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signs that make you groan

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OK that house, knowing it is a funeral home, is way creepy. :leaving:


I know lol. And I'm dying (no pun intended) to see what the inside looks like. I really want to just walk in one day and be like "No, I don't need any help, just looking" and try to sneak some pictures, but I don't have the guts. I mean, a funeral home probably isn't the kind of place in which you can do that, right?


One of my neighbors told me there are dolls everywhere and paintings of angels on the ceiling and stuff like that. I asked my mom if she wanted to go in with me one day and pretend we were "browsing" for her for when her time comes, she just snorted but didn't go along with it lol.


I always wonder, who actually chooses a place like that over the more traditional, stately looking places...I can't fathom. It's pink and red and they put paper flowers and butterflies and witches in the windows. It boggles my mind lol.


Please tell me that there really isn't a town called Intercourse, PA.


I can barely stop giggling enough to put down my wine and type that! :lol:


There IS!


Worse, to get from Blue Ball to Paradise, you have to go through Intercourse.


Want proof? Look it up on Google maps!




Too bad "Backlick Road" wasn't in Intercourse, PA, that would've been the icing on the cake, huh? :P

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There was a lighting store near where we lived in Connecticut that had a yearly CLARANCE (giant banner, all caps, put out multiple years). We actually wondered if it was for someone at first (Was Clarance returning from somewhere?).


About town names, I grew up close to Surprise and Climax in New York. And it's my understanding that Intercourse, PA is named for an intersection. Also, there's Deposit in New York (but no Return).

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The worst signage I've seen here was in Leola. We have a lot of Amish puppy mills here. Some kid put up a homemade sign advertising "Sh*t-zoos" :lol: (darn board censors!)




Now that you say that, I do remember some interesting interpretations of breed names both on signs and in the classifieds. Around here you can buy lots of rockwilders, tarriers of all kinds, dotsons, sharpays, pomerians, chiwawas, and spanyells too. The worst ever doesn't really qualify since it was in the paper and not on a sign, but really ... I'm not buying a dog from a "breeder" who spells it "b*tchin freeze".

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Now that you say that, I do remember some interesting interpretations of breed names both on signs and in the classifieds. Around here you can buy lots of rockwilders, tarriers of all kinds, dotsons, sharpays, pomerians, chiwawas, and spanyells too. The worst ever doesn't really qualify since it was in the paper and not on a sign, but really ... I'm not buying a dog from a "breeder" who spells it "b*tchin freeze".


Oh my that last one almost made me spit my juice out. :lol::lol:


on a side note I was very familiar with all those towns in PA since I read a lot of Amish fiction.

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Now that you say that, I do remember some interesting interpretations of breed names both on signs and in the classifieds. Around here you can buy lots of rockwilders, tarriers of all kinds, dotsons, sharpays, pomerians, chiwawas, and spanyells too. The worst ever doesn't really qualify since it was in the paper and not on a sign, but really ... I'm not buying a dog from a "breeder" who spells it "b*tchin freeze".


I think, if a person cannot spell the name of the breed correctly, they probably don't know a whole lot about the breed. Considering how expensive purebred dogs are, I wouldn't buy from *any* breeder whose knowledge and experience with the breed seemed less than impressive.

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I think, if a person cannot spell the name of the breed correctly, they probably don't know a whole lot about the breed. Considering how expensive purebred dogs are, I wouldn't buy from *any* breeder whose knowledge and experience with the breed seemed less than impressive.

Exactly...and why I notated that the sign I saw was most likely from an Amish puppy mill. I've seen a similar mucked up sign advertising rabbits. I can't remember what the error was, but I do remember laughing and shaking my head about it.

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There is a shopping center near us with a HUGE electronic flashing sign that advertises the various businesses in the center. One is a salon called Alexander's. My ds noticed that the electronic sign advertises: "Alexnader's". We thought it was hilarious when we first saw it. 4 months later, it's STILL wrong! How can no one have noticed and fixed it by now?

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Now that you say that, I do remember some interesting interpretations of breed names both on signs and in the classifieds. Around here you can buy lots of rockwilders, tarriers of all kinds, dotsons, sharpays, pomerians, chiwawas, and spanyells too. The worst ever doesn't really qualify since it was in the paper and not on a sign, but really ... I'm not buying a dog from a "breeder" who spells it "b*tchin freeze".


:lol: Literally. That's hysterical.

A couple of friends of mine were talking about what they would call ___ with ___ (pick one lol)... one of the favorites was the english bulldog and shih tzu - bullsh*ts. Hehe.... :lol:

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oh I just thought of another one. I wasn't able to get a picture but every year on the main road running past city hall they have a parade for Christmas, they put up those huge highway light up signs to let people know when it will be, because they have to close the road for part of the day.


2 years ago the sign read

"Road closed 3-6 pm x-x-xx(the date) for Krismus parade"


I came home and tried to call someone but the offices were closed so I left a message. Apparently they either got it or a bunch of other ones because the next day the sign had been fixed.

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This blog is full of examples of my favorite type of bad sign.




Or rather it is "full". :glare:


My bio grandfather (not the one who raised me) writes us letters every now and then, and he puts SO MUCH in quotation marks. And he underlines random stuff. It's like, 'Hey, "Kara", how's the weather out there? I'm staying "busy" here in the "nursing home"! Just turned "78" this Year! Getting to be an old man, but I can still "walk"! From, Grampa "Sid" "Longfellow" '

Oh, and it's in all caps. It's the most random thing ever...

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My bio grandfather (not the one who raised me) writes us letters every now and then, and he puts SO MUCH in quotation marks. And he underlines random stuff. It's like, 'Hey, "Kara", how's the weather out there? I'm staying "busy" here in the "nursing home"! Just turned "78" this Year! Getting to be an old man, but I can still "walk"! From, Grampa "Sid" "Longfellow" '

Oh, and it's in all caps. It's the most random thing ever...


That is hilarious. Especially, for some reason, "walk."


Reminds me of a family member who would choose the most generic greeting cards imaginable then underline salient words multiple times and add numerous exclamation marks. Apparently, Happy Birthday!!!!! means more than Happy Birthday. And if you were really special, your underlines might be squiggly (or even, but don't get your hopes up, in colored marker).

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My bio grandfather (not the one who raised me) writes us letters every now and then, and he puts SO MUCH in quotation marks. And he underlines random stuff. It's like, 'Hey, "Kara", how's the weather out there? I'm staying "busy" here in the "nursing home"! Just turned "78" this Year! Getting to be an old man, but I can still "walk"! From, Grampa "Sid" "Longfellow" '

Oh, and it's in all caps. It's the most random thing ever...


My husband's grandma does this. When my dd got her latest birthday card from her, my oldest said, "Look Annika, Great-Grandma already underlined things for you so you can make a keyword outline of the card"

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My bio grandfather (not the one who raised me) writes us letters every now and then, and he puts SO MUCH in quotation marks. And he underlines random stuff. It's like, 'Hey, "Kara", how's the weather out there? I'm staying "busy" here in the "nursing home"! Just turned "78" this Year! Getting to be an old man, but I can still "walk"! From, Grampa "Sid" "Longfellow" '

Oh, and it's in all caps. It's the most random thing ever...

My husband's mother, aunt, and grandmother do this. I'm positive it's a form of passive aggressiveness, especially given the issues in that family (NPD is just the start).


Example: in the above, I would read that as him giving you a huge guilt trip over his age and how often you visit or how much you do/don't do for him. And you dare he be in a nursing home, etc.

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That is hilarious. Especially, for some reason, "walk."


Reminds me of a family member who would choose the most generic greeting cards imaginable then underline salient words multiple times and add numerous exclamation marks. Apparently, Happy Birthday!!!!! means more than Happy Birthday. And if you were really special, your underlines might be squiggly (or even, but don't get your hopes up, in colored marker).


My step-grandma does this too! If you're really special she'll seal your envelope with those stickers from the March of Dimes.

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My husband's mother, aunt, and grandmother do this. I'm positive it's a form of passive aggressiveness, especially given the issues in that family (NPD is just the start).


Example: in the above, I would read that as him giving you a huge guilt trip over his age and how often you visit or how much you do/don't do for him. And you dare he be in a nursing home, etc.



Well, I've never met him in person, so I just kind of read it all and laugh. He was a long time alcoholic and I'm convinced it fried his brain. :tongue_smilie: He used to make cassette tapes of himself singing and playing the harmonica and send it to my aunts. :lol: He also used to say crazy things like that his drivers seat in his car was missing so he replaced it with a lawn chair...oh, and that he taught his doberman to use the bathroom. In the toilet.

:lol: He's good for a laugh. :D

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The park across the street from me put up beautiful new signs a few years ago. The signs clearly state park rules, including this one:




  • No alcohol accept at authorized events



This is a large waterfront park with multiple (identical) signs at the various park entryways. I'm certainly no grammar maven but this mistake is so blatantly obvious it drives me crazy every time I walk by!

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I've shared this before on other threads, but it is worth sharing again. This was at a gas station near my mom's house for years. On every column in the station. I always wondered, do the printers not spell check before creating signs? Or do they just presume that their clients know what they want, no matter how awful it is? Anyway, have fun counting the issues with this sign. It makes my eyes bleed.


I also grew up in Butte County. The 'e' on county signs often was scratched out or missing. It made us the butt of jokes for counties around.

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This blog is full of examples of my favorite type of bad sign.




Or rather it is "full". :glare:


Our small town in the midst of a big metroplex advertises its Christmas party like this:


Santa Party

for town residents "only"!


My son always jokes nonresidents should show up and say "I'm 'really' a resident."

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Our small town in the midst of a big metroplex advertises its Christmas party like this:


Santa Party

for town residents "only"!


My son always jokes nonresidents should show up and say "I'm 'really' a resident."




The dairy farm near us has a sign announcing that its proprietor is "Dave Johnson." We've always wondered if the quotation marks suggest an alias and, if so, why the seemingly mild-mannered dairyman had to conceal his real identity.

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When our friends and family visit from the UK we all have to take them down the road to get their pictures taken with the Wanker's Corner sign.


We also travel the road to Damascus on a fairly regular basis and drive through Boring.


Big Bone Lick cracked me up, the manager is Hope Howell (Howl) I am being really bad.


Also, Nance, that is one weird funeral home.

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We used to pass a store that had a big sign out about the 2 products it sold:


Shoes and Cheese! Enquire with in.




Along the same lines, the store that advertises its selection of wigs and Bibles made me a double take the first time I saw it. Same with the store that sold handmade leather goods for motorcyclists and Catholic religious items.




The dairy farm near us has a sign announcing that its proprietor is "Dave Johnson." We've always wondered if the quotation marks suggest an alias and, if so, why the seemingly mild-mannered dairyman had to conceal his real identity.


The cows know what he did. :D

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