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What is *your* obsessive compulsive behavior? Here's mine...

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My closest is color organized. Anyone who walks past it pauses and looks again. I also like to have the linen closest match.


My normal OCD is checking the locks and stove before leaving. And I have to wash my hands if I pet animals. That's normal right?

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I think I AM a compulsive behavior. I cannot tolerate junk drawers, wet hand towels in the kitchen, going to bed with cups from the day on the counter, going to bed with things out of place, paper clutter, ditto with checking the alarm several times, shredding any document that has personal information on it, and many, many more.

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I don't know if it is OCD...but I count a lot. Kinda of like Merry (Emily). Count while cooking...stirring, chopping, shaking...I count, count, count. Count at red lights, count in the checkout...


When I am very nervous, I count my fingers by tapping them against my thumbs.


My dh (Mr. Sympathy) tells me to let him know if I ever come up with a number other than 5; then he'd know there was a real problem.

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I don't know if it is OCD...but I count a lot. Kinda of like Merry (Emily). Count while cooking...stirring, chopping, shaking...I count, count, count. Count at red lights, count in the checkout...


Me too. Also, I like to stop doing things at round numbers. It drives me a little batty when my gym partners get off the elliptical machine at 19:23 say instead of a nice round 20 minutes, how could they!? :svengo:

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Let's see other than checking rep points lately (I'm breaking that habit), I'm compulsive about the house being tidy.


My big one is when we are having school the house has to be clean before we start school for the day. If for some reason the house got trashed the night before or I decide that it is time for a massive overhaul school might not start until 2pm.

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I have so very many. A sampling from my home...


All of the towels in our home must match the room they are used in, and they must all be in very good condition and folded just right.


White or glass plates and serving dishes only, so that I can see that they are clean. And I wash them obsessively.


No holes in socks. A pre-determined number of socks for each family member, replaced when any are lost or thrown away for said holes.


Also have organized closets, grouped by type of item, with certain hangers for certain types of clothes.


Also with the orgnaized cupboards. Canned goods are lined up by type, everything faces exactly front, etc.


I love to collect sets of things. Every series of books we have is either complete or on the way to being complete. We have odd things like the entire collection of hardback Paddington books (all bought used one by one.)


and on, and on....


When I was a girl, I had the OCD where you have to do everything on one side that you did on the other (if I scratched one ear I had to do the other.) I also always repeated things a certain number of times. It drove me nuts for year. That's gone, but it's been seriously replaced, LOL.

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Aaaaaah, lip goop. Must. Have. Lip. Goop. This is one of the true necessities of life. And I'm sure it was simple oversight that you forgot to type about the one in your car, right? And what about your nightstand?


And from one devotee to another, I want to introduce you to the BEST lip balm EVER:


Seattle Rainwater Soap Co' s Lip Smoothie in unscented. (I forgot how to do a link). Man is this good stuff. It makes Burt's Bee's seem like a glue stick. And it's only $3 a tube, which is darn good for perfection.


Hmmm, I might have to try this. I just use plain old Carmex, and I am addicted to that. Dh calles it my "lip crack!"

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The only problem I see is that you labeled your candy. Mint Kiss? Caramels? No. Those should read something like "boullion cubes" and "unsweetened baking chocolate" to throw off thieves. But you're evidentially not as protective of your candy as I am.




LOL!!!! These are the ones that don't really tempt me and that I use for baking. Note that there is none labeled Reeces Peanut Butter Cups!!! The candy drawer is the domain of "the theives" and that is *not* organized!! (But, strangely, there are no Reeces in that drawer either.)

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Me too. Also, I like to stop doing things at round numbers. It drives me a little batty when my gym partners get off the elliptical machine at 19:23 say instead of a nice round 20 minutes, how could they!? :svengo:


Here is another one that I have, speaking of numbers. I had strong ideas about what day I wanted my kids to be born on. Mostly, I like even numbers the best, although for some reason 21 is my favorite number. I was SO excited when my dd was born on April 21! I was induced with my second and so I chose the day of induction based on......(I'm ashamed to say it) the number. I didn't want him born on the 29th, so I waited until the 30th!!

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Oh, one more!! I'm also compulsive about the way I fold the clothes. My best friend was staying with me last week and she volunteered to help me fold my clothes while we were sitting there talking. It was ALL I could do not to refold everything she folded right then and there. But, I didn't! :001_smile:

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Mine is washing my hands and using GermX. After I touch the hands of others, grocery carts, door handles, etc. I have to germX my hands. I'm glad that I'm not alone.:D


I also can't stand to see a rug with edges folded over. I have to straighten them.:lol:

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Oh, I thought of another one.


In our bedroom, we have one of those clocks that shines the time on the ceiling. Every night, I have to reach over my head and adjust it so that the numbers are perfectly straight. Just last night I was telling dh that I can't figure out why I can handle crooked pictures on my walls (which everybody can see), but a crooked time on my ceiling (which only dh and I see) at 2:00 am drives me batty.

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Oh, one more!! I'm also compulsive about the way I fold the clothes. My best friend was staying with me last week and she volunteered to help me fold my clothes while we were sitting there talking. It was ALL I could do not to refold everything she folded right then and there. But, I didn't! :001_smile:


But I bet you refolded as soon as she left, right!?! ;)

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Ooo! I do this too! When I teach dc how to fold, it is all I can do not to re-fold the clothes when they're done. But I just know how crushed they would be if I re-did their work. I do re-fold the clothes that they fold belonging to dh or I though - I just do it when they're in another room.


Sometimes, I take a clipboard and lay that on my sweaters and fold around it to make them very crisp and tight. I have been known to do this with my jeans as well. I used to work in clothing retail and this is how we had to fold. I *loved* folding and putting the clothes in perfect color-coordinated stacks. In fact that reminds me...one time I had to fire one of my associates. On her way out of the store (after doing destructive damage to my personal belongings in the back room) she took her arm and swiped all of the folded shirts off the table in front of the store (she was a real gem. Can't imagine why I had to fire her :001_rolleyes:). I was kinda giddy at the fact that I would get to re-fold all those shirts, LOL.


You realize we have control issues, don't you? ;)

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My closest is color organized. Anyone who walks past it pauses and looks again.



Me too, it just makes life easier doesn't it?!


I have to check and recheck my purse to make sure I put the car keys in there when I'm locking the car to go in a store. I also always park in the same general area in lots. I would be mortified if I came out and couldn't find my car! :auto:


Late? Never. I would rather not go than show up late. egads.:leaving:


I brush my teeth about a zillion times a day. :D


I with the other ladies below about my Burt's Bees lip balm. I'm never without it.

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That's a dream cabinet, right there! Mine's cleaning. And straightening. And tidying up. And cleaning. My forte is closets. I'm great at purging and organizing. Beds have to be made every morning. People who don't make beds every morning are just weird! LOL Oh, and I can't keep dirty clothes in the house. Our washer and dryer are in our garage and that's where are the dirties go. Straight away. This one has a known origin though. Allergies and three asthmatics in the house. Get thee behind me, pollen!

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When I am very nervous, I count my fingers by tapping them against my thumbs.


I used to do that in elementary school. Now I just have panic attacks instead.:w00t:


I'm sure I have plenty of things I could include here (just ask my dh).


But one thing I can think of off the bat...I hate the smell of food on skin--hands, face, etc. Must wash it off me, kids, or dh. Could not kiss my dh with food smell on face. Ugh. People always notice how clean my kids are after a meal!


EDIT: OK, I might could kiss him if the food in question were chocolate.

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Wow Mindy- that's like a work of art! I often look longingly at storage canisters and imagine how nice my cupboards would look with no variously shaped boxes...


And I would do it too, if I had a grocery store nearby that sold in bulk!


My thing is that everything has to be lined up and balanced. LOL. For example: The chairs must be pushed in, and they must be exactly in the middle of the table, and the chair opposite must be lined up. Symmetry. My dog likes to crawl under our school table and he pushes the chairs out of place just the tiniest bit. Drives me nuts!!


Oh- and I almost never notice how things are lined up or not when I go to other people's houses, unless it's some glaring thing like furniture at obviously crazy angles or something. My need for symmetry really only extends to my house. Weird, huh. I feel out of sorts unless things are clean and balanced in my house.

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Wow Mindy- that's like a work of art! I often look longingly at storage canisters and imagine how nice my cupboards would look with no variously shaped boxes...


And I would do it too, if I had a grocery store nearby that sold in bulk!


My thing is that everything has to be lined up and balanced. LOL. For example: The chairs must be pushed in, and they must be exactly in the middle of the table, and the chair opposite must be lined up. Symmetry. My dog likes to crawl under our school table and he pushes the chairs out of place just the tiniest bit. Drives me nuts!!


Oh- and I almost never notice how things are lined up or not when I go to other people's houses, unless it's some glaring thing like furniture at obviously crazy angles or something. My need for symmetry really only extends to my house. Weird, huh. I feel out of sorts unless things are clean and balanced in my house.


I like symmetry too! Dh and I laugh because if we were to decorate a room it would be very symmetrical (we were both math majors!) so we have to have our artist friends help us decorate.

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Tweezing my eyebrows and all the little stray ones. It takes everything in my power to not try to go for the really short ones I know I can't get yet. Every morning and every night I have to make my check for stray brow hairs. Can't help myself. Even during the day, I check. I've even moved onto dd, who runs in the opposite direction when I come at her with the tweezers!

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My obsessive behavior is every night everything has to be put away. No shoes at the door, magazine put away, dishes put away...I guess everything has a place and it should be there is my motto. ;) This totally drives my family nuts..but they have gotten use to it now. :lol:

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"Oh did I remember to check to see if the doors are locked?" "I wonder if I checked to see if the doors are locked?"


You'd think I live in a crime ridden community -- (I think it's because I have casual work in the local police detachment). I live in a small community where everyone knows each other (maybe that's the problem :glare:)


Besides the fact, even if I forgot to lock the door I've got two gianormous dogs (and nothing to steal)! lol!


Oh yeah, this is definately me! I get up several times a night and every time I check the doors. We live in the country though, not alot of crime but who knows when some insane serial killer will walk 20+ miles from the nearest town just to break in my house and commit hairy scary.:glare:

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OMG, Mindy, please come over to my house and do this! I have several sets of the tupperware containers that are meant to stack and fit your cabinets, probably a hundred pieces if you count the spice ones. Problem is, they are all empty stuffed into a lower cabinet that I cannot open because if I tried they would all fall out and I would be buried in an avalanche of tupperware.:tongue_smilie: Your cabinets looks so awesome! I'm proud of you.:)


What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!



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My OCD is having my towels folded a certain way, then after I fold my towels, I have to put the newly folded and washed towels on the bottom of the closet and the rest on the top, :glare:yes, I rotate my towels and don't let the open side be facing out, the rounded side has to be facing out, so it looks pretty.:lol:


Brushing my teeth, I didn't realize this until the other poster said something about it. When I brush, it is in 8 stroke increments, all through my mouth, even my tongue and gums. If I accidently brush more than eight times, I get confused and have to start all over.:001_huh:

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I have nothing. Nope, nothing. I am completely OCD free. No quirks, no oddities. Yeah, right. More like what is NOT odd about me. I mentioned my Sweetart thing before. So I'll cop to it again. When I have Sweetarts, I usually eat them in a specific order based on color. I always save the best for last, the pink ones.


I used to eat one thing at a time with nothing ever touching. I got over that one. Geesh, I have way too many to remember and way too many that would be embarrassing, I fear. So, I'll just stop at the Sweetart issue.:D

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I have a lot.


I can only eat life savers, spice drops, jelly beans, what have you, two at a time. The universe feels completely off balance if I eat just one jelly bean. And, I have a color system too.


Another dishwasher re-organizer here.


I can't put the laundry into the machine until the water has completely filled. I'm askeered of what will happen if I don't.


Towels must be folded in threes, with the tag side in.


The car must be parked in the same place.


The coffee pot must be pushed back completely. No two inches off of the wall is not completely.



Does this make me nuts?blah-blah-072.gif

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Seriously debating whether or not I should post this!! LOL My obsession has to do with health - mine and my kids. Whenever I get a weird symptom I automatically assume the worst and I obsess about it. Lately I've had dh google (if I do, I scare myself even worse!) and he'll tell me why we're okay. Luckily, we're a very healthy crew, so it doesn't happen often.


And, I do go to the doctor fairly regularly for physicals!


there you have it. I'm weird!!


I am the same, plus I use a ton of sanitizer when out and about. An ounce of prevention. I think there is more to phrase, but havent had second cup of coffee.



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:eek: Your eye would twitch if you saw my decidedly disorganized spices! I may have to take a pic just for you. ;)


As for my obsession, it's likely applying lip balm. My nekkid lips need silky, waxy, fruitiness. :D I'm only slightly (!) addicted, however, and thus have Burt's Bees sticks in my purse, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. Pomegranate's my fave. :blush:





Lordy, if she came to my house and saw how my things are organized, her whole body would twitch. But, the thing is, they're not disorganized. *I* know exactly where things are. I know where I keep the vinegar. I know where I put that one piece of paper in the stack of papers on my desk. I'm sure I put the lightbulbs in *that* drawer (even though that drawer is not particularly well suited to light bulbs) so why aren't they there NOW!? Who moved them?


Seriously, just last night I was going a little loopy looking for the lost lightbulbs (say that five times fast) when dh finally pipes up...


"You mean the two light bulbs that were in that drawer? Oh, we tried those already and they had broken filaments."



Me: "Ah. Well, then. Broken, huh? Okay. But, they were in that drawer, right? I knew I'd put them in there!"





I'm not going to read the rest of this thread, because you people make me nervous. :lol:

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O.K. - First I have to say that I am coveting your spice cabinet.


Now, for my OCD tendencies - I add license plate numbers...every one I pass, for the most part. This is mostly subconscious, but if I am alone I am more aware of it. And I really prefer that the numbers equal an even number. :confused:


Also, I MUST straighten crooked pictures. And I add the number of letters in any given statement. For example, that last sentence had 44 letters. Weird, huh?

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Y'all can come organize my cabinets and closets, fold laundry and towels, and generally clean to your little OCD heart's content. Whew! I have my quirks but I missed out on the cleaning/organizing/folding gene.


I've told employees 'if you are on time, you are late.' Five to ten minutes early is just right.


I have to have a sheet or part of a blanket on some part of me at night, no matter how hot the house is.


It's odd to me the fasination with even numbers. I'm the opposite. My address, 1924, bugs me because it is even. I like groupings of three or five in arrangements or garden plantings. I like evenness and order, except when I don't. Asymetrical suits my artsy heart.


Crooked pictures on the wall drives me insane.


Because of my years in photography, bad lighting anywhere is a physically painful thing to me. Overhead or flourecent lights give me headaches.


I think I'm afraid to have people over to my house because some of them will be like y'all....and think less of me because I don't clean compulsively or fold my towels correctly. :tongue_smilie: Maybe I'm an OCD worrier.

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Does having all our books catalogued (or in the process of being catalogued) in Librarything count? I'm quite obsessive of our books being on the *right* shelf too.


I've mellowed over the years as far as cleaning and tidying go - kids do that :), but I do insist on a tidy kitchen and living areas before we go to bed.


I have the art of arriving exactly on time down to an art. We live in a smallish town with little traffic, so I know how long it takes to get everywhere. If I need to go to the city a 100km away, I do build in some extra time though.

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I have a lot.


I can only eat life savers, spice drops, jelly beans, what have you, two at a time. The universe feels completely off balance if I eat just one jelly bean. And, I have a color system too.


Another dishwasher re-organizer here.


I can't put the laundry into the machine until the water has completely filled. I'm askeered of what will happen if I don't.


Towels must be folded in threes, with the tag side in.


The car must be parked in the same place.


The coffee pot must be pushed back completely. No two inches off of the wall is not completely.



Does this make me nuts?blah-blah-072.gif

No! These things are all just plain common sense!!! EVERYONE knows that M&Ms must be eaten by a color code and OF COURSE the tags must be folded to the inside of the towel!!! (Do you mean to tell me that some people park their cars in different places.....in their own garages? NOW THAT IS ODD!!!)

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I think I'm afraid to have people over to my house because some of them will be like y'all....and think less of me because I don't clean compulsively or fold my towels correctly. :tongue_smilie: Maybe I'm an OCD worrier.


The funny thing is that I rarely notice these things at other people's houses!!! It is just my own.


And, I'm sorry to state that I think I relate to about 3/4 of the obsessive compulsions stated here.....I'm crazier than I thought!!!

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I've done the same thing, recently, and I got caught!


My girls know how to load a dishwasher properly, but apparently not everyone does. Shocking, I tell ya.


So I was reading this thread, laughing and laughing thinking that I sure don't have any OCD leanings compared to you all, when I got to this one. I will re-arrange the dishwasher any old time so that it is right and I don't care if I get caught. :) My SIL and BILs can just learn how to properly load a dishwasher! :tongue_smilie:

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So I was reading this thread, laughing and laughing thinking that I sure don't have any OCD leanings compared to you all, when I got to this one. I will re-arrange the dishwasher any old time so that it is right and I don't care if I get caught. :) My SIL and BILs can just learn how to properly load a dishwasher! :tongue_smilie:




Word to the wise: if you cultivate this kind of behavior now, your offspring and spouse will cease to even try to help you when they get older because they'll have learned that nothing they do will ever please you!


I'm only half joking. ;)

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!




Holy Cow! You can actually find things?

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I laminate the covers of my paperback books. Don't know why I started, but can tell you, I've been thankful too many times that I did. (My kids tend to spill things.)


I also label all my pictures and put them in photo albums. The only photos you may find unlabeled in my home are those that were sent to me, and it didn't dawn on my that some people may not label their photos.

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!




I'm more OCD than you are (done in a playground sing-song voice) My containers would be in alphabetical order, just like my spices are. :001_tt2:

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I'm more OCD than you are (done in a playground sing-song voice) My containers would be in alphabetical order, just like my spices are. :001_tt2:


Here is the problem with that. (I have tried) They are different sizes and to maximize the space the things that have to stack are not necessarily in the right order. So.....alas, I gave up on that. Sigh.

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When I put things on the check out counter they have to go in a certain order. Frozen foods, cans, boxes, fruits/veggies, paper products etc. No one can help me do this because they don't do it right:glare:




I do this, too. I don't know what on earth is up with all this mixing, but it's just wrong. For one thing, I want all of my refrigerated items bagged up separately, that way I can put them away first. Items that are clearly bathroom products should also be in their own bag. Same goes for produce, meat, dairy, and well, pretty much everything!


Why would I have soap in a bag with my lettuce? Cheese in a bag with canned goods? I think I need to develop a training program for grocery baggers, so there can be order in the world.


Most of this is for ease of putting things away, but it's also because those things just shouldn't touch. I organize things in my grocery cart this way, too. I usually end up bagging my own groceries to get it right, but I try not to offend the baggers.


I think they know I'm loopy, so we're cool. :tongue_smilie:

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!




Oh, my! Now I KNOW I aspire to be you! :D

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Let's see other than checking rep points lately (I'm breaking that habit), I'm compulsive about the house being tidy.


My big one is when we are having school the house has to be clean before we start school for the day. If for some reason the house got trashed the night before or I decide that it is time for a massive overhaul school might not start until 2pm.


It bothers me when my rep points are an odd number, unless it ends in five.


I clean my entire house every morning (which is very small, so it doesn't take long), so I schedule the kids to do all of their indpendent work first thing. I just can't sit down and do a lesson with them in a messy house, because my eyes are always wandering over to things that are out of order.


I've tried cleaning at night, but 1) goblins must come in and mess it up while I'm sleeping, and 2) I can't see the dust and dog hair at night.

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The candy drawer is the domain of "the theives" and that is *not* organized!! (But, strangely, there are no Reeces in that drawer either.)


Hide your secret stash of candy under the lettuce in the refrigerator. They never look there! :lol: I'll even break my rule of not putting unlike items together in order to thwart thieves!

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Here is another one that I have, speaking of numbers. I had strong ideas about what day I wanted my kids to be born on. Mostly, I like even numbers the best, although for some reason 21 is my favorite number. I was SO excited when my dd was born on April 21! I was induced with my second and so I chose the day of induction based on......(I'm ashamed to say it) the number. I didn't want him born on the 29th, so I waited until the 30th!!


I did, too!


dd16 was supposed to be born on 4/08/92. She was born on 4/29/92, which is okay, but the 29 isn't right, even though it mirrors the year. I wanted her to be born on the 26th, because that would be my great-grandma's birthday. My birthday is 2/26, and one of my sister's is 1/26, so she'd line right up.


dd13 is perfection - 8/16/94. Nothing's better than an 8! (She was due 8/08, but I'll forgive her since she came on a multiple of 8). It has never bothered me that she was born on the same day my father died (11 years earlier), but it bothers one of my sisters. 8/16 is also the day Elvis died, and since we live in Memphis, there's a lot of hoopla around town that day.


dd9 was supposed to be here 12/19/98, which I hated. 19 is an awful number. I couldn't figure out what would be a good birthday for her, but I finally settled on 12/28. She didn't arrive until 1/05/99. Odd all the way around! And born in an odd year, to boot. But I was born in 1969, so there's something. Dh's birthday is 6/05, so they share the 5th.


Didn't someone on here have a baby born on 08/08/08? That's awesome!

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The past few years I've made real efforts to let go of some of my OCD tendencies. Some, I'm afraid will stick with me forever. :lol:


A few listed that I identify with:

- loading the dishwasher

- towels folded a certain way with the 'smooth' edges showing

- placing groceries in my cart and on the checkout counter in a certain order - puzzle-like, too - no empty space between items


Some others:

- when driving down the highway, I have to lift my fingers off the car's interior or steering wheel whenever I pass an electric pole, you know, so my fingers can jump over the pole. :confused:

- I want to sit so things line up in my sight. The window sashing should line up with the tree across the street, the pillow of the couch should be perfectly centered (in my line of vision) on the dining room table, etc.


I'm scared to think of others. :tongue_smilie: I know I have many quirks, and DH is soooo good to me. I know he does stuff around the house in a certain way just for me.


Okay, and now I seem REALLY scary :lol: :lol:

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Well..... I wash my hands a lot, sanitize my shopping buggy, and carry GermX like many others here. BUT, I bite my nails.........


I will go pee several times before bed, even when I don't have to, just because I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go.....I usually have to anyway! Even when I'm about to dose off, I'll jump up and go one more time!


I go through so many kitchen towels while cooking because I worry that the current towel might not be clean anymore.


I can not sleep without my lips coated in Vaseline. Carmex is too smelly, Chap-stick is too waxy......Vaseline will only do. And if I wake up in the night and my lips don't feel coated enough, I'll add more. Dh hates Vaseline kisses!:lol:


And this is a new one in the last several years......I keep having this feeling that my wedding ring has fallen off. It will wake me up at night and I'll panic for a second until I actually touch it. This drives me nuts. It started 3 years ago after my diamond fell out. Thankfully we found the diamond in my purse, but the compulsion about it hasn't left me.

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