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So what is your absolute favorite curriculum that you wish you had found earlier?


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I just spent 3 days reading through the thread about the WORST curriculum. Now I'd like to hear everyone's favorite!



Italic Handwriting

100 EZ Lessons

Leading Little Ones to God

The Peacemaker for Kids


Apologia (Elementary Science) Astronomy

Apologia (High School) Anatomy, Chemistry and Biology

Life of Fred (Algebra II)



Still need to find the perfect Math program, but who isn't?

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Singapore Math - we started with Saxon and DS hated it with a passion, once we switched to SM, it was like magic - the kid loves, loves, loves math!


All About Spelling - I would have started it earlier had I known how well it helped DS with reading!

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Apologia Science: Astronomy -- LOVE THIS!!!


This has been the highlight of our year!


I just discovered Math Mammoth and that has really helped with math (using as a supplement to Singapore for our 1st grader).

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TT math!

I wish I had listened when my friends raved about it 4 years ago. I just tried it last year and have been thrilled with the change in my ODD since starting it back again in the fall. My second DD cannot wait to get her hands on the program, and I see no need to do anything else with my subsequent children.


Truthfully, I'm still looking for much of anything else we love. *I* loved Sonlight, but it was too much reading for 2 of my kids. I'd like to give it another go now that everyone is older.

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The same things on that thread are/will be on this thread! :lol:



:lol: This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this thread. One person's favorite is another person's dud. Some of my fav's...


SOTW - but I can't say I wish I'd found it earlier because I started using it when oldest was 6yo

AG - so much better than R&S imho

Apologia Elementary Science - using this one from the beginning too

R&S Spelling - just as good as SW, but soooo much cheaper

WWE - wish this was available when my older boys were young

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I'm putting this in the wish I'd found earlier pile, however, it was actually good in this instance to use something else first:


Singapore Math (Standards Edition HIG, TB, WB, IP, CWP)


Wish I'd found earlier:


KISS Grammar


Glad I started with for DS1:


Math Mammoth (while I like Singapore better, MM was best for accelerating that first year of homeschooling - didn't break the bank!)

Writing With Ease

Story of the World


Glad I started with for DS2:

Singapore Essential Math K combined with Cuisenaire Rods

Webster's Speller

I See Sam readers (these are soooooo much better than Bob books!)



Glad I used, though I'm not using it now:


All About Spelling (provided me with teacher training, and the first few levels were good for DS)

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NOEO Science

ZB handwriting

Struggling Reader (I bought this at a convention and felt really guilty later. The guilt finally made me start using it and I have never looked back. It is the single best way for our family to teach phonics and sight words...although you don't have to buy the sight words games.)

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I wish we'd had AAR for my oldest. I am loving that program!

I also love MM, which we use as a supplement/extra practice with Jump Math


That being said, this isn't the first time I've had a "favorite" and lost interest. I have a wandering eye...I stray often when it comes to curriculum. :lol:

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Bob Jones Math (I used the 4th grade last year and loved it. I just couldn't continue because of the time involved and dvds for everyone is too $$$)


Things that I did find earlier but just didn't stick with :tongue_smilie:


HOD (although I do think at the time I wasn't ready to continue with a progam like this)



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I Wish I had found The Well Trained Mind when my oldest was little. It just wasn't on my radar at that time. Also wish I had used Explode The Code in a more systematic fashion. My son loved them when he got his hands on one, but I didn't use it as our phonics "spine."


Also--and this is a biggie--I wish we had discovered ScienceWorks earlier.


I've had more struggle finding the right science than any other subject.

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I wish I had found The Writing Road to Reading earlier.


A couple of things I like now, that I actually DID purchase and abandon earlier because they didn't work for us are Math Mammoth and AAS. We use them now and it's a far better fit.


Things I love that came along at just the right time: Galore Park Junior English, Teach Me Joy cursive.

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Definitely HEART OF DAKOTA!!! :D:tongue_smilie::D:001_smile:


Math Mammoth

We Choose Virtues

Reading Eggs (b/c it keeps my 5yo sooooo occupied while I school the others and he's learning a lot while having fun)

We LOVE Developing the Early Learner and I so wish I'd found them for my oldest two!

I'm also really enjoying Right Start A for my 5yo even if we don't do it consistently

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We generally try to avoid switching curricula. The one change that we made that we wish we made earlier was switching from History Odyssey to Story of the World Activity Guide, which we did a couple of months into our second year. SotWAG had more things you could do right out of the book without scrambling to find other resources. We still supplement with a pile of library books, but now the history sessions have more activities and structured Q&A around them. If we're still homeschooling when she reaches 5th grade, we'll probably check out HO again.

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It isn't "wish I found it earlier" as my first grader is my oldest. I am SO glad I found Phonics Road. It has made me a competent and knowledgeable L/A teacher and the progress my child has made has been amazing. I'm so sticking with PR and Singapore as they are both solid, fine programs that help the student achieve.

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I'm very embarrassed to admit this one. I was put off everything "Well Trained Mind" for a few years because I didn't like the title. "They're children, not dogs" I said more than once. Of course FLL and WWE are the 2 that I wish I'd looked at and used sooner and OPGTR has been a big success too.:lol:

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