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Go home or stick it out?


Go home or stick it out?  

  1. 1. Go home or stick it out?

    • Go home
    • Stick it out

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I would not handle driving anywhere, much less 4 hours, with ANYONE vomiting in the backseat. I'D be queasy by the time we got home. Plus, there's a good chance this could pass and you could continue on for a beautiful vacation, kwim?


Is there also a chance your daughter is just queasy because of the other child being sick? That happens here.

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I would stick it out - driving with sick kids barfing all over the place is not fun - and the motion of the car is not fun for the poor sickie, either. We had a tummy flu go through all three of us kids during a week on vacation growing up - folks never got it, as each of us kids only missed a day or so. When we were not feeling ill, we got to go out fishing with Dad, etc. I am sure Mom did not enjoy the vacation, though.


When we had our two+ week roadtrip East planned out and were ready to go (D.C., Williamsburg, Gettysburg, etc. etc.) the boys got the tummy flu the week before the trip. No one else got it - but we HAD to leave before one boy was done being ill. No fun driving with a green-faced child hugging a barf bucket (and pulling into a Walmart in Ohio to run in and buy a bag of cheap undershirts to put him in - along with paper towels and Lysol since he missed the bucket :ack2: )


You do NOT want to drive with a sick child!

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Stick it out. You can take care of them just as well there- more easily than you can in the car on such a long ride...and you might still get a couple of days of vacation out of it if the others recover as quickly as your oldest seemed to! Sorry the first few days are going so poorly, hope they all feel better very soon and that you guys don't get sick!

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I am guessing that at this point, you all are "almost done" with it. Keep washing your hands (and have dh do the same) and don't let the newly recovered touch others' food (ie. don't have the recovered 8 yo make PBJs for everyone...).


I am guessing that if you decide to bail out, you'll have a horrible trip home and within hours, everyone will feel fine and wish to still be on vacation...


Stick it out and ruin the rental's carpet -- come home healthy.

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I would not handle driving anywhere, much less 4 hours, with ANYONE vomiting in the backseat. I'D be queasy by the time we got home. Plus, there's a good chance this could pass and you could continue on for a beautiful vacation, kwim?


Is there also a chance your daughter is just queasy because of the other child being sick? That happens here.



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Stick it out. You can take care of them just as well there- more easily than you can in the car on such a long ride...and you might still get a couple of days of vacation out of it if the others recover as quickly as your oldest seemed to! Sorry the first few days are going so poorly, hope they all feel better very soon and that you guys don't get sick!



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We're going to stay put for now. I don't really want to drive with sickies. It's just the lack of sleep talking. I'm absolutely exhausted! Thankfully it does seem to be rather quick moving. The 2 who spent the night with their heads in the toilet seem to be perking up already. I'll probably try to get out with my dd5 today, because I took her older sister out yesterday while the younger was stuck "home" sleeping. I'm sure a little fresh air will do us good.


On a side note, this last summer we went on our first camping trip as a family. We were supposed to spend 3 nights in a gorgeous place, but had to come home after the first night. Ds had gotten a bug and became so severely dehydrated that we had to take him to the ER and have him rehydrated with an IV. Maybe we just shouldn't vacation. :tongue_smilie:

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BTDT - This past summer, each one of our kids got Hand-Foot & Mouth Disease. While we were at my folks' cabin 750 miles away from home. Which is about the size of a 2 car garage, built in 1930 & renovated in 1960.


Good: We got the diagnosis over the phone with the help of a doctor friend & digital photos. :001_smile: It didn't require taking them TO the doctor there. :001_smile:


Long story short, each child was terribly sick for 24 hours (fever, nausea, very bad sore throat, contagious rash). All the other kids played outside while they felt like it (though the not-yet-sick ones could only guess when they'd catch it).


Then we left all the germs in the cabin, which was sealed up for a week before my folks returned to it. :001_smile:


Stay where you are, get a baby monitor, make a Vomit Bowl (line a mixing bowl with a Walmart bag and a paper towel folded up in the bottom).


And eat chocolate (and/or alcohol)! You are in our prayers!

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