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s/o Toilet Paper: What is the Proper Way to Hang it?

What is the Proper Way to Hang Toilet Paper?  

  1. 1. What is the Proper Way to Hang Toilet Paper?

    • Loose end away/against the wall, for sure!
    • Over the top/loose end closest to use, definitely.
    • Who cares?
    • As a guest in someone's home, I would fix their TP if it was hung the wrong way.
    • As a guest, I would be sorely tempted to "fix" their TP, but would restrain myself.
    • As a guest, I would never "fix" the TP- how rude!
    • Has everyone gone mad?

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Over the top. It's one of the few things I insist on around here (although if dd gets a new roll ON the dispenser I don't push it right now--I'll indoctrinate her further later). The only time I endorse putting it on "backwards" is when there's a toddler in the house with an affinity for spinning things. In that case it's ok to put it backwards because it's less likely to end up in a big, loose heap all over the floor because toddlers tend to spin top to bottom and when you put the roll "backwards" it re-rolls the end instead of unrolling the whole thing.


(But I would never "fix" it at anyone else's house. I do understand that there are [crazy] people who like it the other way around.)

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As a former control freak, I am just happy when there is toilet paper on the roll - or even in the bathroom, so I don't have to yell for someone to bring me some!



Oh, please share how you became a former control freak! My DH would love it if I learned your secret! :lol:


I chose TP out, of course. ;) I would not fix the TP at other people's homes though it would drive my OCD nuts.

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I picked your second option, but my dh believes it is your first option. I have listened carefully to his reasoning, and I can see his point, but I can't make myself put in on the holder backwards like that.

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I picked your second option, but my dh believes it is your first option. I have listened carefully to his reasoning, and I can see his point, but I can't make myself put in on the holder backwards like that.


I chose options 2 and 6, but I think we're missing something here. Is the choice between 1 and 2 affected by the sex of the responder?

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Just because there is toilet tissue there won't cut it for me. There is a reason why the end has to be hanging over the top. As a guest, I wouldn't change anything, but I would feel mighty sorry for the occupants because the other way is just so much better. :D


There should be other threads that will cull out the control freaks on this board.

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Over the top unless you have a new kitty who likes to unroll it. Then it is acceptable to have it with the loose end hanging against the wall because kitty's new activity is foiled!


Or child. In my control freak years, I would put the end facing the wall for regular use, but would change it when company came and I even folded a point at the end. I, of course, switched it back to foil my speedy unrollers. Then the third child came along and I was just too tired to care for anything other than just having it available when I needed it!

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I am one of 2 people who have changed it at someone else's house.


In my defense, I have a large amount of friends whom I have known since elementary school and we have way to few boundaries! I have one friend who relocated my microwave as she thought I had it in the wrong place. Another friend who was housesitting for us and rearranged my whole kitchen, and another who regularly lets herself in when she is nearby and early for an appointment to make herself coffee (I live right next to the hospital/medical center), So yes, when they hang their toilet paper the wrong way, I change it!:D

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s/o of the guests switching the rolls thread & just because I am feeling silly. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: grrr, the second poll option should be "closest to user."

Over the top, only. That is the ONLY way to do it so it flows properly.


I don't fix other people's toilet paper though. I don't want to touch anything in the bathroom except what I need to touch!

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Like I said on the other thread, I use the facing the wall mothod when I have someone (child) or something (cat) batting at the roll and leaving a pile of unrolling on the floor. If the roll is facing the wall it just spins and nothing is on the floor.


Other than that, I do not care.


Okay, I started the other thread and I will admit that I put the free end closer to the wall. I know it's not the popular option, but I have small children. There's a method to my madness. (I also think it looks neater when I don't have a long scraggly end hanging there. So sue me. :tongue_smilie:)

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I will admit, I never thought it odd to fix someone's TP until the previous thread. It never occurred to me that people would put it on backwards for a reason! ;) I thought i was doing them a favor by fixing something that a child probably did. I will try flipping my roll and seeing if my baby doesn't make a mess. I think she still will. I was a maid for a long time and I always fixed people's rolls and now I am wondering if I drove them batty! :001_huh:

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As a former control freak, I am just happy when there is toilet paper on the roll - or even in the bathroom, so I don't have to yell for someone to bring me some!


I would probably pass out and injure myself if anyone in my family actually got the new roll onto the holder. I've even demonstrated the process and still, the roll sits on the counter or back of the toilet.

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Okay, I started the other thread and I will admit that I put the free end closer to the wall. I know it's not the popular option, but I have small children. There's a method to my madness. (I also think it looks neater when I don't have a long scraggly end hanging there. So sue me. :tongue_smilie:)


I knew it!!! :lol:


still no excuse for "guests" to set things right. :)


If you want it to look neat, then you take the end and fold up the two corners into a point before the guests arrive. Looks nice for a few minutes anyway. :tongue_smilie:

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They'll probably consider their mission a success! :lol:


You do know that if you go over their house that you have to turn their tp roll around - don't you? It's the one time it's perfectly acceptable to have it coming down the back by the wall. :D



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