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Who shares a room with who in your family?

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We live in a 3BR home with 3 DC. Currently DD1 & DD2, who are 17 months apart, share a room. DS has his own room. I was planning on doing a room swap between DDs and DS because DS is currently in the largest room. I thought the two sharing should have the bigger room. When I brought this up, DD2 stated that she would rather room with her brother. This would give DD1 her own room and would be much easier, logistically, to do. DD1 is almost 6, DD2 is 4 and DS is almost 2. Do you think it's possible to transition my 2 year old to a shared room? The girls have been arguing SO MUCH lately and I'm wondering if this little bit of space will help out? I think I just like to know how others handle things to see if there how it works for the rest of the world.:D

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We have a girl room and a boy room. The one with more people gets the bigger room.


I think for our homestudies we had to have children over 5 only roomed in with their same sex sibling.


Nursing babes room in with mom and dad. Mom and Dad share a room (giggle.) I find that funny but my then 8 year old pointed out, "We ALL share, even mom and dad!"

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My DD7 & DD9 both share a room. My DS3 has his own room. We too live in a 3BD home. I personally wouldn't allow either of my DD's to share a room with DS. It's just isn't something I'm personally ok with. DS isn't allowed to be in the girls room when they are dressing, in the bathroom, or anywhere he could see them without appropriate clothing on.


When we had a 12yr old girl staying with us for a short time we crunched ALL 3 girls into ONE room, because I won't mix boys and girls. I want ds to have privacy and my dd's as well. My dd's are allowed to wear cami's and tiny shorts to bed, but have to put on something more appropriate when coming out to the rest of the house. They all get super hot at night so I let them dress that way once they are in their room for the night.


My dd's are fighting ALOT lately too. We just make sure they both get the time they need without smothering each other. This means mom or dad have to remind them kindly to split up and do something else productive besides argue.


We just did a room switch. My ds now has the smaller room, which makes sense. My dd's now have the bigger room, which makes sense. :lol:


Think of the future too. If DD gets used to having her own room probelms could arise when she has to go back to sharing with other DD when your DS gets much older and sharing with his sister won't be fitting for the family.

Edited by mamaofblessings
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We have just done whatever whenever and changed it up as we've gone and how it fit our needs.

Additionally, I don't know that it is ever not fitting for opposite gender siblings to share a room. They can learn respect. But my hubby had to share with his sister and my big kids have shared at times over the years. OF course, more children in time may make a real difference regarding who sleeps where. However, the current kiddos will deal with whatever happens then.

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Until a few months ago we had a girl room and a boy room. Our dd is 12 and our boys are 7 and 10. We have a 3 bedroom, too. We tried putting all three kids in the same room and use the other room for a school room. But, our youngest is exhausting and the older 2 needed a break from him.


So, they came up with the idea of putting one of the beds in the school room and two in the other room. Now, the older 2 are sharing a room (dd and one ds) and the younger ds is in the school room. They kept the closets as they were originally. The boys still share one and dd has her own in the school room. Every 4 months they will switch who gets the room alone. We are still in the first 4 month cycle, so we will see how it goes. But, so far, they are thrilled!


There aren't privacy issues because they all dress in their closets or the bathroom. If my daughter has friends over they get the shared room and the boys are together.

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Right now, the 11yo has her own (smaller) room, and her brothers share the other, larger, room. This is new, though. Until this past year (when she turned 11 and started wanting their grubby little fingers out of her stuff), they all shared the larger room, at their collective request.


So, no, I don't think there's anything wrong with working with kid requests.


(I share my room with my husband and, from birth to about 3.5, shared with each of the children, too. Now I want their grubby little fingers out of my stuff. The husband can stay though, since he helps ward them off. :D )

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My DD7 & DD9 both share a room. My DS3 has his own room. We too live in a 3BD home. I personally wouldn't allow either of my DD's to share a room with DS. It's just isn't something I'm personally ok with. DS isn't allowed to be in the girls room when they are dressing, in the bathroom, or anywhere he could see them without appropriate clothing on.


When we had a 12yr old girl staying with us for a short time we crunched ALL 3 girls into ONE room, because I won't mix boys and girls. I want ds to have privacy and my dd's as well. My dd's are allowed to wear cami's and tiny shorts to bed, but have to put on something more appropriate when coming out to the rest of the house. They all get super hot at night so I let them dress that way once they are in their room for the night.


My dd's are fighting ALOT lately too. We just make sure they both get the time they need without smothering each other. This means mom or dad have to remind them kindly to split up and do something else productive besides argue.


We just did a room switch. My ds now has the smaller room, which makes sense. My dd's now have the bigger room, which makes sense. :lol:


Think of the future too. If DD gets used to having her own room probelms could arise when she has to go back to sharing with other DD when your DS gets much older and sharing with his sister won't be fitting for the family.


See, this doesn't make any sense to me. Do you think that your children would be doing innappropriate things with each other? :confused: I shared a room with my 2 brothers and nothing EVER happened. We all dressed in the bathroom behind closed doors for privacy. My daughter will be bunking up with her brothers soon.

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We have 3 DC, 2 girls and one boy. They are 6, 4, and almost 2 (the boy is in the middle). We have a 2br home. All three of the children share one room as far as their belongings, but the youngest still sleeps in our room with us because she is still nursing. She does have a toddler bed in the other room though.



When we move, DS will get his own room and the girls will share. We are okay with them all sharing for now, but won't allow it for much longer. This all boils down to family's preference though.

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See, this doesn't make any sense to me. Do you think that your children would be doing innappropriate things with each other? :confused: I shared a room with my 2 brothers and nothing EVER happened. We all dressed in the bathroom behind closed doors for privacy. My daughter will be bunking up with her brothers soon.

No I don't think this of my children. I never implied this either. Dh & I teach our dc that their bedroom is their private & quiet place. We teach our dc that certain clothing isn't to be worn in front of the opposite sex, sharing a room with their brother would not give them the privacy to wear their cami tops & boy shorts to bed.


I don't think it's "wrong", it's just not something we'd do because of our family preference.


That's all :001_smile:

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It all depends on where we live. Currently everyone has their own room but in the past all three have shared a room (2DD1DS) or the DDs together and DS alone. One time due to such a short stay at one place everyone shared a bedroom, yes all 5 of us. I had sets of bunks and a twin and DH and I slept on the floor.

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We have a 3 bedroom and 3 children as well. Two DS's room together and our dd has her own room. They would all 3 prefer to sleep in the same room - dd does not like having her own room. In her foster family she shared a room with 6 other girls. Her own room is too quiet and boring. :D When we have company, we let them share a room and the guest gets dd's room.


Growing up we did the rotating bedroom thing, and I LOVED it! I am the youngest of 3 girls, and we would rotate once a year who got their own room. I always loved the day we would switch rooms/roommates. :001_smile:

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DD13 and dd5 shared a room for a short bit a few years ago. I was obvious it wasn't going to work right away. We partitioned off a bit of our school room/library for dd5 so she could have her own space.


Everyone has had their own room in our house ever since.

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DS and DD share right now. When the baby gets here either, DS will get his own room and baby will share with dd, or we will keep the playroom and have all three sleep in one room. They just sleep there and they play in the rest of the house, with their own rooms I don't know if they will play together as much.

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Our first house was 3-bdrm, 2-bath. All three girls shared one room, dh&I had another, and the last room was our school and play room. The girls all stayed in our room until about 2yo and then moved into the bedroom down the hall.


When the girls were 3, 5, and 8, we moved to a 5-bdrm, 3-bath house. The 8yo had her own bedroom upstairs. The 3yo and 5yo shared a bedroom upstairs. They all shared a bathroom between their rooms. The huge upstairs landing was a school and play room. My dh and I had a bedroom downstairs. One of the downstairs rooms (very small, about 8x8) was my dh's office. The other downstairs room was a guest room. There was bathroom between the office and guest bedroom and we had our own bathroom. The 3yo and 5yo shared a room upstairs because neither one wanted to be alone at that point and they also wanted to be closer to somebody. The downstairs bedrooms were on the far side of the house from the master bedroom. The upstairs bedroom made them feel safer.


We moved again when they were 5, 8, and 10yo. They were all ready for separate rooms by then. This time it was a 5-bdrm, 3.5-bath house. The master bedroom is downstairs and all the other rooms are upstairs. Each of the girls has her own room. The 14yo and 16yo have bedrooms over the master bedroom and bathroom and they share a bathroom of their own. The 19yo has a bedroom over the garage and has her own bathroom. Dh's office is next to the 19yo's room.




When I was a kid we were in a 3 bedroom house, but there were 4 of us kids. I had two sisters who were MUCH older (10yo and 13yo when I was born) and a brother two years younger than I was. My brother and I shared a room and my two older sisters shared a room. When my oldest sister moved out, my other sister had a room to herself and my brother and I still shared. By the time my brother and I were 7yo and 9yo, my sisters had moved out, so we each got our own room. If one of my sisters came back home, I would share a room with her. If both of my sisters came back home, I would have to go back to sharing my brother's room and my sisters would share with each other. It wasn't pleasant, but it was doable.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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My DS 3, DD 5 and DD 6 share a room and love it. DS3 starts out in our room, we move him to his bed when we go to bed. They all wake up and play together.


My brother and I shared a room when we were around 7 and 5. I loved it. We use to whisper to each other and loved sharing a room. My parents split us because we were boy/girl. It saddened both of us. I don't understand the fear. We were brother and sister nothing untoward happened. I have no problem with brothers/ sister dressing around each other though. My cousin is a boy and we did everything together from going to the bathroom to playing outside together. We never thought anything strange about it.

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Currently DS (almost 15) and DS (17 m ) share a room.

The girls, DD (13) and DD (5) share a room.


The elder DS and DD shared for a while, and there were years when the older 3 shared together ( before last LO was born).


Soon, they will all have their own rooms, and I have decided that I'll keep sharing with DH. I like sharing a room with him :D

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We currently live in a 2bedroom apartment. Dd slept in the same room with me until she grew out of her bassinet and then we moved her into a crib in her brothers room. My mom keeps freaking out that my 3 year old and not quite 2 year old are sharing a room, but um, it's a 2 bedroom apartment. :-P

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My 2 shared a room until they were 7 and 4 1/2. We used the larger room as a playroom until DD got old enough to want her own space. It worked out nicely for many years.


From the responses, I'm guessing the after-bath 'naked dance' BOTH of my children felt compelled to do wouldn't fly in every house. It was efficient . . .run to the LR, do your dance, run back to put on PJs. They stopped around age 3. It was hysterical. Actually, I never enforced ANY sort of modesty. My kids just hit an age where they naturally wanted privacy and that was the end of their exhibitionist ways. My daughter is 15 now and she is so insanely modest you'd think she was raised in an ultra-religious household. My son developed a sense of modesty at an older age than his sister, but once they have it they seem to have it for good.

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We technically have a girl room and a boy room but lately, ds13 sleeps on the bottom bunk of the girls room, dd4 who actually owns that bed sleeps in my room and ds8 has the boys room to himself. I used to have an issue with ds13 crashing in there, but now I don't care as long as everyone gets enough sleep. eventually he will go back to sleeping in the boys room, but for now everyone is content the way it is.

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Right now, in our 5-bedroom house, DD12 and DSD13 share a room, DS7 and DSS7 share, DH and I share, and DS13 and DSS9 each have their own room. We've only been living together for a few months, but it's worked out really well.


I don't see anything wrong with your younger daughter sharing with your son. It's worth giving it a try. My two oldest kids (now DS13 and DD12) shared until they were about 8 and 9 and absolutely loved it.

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No I don't think this of my children. I never implied this either. Dh & I teach our dc that their bedroom is their private & quiet place. We teach our dc that certain clothing isn't to be worn in front of the opposite sex, sharing a room with their brother would not give them the privacy to wear their cami tops & boy shorts to bed.


I don't think it's "wrong", it's just not something we'd do because of our family preference.


That's all :001_smile:


Oh okay. I just wasn't sure what you were meaning. :001_smile:


If room wasn't tight, I'd love for them to each have their own room.

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Well officially my DD has her own room and the boys share however my DD hates to sleep alone so she sleeps in the boys room every night on a mattress on the floor.


Kids will tell you when they want their own room and privacy. I think it is fine for your DD and DS to share if that's what they want - especially at those young ages.

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My 2 shared a room until they were 7 and 4 1/2. We used the larger room as a playroom until DD got old enough to want her own space. It worked out nicely for many years.


From the responses, I'm guessing the after-bath 'naked dance' BOTH of my children felt compelled to do wouldn't fly in every house. It was efficient . . .run to the LR, do your dance, run back to put on PJs. They stopped around age 3. It was hysterical. Actually, I never enforced ANY sort of modesty. My kids just hit an age where they naturally wanted privacy and that was the end of their exhibitionist ways. My daughter is 15 now and she is so insanely modest you'd think she was raised in an ultra-religious household. My son developed a sense of modesty at an older age than his sister, but once they have it they seem to have it for good.


Mine strips on the way up the stairs to the bath, then comes back down naked and attempting to yell at me for not getting him a towel (he walks past the towels to get downstairs).


Me and my 2 kids share a bedroom. My room is the biggest and the other two bedrooms we too small to function. I was going to put the kids in my room and me in another, but my full bed and dresser would not have fit. It works for us. If i were married of with someobe, it would be different.

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Mine are all girls, so I haven't had to deal with the boy/girl thing.


But my twins have always shared a room. They wouldn't have slept apart even if they HAD separate rooms. All three of mine shared a room at one house we lived in.


My brother (6 years younger) and I shared a room and a bed in the winter! His had no heat and was cold.

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My DD7 & DD9 both share a room. My DS3 has his own room. We too live in a 3BD home. I personally wouldn't allow either of my DD's to share a room with DS. It's just isn't something I'm personally ok with. DS isn't allowed to be in the girls room when they are dressing, in the bathroom, or anywhere he could see them without appropriate clothing on.






Think of the future too. If DD gets used to having her own room probelms could arise when she has to go back to sharing with other DD when your DS gets much older and sharing with his sister won't be fitting for the family.


:iagree:Yeah this is how it is here too

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I never thought I would have boys and girls sharing a room but for the last 7 months we have been remodeling and my 4 dc have all been sharing a room. I have 2 boys and 2 girls. They are all handling it like champs! They all dress in the bathroom and are excellent at respecting eachother's need for privacy/modesty. In the next few weeks there will be a boy room and a girl room. These kinds of times make us all appreciate the little things that is for sure! (the kids are in the master bedroom and dh and I are in the room that will soon be the schoolroom--can't wait!)

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At the ages of your younger children, it might be worth a try to give your DD2 and your DS a chance at sharing a room. At some point, you will probably need, for privacy reasons, to have the two girls share a room, and it mght be that it's harder to put them back together later, especially if DD1 feels that DD2 is then intruding into her space, but if it's causing a lot of stress to have them sharing now, maybe separating them for a while would be better.


My DS1 and DS2 (7 and 3) share a room, and DD (10) has her own room, for privacy reasons. She currently has the largest bedroom, but if we stay in this house, eventually, we'll switch her room and the boys' room. The boys have a bunkbed in their room, but it's not big enough for the bunkbed and the twin bed that we'll eventually need so that DS3 can share with his big brothers. Right now, he still sleeps in our room, but DD's current room is the only one that can accommodate beds for three boys.

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For the most part all of my children have always had their own rooms. There have been a few instances where people had to bunk up for short periods of time when we were in transition but for most long term housing everyone gets their own room. We currently have six in the house. Hubby and I share a room, dd and her fiance' (college students) share a room and the youngest two each have their own room. It is a little tight for the college kids. They do have an extra room to use for an office but it is really more of a storage room and really isn't being used to it's best advantage. I would love to have another room to use as a guest room as we do frequently have guest but it happens so infrequently that we manage.

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We have a 3 bedroom house. The master suite is where the 3 girls are located. All of their toys are in the huge walk-in closet. My son is by himself and DH & I have the other bedroom. We're hoping to buy a bigger house this year. With a 4th bedroom the younger two would still be together as the 7 year old doesn't like being alone and the 9 year old really needs her own space.

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