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s/o song thread... craziest misheard lyrics

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wy_kid_wrangler04's thread about songs that would embarrass our kids made me think about songs where your kids (or someone else :p) misunderstood the lyrics and came up with something totally different. What are your funniest/craziest misheard lyrics?? :p

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I'm sure there are hundreds of examples, but right now my kids are crazy about Billy Joel's Only the Good Die Young, because they insist that he keeps saying "petunia" (Virginia). They think "petunia" is a hilarious word.


Oh, and another favorite is Stevie Wonder's "Sunshine of my Life" because they insist he says "fart" (heart).


I doubt these were exactly what you were hoping for, but I have five-year-olds. There's not much I can do about that!

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When I was a young teen, my mom LOVED that song Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. I remember her saying that she wish she had the lyrics for them so she could sing along when it came on the radio. It was very popular at the time and had a lot of airplay so I sat in my room with my cassette radio until it came on and I recorded it off the radio. Then for the rest of the night I went through the song line by line listening and writing the lyrics out for my mom. The next day I handed her the completed sheet of paper and she read it and started laughing. I was puzzled because I was certain I had gotten the lyrics right. I was very thorough and had spent hours playing that song over and over trying to get the lyrics down on paper. I asked my mom what was funny and she said, "I think the part where they're 'living in a Polish shack and giving off sparks" should be "living in a powder keg..." I didn't even know what a powder keg was so she explained it to me and I was like,:001_huh: "yeah, that makes a lot more sense." :embarrassed: :p hehe

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I'm sure there are hundreds of examples, but right now my kids are crazy about Billy Joel's Only the Good Die Young, because they insist that he keeps saying "petunia" (Virginia). They think "petunia" is a hilarious word.


Oh, and another favorite is Stevie Wonder's "Sunshine of my Life" because they insist he says "fart" (heart).


I doubt these were exactly what you were hoping for, but I have five-year-olds. There's not much I can do about that!


:lol::lol::lol: Those are great!


You know Adele's song Fire to the Rain? My dh thought it went, "I let it fall, my heart, and Lucifer rose to claim it." :001_huh: I was like, "uh no hon. That's not quite right." :lol::lol::lol:

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When I was a young teen, my mom LOVED that song Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. I remember her saying that she wish she had the lyrics for them so she could sing along when it came on the radio. It was very popular at the time and had a lot of airplay so I sat in my room with my cassette radio until it came on and I recorded it off the radio. Then for the rest of the night I went through the song line by line listening and writing the lyrics out for my mom. The next day I handed her the completed sheet of paper and she read it and started laughing. I was puzzled because I was certain I had gotten the lyrics right. I was very thorough and had spent hours playing that song over and over trying to get the lyrics down on paper. I asked my mom what was funny and she said, "I think the part where they're 'living in a Polish shack and giving off sparks" should be "living in a powder keg..." I didn't even know what a powder keg was so she explained it to me and I was like,:001_huh: "yeah, that makes a lot more sense." :embarrassed: :p hehe


I never could figure those words out either. Sounded more like "heart attack" to me. But that didn't make sense . . . .

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When I was a young teen, my mom LOVED that song Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. I remember her saying that she wish she had the lyrics for them so she could sing along when it came on the radio. It was very popular at the time and had a lot of airplay so I sat in my room with my cassette radio until it came on and I recorded it off the radio. Then for the rest of the night I went through the song line by line listening and writing the lyrics out for my mom. The next day I handed her the completed sheet of paper and she read it and started laughing. I was puzzled because I was certain I had gotten the lyrics right. I was very thorough and had spent hours playing that song over and over trying to get the lyrics down on paper. I asked my mom what was funny and she said, "I think the part where they're 'living in a Polish shack and giving off sparks" should be "living in a powder keg..." I didn't even know what a powder keg was so she explained it to me and I was like,:001_huh: "yeah, that makes a lot more sense." :embarrassed: :p hehe


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Pink Floyd's The Wall: As a kid I thought they were saying:


We don't need no education

We don't need no school control

Adults are hazards in the classroom

Teacher leave them kids alone




Oh man that literally made me LOL.



"If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have your pudding if you don't eat your meat!!"

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My college roommate's little brother thought "Takin' Care of Business" was "Take a Can of Biscuits." :lol:




When my brother and I were young, there was a part in Billy Joel's Piano Man that went, "and he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy, and probably will be for life." my brother and I sang it, "and he's talking with Davy who fell in the gravy and will probably be there for life." :p

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When my brother and I were young, there was a part in Billy Joel's Piano Man that went, "and he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy, and probably will be for life." my brother and I sang it, "and he's talking with Davy who fell in the gravy and will probably be there for life." :p




Taking a can of biscuits and falling in the gravy might actually be a good thing. :D

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I honestly thought it was Secret Asian Man for a very long time.


I heard a parody of it during the Clinton years (when donations to the Clinton campaign from mysterious Chinese businessmen were in the news), and now when I hear it I forget which version is the right one. :lol:

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I have a nasty reputation for getting lyrics wrong. :glare:


Two of my more famous ones:


"Dirty Deeds and the Thunderchief" (cool song about Native Americans, right?)

"My Angel is a Centepede" (in my defense, I was too young to understand what a center-fold was)


ETA: I have a funny one on my dd....


In Silent Night, she thought AND sang "holy imbecile, so tender and warm" That is what happens when you have a very young child with a large vocabulary and a poor grasp on theology!

Edited by Apryl H
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I thought in Pat Benetar's son Fire and Ice she was saying "Beauregard" not the words "fire and ice". I even named my bird Beauregard because of it.

My husband thought the song "I'm all Right' (I don't remember who sang it but it's i'm all right--don't nobody worry 'bout me...)said Ham on Rye.

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My oldest really thinks that Maroon Five's 'Moves Like Jagger' is really Move My Jacket. At first it was a mistake - now he's entirely rewritten the chorus about a guy at a party who needs to move his jacket.


Yeah, he gets it from his Mom. :lol:

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Pink Floyd's The Wall: As a kid I thought they were saying:


We don't need no education

We don't need no school control

Adults are hazards in the classroom

Teacher leave them kids alone


:lol::lol::lol: I think this goes under the "Why we homeschool" thread.


My sister thought the song was "Cheese and rice, superstar" from the Hair album. It was "Jesus Christ, superstar."


But then I get stuck on why in the world my parents listened to that when we were little kids.:confused:

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My little one also goofed up the Silent Night lyrics, but for the opposite reason. Instead of having a big vocabulary, she had a small vocabulary. She sang "Round yon your chin, mother and child." Since she didn't really sing this alone, but at church in a group, and the way we knew she had it wrong was that she reverently touched her chin on the word chin.


This is the same girl that solemnly sang the hymn "Bringing in the Cheese" instaed of Bringing in the Sheaves. I should've asked her what that hymn meant.


I didn't goof it up, but I heard that "There's a Bad Moon on the Rise" can be "There's a bathroom on the right."

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Our favorite misheard lyric is:


On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is STINKING sand.





I may never march in the infantry

Hide behind the tree

Shoot the artillery



The child responsible said he thought he's prefer to hide than be shot! LOL

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I had a child that stood on top of a table and belted out Bon Jovi's -Living on a prayer, except he said, "Living on a prairie," with wonderderful articulation.


My dh loves the song Land Down Under, by Men at Work. He Still sings the chorus-


Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder

You better run, you better (Take a Bus!!!)


-instead of the correct- you better run, you better take cover!

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Well, not a song....but I must have been well in to adulthood before I knew as discussed in weather temperatures it is wind chill factor, not windshield factor (as in a car windshield). I know. Embarrassing.


And the Christmas song that says Go tell it on the Mountain...when it says "Jesus Christ is born" ds thought it said cheese and rice and corn. I will never forget that.

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My DD's name is Chelsea. One Christmas in church, when she was about 6, we were singing the hymn "Angles We Have Heard on High." She turned to me and said "Mommy, why are they saying it's my day?" At first I didn't understand until I realized that she thought the refrain "Gloria, in excelsis Deo" actually said "Gloria, it is Chelsea's day-o!" It's been my favorite Christmas song ever since. :001_wub:

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I can't resist chiming in. You all are so funny.


For years, my dh thought the line from Elton John's song was "rolling like flounder under the covers" (instead of "thunder"). I laugh every time I hear that song. He said it always made perfect sense to him.


When my sister was little my mom realized something sounded funny when she sang the verse "I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart" (from the church song "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.") Upon close listening it turned out my sister was singing "I've got a piece of pastor's understanding down in my heart."

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Beach Boys California Girls " ....by a palm tree in the sand."


I knew it couldn't be, but only heard "...by a poultry in the sand." I had visions of chickens on the beach. My artistic sister even made me a lovely pastel of a beach scene, very detailed...with a small chicken heading towards the water.

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The Beatles... "The girl with colitis goes by" (the girl with kaliedoscope eyes)


Elton John... "Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche (I think it's deuce?)


It's deuce and I thought the same. Bruce Springsteen actually wrote that song if I recall correctly. LOL

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I thought Jimmy Buffet lost his "sugar sauce" not shaker of salt, until I was an adult. The sugar sauce was his girlfriend.


I also thought the ballroom blitz was a bar room blitz.


I like my versions better.

Another good one for a Buffet song is the opening line of Volcano. It really isn't "Ground cheese moving under me."

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My little one also goofed up the Silent Night lyrics, but for the opposite reason. Instead of having a big vocabulary, she had a small vocabulary. She sang "Round yon your chin, mother and child." Since she didn't really sing this alone, but at church in a group, and the way we knew she had it wrong was that she reverently touched her chin on the word chin.


This is the same girl that solemnly sang the hymn "Bringing in the Cheese" instaed of Bringing in the Sheaves. I should've asked her what that hymn meant.


I didn't goof it up, but I heard that "There's a Bad Moon on the Rise" can be "There's a bathroom on the right."


My son goofed Away in a Manger. "The little Lord Jesus lay down his sleep head" LOL'


And as a child, I thought it was "Bringing in the Sheeps". I figured those shepherds were darned happy to bring them all in! LOL

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I honestly thought it was Secret Asian Man for a very long time.


Me too! And I couldn't figure it out. I mean, HOW was he hiding his ethnicity? And WHY?



Family of God (hymn)


It says "joint-heirs with Jesus" - I always thought it was "join hairs with Jesus" and imagined some celestial braiding party.


This Little Light of Mine


"Hide it under a bush? Hell no! I'm gonna let it shine!" ("Hide it under a bushel, no!")

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