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Did you give your spouse a wedding gift?

Did you and your spouse exchange wedding gifts?  

  1. 1. Did you and your spouse exchange wedding gifts?

    • No, we did not exchange gifts
    • Yes, we exchanged gifts
    • One spouse gave a gift, the other did not
    • Other

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I was listening to a podcast yesterday. One of the hosts is getting married soon and was talking about the wedding gifts she and her fiance were getting each other. I'd never heard of such a thing and was wondering if this is a common tradition or not.

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I have my husband a silver harmonica from Tiffany and he have me a leather bound Bible with my new name engraved on it. He is a musician so he loved the harmonica, and I loved that the first place my new full name was written was on my Bible :)


I know people who have done this and people who have not. We did not go on a big honeymoon because we moved the day after the wedding, then I started a new job and he started school. We did gifts instead of a trip.

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Yes - Cubs season tickets! His co-worker had a pair of weekend seats, and heard from HIS friend who worked at Wrigley Field that the pair next to his were going to be available - I jumped on them. Excellent seats, four rows behind the box seats on first base side of home plate, just under the walkway Harry Caray would use to go to the bathroom during his breaks (so out of the rain, too.)


24 years later and hubby still has them...all four seats, in fact, as he got his coworker's. too. He resells most of them at cost, as does not have time to attend many games....but will NEVER let those seats go!


Top that for a wedding present, I ask ya! ;-)

Edited by JFSinIL
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It never occurred to us to buy wedding gifts for each other, other than our rings.


My thoughts exactly. That's why I posted the poll. I had no idea it was a fairly common practice--at least according to the responses so far. (ETA: Even though the poll shows most people did *not* exchange gifts. Still about 1/4 did exchange gifts--that's a significant percentage. I can't believe I'd never heard of this tradition in all these years.)




We were just starting graduate school, so we were still in financial survival mode. :D


Hmm, maybe this explains part of it for us. We were in our senior year of college so financial survival was a serious concern for us, too.

Edited by Cinder
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No, we did not exchange gifts for our wedding.


However, DH bought me a pearl and diamond necklace for my birthday the month before the wedding knowing it was what I wanted to wear on my wedding day.


My daughter wore it on her wedding day many years later.


And actually I am wearing it right now as I type!

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We did, but I thought it was kind of silly then, and I still feel that way now (about our situation, no one else's). We spent so much on the wedding and honeymoon and only exchanged gifts because we thought we were supposed to :confused: Not a great reason to give gifts, IMO!

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No. I did give him an engagement gift. A personalized fishing rod (much to my father's horror who thought it should be a watch). And I only gave him that gift because all of our friends did. Otherwise it would not have crossed my mind. They all also did the wedding gift thing but dh and I discussed it and could not see the point in it. We were getting each other. Wasn't that the gift?

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I gave him a nice wristwatch. He wanted a watch. He never, ever wore that watch. :glare: I don't know if he even owns it anymore. :tongue_smilie:


He got me my very first digital camera, so that I could use it on our honeymoon. :001_smile:


I wonder if it's still traditional to get each other gifts? I mean, we were only married in 2001, but it seems things have changed a lot even in 11 or so years.

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I was listening to a podcast yesterday. One of the hosts is getting married soon and was talking about the wedding gifts she and her fiance were getting each other. I'd never heard of such a thing and was wondering if this is a common tradition or not.


It is common in my area. Whether or not it is expensive I think depends upon circumstances....


I gave my dh my 'top ten list' (previously unknown to him) with an additional note telling him he met everyone of my top ten and how much I love him.

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I gave my dh pictures of me! A few weeks before the wedding, I had a practice run-through of hair/make-up, etc. So I had my picture taken then and gave it to him on our wedding day. (I was teaching when we got married and another teacher had these wedding pics of his wife on his desk- that's where I got the idea. I figured I was never, ever going to look that good again, so I needed some photographic evidence that it actually happened!)

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I wonder if it's still traditional to get each other gifts? I mean, we were only married in 2001, but it seems things have changed a lot even in 11 or so years.


Well, I got married 25 years ago so I thought the gift-giving was a new tradition.


It is common in my area.


I wonder if the gift exchange might be related more to where you live than how old you are.

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