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Am I the last one to know? Facebook is making everyone change

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It is probably the same info that you already allow friends to see, just in a different format.


The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.

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to the new Timeline profile. The article is here:


FB Timeline: No Escaping It Now


I'm pretty much done with FB anyway, having done a major purge at the beginning of the year. I have no desire to let everyone know where I've been, what websites I've looked at, what songs I've listened to, and what comments I've made every. single. day. :glare: Good grief!



I quit (as in completely deleted) my FB account about 2 months ago...1 month ago? I was definitely a frequent visitor, but my acct got hacked and I got tired of worrying whether I was postnig something too private, or if something would come and bite me in the b*tt later on. I'm glad I did. I don't miss it, surprisingly. Of course, I still am on here a lot :)

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The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.


I agree with your description. My dd16 somehow has made sense of it and likes the timeline format.


What I want to know is if it is linking what news stories you read w/o asking you? I now see things like: Sarah Lou just read this news story on FOX. I would not want FB linking what I read!! :bigear:



I've clicked on links to articles from FB and it has not posted a notice that I did so. One time it asked me about using an app to read an article and I backed out of it and went straight to the website.

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The timeline is one of the nicest changes they've made. I really don't know why some people dislike it so much.

I think it makes the profile look prettier. But some people are just resistant to anything different. :rolleyes:


I love it, and switched to the timeline for my page a while back. I don't spend much time on people's profile pages anyway. I mostly just read the news feed.

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The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.




I can't stand it.

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The timeline is one of the nicest changes they've made. I really don't know why some people dislike it so much.

I think it makes the profile look prettier. But some people are just resistant to anything different. :rolleyes:


I agree that many just don't like things because they are different. I am not one of those. I sit back and use the new format for a couple weeks before making a determination. And that is probably why I don't like the timeline yet - I haven't spent 2 weeks with it. It's just a lot of information until your brain can get used to the placement of it all.

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I am 4 months on the FB wagon. It has been a good thing. My house is cleaner. I left just before the timeline started to take effect. It's too big-brother-ish.


Some days, I just need a distraction at the end of the day. I've recently starting using homeschool forums like this for that outlet. It is at least more useful overall.

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The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.


Great analogy! I do not like Timeline at all. WIll try to set all privacy settings I can, again.

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What I want to know is if it is linking what news stories you read w/o asking you? I now see things like: Sarah Lou just read this news story on FOX. I would not want FB linking what I read!! :bigear:

Facebook doesn't link anything without your knowledge. If it is posted what news stories someone read it is because they allowed an app to have access to their profile. The new Timeline is really no different than the old profile other than the layout. You still have the same control over what is shown. Honestly I rarely even go to my friends profiles and I doubt hardly anyone really looks at mine.

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What I want to know is if it is linking what news stories you read w/o asking you? I now see things like: Sarah Lou just read this news story on FOX. I would not want FB linking what I read!! :bigear:


Only if you allow the apps that ask your permission when you click through to an article. If you click 'no' instead of 'yes' it won't show that. It has nothing to do with Timeline.


I've been using the Timeline for a while now, and I love it... I had some old posts and people I wanted to delete, and thanks to the TL format, finding them and doing so made sorting through a few years worth of posts and deleting a couple hundred posts into about a 15-minute job! Wonderful!

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I just cried to my dd to come help me understand my FB page again, just a few hours ago! I'm on Pinterest now and I'm completely baffled about using it and its putting things all over FB. It does look very confusing and jumbled to me. It also doesn't appear to be linking my blog instantly. I was confused about that, too.


The one thing I do really like, though, is the "Cover" photo, with the smaller inset photo. It's much more designer-looking. DD put a photo of the piano keyboard in the "Cover", with herself in the inset. It looks amazing.

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The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.



:iagree: My thoughts exactly. It's so cluttered and disorganized. I don't know WHY they think this is a good idea.

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The format is the problem. I look at someone's page w/ timeline, and can't tell what the heck is going on. It's like someone walked into a room, trashed the place, turned everything upside down or sideways, and tossed everything into the middle of the room, and you are supposed to find the pencil you left on the desk. :001_huh: Much worse than wading through that last sentence.

:lol::lol::lol: YES!!!!! This is it for me.

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The timeline is one of the nicest changes they've made. I really don't know why some people dislike it so much.

I think it makes the profile look prettier.


I agree - I love it! I can find old posts so much easier, and I think the layout looks more professional. I'm a Facebook junkie, so maybe I use it so much that I got used to it quickly. Either way, it works for me!

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I bookmarked this link a while back:


Permanently Delete a FB Account


This was shared by a member of this board (I can't remember who) but I've not quite gotten up the nerve to do it yet. These instructions delete the account (poof! gone!) rather than deactivate it (what FB prefers so that they can lure you back ;)).


The only thing that keeps me hanging on is that I've got lots of out of town relatives and really no way to keep in touch w/o FB.

What about email? The telephone? Snail mail?

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I quit (as in completely deleted) my FB account about 2 months ago...1 month ago? I was definitely a frequent visitor, but my acct got hacked and I got tired of worrying whether I was postnig something too private, or if something would come and bite me in the b*tt later on. I'm glad I did. I don't miss it, surprisingly. Of course, I still am on here a lot :)


I got hacked recently too! I want to delete my FB account too. I can't see how to delete it though. :confused::confused: Where do you go to delete your account?

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What about email? The telephone? Snail mail?


DH and I have huge, huge familes. Tons of neices and nephews and now great neices and nephews and they ALL live in a different state than I do. ( I moved, they didn't.) FB allows me to see pics of the newest baby, hear who is engaged, see pictures of their new houses, etc. I would never ever know/see all that info without FB. I know, I lived here for years without FB. I love it for that reason.

Timeline, ugh. I don't need to learn one more thing. My rolo dex is already full.

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I actually like the new format. Maybe I am missing something, but I just don't get what is so confusing about it. It is a timeline. It starts with the most recent activity at the top and as you move down the page, it goes backward in time. It is a historical timeline of your activity on Facebook. There is really nothing new to learn.

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What about email? The telephone? Snail mail?


After fighting with Verizon for months on end, I still have a crossed line with someone else in the neighbourhood. People call me, my phone doesn't ring, and they put a message on my non-existent voicemail. I get someone else's phone calls. I never get to a post office. I'm horrendous about email, especially since I have more than one.


Great in theory but some people don't use those avenues so even if you send mail you don't get a response back. I have one friend who uses FB to centralize all her contact.


This is me. Even one of our priests have realized that I'm easier to get hold of through FB than through my telephone.


DH and I have huge, huge familes. Tons of neices and nephews and now great neices and nephews and they ALL live in a different state than I do. ( I moved, they didn't.) FB allows me to see pics of the newest baby, hear who is engaged, see pictures of their new houses, etc. I would never ever know/see all that info without FB. I know, I lived here for years without FB. I love it for that reason.

Timeline, ugh. I don't need to learn one more thing. My rolo dex is already full.


Ditto here. FB keeps me in touch with people. MySpace helped me find my siblings.

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I don't mind the new format from a layout point of view. What I hate about it is how easy it makes it to find something from a few years back. Before old stuff were sorta hidden away, now they're readily available to all and I don't feel like having to Clean up my past like that.


Agreed. I found some old bickering between dh's cousin and myself on my page that I went back to delete. It brought back old anger... unnecessary.


I like the format, but I don't like how much time I spend on there when I'm bored (AKA should be doing something productive).

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What I want to know is if it is linking what news stories you read w/o asking you? I now see things like: Sarah Lou just read this news story on FOX. I would not want FB linking what I read!! :bigear:


That is an app that you have to agree to. It's a good practice to go into your apps once in a while and delete anything you're not actively using.

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I quit FB a few weeks ago and haven't missed it. Except that over the weekend I was bugging a friend to email me some pictures and she finally told me that her daughter had just had surgery on Friday. She thought I read about it on FB. I felt terrible.:tongue_smilie:

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