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Miscarriage Help- Please!! Cytotec ?s and others

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Dear Hive,

I am sure some of you have seen my posts regarding my pregnancy and bleeding.


I learned today that I lost our baby. The baby measured 7 weeks 6 days gestation and I am 8 1/2 weeks pregnant.


My doctor prescribed cytotec for enabling the miscarriage. Does anyone have any insight about this drug? Have you taken it while nursing (I am still nursing our twins)... does it make you sick? My dr. said it was fine to take while nursing. The pamphlet says it is excreted in breastmilk. My doctor said I do not need to worry about uterine rupture. The pamphlet says not to use for miscarriage after the 8th week due to uterine rupture.


Please help me!!!


I am really stressed and anxious.


I do not want to have a D and C. The two friends I know who miscarried at home (without cytotec) ended up in the ER on IV fluids.


I am scared.


Thank you,


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:grouphug:I have miscarried multiple times at home. I have never taken any drugs to assist. I did have one d and c, but only because my body would not miscarry (nonviable pregnancy but hormones continuing to increase abnormally). Is there a particular reason the doctor is not just letting nature take its course? So sorry you are going through this. It is difficult enough when things just go along naturally. Having to make these decisions makes it harder.:grouphug:

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I am soo sorry about your loss.:grouphug:


I don't know anything about the drug but I have had a later miscarraige at home (14 wks) and everything was OK. Very sad. I would take vitex/ chasteberry afterward to help with bleeding. That's a herb that regulates hormones and it WORKS! (for me) to slow down bleeding.


Try not to stess out and give your body a chance to go natural. It's a hard wait but that's what I would try.


I will pray for peace and safety for you. :grouphug:

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I had four miscarriages in a row...the last one being twins. If I were in your shoes, I would have the D&C. It's quick, painless and over in less than five minutes. I had three done in my OB's office and the last one in the hospital (they were worried about bleeding with a twin pregnancy). Honestly, it was the best decision ever. I was back to my normal schedule and normal life by the afternoon of every one of them. Minimal bleeding (spotting at best) afterwards for maybe two days and that was it. Seriously....the best choice I ever made.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I do not have any experience with cytotec to further miscarriage but it is what my OB used to induce labor with my oldest daughter. I warn you that it causes particularly painful uterine contractions. I went 17 hours with no pain meds after I took this drug and my doula told me later that she had no idea how I endured the pain for that long after being induced with the Cytotec. They do not use it around here anymore for that particular indication. I would only proceed with it if absolutely necessary.

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I had four miscarriages in a row...the last one being twins. If I were in your shoes, I would have the D&C. It's quick, painless and over in less than five minutes. I had three done in my OB's office and the last one in the hospital (they were worried about bleeding with a twin pregnancy). Honestly, it was the best decision ever. I was back to my normal schedule and normal life by the afternoon of every one of them. Minimal bleeding (spotting at best) afterwards for maybe two days and that was it. Seriously....the best choice I ever made.


I have also had a D&C and it was much easier on my body than those Cytotec contractions. It also helped me mentally to just be able to have it over with and not waiting for what was going to happen next.

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I've miscarried a couple times at home, a little earlier than 8 weeks.


I might be getting a second opinion, too, but only based on my personal preference for not taking anything unless there's a good reason.


If you decide to take Cytotec, this info about Cytotec/misoprostol and nursing might ease your mind. As far as uterine rupture goes, there's a reason that what you're reading is different from what is commonly considered safe. I don't think your doctor is prescribing anything out of the ordinary. S/he should explain the risks and benefits, though.


As a PP said, Cytotec for inducing labor can stir up heated debates because of the potential for intense contractions.


I'm very sorry you have to go through this at all.

Edited by mudboots
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The reason for trying to avoid the D and C is this...


here where I live I have to go under general anesthesia for this procedure. :( I do not tolerate anesthesia or narcotics well- so that is why we are trying to avoid the surgery...


Back to read the new replies!


Thank you so much...


Can you anyone share what I can expect to go thru miscarrying at home?




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I am so sorry you are going through this. :( You weren't diagnosed based solely on how the baby measured, I assume? The difference between 7 weeks 6 days and 8 1/2 weeks is very small and could happen to anyone who ovulated later than average in their cycle. But I didn't see your other threads so I bet I am missing some relevant information.


If this happened to me, I would wait to miscarry naturally or seek a second opinion. :grouphug:

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I've miscarried a couple times at home, a little earlier than 8 weeks.


I might be getting a second opinion, too, but only based on my personal preference for not taking anything unless there's a good reason.


If you decide to take Cytotec, this info about Cytotec/misoprostol and nursing might ease your mind. As far as uterine rupture goes, there's a reason that what you're reading is different from what is commonly considered safe. Your doctor isn't prescribing anything out of the ordinary. S/he should explain the relative risks and benefits, though.


As a PP stated, Cytotec for inducing labor can stir up heated debates because of the potential for intense contractions.


I'm very sorry you have to go through this at all.


Thank you so much for sharing this... can you clarify what you mean about my doctor not prescribing anything out of the ordinary and the difference between what I am reading and what is considered safe?


Thank you so much! That study did really help... have to see the amount of misoprostol my dose is...



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I so sorry, honey. Wish I could hug your neck. Miscarriages bite.


Something that really comforted me with our five losses was planting a tree for the baby. I painted a little rock with each child's name and put it at the base of "their" tree.


As far as Cytotec, the uterine rupture risk is only really with later pregnancies when the uterus is thinner. I've never heard of one at 8 wks. The baby is really quite small (like jellybean sized). But it will give you butt-kicking cramps.


With four of mine I passed the baby naturally. With one, I waited a week after learning she had died and did not pass the baby. So I had a d&c. It was painless for the most part. Maybe like a rough menstrual cycle.


There's nothing wrong with waiting a few days do see if your body does it naturally. As long as you are not febrile, it is not a problem.

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This is the website I use to check drugs:





Can you wait to see if your body miscarries naturally? I had one miscarriage around the same gestation. It was emotionally difficult, but the miscarriage was like a rough period. I went in for a blood test and internal exam a week or so after to confirm the miscarriage was complete. It was, so I did not need a d & c.


Cytotec I would only take if you have to. It would be difficult to deal with the emotion of losing the baby and labor-like contractions at the same time. The contractions are no joke, and many women end up needing to take strong pain medication to deal with the contractions, which means you then have to find out if that medication is ok to take while breastfeeding.


I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

Edited by besroma
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For those of you who had the D and C...did you have general anesthesia?


I did, yes. I normally do not have an easy time coming out of anesthesia but it was easier with the D&C. Honestly, even the worst time I have ever had with anesthesia was easier than the Cytotec contractions.

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For those of you who had the D and C...did you have general anesthesia?


Never. Not even with the one in the hospital. They wanted to do general and I said it wasn't necessary...the whole thing takes less than five minutes. It's so quick. So they agreed to a "relaxant" that was given through an IV (and I don't tolerate narcotics, either). That was fine. I was awake and aware and there was no problem. Again...five minutes.


In my OB's office (he has a "procedure" room), I didn't even do that. The day before, I went into the office, so they could insert a drug vaginally that will soften the cervix. Then the next day, I went back to the office and it was just like a regular exam. Stirrups, speculum insertion, vacuum extraction, over. I drove myself home from two of the procedures...dh was at work, and honestly, I didn't need him there. Back to normal that day. I think I took some ibuprofen, but there was no pain and minimal bleeding.


I would have a consultation with the doctor and ask why he/she wants to use a general. It is totally unnecessary in my opinion.

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Thank you so much for sharing this... can you clarify what you mean about my doctor not prescribing anything out of the ordinary and the difference between what I am reading and what is considered safe?


Thank you so much! That study did really help... have to see the amount of misoprostol my dose is...




I did, yes. I normally do not have an easy time coming out of anesthesia but it was easier with the D&C. Honestly, even the worst time I have ever had with anesthesia was easier than the Cytotec contractions.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience... was the cytotec for miscarriage?

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I'll share a little of my miscarrying at home. I do think the hardest part is knowing how much bleeding is too much and when you may need to go into the hospital. It really felt like a heavy period with very intense cramping. I actually ended up feeling a little bit lightheaded and didn't know how much bleeding was too much and so I did go to the ER, but by the time I got to the ER the worst of it was over and I had minimal bloodwork done and then after a while I asked to be released and went home. I took it easy for a few days afterwards.


Again, I'm so sorry. These are not easy choices to make.

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:grouphug: Miscarriages are hard. Did the doc do blood work, I only ask, because my numbers went up despite my miscarriage, and when he took another look I was still pregnant with one baby, apparently a twin. She is now 12. She was not visible during the first ultrasound, but she was the same gestation as the baby I lost. It is rare, but I feared doing anything with my other miscarriages due to that incident.


The cramps from the miscarriages were bad, but not terrible, and the bleeding lasted a bit more than a week. I do not have any info on the pill or a d&c, but I do know people who have done both, and they are fine physically afterward.

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:grouphug: first off hugs and prayers....


My niece was given a little time for nature recently and ended up having to have a d and c. She was not offered any drug.


I really have no clue what you should do. But as a breastfeeding mother I do share your concern, and wonder if your DR. has read the material you did.


Try not to worry, but I would call the DR. again to make sure if I were you or get a second opinion. I have only had 2 d & c's during surgery and was in alot of pain but had an ectopic the first time and alot of endometriosis removed the 2nd time. So, I imagine it would be much easier alone. And out of 7 births I have only had pain med 2 times. So, I do know what pain is and afterbirth pain is the worst for me with no med. I just cry and nurse and listen to soothing music.


Praying for health and peace.. And I am sorry for your loss.

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Never. Not even with the one in the hospital. They wanted to do general and I said it wasn't necessary...the whole thing takes less than five minutes. It's so quick. So they agreed to a "relaxant" that was given through an IV (and I don't tolerate narcotics, either). That was fine. I was awake and aware and there was no problem. Again...five minutes.


In my OB's office (he has a "procedure" room), I didn't even do that. The day before, I went into the office, so they could insert a drug vaginally that will soften the cervix. Then the next day, I went back to the office and it was just like a regular exam. Stirrups, speculum insertion, vacuum extraction, over. I drove myself home from two of the procedures...dh was at work, and honestly, I didn't need him there. Back to normal that day. I think I took some ibuprofen, but there was no pain and minimal bleeding.


I would have a consultation with the doctor and ask why he/she wants to use a general. It is totally unnecessary in my opinion.

Thank you Diane.I wish I had this choice but I don't. I agree with you! However a couple of ladies have told me how painful and invasive D and C s are...:(

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Let's see, I have had 3 D&Cs, 2 D&Es, 4 natural misses. With one of the D&Cs, prior I had taken something to get the miscarriage going. It was the most painful of all I have been through, even the hemorrhage one.


I would say, natural is probably best. Although it doesn't always go the way you want it to. My D&Cs and D&Es were due to the baby not passing.


I think for most of them I was put in 'twilight' ? It was a very light sedation. I had some narcotics for after, but depending on the procedure, you could probably just take ibuprofen after.


I am sorry, it just really sucks! :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry about your baby! :grouphug::grouphug:


The following is not for squeamish people and contains TMI of the icky type:






































We were on vacation when the dr called and said we lost the baby at 7-8 weeks gestation. He said if I started bleeding to go to the hospital. Well, I started bleeding at 2am the night we got home. I sat on the toilet til 4, constantly bleeding *heavily*. It finally stopped so I went back to bed, coughed, and bled *heavily* again until 6. This was well beyond heavy periods, as I had those, too. This was constant bleeding similar to a urine flow. By 6am I was so weak I could hardly stand up.


When I went into the dr office at 8, they did a D&C in the hosp anyway.


Oh, this was 16 years ago, so I know protocol changes. Just wanted you to know it might not be just like a heavy period. :(


Wish I had an answer for you during this difficult time.:grouphug:

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I had a home miscarriage, and it wasn't as simple as I had hoped. After spending about 3 hours in one solid long & painful contraction, I finally got to sleep in the early early morning. I then filled the RX for pain and took it for 2 days since I was afarid it would happen again.


I just really, really wished I had filled the pain meds RX before going home from the no heartbeat ultrasound, and used it at the first sign of contractions.


I am so sorry for your loss.... :grouphug:

Edited by lcelmer
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I am so sorry you are going through this. :( You weren't diagnosed based solely on how the baby measured, I assume? The difference between 7 weeks 6 days and 8 1/2 weeks is very small and could happen to anyone who ovulated later than average in their cycle. But I didn't see your other threads so I bet I am missing some relevant information.


If this happened to me, I would wait to miscarry naturally or seek a second opinion. :grouphug:


This. I hope there was a lot more than simply an ultrasound measurement in this diagnosis because the measurement itself is fine (normal is +/- 1 week). Regardless, I'd be reluctant to do anything without an additional ultrasound to confirm.


:grouphug: I'm so sorry.

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Thank you so much for sharing this... can you clarify what you mean about my doctor not prescribing anything out of the ordinary and the difference between what I am reading and what is considered safe?


This article gives an overview of the controversy. (Please be aware that it contains a painful topic.)


I'm not sure this is really even helpful, but... if you got a second opinion, it's possible that your other doctor would recommend Cytotec, too - or maybe give you an alternative that seems better to you. What you read about Cytotec is affected by many other complicated factors, though.

Edited by mudboots
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IThank you for all the sweet concern for the life of our precious baby. My ultrasound this morning confirmed no heartbeat. I have been bleeding for 11 days...our baby had a gestational sac that was 2 weeks smaller than baby.

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So sorry for your loss. I live in a small town as well..... Can you drive to a larger city to get more options in your care? I get a blog that is cooking related, and it sent a mom's account of a natural miscarriage. She had a midwife or naturopath to call upon while it all happened. It was a bit gruesome...and it didn't happen quickly. I would do it if that was the only way the nursing ones could be spared drugs, but for the length of time it takes, and the fact that it may not be complete would have me searching for options further away from home.

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What can you expect with a miscarriage at home? Nobody can say for certain because there is such a range. On one end there is the heavy period miscarriage. On the other end is the painful contractions miscarriage. I had the painful kind. For me the pain was almost on par with the pain of transition during labor. I also lost a lot of blood. It was gushing out with blood spattered on the wall. My seven year old was four at the time and he still remembers me in the bathtub filled with blood red water. The worst of it was over in about three hours but the total time from first contraction to expelling the baby took over 12 hours. It was the time closer to the beginning that was the most painful. Once the worst of the bleeding was over it didn't hurt as much. I ended up with a D&C later because not everything was expelled. In hindsight I wish I had done the D&C in the beginning.

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The hive is the best.I can't tell you how the support is helping me. She did prescribe perkiset but that is a narcotic and I can't take it.. :(

What can I expect if I miscarry naturally?



The strongest thing I took was motrin and tylenol. The combination of the 2 really helped. My miscarriage that happened naturally was like a really bad period. I was 11 weeks along.

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