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Why the huge variance in gas prices now?

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I know there are always places with higher and lower gas prices, but upon talking with my sister, there's a really huge variance right now. She's paying $3.85 and ours is $3.29. Usually there's, at most, a 20 - 30 cents difference in our two locations (different states - assuming different taxes). But right now we're at more than a 50 cents per gallon difference.


Looking at this "gas temperature map:




it looks like some areas are less than $3 and others are more than $4.


Does anyone know why there's such a huge difference compared to "normal" right now? Have taxes changed in some states?


Pure curiosity here... and glad we're not in one of the high priced areas as we're enjoying the little bit of relief in our budget (would welcome more of a relief too, of course!).

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We're around $3.29 (but with .40 off from our Giant bonus card, that's well under $3! Woot!). There is always a huge difference between what we pay over here on the eastern shore and prices in Annapolis and the DC metro area - 40-60 cents. (which I always find funny since we're on the edge of nowhere and there's less demand... You'd think we would pay higher prices just based on the delivery distance and lack of volume)

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Is the refinery in Northern Washington up to full capacity after their fire? I am wondering if that has anything to do with the high prices in WA. We just moved to SC, and we are paying $1 or more LESS a gallon. My sister payed $4.19, I just paid $3.03. That is a huge disparity.

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I thought there was always a huge variance.


There's always been a variance, but I just hadn't seen it this big before. The difference between here and my sister's place (different states) is usually 10 - 20 cents. Now it's 50 - 60 cents, but I don't recall (nor does she) any tax increases. The big difference only started since gas prices started decreasing in the very recent past.


Maybe it has to do with refinery issues (esp for the west) - though we're in the east...

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I do think the prices have been varying more in the last month. When we drove back from FL, for the first time ever, FL,VA & DE prices were right in line with NJ. (Based upon the gas stations we see each trip).

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We're around $3.18 here (a drop of about 40 cents in the past month). At the same company's station, in another state, but only 35 minutes away, it was $3.50 on the same day. Hubby passes this station to/from work daily, which always gives us interesting comparisons. For a few months, it'll be higher there, then for a few months, it'll be lower there.

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You guys are seriously paying $3.05-$3.30/gallon????????


I always knew California has an insanely high cost of living, but the cheapest in my town is $4.15. The closest Costco has it for $4.08 but I'd burn the difference getting there unless I happened to be in that area already.

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You guys are seriously paying $3.05-$3.30/gallon????????


I always knew California has an insanely high cost of living, but the cheapest in my town is $4.15. The closest Costco has it for $4.08 but I'd burn the difference getting there unless I happened to be in that area already.


My last fill up was $3.35/gallon. (Austin, TX)

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We paid $3.06 yesterday and today, but that's because we are having gas wars due to the giant Buccee's that just opened. I don't know how long it will last, but we'll take it while we can get it! HEB and Walmart have been matching or beating Buccee's prices. Our usual gas station was still 3.29 last time I looked.

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We drove cross-country this past week. Gas was .60-70 higher in the state next to us, .20 higher than us the next state over, and .70-.80 higher at our destination point. It is crazy, and I don't think gas taxes are that different between our states....our state has higher gas taxes than they have.


Around town, there is about a .20 differential between stations...some stations have moved lower and others haven't matched them yet.

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About a week ago, diesel was $5.06 in our town and $3.96 the next town over. I don't think I've ever seen such a big difference.


I think you win. We had price differences of over 50 cents from one day to another. It is crazy. I have to use a gas price app on my phone just to figure out where I am getting gas. We were at 4.15-4.60 yesterday.

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Where I live (the Willamette Valley Oregon) we're at $4.20 ish right now, but that's because the West Coast only has two refineries and one at least has been shut down. I heard it's supposed to be back on line today or tomorrow, so maybe in a few weeks our prices will moderate...I hope. Sigh

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Where I live (the Willamette Valley Oregon) we're at $4.20 ish right now, but that's because the West Coast only has two refineries and one at least has been shut down. I heard it's supposed to be back on line today or tomorrow, so maybe in a few weeks our prices will moderate...I hope. Sigh


I've heard that too. Here's hoping. :001_smile: Oh and hi:seeya: from another Willamette Valley girl. :D

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I live in Canada but not far from the Cdn/US border so when I purchase homeschooling materials I will usually get them shipped to a parcel depot on the US side and fill up gas at the same time.


I picked up a parcel today and the price was $3.59/gallon. Here in Canada I would have paid the equivalent of $4.71/gallon ($1.244/litre).:001_huh:

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$4.49 at the speedway on the corner from me, and about $4.59 at the three within a few blocks from here. We drive downstate about 45 min once a week and will usually fill up in that county. It's $4.29 down there. (I'm living in a southside neighborhood of Chicago BTW right now.)

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I picked up a parcel today and the price was $3.59/gallon. Here in Canada I would have paid the equivalent of $4.71/gallon ($1.244/litre).:001_huh:


That kind of difference is presumably due to the difference in fuel taxes. Here in the U.S. there is some state-by-state variation in gasoline taxes, but while California's is basically double that of many Southern states ($0.69 vs. $0.35-$0.39), that doesn't explain gas prices being a full dollar higher. :glare:

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That kind of difference is presumably due to the difference in fuel taxes. Here in the U.S. there is some state-by-state variation in gasoline taxes, but while California's is basically double that of many Southern states ($0.69 vs. $0.35-$0.39), that doesn't explain gas prices being a full dollar higher. :glare:


Our gas tax (PA) is 50.7 cents. CA is 69 cents. That's a little less than 19 cents per gallon. Our gas is $3.29... I've heard you need a different mix out there. Not sure what that adds to it all.


NY tax is 69.6 cents, so pretty much a true 19 cents (which is why my sister and I are often at a 20 cents difference). Right now (yesterday), their gas is $3.85. That's a 51 cent difference. ???

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That kind of difference is presumably due to the difference in fuel taxes. Here in the U.S. there is some state-by-state variation in gasoline taxes, but while California's is basically double that of many Southern states ($0.69 vs. $0.35-$0.39), that doesn't explain gas prices being a full dollar higher. :glare:


No, and it doesn't explain the in-state variation either. :glare:


Last time we were up, I didn't see much of a difference in ME/NH/VT prices, either.

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I swear the prices are just rigged anyway (and it has nothing to do with supply).






My husband just texted a picture from the pump: $2.699!




Weep! How I wish!



The price has dropped a bit. $4.21 this morning (Willamette Valley).

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