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So, I had a wretched day. While waiting on my youngest to finish dance class, I got a call from Patrick. He told me he would take care of dinner. I figured it was going to be something from a drive-thru, and I was totally fine with that after the day I had.


I got home, and he had fixed Hamburger Helper and...




















tater tots.






And I ate it.






And so did my kids.






And we liked it.







So that's how my husband defines "taking care of dinner." The first chance he got, he ran right out and got that crap (that I ate happily). :lol: It's funny because I found out today what would happen if I kicked the bucket. My kids would be eating like the Duggars.




Should I go ahead and add a kilt picture? :lol::lol::lol:

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So, I had a wretched day. While waiting on my youngest to finish dance class, I got a call from Patrick. He told me he would take care of dinner. I figured it was going to be something from a drive-thru, and I was totally fine with that after the day I had.


I got home, and he had fixed Hamburger Helper and...




















tater tots.






And I ate it.






And so did my kids.






And we liked it.







So that's how my husband defines "taking care of dinner." The first chance he got, he ran right out and got that crap (that I ate happily). :lol: It's funny because I found out today what would happen if I kicked the bucket. My kids would be eating like the Duggars.




Should I go ahead and add a kilt picture? :lol::lol::lol:



It is OK Nakia. We had Sonic for dinner :tongue_smilie: I plan to have a salad tomorrow.... Maybe...

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My kids Would be SO excited for hamburger helper and tater tots for dinner. Dad would popular for a long time.


I love how I can make yummy meals, night after night, then dh makes them ramen and poptarts and they are all, "hooray, dad is the best, he has made us a glorious feast!"

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I love how I can make yummy meals, night after night, then dh makes them ramen and poptarts and they are all, "hooray, dad is the best, he has made us a glorious feast!"


That made me LOL.


That is SO totally what it's like at my house, right down to the poptarts. Zee would love anyone for ever and ever if they gave him poptarts. In fact, he had to spend the night in the hospital last year with pneumonia, but he says it was fun because, you guessed it, his sweet nurse found him a package of poptarts.


Have you ever heard the 'Dad is great, he feeds us chocolate cake' skit that Bill Cosby does? Yep, that's my dh he's talkin' about. :D

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That made me LOL.


That is SO totally what it's like at my house, right down to the poptarts. Zee would love anyone for ever and ever if they gave him poptarts. In fact, he had to spend the night in the hospital last year with pneumonia, but he says it was fun because, you guessed it, his sweet nurse found him a package of poptarts.


Have you ever heard the 'Dad is great, he feeds us chocolate cake' skit that Bill Cosby does? Yep, that's my dh he's talkin' about. :D


My mom actually mails my kids boxes of poptarts because I deprive them.

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I love how I can make yummy meals, night after night, then dh makes them ramen and poptarts and they are all, "hooray, dad is the best, he has made us a glorious feast!"

Oh yeah.


Wolf makes 'goulash'. Kraft Dinner w/ground beef, onion, garlic, a can of tomatoes and spaghetti sauce.


Kids LOVE it.



Ok, and I like it too. Probably cause I didn't have to cook...

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Good for your family!! Oh well you ate what some call "crap"...I would be thankful that I had happy dh and happy children with full tummies! :D


And as for hamburger helper. I make a homemade version without all the "crap" since we're gluten free and I eat it with my dh and kids happily! :p

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Good for your family!! Oh well you ate what some call "crap"...I would be thankful that I had happy dh and happy children with full tummies! :D


And as for hamburger helper. I make a homemade version without all the "crap" since we're gluten free and I eat it with my dh and kids happily! :p


I am thankful. I have an amazing husband. No doubt about that!

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Have you ever heard the 'Dad is great, he feeds us chocolate cake' skit that Bill Cosby does? Yep, that's my dh he's talkin' about. :D


Yeah, Bill Cosby! I say this every time dh treats the kids (doing the fork to mouth dance Cosby does). Off to search for Bill Cosby videos.


When he goes shopping, dh comes home with Doritos, queso, and Little Debbie Snack Cakes. When he makes dinner, it tends to be tacos or Hamburger Helper.

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My kids had Kraft mac & cheese for first dinner tonight. Yes, my children eat two dinners each night. Apparently school food is not edible so they come home famished and eat at about 4 and then they are hungry again by 8. :glare: So they don't get two healthy meal each night. Sorry but I am not head cook and bottle washer around here.

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My kids had Kraft mac & cheese for first dinner tonight. Yes, my children eat two dinners each night. Apparently school food is not edible so they come home famished and eat at about 4 and then they are hungry again by 8. :glare: So they don't get two healthy meal each night. Sorry but I am not head cook and bottle washer around here.


My kids eat like hobbits. They get up and eat cereal while I cook breakfast. Today was eggs, croissants (err..I just heated those up) and chocolate banana smoothies. At around 11 they had sandwiches and carrots. At one they had ramen. At three they had cheese, crackers and fruit. At six I made dinner (burgers and mac and cheese, as I said before). Most of them had a snack before bed.

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So, I had a wretched day. While waiting on my youngest to finish dance class, I got a call from Patrick. He told me he would take care of dinner. I figured it was going to be something from a drive-thru, and I was totally fine with that after the day I had.


I got home, and he had fixed Hamburger Helper and...




















tater tots.






And I ate it.






And so did my kids.






And we liked it.







So that's how my husband defines "taking care of dinner." The first chance he got, he ran right out and got that crap (that I ate happily). :lol: It's funny because I found out today what would happen if I kicked the bucket. My kids would be eating like the Duggars.




Should I go ahead and add a kilt picture? :lol::lol::lol:


LOL YES! I think a kilt picture is definitely in order! :p

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All this true stuff: Dad is a hero when he opens a can and heats the contents, and puts peanut butter on a cracker. Yes, it has happened here.


A little redeeming thought: it is likely your child will face these foods at some point in his future, and #1 it will not be forbidden fruit, so he'll not crave it/buy it/consume it in great quanties (I've got a picture in my mind of a thousand boxes of 'Helper in the pantry) and #2 if he faces a batch of tater tots at a friend's house he won't make a fool of himself eating them all and #3 if he faces a plate of hamburger helper at a friend's house, he'll know what it is and not embarrass himself. Good manners thang.

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Oh yeah.


Wolf makes 'goulash'. Kraft Dinner w/ground beef, onion, garlic, a can of tomatoes and spaghetti sauce.


Kids LOVE it.



Ok, and I like it too. Probably cause I didn't have to cook...



Oh yes. Mac and Cheese prepared as per directions, toss in some browned ground beef and a can of RoTel. I call it Queso Mac. :drool:

I 'spose one could top that with some tots.


Nakia, you have a sweet deal there. My dh would have made cereal. :glare: At least your dinner was cooked.

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It's funny because I found out today what would happen if I kicked the bucket. My kids would be eating like the Duggars.


At least your kids would be eating . Mine would probably be starved to death..:glare:


Tater Tots are called Potato Gems here -strangely none of my kids like them - whenever I look at them in the store they start whining -"Gross, I hate those, put them back" :lol:

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I am thankful. I have an amazing husband. No doubt about that!


That's sweet.


If my dh said he was 'taking care of dinner', it would NEVER in a MILLION years mean that he was cooking. Ever. And it CERTAINLY would not mean he was cooking something as 'complicated' as hamburger helper and tater tots. I think the MOST we would get would be cereal and toast. He would just pick something up. Which is GREAT, don't get me wrong. But it's sweet that your dh actually cooked something. :)

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I just had to say this was a very clever post and great title, ha ha!


And if my husband "helps out with dinner," he would pour bowls of cold cereal, put frozen waffles in the toaster, or possibly go all-out and make a few eggs.


And I just realized that now tater tots make me think of Glee.

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