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Absolutely the BEST pencil sharpener? Cost NO OBJECT

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Seriously, I'd pay a thousand dollars for a pencil sharpener that would sharpen pencils quickly, to a sharp point, and not break. Okay, maybe not $1000. But seriously, even the relatively pricey electric sharpener I bought only sharpened one side of the pencil and then broke. We have gone through multiple manual and electric sharpeners here and I am going nuts using their crap*y hand sharpener 10 times a day that consistently breaks off the tip JUST as I get the pencil to the right sharpness (yes, they like their pencils SHARP) :glare:


Suggestions, please. I am thinking of going to Staples TODAY!

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My experience with multiple electric and hand crank ones when I was teaching school over the years led me to believe that they all have a timeline and they all break, no matter what the cost. That's why we have a really cheap one, so that I don't feel upset when it breaks. It hasn't yet and we've had it for nearly a year. So that's some sort of miracle. It's just a battery one from Staples that was in ugly neon colors for about $5.

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My experience with multiple electric and hand crank ones when I was teaching school over the years led me to believe that they all have a timeline and they all break, no matter what the cost. That's why we have a really cheap one, so that I don't feel upset when it breaks. It hasn't yet and we've had it for nearly a year. So that's some sort of miracle. It's just a battery one from Staples that was in ugly neon colors for about $5.


Sigh. Maybe that's worth a try. I was thinking about this one.

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My experience with multiple electric and hand crank ones when I was teaching school over the years led me to believe that they all have a timeline and they all break, no matter what the cost. That's why we have a really cheap one, so that I don't feel upset when it breaks. It hasn't yet and we've had it for nearly a year. So that's some sort of miracle. It's just a battery one from Staples that was in ugly neon colors for about $5.


I'm also going by Staples to try out one of these-I have to pick up paper anyway. Thanks.

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We've had a manual sharpener for years and I've resisted buying an electric because most in my experience were junk. But our manual literally fell apart recently and I decided to go ahead and try another electric. I didn't do any research, but thought I'd buy one from Sam's Club, figuring whatever they carried there would be designed to hold up to heavy business use.


We got this one: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=203302&navAction=


So far I've been very pleased with it. It gets the pencils nice and sharp, and my boys have not complained about the tips breaking easily. It's also easy enough for them to use and they love that it lights up to tell them when the pencil is sharp. Between this sharpener and the awesome Arrowhead pencil toppers someone recommended on here recently, I feel like we've revolutionized our homeschool (at least in the pencil convenience area).

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I know you already ordered one, but this one, seriously! http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/879174/FORAY-Dual-Powered-Pencil-Sharpener-6/ Ds came home from school last year and begged for one! All he wanted in his easter basket was this pencil sharpener! We got if for him- it's amazing! Instant, super sharp point, works on map pencils, even crappy, nothing ever sharpens them kind of pencils! We love it! It's been dropped, knocked onto the floor by cats, abused by children and still works like we just bought it. Love, love, love this sharpener!

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even the relatively pricey electric sharpener I bought only sharpened one side of the pencil and then broke.


Serious question: Is this the fault of the pencil or the sharpener?


I've always thought it was the pencil not having the lead properly centered, so I've been buying expensive pencils! But I also got a new sharpener about the same time I started doing this...so which is it? :confused:

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I've had a horrible time with this too until I followed two different recommendations I've found here on the hive>


First I only use these pencils




and then I use these pencil sharpeners





I'm happy to say we no longer have pencil problems.


I did have to order the pencils because they didn't carry them in my local store but I believe the store did carry the pencil sharpeners.

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I know you already ordered one, but this one, seriously! http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/879174/FORAY-Dual-Powered-Pencil-Sharpener-6/ Ds came home from school last year and begged for one! All he wanted in his easter basket was this pencil sharpener! We got if for him- it's amazing! Instant, super sharp point, works on map pencils, even crappy, nothing ever sharpens them kind of pencils! We love it! It's been dropped, knocked onto the floor by cats, abused by children and still works like we just bought it. Love, love, love this sharpener!



Heck, I might buy that one too! :lol:

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Sigh. Maybe that's worth a try. I was thinking about this one.


I literally JUST got this one in the mail TODAY! After reviewing tons of them I decided on the Boston one. So far so good. I'll let you know in a few weeks how it's holding up.


I do like the look of the green Classroom friendly supplies one. You'll have to let me know how that is!

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I literally JUST got this one in the mail TODAY! After reviewing tons of them I decided on the Boston one. So far so good. I'll let you know in a few weeks how it's holding up.


I do like the look of the green Classroom friendly supplies one. You'll have to let me know how that is!


I definitely will. And vice versa, please! I am more than happy to have 2-3 sharpeners around the house, if they're all good. :)

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I've had a horrible time with this too until I followed two different recommendations I've found here on the hive>


First I only use these pencils




and then I use these pencil sharpeners





I'm happy to say we no longer have pencil problems.


I did have to order the pencils because they didn't carry them in my local store but I believe the store did carry the pencil sharpeners.



Thank you! Those pencils look great. I am also going to try Ticonderoga Noir.

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Clearly at the end of all this, you'll need to start a website that compares pencil sharpeners and makes recommendations. :D


I know :glare: I am seriously going to post this on my blog. I think the reason I got upset today was in part, due to pencil issues. :glare:

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This is the pencil sharper I decided to get and my pencils now stay sharp without me even touching them... we lost it yesterday for about 10 minutes and were lost.... 4 yr old stuck it in his stuff....




That's the one I ordered today! Yay!! I also got one of these at Office Depot, along with a set of Ticoderoga Noir (they are smooooooth)

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This is the pencil sharper I decided to get and my pencils now stay sharp without me even touching them... we lost it yesterday for about 10 minutes and were lost.... 4 yr old stuck it in his stuff....




So these are not the kind of manual ones that need to be mounted on a wall? Now my interest is piqued even more...

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So these are not the kind of manual ones that need to be mounted on a wall? Now my interest is piqued even more...


It's not mounted! It's very handy and can be placed at the table while we work. Though little ones can wonder off with it if they get a little too curious about it. The trap door that holds the shavings is in pretty tight too, so we haven't had any accident spillings yet. They all love the pencil sharpener and it has a nickname "sharpy".

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The $0.97 cheapo pencil sharpener, with the back up in the a drawer, has worked the best for us.


It can get passed around the table.

Easily replaced


Each can have their own

Sharpens well



Absolutely the only kind of sharpener. Less frustration overall = The Best.

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  • 2 months later...
We've had a manual sharpener for years and I've resisted buying an electric because most in my experience were junk. But our manual literally fell apart recently and I decided to go ahead and try another electric. I didn't do any research, but thought I'd buy one from Sam's Club, figuring whatever they carried there would be designed to hold up to heavy business use.


We got this one: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=203302&navAction=


So far I've been very pleased with it. It gets the pencils nice and sharp, and my boys have not complained about the tips breaking easily. It's also easy enough for them to use and they love that it lights up to tell them when the pencil is sharp. Between this sharpener and the awesome Arrowhead pencil toppers someone recommended on here recently, I feel like we've revolutionized our homeschool (at least in the pencil convenience area).


DISREGARD my report on this pencil sharpener above. It is total CARP! :glare:


It worked for a few weeks, but cannot handle colored pencils or cheap pencils at all. We use mostly nice pencils, but need to be able to sharpen colored ones as well, and the kids always end up acquiring cheapy ones at birthday parties and such. Anyway, this sharpener jams constantly and now it just chews up perfectly good pencils and spits than out worse than they started.


I'm interested in the Classroom Friendly one that was recommended in this thread, but it's currently backordered until April.


Sorry to bump an older thread, but I detest this sharpener so much I HAD to revise my earlier optimistic report!

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We use this one: http://www.amazon.com/Kikkerland-Camera-Pencil-Sharpener-SC12/dp/B004AXVXPY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1332366328&sr=8-5 and have been very happy with it. The Classroom Friendly one people are recommending seems to have a similar mechanism for holding the pencil (as well as being cute). In any case, the Kikkerland has worked well for us so far and I like that you can adjust how sharp/dull you want the pencil point to be. Hope you find one you like - not having a decent pencil sharpener can be surprisingly frustrating!

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This is the pencil sharper I decided to get and my pencils now stay sharp without me even touching them... we lost it yesterday for about 10 minutes and were lost.... 4 yr old stuck it in his stuff....




Because of this thread we ordered this one. We have had it a little over a month and it rocks. I have never seen pencils so sharp :D

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Because of this thread we ordered this one. We have had it a little over a month and it rocks. I have never seen pencils so sharp :D


This looks good. The website says it can be mounted or be portable. Can you tell me how it works if it's portable? How does it not slip and slide around if it's not mounted?



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We have an old crank-style Boston pencil sharpener that came from a public school. I think we bought it at a garage sale. It's the best one I've ever had for regular pencils.


Yup. Ours is by the Automatic Pencil Sharpener Company of Chicago and looks roughly like this --




I love it to pieces. :001_wub: I'm so glad dh's grandfather was a "saver".

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We have an old crank-style Boston pencil sharpener that came from a public school. I think we bought it at a garage sale. It's the best one I've ever had for regular pencils.


Let me assure you that the one they likely replaced it with is junk. I've been substitute teaching and I've found only two classrooms that have decently working wall mount sharpeners. In some rooms that's all you find, in others teachers have supplemented with mostly mediocre electric sharpeners, and many have the cheapie hand models.


Not having the tools to do the job is incredibly disruptive in the classroom. Often kids who use the wall mount chew their pencil up completely. The electrics make a lot of noise and usually make only a short point. The manuals leave shavings all over.


I've been seriously thinking of bringing one from home and I think I'll look into those classroom friendly models. Do those just sit on a desktop?

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This looks good. The website says it can be mounted or be portable. Can you tell me how it works if it's portable? How does it not slip and slide around if it's not mounted?




YOu just hold it with one hand. Really. Even my 6 year old can do it. And MAN the pencils are sharp.


Really a great investment. And no, I am not being paid by the manufacturer! :)

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I use Staedtler pencils (HB or B) for kiddo, or Moon's Tri-Rex medium (Amazon has them, and I reviewed them), and a hand held sharpener I replace often. General's All-Art gives a slightly stubbier point which my colored pencils love. Otherwise I use a Staedtler or Dux or Alvin's Brass Bullet sharpener (Blick has these). The latter has replacement blades and no plastic.

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I actually deliberately searched again for this thread today to find out the name of the green & blue pencil sharpener maker - and was devastated to learn that they are backordered until next month!! SOB!!!



Excited - I found it on Amazon for just $5 more!! I actually have an unused gift cert to Amazon, so I am totally going for it!!! LOL (under "Carl" pencil sharpener - looks like the exact same model).

Edited by black_midori
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My dd LOVES these pencils that we are able to buy at our local Wal-Mart. She says they get really sharp with even a cheap, hand sharpener. I think they are just a couple of dollars a pack, but they are girly. This website shows some pencils that are sport and race cars.





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Good thread. A few months ago, when i still had mom prime, I bought and returned 4 different electric pencil sharpeders. All of them had issues. The one i ultimately kept, (and cost $60), worked nicely for about a week. Now it sharpens things unevenly and eats about half thr pencil before you get it to lean the right way and get a good point. Waste of $$$!

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We've had this one for 6 months or so. It is the only one we've had last this long. I went through 3 iPoints before we got this one. We've never had a problem with it other than it can messy to empty if its too full.




We've had a manual sharpener for years and I've resisted buying an electric because most in my experience were junk. But our manual literally fell apart recently and I decided to go ahead and try another electric. I didn't do any research, but thought I'd buy one from Sam's Club, figuring whatever they carried there would be designed to hold up to heavy business use.


We got this one: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=203302&navAction=


So far I've been very pleased with it. It gets the pencils nice and sharp, and my boys have not complained about the tips breaking easily. It's also easy enough for them to use and they love that it lights up to tell them when the pencil is sharp. Between this sharpener and the awesome Arrowhead pencil toppers someone recommended on here recently, I feel like we've revolutionized our homeschool (at least in the pencil convenience area).

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Originally Posted by scrappyhappymama viewpost.gif

"We've had a manual sharpener for years and I've resisted buying an electric because most in my experience were junk. But our manual literally fell apart recently and I decided to go ahead and try another electric. I didn't do any research, but thought I'd buy one from Sam's Club, figuring whatever they carried there would be designed to hold up to heavy business use.


We got this one: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/pr...302&navAction=


So far I've been very pleased with it. It gets the pencils nice and sharp, and my boys have not complained about the tips breaking easily. It's also easy enough for them to use and they love that it lights up to tell them when the pencil is sharp. Between this sharpener and the awesome Arrowhead pencil toppers someone recommended on here recently, I feel like we've revolutionized our homeschool (at least in the pencil convenience area)."

ScrappyHappy revised this earlier to say that it is lousy, and I agree. But this is the sharpener that I keep returning to Sams.

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