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Tonight we graduated our younger DS...

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Tonight we graduated our younger DS. After 12 years, our homeschooling journey with our DSs is finished. I am so blessed and privileged to have been able to be a part of their lives in such a special way! :)


Congratulations to all who are graduating seniors in these next few weeks! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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:party:Lori, congratulations to you and your son. You both have put in a lot of hard work over the years and deserve a big round of applause. Great job, Mom!


I hope you will still spend some time on the board. Your help with literature has been invaluable to me over the last couple of years. You have helped to smooth out some fairly bumpy spots in our homeschooling road.


With :grouphug:, gratitude, admiration, and wishing you all the best

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Wow! Lori, that is wonderful, truly wonderful. Isn't it amazing? I remember how I felt when my older one graduated. He was my peacewalker and as I delivered him to his summer college program, just as we finished the last assignment in the car on the way lol - so typical for us, we pulled over at the Delorme (sp?) map store. It has a giant, several stories high globe. We stood gazing at it for half an hour while it turned and he pointed out all the places he had been and all the places he wanted to visit and told me what interesting snippets of history or geography occured to him as places appeared. It was such a fitting finish... I hope you have had an equally wonderful ending moment, a time when you can say, "Yes. My son's high school education is finished. Now it is time for him to move on to other, larger things. We did a good job. He is ready."


I want to thank you for all you have contributed here and say please don't go away; we need you. You have a way of gathering information and then presenting it to the hive sorted into a useful form. That is so helpful for the rest of us. You have touched many people's lives. I think I can speak for the hive and say we are truly grateful.



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I'm getting a bit misty. Lori, you're "graduating", too! Congrats to you both!


Like all the other posters, I'm sending my heartfelt thanks for all the mentoring and the wonderful, in depth, informative posts--thank you for giving of yourself!


Like the other poster, I'm wondering what's next on your agenda.


Many blessings.

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And I hope that you will do more than just check in here and there! :001_huh: Might be selfish of me, but I learn so much from your posts and couldn't imagine you not being here. :001_smile:


:grouphug:s and prayers for you in this time of transition. :grouphug:

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You are all so kind to celebrate with me! I so appreciate and value your love, encouragement and friendship!





First: we're going to Disneyland! DS wanted a family senior trip, so we'll be doing that shortly. Then over the summer, I'll need to go through 12 years of homeschooling and sort/save/toss/organize... :ack2:


Starting in the fall: I am planning to teach 2 classes at our homeschool group's co-op this coming year, and I'll be leading a few informational sessions again for our homeschool group (helping parents with high school, and a career exploration session for homeschool teens).


And more long-range: I hope to start putting together some curriculum to try and publish -- as always I have way more ideas than time, BUT... at the top of the idea list are some high school Lit. guides, a film course, and then some K-8 science that I've been toying with for awhile... And of course I'll need to be here frequently for social -- I mean research purposes ;) ... so, you can't get rid of me from this Board THAT easily! :tongue_smilie:



BEST of luck to ALL those who are graduating students this year! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Wow! Lori, that is wonderful, truly wonderful. Isn't it amazing? I remember how I felt when my older one graduated. He was my peacewalker and as I delivered him to his summer college program, just as we finished the last assignment in the car on the way lol - so typical for us, we pulled over at the Delorme (sp?) map store. It has a giant, several stories high globe. We stood gazing at it for half an hour while it turned and he pointed out all the places he had been and all the places he wanted to visit and told me what interesting snippets of history or geography occured to him as places appeared. It was such a fitting finish... I hope you have had an equally wonderful ending moment, a time when you can say, "Yes. My son's high school education is finished. Now it is time for him to move on to other, larger things. We did a good job. He is ready."


I want to thank you for all you have contributed here and say please don't go away; we need you. You have a way of gathering information and then presenting it to the hive sorted into a useful form. That is so helpful for the rest of us. You have touched many people's lives. I think I can speak for the hive and say we are truly grateful.




Awesome story!

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Congratulations to you and your son Lori!


One journey over, another begun for both of us, dd and I finished her studies a few weeks ago! I'm "graduated" too after 17 years of homeschooling. Ds (also homeschooled) graduated from college last month as well. Dd's official graduation is in the planning and her and ds want one party to celebrate the one time we have two graduates!

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This is late in getting to you, but CONGRATULATIONS to you and your son.


You have been so encouraging to me on this board. I am glad there is a good search engine here so that I can always pull up your old posts. It's funny, I only found THIS thread when I was doing a search for Lori D. (I wanted to reread your posts about American Literature). :-) BTW, we used Conceptual Physics this year and that book is way cool. So much better than Apologia for us.


Anyway, hope to see you back here soon!

Edited by LatinTea
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Congratulations, Lori!


And just as the previous posters have requested, *please* visit the forum to share advice and wisdom as often as you can.


We really, really appreciate you!


Or, just write a book with all your extraordinary advice and counsel. I'd buy it! At full price, even. LOL


Congrats to you and yours. Well done, Mom; well done!

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Congratulations, Lori. I just have to thank you too for all your wonderful posts. I'm so glad to hear you will not be leaving us! I always get excited when you reply to a post I've posted or one I'm interested in. The info always seems to be exactly what I need.


By the way, you helped me to choose our lit program this year--we went with Windows to the World per your recommendation, and we've had a great year. I have lists and lists of books laying around that came from you as well. :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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