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41 weeks and 4 days with fourth baby. Why am I not in labor???

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Seriously, I've been contracting regularly for a month now. I really thought I might not make it to 37 weeks (which seems really hilarious in hind sight). With my last two, I lost my mucus plug and was in labor the next day. I lost my mucus plug 9 days ago and nothing.


I was dilated to a 3 at 37 weeks. Dilated to 4 at 40 weeks.


And yet I sit here. Not in labor! Why????


To make matters worse, the induction clock is quickly ticking. I may be able to buy another week... but that is probably it.

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:grouphug: As someone who went 42/43+ weeks with several of ours (23 days overdue was my personal best), I truly do feel sympathy. Each and every day you go overdue seems to be in some strange alternate time zone that draaaggggggggggs out in eternity. Wishing you labor!

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Cayenne Pepper. Capsule-form. Always worked for me.


And, as my OB put it, "Remember what got you into this mess to begin with..." *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* The "fluid" helps eat away at the "barriers." ;)


But I also agree with a PP, make plans for something fun...babies like to come when you're relaxed about something nice.


Hang in there, that Baby'll be here soon!

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:grouphug: As someone who went 42/43+ weeks with several of ours (23 days overdue was my personal best), I truly do feel sympathy. Each and every day you go overdue seems to be in some strange alternate time zone that draaaggggggggggs out in eternity. Wishing you labor!


Yeah... I went ten days over with my first and swore up and down with successive pregnancies I would just expect to go overdue. I did okay with my second, but he was only 5 days late. Then my third came at 39.4. I just didn't really expect to go late again, and I think I am going more crazy now than I did with #1. I keep trying to think about "God's perfect timing".... but I am alternating between that and hysteria!


And, people's comments are making me crazy. "Why don't you just decide to have that baby already?" UGHH! Because I just looove being pregnant soooo mcuh. I want to stretch it out as long as possible. :glare:

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:grouphug: Waiting stinks! My March baby finally arrived 2weeks, 2days overdue. I had my water broken but really wish I could have gone into labor on my own. The doctors just are so focused on the magical 40 weeks. I had membranes stripped with my 3 boys and they all came within 24 hours. This time that did not work (and NO natural methods did) and had signs of labor for a week after. She was very ready to come on inducing day but I wonder if she would have come on her own within a day or two.


Hope you go into labor soon, and on your own. Wait it out as long as doc lets you and as long as you feel moving and have good fluid.

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My third was fifteen days late, and my fourth was nine days late. Both were induced for low fluid, but everything worked out in the end. I just wanted to chime in and cheer you on. Waiting is hard but baby will be here soon and be worth the wait and any other thing that comes up.

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Even though my 4th was only 3 days late, she was my latest baby. I thought for sure I'd go really early, but she kept us guessing until she was born! I was going crazy those last few days (ok, weeks :)). It's so hard to wait!


Hoping you go into labor on your own very soon...

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I went 2 weeks over with number 4. I ended up getting induced. the last week I Had to have an ultrasound every 2nd day, to check the placenta wasn't breaking down, apparently that can break down the longer you go. It was a real pest as I had to drive 100 km to the hospital every second day for the ultrasound I ended up getting induced. Dd still can drag her feet to get started on things...


as for those who recommend tEa. I don't know how you can stand it at that stage.

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And yet I sit here. Not in labor! Why????


I relate so well and totally get the WHY?!?!? not in labor. My fourth was my latest. He finally arrived at 41 weeks 5 days (my others were 41, 40-5, and 41-3, so they were all late). My contractions weren't organizing themselves very well and after several days of 10-14 hours straight of contractions we decided to go with me taking castor oil. He showed signs of needing to get out ASAP and it was our last effort before transferring to the hospital for a conventional induction (he was born at home, in the water).

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I was 10 days overdue with our fourth son. I didn't have a big objection to being induced, and it was a huge relief to just go in to the hospital and know I was going to be done being pregnant that day. The induction was not any more painful than natural labor and it was short - only 3 hours of labor. (At that point, your body is so ready to cooperate that it just takes the induction and runs with it.) I loved it and wondered why people object to it so much, especially when they are already overdue.


Don't want to scare you, but I just heard a story about a family who were overdue and lost the baby - it was fine one night and the next day when the mom was checked, there was just no heartbeat. I would get that baby out ASAP if I were you. Don't take a chance.

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Well, I was sitting at 41 days 4 weeks, dilated to 4, thinking i"d NEVER go into labor. I'd even started taking herbs my midwife prescribed (cottonroot bark) that did nothing but tasted awful. I had to take them every so many hours i think. I was sure I'd be pregnant forever, which was crazy as my first was 2 weeks early, and this pregnancy I'd been contracting since 5 months along, and had been terrified of preterm labor. Well, that night I got annoyed, threw away the cottonroot bark in disgust, and went to bed with NO contractions. Woke up at 4am with my first real labor contraction, and was in labor at 7am. Had the baby by 3pm. Go figure.

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I was 10 days overdue with our fourth son. I didn't have a big objection to being induced, and it was a huge relief to just go in to the hospital and know I was going to be done being pregnant that day. The induction was not any more painful than natural labor and it was short - only 3 hours of labor. (At that point, your body is so ready to cooperate that it just takes the induction and runs with it.) I loved it and wondered why people object to it so much, especially when they are already overdue.


Don't want to scare you, but I just heard a story about a family who were overdue and lost the baby - it was fine one night and the next day when the mom was checked, there was just no heartbeat. I would get that baby out ASAP if I were you. Don't take a chance.


The reason people object is that it raises your chance of c-section by 2/3rds, which carries serious risks for mom and baby. I know many many mother's that went in for inductions and their baby had serious complications from the induction medication. My own sister had a real scare with hers. The meds they give you can cause too strong contractions that can cut off blood supply to the baby. It isn't the pain women are afraid of, it is the risks. Which go both ways.


OP, I'd advise a biophysical profile if you haven't had one yet, which will assure you the baby is fine, and buy you extra time. Or give you a heads up if there is a real reason to induce.

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My 4th was like that--after #3 coming at 38 weeks 3 days. I'd been on pins and needles thinking that baby was coming any time for a month, and he just took his sweet time. He was a huge baby too-9lb 7oz, and I think he just wouldn't drop enough to put pressure on the cervix. Honestly, as long as labor took and hard as he was to push out, I would actually consider induction next time before we get quite so far along (and I have always been anti-induction unless absolutely necessary). I really did feel that he was just too big for my body to know what to do with! Hoping for a small baby this time around :-)


Praying for everything to go smoothly for you.

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Chances are you will go into labour this week. It is just so awful being that pregnant, but really, even two weeks is a drop in the bucket time-wise.


As for why, who knows? Maybe the dates were off, maybe you take a little longer to cook a baby, it could be anything. Statistically most babies do arrive after the official due date which is a feature of the way they assign them.


One thing is that stress can probably negatively affect things - vets know this, if you stress a mother dog or horse or cow she will tend to avoid giving birth until she feels safe. For some reason doctors think giving looming deadlines will help us to deliver the babies on time (from their POV):glare:. So if you can somehow forget about the dates and just be zen-ish about the whole thing that might help.


I'd suggest lots of walking if you can manage it.

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The reason people object is that it raises your chance of c-section by 2/3rds, which carries serious risks for mom and baby. I know many many mother's that went in for inductions and their baby had serious complications from the induction medication. My own sister had a real scare with hers. The meds they give you can cause too strong contractions that can cut off blood supply to the baby. It isn't the pain women are afraid of, it is the risks. Which go both ways.


OP, I'd advise a biophysical profile if you haven't had one yet, which will assure you the baby is fine, and buy you extra time. Or give you a heads up if there is a real reason to induce.




Thanks for clarifying.

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For one child I was walking around dialated to 7 for at least a week. I had a few cyclical contractions so I rushed to the hospital only to have them stop. I walked all night and in the morning they said I should either go home or they would break my water. I opted to have them break my water. Baby came 20 minutes later.


I would avoid induction if the baby is healthy. Is it possible that they have your due date wrong? Are you getting pressure from the doctor to induce?

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The reason people object is that it raises your chance of c-section by 2/3rds, which carries serious risks for mom and baby. I know many many mother's that went in for inductions and their baby had serious complications from the induction medication. My own sister had a real scare with hers. The meds they give you can cause too strong contractions that can cut off blood supply to the baby. It isn't the pain women are afraid of, it is the risks. Which go both ways.


OP, I'd advise a biophysical profile if you haven't had one yet, which will assure you the baby is fine, and buy you extra time. Or give you a heads up if there is a real reason to induce.


I agree. My son has serious issues from being induced. It's not something to do unless it's medically necessary. "Overdue" babies come when they are ready. There is a hormonal trigger for when the lungs are fully ready for birth. It's not your body, it's the baby's readiness that causes it. And remember, EDDs are just that-ESTIMATED due dates. Most women do not go on their due date! Most are "overdue". It also seems to be partially related to where your family is from.

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Dd2(#3) was 10 or so days late, funny I cannot remember now, but I thought she would be early as I had contractions forever. Finally I was concerned about position and went to have an extra check to the mw, she determined that the baby was not engaged well which wasn't putting consistent pressure on my cervix, or something to that effect. After determining the baby was for sure head down we did a slight binding- like a belly brace for pregnancy except we just had a big super wide clothe. I immediately went into labor and about 5 hrs labor I had a baby. We did not do anything else, no herbs or sweeping, or checks or anything, TeA etc. Just a little gentle re-positioning of the baby was all it took for me.


Fwiw both of my other 2 were early and I think this one would have been as well but is was strictly due to positioning, and my lax stomach muscles which left her head down but body hanging toward the outside of my belly(which was huge). When she did come her elbow was by her head, which was seriously not fun but I survived :)

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And, people's comments are making me crazy. "Why don't you just decide to have that baby already?" UGHH! Because I just looove being pregnant soooo mcuh. I want to stretch it out as long as possible. :glare:


:grouphug: Ah yes, those or the daily phone calls asking if I've had the baby yet. Believe me, everyone will know when I've had the baby! I didn't just forget to let all of you know. I'm really still pregnant!


I was 10 days overdue with our fourth son. I didn't have a big objection to being induced, and it was a huge relief to just go in to the hospital and know I was going to be done being pregnant that day. The induction was not any more painful than natural labor and it was short - only 3 hours of labor. (At that point, your body is so ready to cooperate that it just takes the induction and runs with it.) I loved it and wondered why people object to it so much, especially when they are already overdue.


I was induced at 10 days over with my 2nd, and went into labor on my own at 10 days over with my third. Let's just say your experience is NOT universal. I don't have a terrible horror story, but the extra restrictions most hospitals require with an induction made it a longer and more difficult labor than it needed to be. Nothing in pregnancy is risk free. You are just trading one set of risks for another when you make a decision.

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Don't want to scare you, but I just heard a story about a family who were overdue and lost the baby - it was fine one night and the next day when the mom was checked, there was just no heartbeat. I would get that baby out ASAP if I were you. Don't take a chance.


I had so many people tell me stories like that when I was overdue with Adrian. That and that they knew a kid who was late and came out with special needs. Not helpful. Not helpful at all. I know at least five women who have had stillbirths in the 36-38 week range. My best friend is a Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep volunteer photographer and it's very rare that the stillborn babies she photographs are 40+ weeks. Stillbirth happens. It sucks. But it is very much not limited to overdue babies. And it's not a good thing to scare an overdue momma.

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I had so many people tell me stories like that when I was overdue with Adrian. That and that they knew a kid who was late and came out with special needs. Not helpful. Not helpful at all. I know at least five women who have had stillbirths in the 36-38 week range. My best friend is a Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep volunteer photographer and it's very rare that the stillborn babies she photographs are 40+ weeks. Stillbirth happens. It sucks. But it is very much not limited to overdue babies. And it's not a good thing to scare an overdue momma.


I've spent some time researching this. The statistical risk of stillbirth does increase after 41 weeks, though it is still relatively small--and it increases mostly for primiparas (women having their first baby) not so much for multiparas. Risk of neonatal death also increases after 42 weeks. It can be a tough call for a mom weighing the slightly increased risk of infant death against the risks of induction. I would rely on mother's intuition and prayer to make a decision!

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I would be too nervous about the condition of the placenta. I am 5 for 6 with inductions. Not a single c-section and all happy and safe labors. Sometimes mother mature does not do what is needed. All you will need is a little push I'm sure.:001_smile:

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I would be too nervous about the condition of the placenta. I am 5 for 6 with inductions. Not a single c-section and all happy and safe labors. Sometimes mother mature does not do what is needed. All you will need is a little push I'm sure.:001_smile:


I'm scheduled for an u/s to check the placenta tomorrow.

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I'm scheduled for an u/s to check the placenta tomorrow.


Yeah! I always liked late term u/s. :D


Anybody know the incidence of c/s in moms having an induction with a 2nd (or later) child? I would expect it would be lower than for a 1st time mom. I'm fairly anti-induction theoretically, but around 39 1/2 weeks, I suddenly think they are a GREAT idea!

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Yeah! I always liked late term u/s. :D


Anybody know the incidence of c/s in moms having an induction with a 2nd (or later) child? I would expect it would be lower than for a 1st time mom. I'm fairly anti-induction theoretically, but around 39 1/2 weeks, I suddenly think they are a GREAT idea!


Look up Bishop's Score...your risk of CS decreases with 2nd or more baby ... plus dilation/efface. position, etc help.


I've had 3 inductions ... all after EDD and the last one was super quick (went from 4cm to baby in under 1 hr.) no drugs, (no IV, no epi, no pit) other than the induction gel and was allowed to move around - walk - get in a jacuzzi tub, drink water/soda, etc.

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Yeah! I always liked late term u/s. :D


Anybody know the incidence of c/s in moms having an induction with a 2nd (or later) child? I would expect it would be lower than for a 1st time mom. I'm fairly anti-induction theoretically, but around 39 1/2 weeks, I suddenly think they are a GREAT idea!


It depends on a lot of factors, including Bishop's score. Totally anectdotal, but a good friend was induced for her second and ended up with a c section. Total suprise. The pitocin caused contractions that were too strong and the baby kept going into distress. She was several days past her due date.

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It depends on a lot of factors, including Bishop's score. Totally anectdotal, but a good friend was induced for her second and ended up with a c section. Total suprise. The pitocin caused contractions that were too strong and the baby kept going into distress. She was several days past her due date.


That is one reason I really pushed for no pit for the last 2 inductions (and didn't have any at all). I don't know if my body was just really, really ready or what ... but within 15 min of getting the gel I was in full on labor.

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I feel for you. My 4th was the same way. I allowed them to induce me at 40w6d. Wish I'd have waited longer, but can't change it now. :) Anyway, I contracted witih the pit for a few hours with no pain. I went from a 3 to a 5 painlessly. Then, my water broke at 5cm, and he was born 45 minutes later. Turns out I had so much amniotic fluid his head wasn't able to fully engage and cause me to dilate until my water broke.


I hope your sweet one arrives safe and sound soon. :001_smile:

Edited by melissamomof3girls
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Beautiful baby boy born at 41.6! Will try to type more details when I'm not on my phone. I was stuck at 8-9 cm for a couple hours, but finally changed position and pushed him out. He was 9 lb 5oz. My biggest by a pound!



Welcome to the world little man...

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Beautiful baby boy born at 41.6! Will try to type more details when I'm not on my phone. I was stuck at 8-9 cm for a couple hours, but finally changed position and pushed him out. He was 9 lb 5oz. My biggest by a pound!




A big congratulations! So happy to hear the news and hope you get plenty of rest and enjoy your sweet baby. My 4th was about that size--9 lb 7oz, and my biggest by a pound.

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