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Rough day. Anyone want to share something funny?

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I went through the car wash today with my sun roof open and couldn't figure out how to get it closed. I got drenched. :) It was worth it to hear the kids cackle and scream.





I once drove my lawn mower over the same strip of grass for 20 minutes back and forth back and forth before my dh, who was watching and chuckling, motioned to me to go over to him. It was then he lowered the blades on the mower so that it would, you know, actually cut the grass.

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My three-year-old had a page with faces that were missing certain features. One was missing a mouth and she couldn't figure out what was missing. I had her feel her face to see if that would help her. I asked, "What's on your face?" and she said, "Frosting." :lol:


So then, I asked, "What's just under your nose?" and she said, "ummm...boogers?" :)


She cracks me up.

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This might fit...


I was watching Kung fu panda 2 recently and couldn't help but think of

downton abbey.


You have Tigress (Mary) who was in many ways the one who should

inherit the dragon warrior title (Downton abbey).


But instead it went to Po (Matthew) who really knew nothing about

being a dragon warrior (duke).


Poor Shifu (the duke and duchess) was shocked and disappointed when it

was discovered Po (Matthew) would get the title....


But as it turns out Po (Mathew) brought something to the role of

dragon warrior that in fact was needed in order to save kung fu

(Downton Abbey) due to the war. (if you are lucky enough to read the

book about downton abbey which my library bought, it points out that

Matthew and his more working class roots can and will likely help

Downton abbey survive the changes it will need to face after a war)


I could go on about reason why the shows are similar, but I'm on my

iPad. So if you are craving Downton Abbey may I suggest you go watch

Kung fu panda.

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How about something sweet?


Kiddo gets cluster headaches, and the middle of last night he had his worst one ever. He was crying and begging for it to stop. The thermometer was lost, and I sent hubby out to buy one. I finally got kiddo to settle down and put an ice pack over the offending eye and let me rub his back, and he stopped hyperventilating and crying. In a moment he said, "I'm sorry I'm keeping you up."

"That's okay," I whispered, "That's what mommies and daddies are for." And he fell asleep.

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The past few days have been very stressful. I lost it earlier today, but then felt a bit better. I am a bounce-back kind of gal, so I was feeling decent later. At supper, we were talking about stuff on the news and my son says he feels really sorry for his uncle right in the path of hurricane Isaac. Dh says, "If anything you should feel sorry that uncle had to grow up with hurricane Audrey."


I feel sorry for them, though. That had just been my Cat 2. ;)

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This is an oldie but a goodie. I was at a store restroom with Ducky (who was at the time two) and he saw me use the bathroom. He exclaims really loud "mami, your penis fell in the potty! That's okay mami, we buy you a new one at the store." :lol::lol: Did I mention it was a CROWDED bathroom and that everyone else heard him too?

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This is an oldie but a goodie. I was at a store restroom with Ducky (who was at the time two) and he saw me use the bathroom. He exclaims really loud "mami, your penis fell in the potty! That's okay mami, we buy you a new one at the store." :lol::lol: Did I mention it was a CROWDED bathroom and that everyone else heard him too?



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This is an oldie but a goodie. I was at a store restroom with Ducky (who was at the time two) and he saw me use the bathroom. He exclaims really loud "mami, your penis fell in the potty! That's okay mami, we buy you a new one at the store." :lol::lol: Did I mention it was a CROWDED bathroom and that everyone else heard him too?


Hahaha!!! That reminds me: I once had my nephew with me at Hobby Lobby (he was 4). As we were coming out of the bathroom, a sweet old lady was going in. As I stood there holding the door for her, she looked down at him and smiled. So, he looks up and says "Hey, hey, hey.....You're old! And you have a beard!". I almost died as my 3 kids tried not to laugh. The lady was like "did he call me old?". I just did some awkward maniacal laugh and walked away:001_huh:

Edited by hsbaby
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Almost 4 yr old dd wanted to buy almost 19 yr old ds superman underwear (we always joke about giving each other underwear as a present). So....she found the ones she wanted, and said (LOUDLY of course) that it had a pocket! And she stuck her arm in there. Almost 16 yr old son and 12 yr old dd just about died. Did I mention that he works at the store we bought them at (though he wasn't with us)?

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We're notebooking through Little House in the Big Woods.


So far, Abigail has narrated the following to me:


"Mary had a rag doll, but Laura only had a corndog doll"




"A rodent is a animal that gets runned over by a truck on the highway. Oh wait, that's roadkill."

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I read this website when I need a quick laugh- http://whenparentstext.com/


Some favorites from today:


MOM: How’s the new digs?

ME: Mom…digs? What does that even MEAN?

MOM: How’s your new house?

ME: But…what’s a dig

MOM: What, is that ANOTHER thing that no one says anymore?????


ME: What is your opinion on classy nose piercings?

MOM: Absolutely not possible to be classy! unless it is valued as a beauty symbol by your culture as with India. Think about it! It’s nasty… when you have a cold? Yuk. When you’ve been nominated to the supreme court? When Prince Harry considers proposing to you? Not worth it!


ME: mom already said yes at like 11:30 last night. Haven’t talked since then?

DAD: just in the last 20 min

DAD: and it wasn’t about you

DAD: not at the center of our world anymore

DAD: though we still like you

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