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TeA, lights on or off

Lights on or off  

  1. 1. Lights on or off

    • On
    • Off
    • Other-because there is always an other

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I was telling my husband last night that most women I know prefer lights off during brewing teA. He wondered if that was really true and if they did prefer lights off, why? I told him probably for self conscious reasons. So..here we go. Anonymous poll for my husband. :)

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Soft lighting. I don't like complete darkness because then it makes it difficult to see what one is doing.


Which can make things interesting as well. I was trying to give dh a kiss goodnight last night and managed to kiss his ear :)

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low lights.


These days it is lights off because we ONLY have a very bright ceiling light right over the bed. It feels like spotlight. We've just been too lazy to go out and buy a small lamp for a dresser. We have street lights outside our windows so even with the lights off there is some light, but we would like a little lamp in the room.


I should get him a lava lamp for his birthday! The kids would think it was cool and he would know exactly why I bought it :lol:

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It honestly never dawned on me that most women would prefer the dark. I mean, I responded with "lights on," but I wasn't talking about the kind of lighting they have in fitting rooms when I'm trying on bathing suits, either. ;) I think soft lighting is nice at night, but daylight is fine, too.


I couldn't get into the "lights off" thing at all -- and I would be surprised if most husbands wouldn't prefer some lighting as well, if they like looking at their wives.

Edited by Catwoman
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I prefer lights off, but dh prefers lights on. We compromise with candles or leaving the adjoining bathroom door open a crack with the bathroom light on.


:iagree: Except I would like soft light and dh would like a spotlight so we compromise with the above, LOL.

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My husband is definitely a light's on kinda guy...bedside table..not full room light. I would prefer lights off, but he feels so strongly about it, I just let it go. We tried candlelight for the first time in a long time and it was perfect. Will def be doing that again!

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well, when it is at night and we are both awake LOL it is with soft lighting on.... but sometimes we brew tea during the day...and half the time it is in the middle of the night in our sleep (i suppose one of us always "starts" it but neither of us ever remember who did..it is one of those oh, hi kind of moments!)..so pitch black.

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Not only do I vote for lights off but I have a blanket over the window in case of moonlight. I want pitch black, nothing able to be seen.


I wish I could say that the soft glow we usually have is candlelight, but in actuality it's the glow of the tv screen in a darkened room. :tongue_smilie:


We keep the tv on purposely, to disguise any...noises, coming from our room.

When we had TV it was on but only so I could multi-task (I really liked watching Letterman before bed, lol). ;) Now there's no TV...sigh. Edited by LuvnMySvn
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