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Babies' NICU video

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Beautiful work mama!



My mom tells the story of when she had my brothers back in '65. She never knew she was having twins until..well they had an arm after the first was born. She was only 7 months but since they had all the resources of the Air Force hospital in NY they made it out after 3 months.

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After way too many late nights (11 months' worth!) and way too many tears, I finally finished the video of the babies' NICU journey. That was so hard. You precious ladies were there for me and I am still blessed with the posts and PMs that I still read often. :grouphug:



That is so beautiful. Thrilled that the final outcome was so good.:)

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It's crazy, ladies, how many emotions came out just from posting this video. I spent all this time making it, tiny bit by tiny bit, yet couldn't bring myself to actually post it. Today I realized that doing so made it "official" which seems ridiculous since this all happened almost a year ago. Yet I'm stuck in a time warp of August/Sept. 2011 and find myself still waiting to have the babies. It's crazy.


You are all busy so the fact that you would take the time to view the video means the world to me. Thank you for letting me share our miracle.


Lee/5wolfcubs - We're still debating. ;)

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So beautiful!


My middle child was born a 32 weeks and weighed a whopping 4 lbs! After a 3 week NICU stay, I brought him home drinking from one of those tiny cc bottles. I was so afraid. I too had a leak in my amniotic sac which turned into a gush. I developed an infection in the hospital and had to deliver. We all know your pain and joy who have walked that mile with you. :grouphug:

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