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So nervous!! DH still in meeting with mortgage person....

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I wouldn't say it's a bad sign, either. If it were my DH it would be fairly normal, he's a talker. There must at least be lots to talk about, that's a good sign isn't it? I do understand your worries though, buying a new home is such an anxious time.


Hope it's good news!



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BIG NEWS! We got approved AND we put in a bid on the house we like (for those of you who have been following our saga, it's the A frame on 2 acres with low HOA). We put in a low-ish bid as there are some jumping-smiley-013.gifissues with the roof. I don't know what the seller will think, but it's a start! jumping-smiley-017.gif

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BIG NEWS! We got approved AND we put in a bid on the house we like (for those of you who have been following our saga, it's the A frame on 2 acres with low HOA). We put in a low-ish bid as there are some jumping-smiley-013.gifissues with the roof. I don't know what the seller will think, but it's a start! jumping-smiley-017.gif


The yard with that home SCREAMS for boys your ds's ages. :001_smile: my boys used to go outside after breakfast, eat lunch outside, then we would carry them to the tub to clean up for dinner. If it was warm outside they woudl splash around and clean up in a kiddie pool or hose. You are in FL with an inground pool. Those boys will be SO happy! They can get filthy playing in the yard and end their day swimming!


They sure will sleep well.;)

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So excited for you! It was really scary for me when we went through this all 4.5 years ago, but owning our own home is great.


It is a great sign they countered - so did ours and within 36 hours after that, the house was technically ours (though we did have to wait through closing...).


Whooo hoo! :hurray:

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So we countered their counter, and they came back this evening and said they wouldn't budge from their lower offer.smiley-scared001.gif


So DH raised our counter....a little. I just want this to be over with. I don't think they're going to go any lower......




:glare: i know this is awful for you...... Hang in there!!!

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So we countered their counter, and they came back this evening and said they wouldn't budge from their lower offer.smiley-scared001.gif


So DH raised our counter....a little. I just want this to be over with. I don't think they're going to go any lower......




We got to the point you're at now when buying our present home, then we walked away for three months. They were much more inclined to negotiate after three months :tongue_smilie:. We've been here six years now and adore the house, the neighbourhood and the town. Sometimes I shudder to think what might have happened, as I really don't believe there's anywhere more perfect for us :001_smile:.



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So we countered their counter, and they came back this evening and said they wouldn't budge from their lower offer.smiley-scared001.gif


So DH raised our counter....a little. I just want this to be over with. I don't think they're going to go any lower......



So hard. We were at that point with the first house we bought. We walked away and told our real estate agent to show us other houses. A couple of days later, the seller's agent called ours, and when they heard we were looking elsewhere, we had a call a few hours later saying that the seller changed their mind and wanted to accept the lower amount if we wanted to resubmit. Hang in there!

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Keep looking. Even thoughthis one seems perfect, there is always another house in south Florida. I have bought two now in a hurry. While i like them both, something better came alon both times within a month. And, now, with the market being what it is, homes once way out of our reach would now be options if only we had waited.

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They accepted our bid!!!! Yay!! Now we just have to deal with the financing--a headache for self-employed people, but I know we'll get through it if we keep praying :D


I am thrilled. First home we've ever owned (and we're no spring chickens, either!)



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