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I'm set for 2012/2013 - all purchases have been made - Anyone else?


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I am waiting on the $$$...and changing my mind 20x in the wait. My ideal is no where near realistic.:001_huh: It's a good thing I'm doing some forced waiting, and forced reflecting, before purchasing.


I spent a couple hours this afternoon going through this years stuff in preparation for making up their portfolios. Now I'm REALLY itching get working on stuff for the summer/fall. Filing sounds like fun.:001_smile:

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I have all my stuff ordered. :party:


I've had all my main subjects for a month or so now, but I've been ordering extras and fun stuff and more books. (And more books and more books and more books. :tongue_smilie:) I'm officially cutting myself off.


AND I have almost all of my preschool stuff printed out for youngest DD and filed away.

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I'm almost ready and excited about it. The only thing I still need to figure out is German. If anyone has any great ideas on how to teach German to a third grader when you don't speak the language yourself, I'd love to hear it.


Otherwise, we're good to go! I bought my last book today.

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I'm almost ready and excited about it. The only thing I still need to figure out is German. If anyone has any great ideas on how to teach German to a third grader when you don't speak the language yourself, I'd love to hear it.


Otherwise, we're good to go! I bought my last book today.




Rosetta STone?

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Yes, I have been ready for a month or so for 1st grade.




History - Story of the World (with Kingfisher HIstory, Usborne History and All Through the Ages)


Science - BFSU with Usborne Science activities and First Encyclopedia


FLL1 (I'm also thinking of adding McGuffey readers)




Math Mammoth


Usborne Art activities


K12 Phonics 1



I may add K12 music. I will also include daily Bible lessons.



I am sooo excited to be doing it on my own next year, free from state hour requirements! yay!!!

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YES! So excited. We will be studying middle ages and astronomy and my dd will start Kinder! My Well Planned Day planner won't come until April, though, so nothing can go in planner just yet. :)

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I have everything purchased for 2nd grade. Some preliminary planning put into HST but not quite finished with that. Mostly its continuing to use the next thing in the programs I'm currently using. One new thing is CW Primer, we're excited to start that.


We school year round and we'll be starting the new school year in early July.

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NO! I'm still making decisions. One week I think I'm done, the next week I change and need to look at other things. There's no way I could order yet, but our new year begins in July so I can't wait forever. I did finally make a decision on algebra though b/c dd will start it in 2 weeks. Can't wait to be done with the searching!

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In theory.... :lol: But I want to start using them NOW! And some of them I will! :D


Next year I have:


The Sponge (2nd):



Beast Academy


Dancing Bears Fast Track


English for the Thoughtful Child

RSO Life

RSO Chem

Building Thinking Skills

Primarily Logic (need this still)

Salsa Spanish

Signing Time

Amanda Bennet unit studies for world countries/cultures/geography

poems & scriptures & songs in circle time


The Drama (K):




RSO Life & Chem (tag-along)

logic (still need this--maybe Lollipop Logic 3)

Salsa Spanish

Signing Time

Amanda Bennet world countries studies

poems & scriptures & songs in circle time

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I've made all my decisions and we finally have some money coming in so this coming week I'm signing them up for self-paced and ordering a few things for summer from VP. Then after we get paid again mid month I'm going to order the rest of their summer stuff. I've already printed out my shopping carts! At the end of the month there is a curriculum fair and hopefully I can pick up a lot of things there to save on shipping. In July I pay their CC tuition and will buy whatever is still needed for the fall. I just hope I have enough left over for things like videos from NEST (LOVED the OT collection I bought last summer) and YWAM (about missionaries) and Vision Forum as well as history books from Veritas Press. I've probably spent less than $300 since November ($170 of which was recent for LOE) and it's been killing me! I'm sooo excited to get new stuff. I have a ton of stuff to sell and I found out there is a place within two hours of me that I can drive to and consign most of it at one time so I'm hoping to do that soon and make some money back from previous years.


Oh, and today I ordered my CC guide and a set of the new timeline cards and saved $40 so I'll be so excited to receive those before the end of this month as well!! Woo hoo!

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Not only all ordered, but everything in hand except Telling God's Story and some books for TOG and Elemental Science. Plus I've already made my schedule and list, by week, of supplies and library books I'll need. I just need to get some more ink for my printer to print everything out and I'm ready!

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I have most of it.


I still need Teach Me Joy's Cursive and likely the copywork that goes with it. Oh yeah, and CLE Math workbooks 301-305 and 101-105.


Not sure if I will pay for a subscription to Reading Eggs since out free time will expire in two weeks. It really has helped DD. She got bored with Starfall.

Edited by tuckabella
more thoughts...
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Not yet. I went to the A Beka homeschool display yesterday and got phonics stuff for DD and a few other things. Got free shipping on all that which was nice. Oh yeah, I did order SOTW 4 and AG from Amazon today and used points from my credit card to pay for that. I'm in no real hurry for the rest of the stuff I need. We don't start our school year till the beginning of August and I prefer to hold on to my $$ as long as possible.:D

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I am waiting on the $$$...and changing my mind 20x in the wait. My ideal is no where near realistic.:001_huh: It's a good thing I'm doing some forced waiting, and forced reflecting, before purchasing.


Same here. I have everything picked, but I'm waiting (very impatiently) for mid-April, when I can place the order!

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Waiting for our math tm and biddin on spelling that ends tomorrow. Yay!


Third grade: mfw adventures for bible, history.,science & la

Pll for English

bju math 3

Music is introduction to tchaicovsky

Art classes and crafts

Spelling power

May add vocab and I can do all things for art when dh gets a job


Preschool for little ones will be reusing bright beginnings unless dh gets work soon.then I will get the. Mfw preschool package.

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I may add K12 music./QUOTE]


We hated, hated, hated, hated this. Not that you were looking for opinions but I just always have to say how much we hated this when I see it listed! :)




oh I understand. I hate the course myself, BUT my son LOVES the cd's!! So I'm looking at just getting the music itself, I wouldn't buy the course at all and follow it, just let him listen and learn the songs.

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I just received everything last week, so I have been spending the week planning it out. We school year round with 2 - 3 week breaks throughout the year. I made a major change this year, so it has been exciting going through everything.:001_smile: I rarely buy this much curriculum at once! I haven’t had this much come in since we started homeschooling. Next I have to get busy with selling all of our old stuff.

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I'm almost ready and excited about it. The only thing I still need to figure out is German. If anyone has any great ideas on how to teach German to a third grader when you don't speak the language yourself, I'd love to hear it.


Otherwise, we're good to go! I bought my last book today.


Amy, I'm skipping from the first page before I forget that I was going to answer, so apologies if someone has already made this suggestion. German in 10 Minutes A Day (about $40 on Rainbow Resource) would give them enough German to get by immediately.


Otherwise, there is a German basics cd set that I picked up at Amazon for about $10 that lays a good foundation. I don't see the exact one we bought but this page has a couple that look ok. I like the look of the Dummies series one. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=german+cd

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I have items sitting in my Rainbow Resource Center wish list. I keep tweaking :tongue_smilie:


It's probably because I have a brandnew Ker to teach and she's so different than her brother! I have to keep her mind occupied. She's so mentally active.

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Nada. I have nothing for next year yet. Yes. I will homeschool. My thoughts on this thawed with the spring melt. :D


I just just yesterday looked at the catalog and saw the items for sale. I know what I want but when to pull the trigger. It's kind of teasing my mind to just keep hovering over that button. :D

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Nada. I have nothing for next year yet. Yes. I will homeschool. My thoughts on this thawed with the spring melt. :D


I just just yesterday looked at the catalog and saw the items for sale. I know what I want but when to pull the trigger. It's kind of teasing my mind to just keep hovering over that button. :D




pull the trigger! pull the trigger!!:lol:

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All set. Because we are overseas, I have to plan a couple of years ahead and buy it all at once. Kind of takes some of the fun out of it:tongue_smilie:. We have:

R&S grammar

SWO spelling

Saxon math

SOTW + AG history

WTM science, a mix of Life and Earth (we've been slightly out of order because we did astronomy this year)

Lots of wonderful books for read alouds and copy work

Artistic Pursuits

Classical Kids

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Not even started!


Our three oldest are on a Science Olympiad team and that is consuming us right now. Our high school team won the regional competition and the middle school team was off by three (out of hundreds of points) -- so they were a close second.


This MIGHT be the year we can go to Nationals (in Orlando!). The competition at the state contest 3 weeks from today will be grueling.


So, curriculum? I'll think about that later. Until then I am busy trying to learn things about microbes, aquifers, physics of sound, Fermi ("back of the envelope") questions, etc.


That's all I do...

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pull the trigger! pull the trigger!!:lol:


Opps, guess I should leave gun analogy out of my vocabulary for the foreseeable future. ;)


I took the plunge! :)


I bought all my curriculum today. Yes, this thread was my inspiration. I was a bit worried that it'd be all gone by September's rush.

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I have it all planned, I think, but all I have in my hands are literature and history. (SO MUCH literature and history! I think I've got enough to get through the next couple of years, at least. I'm sorta-kinda addicted to beautiful, good books. :blushing:) Technically, I could do science for next year with what I've got, too, but Ariel just about fell over with excitement when she saw the equine science program from WP, so I think we'll be doing that. We may have art already, depending on how far we get through MTM this year. So far, it's April and we're on lesson 2. I bought the program in July. :lol:

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I haven't bought anything for next year yet. We've just finally gotten the rest of this year settled!! :D I've got a pretty good list going though. I may need to wait until our convention (beginning of June) to get my hands on a few things before polishing things off.

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