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Husband just got in a car accident. Prayers please

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I dont know the details. I think he is okay. My mother was right nearby so she is going to help him. He was driving my car, and he says the damage is pretty bad. He isokay, and i believe the other driver is okay, too.


ETA at 3:42 pm est. He is okay. Shaken up, but okay. The woman he hit was okay too, thank God. Miraculously, her car suffered no damage, while ours....well. THe entire front end is pretty much smashed in. The body guy says he thinks the insurance company won't consider it totalled, but would rather fix it, which is fine by me. I like my car and would rather not buy another. We'll have to wait til the insurance company takes a look, however. In the meantime, they will rent us a car for up to 30 days. The body shop says it will take about 3 weeks to fix (the main guy is going on vacation next week for a week, unfortunately). Hopefully he can order the parts before he leaves.


I am so very grateful that nobody was hurt, I can't tell you. And it's amazing how much damage can be done to a car going only 5-10 miles an hour. Thank you for all your prayers.

Edited by Halcyon
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Halycon .. so sorry to hear about this but I am happy to hear that he is fine. I know you are so thankful for that .. now it's time to take a deep breath!


Thanks everyone. We really could have used our car (it's bigger) during our move next week, but it's not the end of the world. We have insurance. DH is uninjured, the other driver is fine. The car will be fixed and my mother offered to help out financially if we need to pay a portion (we are strapped for cash, what with the move). I think it's partly that I was having a flareup of a chronic condition, and on top of the move, I just fell apart for a moment.


Again, so grateful nobody was hurt.

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I am so glad he's all right. I know this is a nitpicky detail, but I would wait until after closing on your house before getting a different car. Don't know what your plans might be, but I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize your financing on the house. :grouphug:

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I am so glad he's all right. I know this is a nitpicky detail, but I would wait until after closing on your house before getting a different car. Don't know what your plans might be, but I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize your financing on the house. :grouphug:


Thank you. We realize this, in fact, our broker joked a while ago "dont do anything stupid like go buy a car in the next month!" hopefully the insurance appraiser will agree that the car can be fixed. The amount they would give us for a new car would be far less than we paid for this one, and i dont imagine we can get a very good car for that amount.

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:grouphug: I'm so glad he's okay! My dh totaled his car last November, and it really shook me up even though he was unhurt. Just give him lots of hugs and deal with everything else as it comes. :grouphug:


Absolutely. I had nightmares all night. And i cant stop hugging him.

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