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Has anyone else started Christmas shopping?

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I love shopping for Christmas presents starting about July :) While we've been on vacation I've bought: YDS a mama and baby Schleich camel set at the Natural History Museum, this will go in his stocking. DD a Van Gogh finger puppet and mug that has a "disappearing ear" when you add hot liquid. She is all about Van Gogh after seeing the Dr Who episode LOL ODS found this thing called a Pop Phone, and fell in love using the "try me" one that they had out with his iPod. They wanted $36 for it, but I quickly checked Amazon and found it for $18 with free shipping. Much better, I'll order it next time I have an order. I also bought my cousin, who is in his first year of law school, a sticky note set. It comes with little sticky flags that say "sign here", "initial here", "notarize", and "idiot". We share my uncle's warped sense of humor, so I know he'll get a laugh out of it.


Anybody else squirrel things back all year? I didn't last year, and then couldn't get in the mood to shop once the season hit. I'm hoping I'll avoid that this year.

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I bought DS one present because it was a buy-one-get-one 50% deal. He was with me and buying something with his money, so I got 50% off on the other thing for him for Christmas. I also bought a Taylor Swift CD for DD because I needed to spend a couple more dollars before getting free shipping on Amazon. It was on her list. I made a blanket for DD which I posted this week on here, and one for my son is about 1/4 of the way done. I have money set aside for Christmas shopping so I really should start. There are a couple things they want that might sell out around Christmas, like that Lego Friends house DD has been asking for non-stop.

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I love Christmas shopping all year! I find that when I wait until Nov, I stress out over the cost of everything. If I spread it out over the year, it doesn't affect me. :tongue_smilie: I have finished for all 4 nieces, 4 siblings, 1 nephew, and 3 sets of parents. I still have 1 sibling and 2 nephews left, plus my own kiddos and dh.

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We are doing a mostly homemade Christmas this year. There are some large repairs we need done on the house and a shed we want to build (small house=need storage space for larger stuff elsewhere:tongue_smilie:).


I have started a pinterest page for myself on gifts I want to make the kids and DH. I have some cute fun things that I can't wait to start making


I did do up a large amount of jars of spiced fig jam that I plan to give as gifts. I made the recipe up and it is so yummy!

Edited by CountryGirl2
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I was just thinking about this the other day. I normally finish early, but I think I want to spread the expense out a little more this year. Once I am done this school years final purchases I will probably begin picking up little things here and there.

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I haven't started shopping, but I have started making my homemade list. I'm hoping to do some more homemade gifts this year. Last year I had a couple good ideas but... I *may* have waited too long to start and ran out of time. :lol:


I'm going to try to do some homemade things this year, too. I need to get started or it'll be the week before Christmas and I'll be thinking "Oh, I was going to make..."



I bought one thing for DH at Target last weekend, a Star Wars glassware set. It's stashed at my mom's house until December. I was worried they'd stop carrying them if I waited.


I saw that! My ODS said "We should buy that for Dad." I guess I really should go get it and put it back :D He has a set that I found in cleaning out the house, I think Burger King sold them at one time? We aren't allowed to USE those, though, as they might be "worth something someday" :glare: I also have a ST tee and phone case on the list for him.

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Not only have I started - I'm done :tongue_smilie:


All the big stores in Australia have huge Christmas toy sales in July - you put everything on layaway till Dec 24th and they let you have 6 months to pay it off.


It's great because you don't have to store a single toy in your house till Christmas Eve which is great for my little sneaker who always figures out what she is getting before the event :glare:

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Goodness gracious, no. But now I feel like I am behind!:tongue_smilie:


I bought one thing for DH at Target last weekend, a Star Wars glassware set. It's stashed at my mom's house until December. I was worried they'd stop carrying them if I waited.


I saw those...totally cute!

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Yep, started picking up little things. The plan this year is to only do stockings. Yikes! It's going to be hard to not buy more! So I'm picking up little treasures as I find them.


We cut back quite a bit last Christmas. We are cutting even more this year, I think. I'd love to do just stockings and a trip as a gift for everyone. I don't know that that would fly though. After my house cleaning spree, though, we are NOT buying junk just to unwrap something!!


What, are you and Ellie neighbors? Double torture.


Did she have a Christmas thread? I missed it!

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I just can't shop that far in advance. The thing my kid (or my husband) wants today may not still be on the list come November. Or it may have been purchased already. And, if I shop early, I just end up spending more, because I have to buy the newly-desired things in addition to the things I purchased six months ago.

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I just can't shop that far in advance. The thing my kid (or my husband) wants today may not still be on the list come November. Or it may have been purchased already. And, if I shop early, I just end up spending more, because I have to buy the newly-desired things in addition to the things I purchased six months ago.


I do the same thing! and what makes it even worse, I can never remember where I put the thing I bought 6mos earlier and so I end up stressing over what to buy and how can I be such a nut to lose what I bought earlier and I want off off! OFF! the Christmas crazy train!

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We just jump on a plane and go far away. No stress.




I wish. Someday :)


I just can't shop that far in advance. The thing my kid (or my husband) wants today may not still be on the list come November. Or it may have been purchased already. And, if I shop early, I just end up spending more, because I have to buy the newly-desired things in addition to the things I purchased six months ago.


I don't buy the "BIG" gift. Or even really anything that is on their list (although sometimes the stars align, and that is nice!) I just most get stocking stuffers. Dds mug and puppet will either be a small gift or a large stocking stuffer. Probably a large stocking stuffer, she's my easy to buy for kid. The boys...not so much. I can't quite find my groove on boy shopping lol

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I just can't shop that far in advance. The thing my kid (or my husband) wants today may not still be on the list come November. Or it may have been purchased already. And, if I shop early, I just end up spending more, because I have to buy the newly-desired things in addition to the things I purchased six months ago.


:iagree:The homemade things I am doing are of the sort that I'm sure DD will still enjoy in 6 months. Some knitted things, jewelry, some keepsake type things. But as far as store-bought gifts, DD will definitely want something different in 6 months!!

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oh, it's six months to christmas isn't it. does it count that I bid on an ornamnet on ebay?


Closer to five months, actually... :leaving:


But who's counting?? :lol:


No, I haven't started shopping yet. But I have started trying to help DS whittle down his "big gift" idea. He has a few in mind, naturally.

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I don't buy the "BIG" gift. Or even really anything that is on their list (although sometimes the stars align, and that is nice!) I just most get stocking stuffers.


We do themes for stockings, and stuffers are often the last things that get bought around here, because it's a chance to incorporate last-minute ideas.


And our kids have never made lists.


Our routine is that my husband and I each start making separate lists of ideas for the kids sometime in October. Around the first of November, we sit down and compare notes and agree on a general outline. We exchage e-mails every day or two while he's at work with updates.


We try to be done with the shopping part before Thanksgiving, although we sometimes still order things online or pick up stocking stuffers through mid-December.

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I just can't shop that far in advance. The thing my kid (or my husband) wants today may not still be on the list come November. Or it may have been purchased already. And, if I shop early, I just end up spending more, because I have to buy the newly-desired things in addition to the things I purchased six months ago.

I'm sending you a pre-Christmas craft/shopping hug right now! :grouphug:


As for Christmas, I have not started. I have not even shopped for my ds who has a birthday next week...

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no xmas shopping here. We are hitting birthday season. Next week starts us off and in a 6 week period all 4 of my kids have their birthdays. Once we get through all of that, THEN I can think about xmas


You too?


My four kids all have their birthdays between early October and the end of November.


But, like other posters, I can't buy in advance because tastes change too quickly or things get purchased.

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no xmas shopping here. We are hitting birthday season. Next week starts us off and in a 6 week period all 4 of my kids have their birthdays. Once we get through all of that, THEN I can think about xmas


Hmmm. Maybe that's why I start mid July.... Dh, myself, and the two oldest all have bdays late April to mid July. The youngest is in November, but he's the only straggler lol So, we are basically done with bdays for a long time.

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I, too, have started shopping later in the year as my dc have gotten older. It has gotten harder to determine what the right gift would be. Dd is younger and is still easy to shop for. She loves everything! That said, I did actually make one Christmas purchase yesterday. My 14yo has begged me for . . . socks! And he even convinced me it was a good time to get them because I had a Kohls coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase. Now I just have to figure out how to creatively wrap them.

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You too?


My four kids all have their birthdays between early October and the end of November.


But, like other posters, I can't buy in advance because tastes change too quickly or things get purchased.


Yup, all 4 of mine are from the end of July to mid Sept. If I buy presents early I end up giving them as birthday gifts.

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no xmas shopping here. We are hitting birthday season. Next week starts us off and in a 6 week period all 4 of my kids have their birthdays. Once we get through all of that, THEN I can think about xmas


Do you ever wonder about that? This time of year, I say to myself, "Dorinda? Couldn't you have planned a little better? Couldn't you have had one of these kids in the spring?" And then I remember I didn't REALLY plan on one of the girls;) and I go back to my regularly scheduled, mass chaos fall.

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Only 3 things so far, but it is a start.


Best Buy emails their 'deal of the day'. Last week was a $49.99 PC game for $7.99. Score! I bought it for my oldest's fiance.

Target has some toys 50-65% off so I got a nephew's gift there yesterday.

Today Groupon had the Buckey Balls on sale (best price otherwise is double) and ds 10 had asked for another set, so I just ordered one of them.


In case anyone else is interested: http://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-buckyballs-buckycubes?c=all&p=1


I enjoy shopping during the holidays, but getting some of the smaller items as I find them certainly does help the budget. ;)

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