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Bill Maher--- any yet another slam on SAHM

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"What Rosen meant to say, according to Maher, "was that Ann Romney has never gotten her a-- out of the house to work."Maher said on "Real Time," his HBO talk show. Maher added during his HBO show on Friday, that while being a mother is "a tough job," there is "a big difference between being a mother and getting getting your a-- out of the door at 7 a.m. when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, where even if you're unhappy you can’t show it for 8 hours, that is kind of a different kind of tough thing."




I don't know about you all but I am SICK of the attack on SAHMs.:banghead: I'm sorry but the huge majority of mothers I know do not sit on the couch all day eating bonbons and watching Oprah. In fact, I can't recall any mother, whatever her financial station in life, where motherhood comes so carefree and easy.


I don't care how rich or poor a mother is - being a mother is TOUGH, demanding, and Nonstop. Rewarding yes- but that doesn't diminish from the hard work and ceaseless hours poured into it.


I've read that quote somewhere that having a child means forever having your "heart go walking around outside your body". It's stressful and nerve-wracking and I lay awake at night MORE now than I EVER did working full-time in a demanding job in investments and banking. Dealing with a boss??? Nothing compared to the pressure of motherhood. Being out the door at 7? Puh-lease! How about walking up every two hours to breastfeed. I'll take sleeping straight through in till 5 or 6 as more comfortable anyday.


--But getting up and out the door when it's cold. Maybe he's got me there. I live in Florida so maybe even "working" southerns here are not as hardworking or as contributing members of society as our northerner counterparts since we don't have to do this too often....


And what's the crap about not being able to show your unhappy for 8 hours a day? What do you think moms just sob uncontrollably or swear like sailors whenever emotions take us that way because only children are around??? NO! I take serious my responsibility of being a role model for three tiny sets of eyes following my every move and watch my behavior more now than I ever did while hidden away in an office, cubicle, or from the safety of a speakerphone.


I won't even go into the additional stress and added responsibility for homeschooling families because my rant is for all SAHMs- homeschooling or not. I'm not trying to say SAHMs are saints and work harder, faster, or better than everyone else. But what I'm saying is that just because there's isn't a paycheck in our hand at the end of the week doesn't mean we shouldn't have a voice in the world or that our vote shouldn't count.



Edited by KristenR
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There's no such thing as bad publicity. Maher is just using the whole Rosen comment to draw attention to himself. Who cares what people are saying about him, as long as they are talking about him.


*waves hand like a Jedi* You don't need to pay attention to him.

*waves hand again* His idiotic yammering means nothing to you.



Now go eat some chocolate, and forget you ever heard of....um....uh....who was it again?;)

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Rosen was trying to criticize Anne Romney for being in the position of never actually needing an outside job to support her family. She was trying to say that Anne Romney couldn't understand the choices the typical (if there is a typical) woman must make. I do believe Rosen had a point about that. However, she articulated it quite poorly. I do not believe she was actually targeting your typical stay at home mom. Romney has not had to balance staying home with a significant change in family income or had to look at a family budget that meant staying home was impossible. I do not think Romney feels the impact of the price of gas that way SAHM's on this board do. I don't begrudge her very comfortable life, but one could wonder if she weren't a bit insulted from the realities others face.


Maher: he's never been in the position of a typical woman or typical parent. Sometimes one wonders what he knows at all.

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Rosen was trying to criticize Anne Romney for being in the position of never actually needing an outside job to support her family. She was trying to say that Anne Romney couldn't understand the choices the typical (if there is a typical) woman must make. I do believe Rosen had a point about that. However, she articulated it quite poorly. I do not believe she was actually targeting your typical stay at home mom. Romney has not had to balance staying home with a significant change in family income or had to look at a family budget that meant staying home was impossible. I do not think Romney feels the impact of the price of gas that way SAHM's on this board do. I don't begrudge her very comfortable life, but one could wonder if she weren't a bit insulted from the realities others face.


Maher: he's never been in the position of a typical woman or typical parent. Sometimes one wonders what he knows at all.


Betty, we agree on Maher. However, I have heard people try and make that same pitch about Rosen's comments earlier but I don't really see it the same way. I posted a comment in another thread that I'll add here.. Just my two cents anyway.


If that was Miss Rosen's intent than I find that almost worse than flat out snubbing SAHMs. Can a person only comment or have an opinion about something personally specific to their life? How would any politician (or person for that matter) EVER be able to live such a rainbowed existence in order to reach a point where they can give their opinions on any subject? That's quite an infinite amount of shoes to be walking in.


I'm not expecting Mitt to take everything his wife states as a golden truth but I would expect a spouse to listen to their spouse's opinions on things. Especially when their out there on the campaign trail meeting-and-greeting alongside you.

I'm not offended that Michelle Obama discusses politics with her husband either. Why wouldn't you want the advice of your best friend? It doesn't mean you have to cater legislation around what they say.

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Bill Maher has never been married and as far as is public info, he doesn't have any kids. What the heck does he know about being a parent of any sort (employed or homemaker)?


Maybe he's unmarried and bitter because his mom was one of those admirable "working moms" who spent too much time in the workplace and not enough time being a loving and caring mother. ;)


Personally, I have nothing against working moms, but I do have something against people who act as though SAHMs have no value.


Bill Maher will say anything to try to get people to remember he's still alive. I don't think most people care at all about what he has to say or how he feels about anything. (And honestly, I have serious doubts that even he truly believes most of what he says. I think he's only interested in garnering publicity for himself, and will try to get it by saying controversial things.)


Years ago, he was kind of funny, but then he got a gigantic ego and it all went downhill from there. Now he's just an idiot.

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Rosen was trying to criticize Anne Romney for being in the position of never actually needing an outside job to support her family. She was trying to say that Anne Romney couldn't understand the choices the typical (if there is a typical) woman must make. I do believe Rosen had a point about that. However, she articulated it quite poorly. I do not believe she was actually targeting your typical stay at home mom. Romney has not had to balance staying home with a significant change in family income or had to look at a family budget that meant staying home was impossible. I do not think Romney feels the impact of the price of gas that way SAHM's on this board do. I don't begrudge her very comfortable life, but one could wonder if she weren't a bit insulted from the realities others face.


Maher: he's never been in the position of a typical woman or typical parent. Sometimes one wonders what he knows at all.


I think you meant to say, "insulated" and not insulted. While she may be insulated from the realities of a tight budget, she is far from insulated from the realities of mothering five boys! That is what was being attacked by Rosen in my mind. She is a mother, first and foremost, as are most of US. We are all in that same boat. I find it incredibly insulting that Rosen felt it even remotely acceptable to bag on Anne Romney at all for doing what most of us here consider quite an important job--being a mother at home.


Bill Maher speaks for no one I know and just continues to make a fool of himself. I look forward to the day he makes such a giant a$$ of himself that he has to leave TV altogether. Now that will be a sweet day! LOL


Does anyone take anything he says seriously?

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Um, wait... You mean some people do not consider Bill Maher a political satirist?


Because, you know, I think that may say more about the abysmal state of education in our society than anything Jay Leno (the obvious authority) films on the street.




I am a <mostly> SAHM, sitting in my chair on the lacrosse field, surfing the 'net on my phone. And I really do not give a rat's behind what anyone thinks about that. :-P

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Um, wait... You mean some people do not consider Bill Maher a political satirist?


Because, you know, I think that may say more about the abysmal state of education in our society than anything Jay Leno (the obvious authority) films on the street.




Since satire is supposed to be humorous social criticism, no, I sure don't. And I like satire on both sides of the political isle.


It also is clearly not satire when you are supporting one side's super PAC to the tune of one cool million!

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Bill Maher speaks for no one I know and just continues to make a fool of himself. I look forward to the day he makes such a giant a$$ of himself that he has to leave TV altogether. Now that will be a sweet day! LOL


:iagree:Just wanted to add that if anyone feels like cancelling HBO over this, now would be a good time accompanied by a letter explaining why.

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There's no such thing as bad publicity. Maher is just using the whole Rosen comment to draw attention to himself. Who cares what people are saying about him, as long as they are talking about him.


*waves hand like a Jedi* You don't need to pay attention to him.

*waves hand again* His idiotic yammering means nothing to you.



Now go eat some chocolate, and forget you ever heard of....um....uh....who was it again?;)

:iagree: besides, is anyone actually *surprised* by any of the garbage that comes out of this guy's mouth? nothing to see here, move along.

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Well, I didn't claim he was good at it. Just that it's sad that people seem to think he (or Rush Limbaugh) is the purveyor of educated opinions.


Good thing I don't think that about either of them then! :lol:


I don't think anyone here has said such a thing though.

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Rosen was trying to criticize Anne Romney for being in the position of never actually needing an outside job to support her family. She was trying to say that Anne Romney couldn't understand the choices the typical (if there is a typical) woman must make. I do believe Rosen had a point about that. However, she articulated it quite poorly. I do not believe she was actually targeting your typical stay at home mom. Romney has not had to balance staying home with a significant change in family income or had to look at a family budget that meant staying home was impossible. I do not think Romney feels the impact of the price of gas that way SAHM's on this board do. I don't begrudge her very comfortable life, but one could wonder if she weren't a bit insulted from the realities others face.


Maher: he's never been in the position of a typical woman or typical parent. Sometimes one wonders what he knows at all.



If that is what she meant, Rosen could easily say that about other candidate's wives as well.

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Bill Maher has never been married and as far as is public info, he doesn't have any kids. What the heck does he know about being a parent of any sort (employed or homemaker)?


Its like a bit of advice DH received from this man at work, saying he needed to "control" his wife more, and that the children should be not heard or seen, I can't remember, but a whole bunch of other macho "man is the king" stuff to. Was blantantly rude. (It was about 6 months ago, hence why I can't remember exact words)


I told DH to take it with a very big grain of salt, considering this guys wife and children left him because of his demanding, controlling ways.


Some people should just learn if you open you mouth, and your foot gets sucked into it, to leave it there, rather than yank it out, and give "further clarification" which usually ends up with them looking like more of a donkey.


Now I'm going to go find my cold and flu tablets, chug them down, paste a smile on my face and attempt to make cleaning the house a game for the kids. And eventually I am going to figure out how not to be squinting like a pirate (I didn't get enough sleep and it seems my eyes are not working)

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If that is what she meant, Rosen could easily say that about other candidate's wives as well.


Yes, but Romney is going to get the criticism because she is the wife of the front runner. They always go after the front runner.


I'm not sure it's important to look a lot at the candidate's wife, but as a candidate it helps to look like you can understand the "regular" even if you've never been a regular guy. Romney is not looking like he can understand "regular" people at all. The fact that his wife has never had to think about working does support the idea that he and his wife are insulated (my error in my first post) from these issues.


I'm more likely to look at the wives after a person is elected president. I liked Laura Bush and I like Michelle Obama. I found Hilary Clinton a bit brash and I didn't like Barbara Bush. Apparently, I have no party affiliation when it comes to wives.

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Yes, but Romney is going to get the criticism because she is the wife of the front runner. They always go after the front runner.


I'm not sure it's important to look a lot at the candidate's wife, but as a candidate it helps to look like you can understand the "regular" even if you've never been a regular guy. Romney is not looking like he can understand "regular" people at all. The fact that his wife has never had to think about working does support the idea that he and his wife are insulated (my error in my first post) from these issues.


I'm more likely to look at the wives after a person is elected president. I liked Laura Bush and I like Michelle Obama. I found Hilary Clinton a bit brash and I didn't like Barbara Bush. Apparently, I have no party affiliation when it comes to wives.


Just curious- but how do you know she "never had to think about working"? Was that quoted from somewhere or are you just assuming since they are wealthy that it was immediately taken from the the table?


I'll admit to not following the primaries that closely. I'm trying to limit the aggravation in my life and politics causes it. So I don't know these candidates that well but what I just gleaned from "Wiki" (that ever accurate source of wisdom :tongue_smilie: ) is that she went to university, did a semester in France, and then, after parenthood slowed her down she finally completed her undergraduate's degree by taking night courses.


Again, I don't know her so I'm totally making an assumption here but it sounds like working *might* have been a possibility for her. I don't know her and haven't heard her mention her thoughts on the subject.


Not everyone works just because they need money. I have many friends that work because its what they want to do.


For me, I don't care if someone is ridiculously wealthy or struggling welfare recipients. I'll judge a person by their character, decorum, and deportment and NOT disregard them for not walking in my shoes.


Btw Betty, I'm not saying you are like this- but this is how I feel about Rosen and Maher's flippant attitude and the way they come across.

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The fact that his wife has never had to think about working does support the idea that he and his wife are insulated (my error in my first post) from these issues.



They started having children while Mitt Romney was in grad school and they were living very modestly: Wikipedia (and if you can't trust that, what can you trust:lol:):

"The couple's first son was born in 1970[12] while both were undergraduates at Brigham Young,[15] living in a $75-a-month basement apartment,[16] which Mitt had transferred to based upon her request.[13] After he graduated, the couple moved to Boston so that he could attend Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School. Slowed down by parenthood, she later finished her undergraduate work by gaining a semester and half's worth of credits via taking night courses at Harvard University Extension School,[15] from which she graduated in 1975[1] with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree with a concentration in French language.[17]"

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Um, wait... You mean some people do not consider Bill Maher a political satirist?


Because, you know, I think that may say more about the abysmal state of education in our society than anything Jay Leno (the obvious authority) films on the street.




I am a <mostly> SAHM, sitting in my chair on the lacrosse field, surfing the 'net on my phone. And I really do not give a rat's behind what anyone thinks about that. :-P


:iagree:He is just comedian.

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Here's the quote:


Maher said on "Real Time," his HBO talk show. Maher added during his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday, that while being a mother is "a tough job," there is "a big difference between being a mother and getting getting your a-- out of the door at 7 a.m. when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, where even if you're unhappy you can’t show it for 8 hours, that is kind of a different kind of tough thing."


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election-2012/bill-maher-defends-hilary-rosen-ann-romney-remark-article-1.1061965#ixzz1sFrZ6GMW


OK, so I admit it. I can homeschool my kids in my jammies. I do not have to be out the door at 7am to perform surgery, go to court looking sleek, or be peferctly ready for my close -up. Thank heavens.


I don't get the upset.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Here's the quote:


Maher said on "Real Time," his HBO talk show. Maher added during his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher†on Friday, that while being a mother is "a tough job," there is "a big difference between being a mother and getting getting your a-- out of the door at 7 a.m. when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, where even if you're unhappy you can’t show it for 8 hours, that is kind of a different kind of tough thing."


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election-2012/bill-maher-defends-hilary-rosen-ann-romney-remark-article-1.1061965#ixzz1sFrZ6GMW


OK, so I admit it. I can homeschool my kids in my jammies. I do not have to be out the door at 7am to perform surgery, go to court looking sleek, or be peferctly ready for my close -up. Thank heavens.


I don't get the upset.


But he isn't talking about homeschoolers, he is talking about SAHM's. Many moms take their older kids to school in the mornings or have other obligations in life that require them to be out and about.

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But he isn't talking about homeschoolers, he is talking about SAHM's. Many moms take their older kids to school in the mornings or have other obligations in life that require them to be out and about.



Dropping your kid off in carpool is not the same as prepping for surgery, or being the one to open the school.


I don't think SAHMs are lesser, as I am one and work very hard. Yet I do understand I don't have to be 'on' and ready to greet the masses at 7am. Of course, I have dropped my schooler off at school in PJ yoga pants and a t-shirt, sans shower, teethbrushing, and makeup etc. :D


The SAHMS who look amazing at 7am are a different breed. I 've seen them. They exist. I am not quite sure what they do at 7:05, but they do look fabulous. :) I have seen them at the coffee shop, and I know some of them are responsible for the big donations the school recieves. I love them and have nothing against them. They are very often the ones running at 5am...they wake me because my dogs bark at them as they pass the house. :)

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He's just a stand up guy.


To be fair, however, I don't see his anti-vac, anti-BigPharma opinions trumpeted over these boards.


I've actually only seen one thing he did, which was very funny and true, his translations of rap music (this is R rated):



" ...a business transaction involving pharmaceuticals went awry..."

Edited by kalanamak
Where did that ) come from?
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This caught my eye as DH just watched Religulous on Netflix and was asking me about some of Maher's claims. I watched a few segments of it and read about it. The last I really knew of Maher was Politically Incorrect in the 1990s, which I really enjoyed. So, I was surprised by how bad Religulous was. Sure, it's funny to laugh at ignorant people, but to interview a bunch of idiots, make up false claims about their religions and then cry "gotcha" when they can't refute you isn't really what I'd call proof of your point.

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Dropping your kid off in carpool is not the same as prepping for surgery or being the one to open the school.


I don't think SAHMs are lesser, as I am one and work very hard. Yet I do understand I don't have to be 'on' and ready to greet the masses at 7am. Of course, I have dropped my schooler off at school in PJ yoga pants and a t-shirt, sans shower, teethbrushing, and makeup etc. :D


The SAHMS who look amazing at 7am are a different breed. I 've seen them. They exist. I am not quite sure what they do at 7:05, but they do look fabulous. :) I have seen them at the coffee shop, and I know some of them are responsible for the big donations the school recieves. I love them and have nothing against them. They are very often the ones running at 5am...they wake me because my dogs bark at them as they pass the house. :)





Except I've never dropped anyone off at school and the handful of times I've had to get up at 7 in the past 8 years have been AWFUL.


I also don't have anything against those perfect looking moms but yes, I do think owning 5 homes and having nannies and cleaning ladies for all of them is a very different style of living than anyone else I know. The mothers I know feel a little twinge when they need a babysitter for crying out loud.


I'm a flaming liberal but I would equate being trapped on a desert isalnd with Bill Maher just a tinch better than Rush. They're both annoying as heck. I don't know which is more annoying... a drug addict with a bunch of ex-wives or that shrill voice that has never once been a spouse or a parent. :D

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The last I really knew of Maher was Politically Incorrect in the 1990s, which I really enjoyed.


That was the last I knew of him, too. I loved that show. I still remember one episode where one member of the panel leaned back too far in his chair and the whole thing fell over backwards. :lol:


Way back when we still had cable, I eagerly tuned into his HBO show. I was sorely disappointed. I'm not sure what happened between the 90s and now, but he seems to be very bitter.

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He's just a stand up guy.


To be fair, however, I don't see his anti-vac, anti-BigPharma opinions trumpeted over these boards.


I've actually only seen one thing he did, which was very funny and true, his translations of rap music (this is R rated):




" ...a business transaction involving pharmaceuticals went awry..."



Exactly. :)

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Good thing I don't think that about either of them then! :lol:


I don't think anyone here has said such a thing though.

No, but I still don't really get why anyone bothers to be scandalized by anything they say.


Bill Maher has a necessarily limited audience and is in no way the "liberal" equivalent of Limbaugh.

No... I'm not sure we have that sort of equivalent. I'm not sure anyone has that. Who would that be? Howard Stern? Rush is one of a kind. :lol:

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I have 6, 4, and 2 year old children. My husband works out of town most weeks from M-F. I handle everything "household" related from cooking, cleaning, groceries, bill pay, etc. I am homeschooling.


Sometimes I think if I went back to work I'd get an actual break. I at least would get to eat one meal a day in peace and go to the bathroom alone. The time alone in the car would be devoted to listening to audio books for myself and would be possibly restful.


I love my kids and I wouldn't trade my "job" for anything, however I have one working mom friend who is honest enough to say that she isn't cut out to do what I do and she chooses to work because it is better for her personal sanity to have time away from her family each day.


I am sick and tired of anyone pointing fingers and anyone else and claiming another person's life or choices are easier or harder. You just can't know. And a single man with no children (BILL FREAKING MAHER) can put a dirty sock in it. His opinion is completely invalid and unnecessary.

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This crap has been deleted twice already. Do you really want a throwdown on which political party can be more offensive to women? Because I don't think you really do.


Here is a start:



Very few Dems like Bill Maher. The above is just an average day for the GOP.

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This crap has been deleted twice already. Do you really want a throwdown on which political party can be more offensive to women? Because I don't think you really do.


Here is a start:



Very few Dems like Bill Maher. The above is just an average day for the GOP.


I wasn't aware liberals had claimed Maher... (I'm not sure conservatives claim Limbaugh, but he appears to have claimed them.) My comparison, as appoint of clarity, was just that they're both loud windbags, unworthy of whatever thought they're getting.


As far as offense to women, I believe I won that one when I played Howard Stern. ;)

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I wasn't aware liberals had claimed Maher...


Only the non-religious ones. :P


(I'm not sure conservatives claim Limbaugh, but he appears to have claimed them.)


I think many of them do.


My comparison, as appoint of clarity, was just that they're both loud windbags, unworthy of whatever thought they're getting.


I agree there.


As far as offense to women, I believe I won that one when I played Howard Stern. ;)


But, he is just another loudmouth jerk. Mine is an actual elected official.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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This crap has been deleted twice already. Do you really want a throwdown on which political party can be more offensive to women? Because I don't think you really do.


Here is a start:



Very few Dems like Bill Maher. The above is just an average day for the GOP.


I don't think the house speaker was being insulting to women, just being insulting in general. (Not apologizing for his rude behavior, but I don't think you can extrapolate this quote as an example of one group attacking women). Bill Maher Ms. Cohen clearly attacked SAHMs as an entire group.



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I don't think the house speaker was being insulting to women, just being insulting in general. (Not apologizing for his rude behavior, but I don't think you can extrapolate this quote as an example of one group attacking women). Bill Maher Ms. Cohen clearly attacked SAHMs as an entire group.




I don't think Rosen *attacked* SAHMs. Maher? Sure, name a group that he hasn't attacked. I don't believe the elected official in question would talk to a man who runs a political website and had a camera on him the same way. JMO, I grant you.

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