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In what order do you expect the courses of your meal to be served?  

  1. 1. In what order do you expect the courses of your meal to be served?

    • Appetizer, salad, main course, dessert: and I'm happy about that.
    • Appetizer, salad, main course, dessert: I'm unhappy about that and it shouldn't be that way.
    • Salad, appetizer, main course, dessert.
    • Dessert first.
    • Dessert only! :P

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Me too.


But I need to get my butt to Costco and then home to roast the chicken I prepped this morning. Would it be UNCARING for me to serve the candied pecan and goat cheese spinach salad with the chicken and veggies? :001_smile:


Of course it would be, starving your family like that! WHAT is wrong with you?! :D

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The server should be asking you though. That's what a "CARING" person does, give INDIVIDUALIZED service for the INDIVIDUALIZED TIP. Not everyone wants things done in the same manner.



I've only had servers ask me about 50% of the time when I want my salad to come out.... and I always order a salad. I don't think that makes them any less of a server when they don't since its usually pretty standard that the appetizer comes before the salad. Occasionally they've brought the salad out at the same time if a different server brings out the appetizer, but really its not that big of a deal IMO. Plus that's usually more convenient to be eating salad and appetizers together because not everyone eats a salad.


I only get annoyed when the salad comes out the same time as the main course.

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The server should be asking you though. That's what a "CARING" person does, give INDIVIDUALIZED service for the INDIVIDUALIZED TIP. Not everyone wants things done in the same manner.


I'm guessing that you expect the restaurant to make a lot of individualized changes to the menu for you, too.

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What it says is that the VERY FEW of you who want it differently should SAY SO and get over it. Really. If by some stray chance you are not a troll, you really are making yourself an unwelcome addition to the board. :chillpill::chillpill:


Now that we've had this question, I think we need a poll to ask if people expect a server to psychically know what they want and to know how HUNGRY we are when we sit down. Because a person could be a little peckish and want to linger over their meal or be HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY and need a salad before they gnaw their own hand off. And maybe wait staff should just know that kind of thing?


I hope Charlie Sheen and/or the Phantom Pooper can weigh in. :lol:

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We went out to dinner on New Year's Eve one year. Big mistake, long wait. Only slightly relieved when the host called for the "Starving party of 8." At least some one had a sense of humor when putting in their name.


I found a milk dud in my jacket pocket the other day. I ate it. If I would have saved it I could have eaten when we went out and not worried about getting hungry before the food arrived.


Of course with this guy as your chef, you could be in trouble before you order.



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We went out to dinner on New Year's Eve one year. Big mistake, long wait. Only slightly relieved when the host called for the "Starving party of 8." At least some one had a sense of humor when putting in their name.


I found a milk dud in my jacket pocket the other day. I ate it. If I would have saved it I could have eaten when we went out and not worried about getting hungry before the food arrived.


Of course with this guy as your chef, you could be in trouble before you order.






These threads are making my day.:D

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We went out to dinner on New Year's Eve one year. Big mistake, long wait. Only slightly relieved when the host called for the "Starving party of 8." At least some one had a sense of humor when putting in their name.


I found a milk dud in my jacket pocket the other day. I ate it. If I would have saved it I could have eaten when we went out and not worried about getting hungry before the food arrived.


Of course with this guy as your chef, you could be in trouble before you order.




I just spit out my soup!:lol: I'm enjoying this thread immensely.

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My point is, assumptions are bad.


I would rather my side salad before, but with is BETTER than after in my opinion, because I am HUNGRY and HATE waiting.


Yes - I do agree. Assumptions are bad. So it's maybe not the best to assume your server at a mediocre chain restaurant is going to know what order you want your food in. I might just mention that when ordering my salad. In a non-threatening way might be good too lest the wait staff need to call security.


You've mentioned many times you're HUNGRY and you HATE waiting. Seriously, have you tried the drive through at any of the fast food chain? The speed is stunning and best of all you get all food AT THE SAME TIME! Can you imagine!? You can pull over and be done in less than 5 minutes. I think that might be the culinary experience you're looking for.


And back to our regularly scheduled kilt posting ...

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One time, back in 2001, I hadn't gone out to eat much in my lifetime back then. My husband(at the time was my fiancee') and I had gone out to eat at Corky's Bbq. He didn't want what I wanted for an appetizer, so we ordered 2 appetizers and 2 entrees. He ordered his appetizer, his entree, I ordered my appetizer, my entree. The reason why we did it that way was because it made no sense for one person to stop talking only to go back again, plus, we always go to wash our hands after we order before we eat any food, which means after he stopped talking, he could go to the restroom not having to hear me order, saving time. Anyway, we received just one of the appetizers. We waited and waited, so we saw our waiter, we asked him where were the chili cheese fries, he said "I thought you wanted it with your meal." I was like "I NEVER said that." I couldn't believe that the *MENU* had "APPETIZER" that meant I would have wanted it that way and that the only reason to speak up is if I didn't want it as an appetizer, which I did, so I ordered it as the menu had. I didn't tell him I wanted it with my meal.


My point is, assumptions are bad.



Not the place to go if you wanted service. Most of their registers in Memphis have pictures instead of words because their average employee can't read on a middle school level. (Really.)

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There are SIX other people that agree with me, so that's not me being weird is it? That's just different opinions about how people want their service done in. That's why servers should ask when you want the items.


Of course, they are Springs, Springs1, Springs 131, and Springs1311 for starters. Of course they would all agree with you, because they ARE you.

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I had a STUPID waitress once I dined by myself at Red Lobster, because my husband was working that weekend and I just want to go to eat. She waits to bring my soft drink out WITH my side salad and the cheddar cheese biscuits. The manager said she ASSUMED I was in a hurry that I ordered when I was greeted, but me and my husband have ordered when greeted many times before, NEVER had ONE SERVER that was so stupid to make us wait JUST AS LONG for a soft drink as the side salad.


I also feel that even if I were to be in a hurry, I want my DRINK FIRST, DUHHHH!! I am THIRSTY!! I shouldn't have to say well DUHH I want my drink first BEFORE FOOD ARRIVES. ANY IDIOT SHOULD KNOW THIS!! I don't have to tell my server this. NO SERVERS DO THIS, except for HER!!


She wasn't agreeing with you. Try READING the post! DUH!

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I have been preaching all along, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO "TELL" YOU SERVER you want something FIRST. SHE AGREED here it is


Once again, you're missing the point. :confused:

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I had a STUPID waitress once I dined by myself at Red Lobster, because my husband was working that weekend and I just want to go to eat. She waits to bring my soft drink out WITH my side salad and the cheddar cheese biscuits.


Cheddar BAY Biscuits, if you please...

Edited by unsinkable
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I had a STUPID waitress once I dined by myself at Red Lobster, because my husband was working that weekend and I just want to go to eat. She waits to bring my soft drink out WITH my side salad and the cheddar cheese biscuits. QUOTE]


Cheddar BAY Biscuits, if you please...



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I had a STUPID waitress once I dined by myself at Red Lobster, because my husband was working that weekend and I just want to go to eat. She waits to bring my soft drink out WITH my side salad and the cheddar cheese biscuits. QUOTE]


Cheddar BAY Biscuits, if you please...


I am going to wake up the blasted dog laughing so loud.


I think some people should just not eat out, really, Duh!

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At the Hula Grill in Honolulu I would order: a side salad, the crab wontons as my meal and the pineapple creme brûlée for dessert. But, I asked for it to be served that way. Should they have asked the thousands other people who ate there if they wanted their meal that way, just in case?


Anti-psychotics: it's what's for dinner.

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No, because that's side salad, entree, dessert. Not the same as side salad appetizer things that are BOTH SERVED BEFORE an entree unless the customer says it shouldn't be.



If a side salad is served before the entree, instead of beside the entree, does that make it a before salad (or appetizer salad), thereby rendering this entire argument pointless?



Edited by Ailaena
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Man, I posted in the other thread, then I had to go do some things. Now I come back, and it's moved over here.


What in the WORLD is going on here today?! :tongue_smilie:


I know! I posted after just reading the first post and did the poll and then I see the tags and I'm like, "what the?" :confused: So I go through and read some of the other posts on here. Where was I when all this was going on. I thought for sure I was here today! :confused::confused:

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