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Prayers: my friend passed away yesterday

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Hello Hive -


Last night, a friend of mine ended her 5-year battle with breast cancer. She leaves behind 3 young children, and an amazing testimony. She was diagnosed while pg with her youngest - who is now 5 and ready to start kindergarten. Through it all, she gave continual glory to God. Not sugar-coated, but real, honest, horribly hard, costly praise and glory.


I blogged about her life, if anyone wants to read- it includes a link to her caring bridge page, where you can read the letters she wrote to her children.


But mostly, I'm just requesting prayers. They have a hard, hard road ahead of them.



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Wow. I read several of Laura's letters to her children. She was obviously an amazing person. One of her posts really struck home to me. She talked about how we really aren't in control we only fool ourselves into believing we are. It really spoke to my heart today. I'm going to bookmark her Caring Bridge site so I can continue to read. She had so much wisdom.


I will definitely keep her family in my prayers. My heart just breaks for all of them.


Thank you for sharing.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for peace for everyone who loved your friend. As a child my mother passed I wish she could have left me letters like that. What a blessing she left to her children. A true testament to the wonderful person I am sure she was. :grouphug:

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