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What do your kids call you?

What do your kids call you and your spouse?  

  1. 1. What do your kids call you and your spouse?

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I chose to teach my kids to call me, "Mama," despite being from an area where that generally isn't used, because I had such negative associations with the word, "Mommy." I wanted to be an earth mama. I've noticed that mama is more common in the homeschooling community, and mommy in mainstream parenting -- at least in my experience. So I wonder. What do your kids call you, and why?

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I chose to teach my kids to call me, "Mama," despite being from an area where that generally isn't used, because I had such negative associations with the word, "Mommy." I wanted to be an earth mama. I've noticed that mama is more common in the homeschooling community, and mommy in mainstream parenting -- at least in my experience. So I wonder. What do your kids call you, and why?


I'm momma, mommy, mom, just don't call me mother! That grates on my nerves!

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Dd9 was 'baby girl' from about 12week in utero. We still call her that quite often. Sometimes it is just a "hey, girl" so she started calling me "hey, ladie" when she was about 4-5yo. It stuck so I am often called "hey, ladie"!

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so she started calling me "hey, ladie" when she was about 4-5yo. It stuck so I am often called "hey, ladie"!


Hee hee. My partner's oldest son calls him Old Guy. Seriously. As in, "Hey, Old Guy, up for a game of Dungeons & Dragons next Wednesday?" or, "The Old Guy brought it over for us last night." Neither of them will admit that Alex never says Dad, and neither one knows how this came to be. But I have never heard him use any other term in all of the years I have known the two of them. It doesn't really bother us. I figure if you give your kid the first name Alex when his last name is Axel, you'd better be prepared for some payback.

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...to be "Mommy" only until they were school age.


Most kids here in the South call their mothers "Mama", but for us, "Mommy" stuck, and both my kids still call me that. I've told them they can just shorten it to "Mom" if they want to, but they haven't. I think a few people are surprised by it, but most think it's sweet.


Most kids in the South call their fathers 'Daddy", so dh being "Daddy" is nothing unusual.

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I'm momma, mommy, mom, just don't call me mother! That grates on my nerves!


My oldest dd used to call me "Mother," with the snottiest tone, I thought - I think she was only 3. I felt like people would think I made her call me that, and I hated it! I asked her why she called me that one time, and she said "Because I can." All righty then.


I wanted them to call me Mama, and sometimes they do, but I had a friend whose dd called her Mommy when Emma was 2 and her Emma was 2, so Emma came home saying "Moe-mee, Moe-mee" - THAT was annoying - and Mommy has stuck. I don't mind. As long as they love me. ;)

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I chose "Mom" and "Dad," though I'm just as likely to be called Mommy Bird, Mama Kitty, or Your Majesty, or Lord or Lady Vader, depending on child and/or mood.


Today my oldest volunteered to learn the bosun's whistle for "Captain on Deck" if I got him a whistle. I am so getting that kid a whistle :lol:

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My kids usually call me mom, although I'm occasionally mumma to them. Our oldest ds calls my dh Dad and my younger two call him Daddy or Dad whatever the mood their in calls for LOL. When our oldest was first talking until he was about 2.5 he called me Uma and my dh Wawa, we never knew why but didn't mind it sure helped know which kid was calling his parent. In the end we felt bad because it turned out he had fluid build up behind his eardrums that none of the Drs ever caught and he had a 50% hearing loss for that part of his life. He heard like he lived underwater. Luckily ear tubes and speech therapy have corrected almost all of it.


I've always called my mom and dad Ma and Pa but it's just because that's what they called their parents.

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Most of the time it is "Mommy," and "Daddy." But sometimes I am "Mama," to both children. And sometimes we call dh "Papa," but mostly just for fun. Dd likes to come up with nicknames for us. She sometimes calls me "Meme," and dh "Dede," (both pronounced with a long "e" sound in each syllable.) Sometimes she calls me "Moo-moo," and dh "Doo-doo" (not meaning anything derogatory, just playing around with sounds!) And sometimes she calls dh "Dada," but it comes out sounding more like "Daduh."

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All my kids started out calling me Mama. Then it switched over, through time, to be Mommy/Mom. They don't call me Mommy very often... Just when they're being sweet/silly. Mostly it's Mom.


My 6 year old DS started (sometimes) calling me Mother around age 4 or so. I think it's the sweetest thing ever, though I never taught him to call me that. It is said in such a loving, respectful way that you can't help but melt when he says it. The older two haven't ever called me that. My youngest, DD age 3, has started saying "Mother" occasionally, too.


I think I find it endearing, mostly because of the respect, love, and pure devotion that is carried with the way they say it. Also, it is what my Mom (I always called her Mom) called her Mother. She rarely/never called her mother "Mom."


My DH is Daddy/Dad. We also refer to him as "Papa" sometimes, but it's not what they use most often. They call him Daddy more often than they call me Mommy, so Daddy/Dad is about equal. They never call him Father.


Interesting, isn't it?

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Now, what freaks me out are married adults who call each other "mommy" and "daddy" One of my SIL's calls her DH "daddy" and it seems kind of.... weird.

Michelle T



We're mostly called Mom and Dad too. We used to be Mommy and Daddy, but that's pretty much done.

ITA about spouses who refer to one another as "mommy" and "daddy" or whatever version of those names their kids use. I don't understand it and it kind of weirds me out.

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We're mostly called Mom and Dad too. We used to be Mommy and Daddy, but that's pretty much done.

ITA about spouses who refer to one another as "mommy" and "daddy" or whatever version of those names their kids use. I don't understand it and it kind of weirds me out.


I do that... I thought most people did? I don't do it if I'm having a private conversation with him, but if one of the kids wants to know something, I'll often say (in front of the kids)...


"Dad, do you want to go to the store with us?"


or, he'll sometimes say (always in front of, and relating to the kids) things like:


"Mom, could you get a change of clothes for _______?"


I *would* probably think it was strange if he called me that on the phone, or in a conversation that didn't relate somehow to the kids. Even then, it's always with the kids present... as though we're including their voice in the conversation somehow.

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I do that... I thought most people did? I don't do it if I'm having a private conversation with him, but if one of the kids wants to know something, I'll often say (in front of the kids)...


"Dad, do you want to go to the store with us?"


or, he'll sometimes say (always in front of, and relating to the kids) things like:


"Mom, could you get a change of clothes for _______?"


I *would* probably think it was strange if he called me that on the phone, or in a conversation that didn't relate somehow to the kids. Even then, it's always with the kids present... as though we're including their voice in the conversation somehow.


Nope. I don't think I know anyone who does that. Oh wait, I have one friend who does it. Maybe it's regional? Or maybe it's just what your parents did? I don't know.

But no, I don't ever address my dh as "Dad." My parents never did that and neither did dh's.


ETA: I sometimes refer to him as Dad. As in "Go ask Dad." But even with that I usually say "Go ask your Dad."


Oh well. Different strokes for different folks, and so on and so on and shooby dooby dooby. :D

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We're Mama and Papa to our dd.


I do sometimes call my dw "Mama" when I'm speaking to her in front of our dd, but otherwise I use one of our mutual terms of endearment. She calls me "Papa" in the same way. We only ever call each other by our given names if one of us has to get the other's attention in a public place.

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I do that... I thought most people did? I don't do it if I'm having a private conversation with him, but if one of the kids wants to know something, I'll often say (in front of the kids)...


"Dad, do you want to go to the store with us?"


I know some people do it, but I could only call my partner that in a context completely inappropriate for children. I don't even use it when I'm talking directly to the kids. I'll say, "Go tell Brett you need that; I'm busy," or, "Go tell your father."


Like PlaidDad, we do make an effort to use our names in public, though. The kids overhear us referring to each other by our peculiar names of endearment all of the time, as in, "Baby, where're my socks?"


Hm . . . Now I'm curious to know what ya'll call your spouses.

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I typed one up and then deleted it, realizing my term of endearment for my partner is embarassing as all get out. I'd love to read yours though, so go for it, anj!


Oh no! I'm not telling mine. Well, not the real one anyway. icon_bag.gif But I thought I'd do a poll of generic ones vs. none at all. Okay, here goes! :auto:

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