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Things I don't understand...

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One, it could be a fund-raiser for a charity organization, and the gas station is just providing a sales venue. Or possibly, the gas station is earning some extra money on the side with its mulch sales. My son's Scout troop sold mulch this spring and earned $5,000 in one day. Everyone wanted to buy it.


I've seen memorial stickers on the backs of cars, but the ones I've seen have been for servicemen killed in Iraq.

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3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...


I can't help you with the others...but I will say that I ask this question everytime I see it. This is very big here in CA...I *think it may be a Hispanic thing...but I am not entirely sure.

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I have always just assumed that selling mulch at gas stations is for the convenience factor. If people are filling up their gas cans to fill their lawn mowers, then yard work is on their mind and they may be more apt to get some mulch while their at it, kwim? That's what I always thought anyway. ;)

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2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


Someone, please help me out here...


I, too, thought the 5-year old going to a prom was strange, but then I thought about it. Often, as an adult, when I walk into a hospital or a doctor's infusion room, I start to tense. The people I meet are wonderful, but the tests and treatments are often painful. Lots of time is spent waiting in uncomfortable situations. The waiting and the dread of side effects of the treatments aren't good for anyone. How much worse is it for a child? Or a teen?


This prom is giving the children a chance to relax and have fun in a place that is often rough on them. It's a place where they don't have to worry about their wig slipping off, or having others stare because they are bald. It's a place where people are used to manuvouring around IV poles. It's the chance to dress up and feel pretty. And why shouldn't the younger children be able to participate in the excitement? I remember having lots of fun at my big cousins' sock hops as a child. All generations were there, with the teens teaching the younger kids the "bunny hop" and other dances.


No, it makes a lot of sense once I think about it. I just hope they have other things and refuges for the children on a daily basis.

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1) I have no idea and have often wondered this myself.


2) I have no opinion either way.


3) I saw this a lot when I lived in San Diego; now that I'm in the mw, I see it only on cars with Hispanic drivers, so it must be a Hispanic thing. It doesn't bother me, but what happens when they sell the car? Do they do the memorial thing all over on the new car?

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Where do people get these? Are they handed out at funerals these days? Or is there somewhere selling them in the malls?


I've never seen a gas station selling mulch, just the usual snacks and drinks. Well, and gas of course.


The prom for kids with cancer is fine with me. Those kids deserve to have a great time and forget that they are sick for an evening.

Michelle T

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3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...


I too am perplexed by this. Since moving to VA I see this all the time and wonder "WHY?"


For service members KIA makes a bit more sense but even being a military wife and living darn near on top of the largest Navy base in the World, I have yet to see one that isn't just for some non-military family member.

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1. Why do they sell mulch at gas stations?


2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...

1. They don't do that here. I've actually never heard of it! :001_huh:


2. Why does this bother you? The ages of the littlest ones? I agree with Kathy and Michelle on this one.


3. I've never seen this either! ! guess I'm outta duh loop here! :tongue_smilie:

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Mulch is sold at gas stations because it's convenient for the customers. It doesn't take up space inside the store, so it isn't an inconvenience for the store owner, and it's another way to make money, sort of like selling milk, cigarettes, beer, and propane.


The prom thing - I thought it was a nice idea. The poor kids need to have a time to have fun in the midst of all the trauma they endure daily.


The memorials on cars - wow, I'd never seen them before. I had to google to find out what you were talking about. I've seen a lot of other decals on back windows of Hispanic-owned cars, but most are either of Our Lady of Guadalupe or are just the name of the driver or his wife/girlfriend done in decorative script. I'll have to look closer to see if any are memorials. As for if it's weird or not - well, people grieve in lots of ways. Some are more public than others, like putting flowers on a grave or at the site of a fatal car accident. People no longer wear only black for the first year after a loved one's death in the US, so maybe having other ways of showing grief are becoming more important.

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I can't help you with the others...but I will say that I ask this question everytime I see it. This is very big here in CA...I *think it may be a Hispanic thing...but I am not entirely sure.


I see it alot here in TX also. I do think it's a cultural thing.

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maybe this is because not many people visit graveyards anymore????


Do you also see roadside memorials in your area? Almost every road around here is marked with a wooden cross, flowers (real and artificial), teddy bears, skateboards, notes saying, "We love you, Jake (or whomever)!" nailed to a piece of plywood, and balloons....Sometimes a spot will be active for years. If someone close to me died, I think I would rather visit the gravesied than the roadside. I can't understand it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I haven't seen mulch at gas stations here, and the only memorial stickers I see are for Nascar drivers. Around here that's probably every third car.

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Okay, the thought about getting gas for the lawn mower and getting mulch at the same time makes sense to me.


The prom bothered me because, of all the fun activities (carnival, circus, etc.) they could have gone with, I don't get the prom for toddlers thing. The evening gowns, the makeup... I am all for distractions and "normalcy" for these children whose lives are spent in a different world, but this actually isn't that normal, to me. Young children don't normally go to prom. It has certain connotations to me (dates, etc) that don't go with young children. I get that I am the only person who feels this way, though...


I have seen the race car driver ones here, and then I saw service men, and those both made sense to me. But then I started seeing stickers all over the place for just about anybody. I wonder, too, where they get them.


Thank you all for thinking aloud with me...

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3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


I've seen memorial stickers on the backs of cars, but the ones I've seen have been for servicemen killed in Iraq.


Me too, the only ones I've seen have been for servicemen killed -- but then again, I'm in a high military service area. . .

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maybe this is because not many people visit graveyards anymore????


Do you also see roadside memorials in your area? Almost every road around here is marked with a wooden cross, flowers (real and artificial), teddy bears, skateboards, notes saying, "We love you, Jake (or whomever)!" nailed to a piece of plywood, and balloons....Sometimes a spot will be active for years. If someone close to me died, I think I would rather visit the gravesied than the roadside. I can't understand it.


The roadside crosses are generally for people killed in traffic accidents at that spot. I have a friend who's son was killed by a drunk driver, and there is a roadside cross at the spot where he was killed. She thinks of it as a warning and reminder.

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1. The only time I've seen mulch at a gas station was the boy scout fundraiser.


2. I like the idea. My guess is that it started with the teenagers and the younger kids wanted to get in on the act. Who's gonna tell a sick toddler you can't dress up in the sparkly dress and dance around? There's a cancer ward prom in the book Her Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult so it must be a fairly popular idea.


3. I think this might be more specifically Mexican, rather than general Hispanic. I never saw one of those stickers in Venezuela or Miami, only in Houston. IMHO, it's less creepy than the roadside memorial.

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1. Why do they sell mulch at gas stations?


2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...


1) My gas stations DON"T sell mulch, although I wish one did as we are currently looking for some.

2) I think if it was titled celebration party, you wouldn't have a problem with it. I think the title PROM leads the mind to a high school prom.

3) Yes it is everywhere here in California and I don't like it. I'd say its a hispanic thing but I know people of other nationalities that have it as well. I can't explain it, matter of fact, when my mom passed I was asked if I wanted one. My thoughts were that I didn't want to look at her name and the "end" date everytime I got in my car.

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1. Why do they sell mulch at gas stations?


2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...



1. I would say it almost seems like a natural connection, gas +yardwork= mulch, and helping save gas.


2. Prom for anyone but seniors in high school bug me so I am with ya. A party for the children or a carnival, fun fair, even themed dance. This really for some odd reason is a pet peeve of mine so I will hush.


3. Yes, this trend creeps me out but at least you get stickers I have seen it done in white shoe polish all over the back and side windows. Which always makes me wonder if they reapply after they wash their car or just never wash their car.



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[quote name=Rebecca in VA;29063


I've seen memorial stickers on the backs of cars' date=' but the ones I've seen have been for servicemen killed in Iraq.[/quote]


Oh no Rebecca, out here in podunkville SC we memorialize Jim Bob & Bubba too. . .the window clings are HUGE they take up the whole back window of our pickup trucks!


Don't mean to offend anyone. . .but I couldn't resist. . .I'll be nice for the rest of the day!



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1. Why do they sell mulch at gas stations?


2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...



1. It's like selling batteries in the checkout aisle of the grocery. Mulch is one of those products lots of people "need" but forget to buy. It's bulky, and heavy. Why not offer it when the only other product the customer is buying is something they don't have to carry out of the store? They've got their car there already. It's a quarter of a mile home. They've got six bags of mulch, a full tank of gas. a half pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and they're wearing sunglasses. :D


2. I think this quote from the article says it all: "Because on that day, everything that has to do with cancer is gone. And they are the kings and queens and they are beautiful." It's not really a "prom". It's just something special for the kids to look forward to doing.


3. It's a way of memorializing a loved one that doesn't resonate with me, but for that matter, neither does a fancy coffin, gravesite, and expensive funeral. People put little replicas of Jesus on the dashboard, why not a memory of a loved one in the window? Best not to overthink the little stuff on this one. :)

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2. I think this quote from the article says it all: "Because on that day, everything that has to do with cancer is gone. And they are the kings and queens and they are beautiful." It's not really a "prom". It's just something special for the kids to look forward to doing.
OK, I get the reason that could bug people. I see how a prom for toddlers could be a strange thing! I guess I took it as it was stated above....just a thing for the kids to be real kids for a few hours.


I think they DO do other things--carnivals, and fun days, but this story was just concentrating on the thing that just happened, which was the prom.

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The prom thing...the only thing that was odd to me was the one 12 year old commenting that she had missed her 6th grade prom. Since when do 6th graders have prom?

Well duh, when they grad-u-ma-cate :) jk

A couple of schools nearby had 5th grade and 8th grade proms (high end dances) for students who move on to next school--middle school, freshman center, etc. It's insane! Average cost of prom here is $1000 per couple (choking as I type). Prefer not to encourage that ridiculous trend at 10 years old.


And to Kelli in TN, the peeing boy window decal...ROFL. That does make you wonder why they bought it! Encourage nature? :)

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I see the memorial thing pretty often, I don't think it's ethnic around here, my friends BIL died in a motorcycle accident several years ago and everyone in her family has one on their vehicle. It's just a way to remember. My cousin did the whole back end of his truck to remember his brother when he was killed in a car accident 4 years ago. It was an unexpected death and hard on the family. It's think it's more for unexpected deaths than your grandpa that passed away when he was 80, KWIM?

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I see the window-cling memorials quite often where I live - some servicemen, some not.


The one memorial that truly puzzles me are the various license plates, bumperstickers, etc., memorializing Dale Earnhardt (and I'm sure I spelled that wrong), you know, the race car driver - NASCAR? I don't know. Anyway, I see tags with a picture of Dale and a cross in the background. DH calls it the "Dale Earnhardt died for their sins tag." Insulting. But, that's just my opinion.

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About the prom thing:

Like everyone else said, I think it's partly about being normal and feeling pretty. But I think they have it all-ages because at least some of those children won't live to be old enough to attend their high school proms, and this is a way for them to have a tiny taste of it even at a very tender age. We all want our kids to experience the major joys of life. For many people (I'm not one of them), the prom is a very special time for them. I can see why they'd want their kids to have that special time too, esp in light of their serious illness.

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1. Why do they sell mulch at gas stations?


2. What is this about, and why does it sort of bother me?


3. Why the trend of memoralizing dead loved ones on stickers (or window clings) on the back of cars?


Someone, please help me out here...


1. Convenience, I guess. Here in my town, there used to be a gas station that also had a full meat counter. I bought special butterflied/stuffed pork chops there one year and served them up on Christmas day. :lol: I was so sad when they went out of business. My family still makes fun of my meat-buying habits. ;)


2. I guess The Prom is a really big deal for a lot of people. It never was for me.


3. I've never seen this.

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strikes me the same as water softener salt. I see piles of it at gas stations. Probably convenience.


I have no opinion about the prom.


The memorial thing was probably a cultural thing to begin with, but it seems to be catching on. A family here did it at our church. I do think it is odd.

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I can't help you with the others...but I will say that I ask this question everytime I see it. This is very big here in CA...I *think it may be a Hispanic thing...but I am not entirely sure.


It's also a "southern thing". There are tons of cars around here that have those decals on their cars. We have some good friends that have one for their daughter on all their cars. While I wouldn't do it, if it gives some people a feeling a comfort for their loss, that's okay with me. I have told my family not to do that if something ever happens to me.

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I live in Coastal Florida and there are Cubans here and they don't have these on there cars. In fact, I can't remember ever seeing them when I did live in Southern California but the last time I lived there was 16 years ago so maybe it is a new trend. I am not even sure what you mean but i haven't seen anything like it. I do remember seeing somekind of sticker about Dale Earhardt on somebodies car but I remember that there whole back of the car was some kind of NASCAR memorial/ advertisement so I figured it was some kind of strange NASCAR thing or hero worship thing akin to the Elvis fascination cult.

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