of the videos on Dr. Phil's website where Jani draws "Blink the beagle" and she labels him as "Blink 182."

Edited by AndyJoy
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I just noticed something interesting. I just watched one of the videos on Dr. Phil's website where Jani draws "Blink the beagle" and she labels him as "Blink 182."

In the documentary Born Schizophrenic: Jani's Next Chapter they explained that Blink was named after Blink 182, and that Jani is a fan and has a crush on the drummer. The whole documentary is available on YouTube.

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