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Anone else getting antsy to start schooling?

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We've been off since after Thanksgiving, and I have two more weeks off (MIL will be here, no school can get done) and then we're back. I cannot wait. :D Even the little one is asking when we can do schoolwork again.


(we took off this long because we were ahead of schedule, and school through summer)

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I am with you. My mom is here until the 5th. We have been off since Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to getting back to school, and some semblance of a routine.


Plus, school is fun:D


It is hard to school when people are staying with you.

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I'm excited. We start next Monday. I've never homeschooled before so we're truly starting. I plan to go through a few lesson plans this week to make sure I know what I'm doing. :) My other two are home from school but that's fine. We tend to do a lot of things together anyway.

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Nope....not even a little bit. As a matter of fact, this unschooling lifestyle suits me better than I thought. We definitely will get back to math after New Years, but my kids have been having so much fun reading, playing, using the new microscope, listening to music...etc., I don't have it in me to break the peace.



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We've been off since after Thanksgiving, and I have two more weeks off (MIL will be here, no school can get done) and then we're back. I cannot wait. :D Even the little one is asking when we can do schoolwork again.


(we took off this long because we were ahead of schedule, and school through summer)


Yes and no. :) Dd does not do well with big changes. That is partially why I mentioned to dh today that I want to start doing a little school tomorrow. Dh gets this week off. Dd is a big daddy's girl. There's no way I want to get to next Monday, have him return to work, and then jump back into school. Would not go well. Oh, and we've only taken about 1.5 weeks off so far for Christmas. All of us do better with some routine.

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YES! We were on a good roll, had 8 days left of school and would have been back on track to start the new year off where I wanted us to be. THEN the car broke down and we got stuck at my folks. Our schooling is very heavily project based, my mom hates projects being out. She thinks it is not school unless it is textbook learning. Anyway that meant having all of last week off of school unexpectedly, and the bigs are gone all of this week. I can not wait to get started next week and finish off those 8 days. It sets us back right away for 2nd term but I just want to get back to it and keep going. I hate that we will have lost 2 weeks of learning time when we finally had a good momentum going.

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I'm excited. We start next Monday. I've never homeschooled before so we're truly starting. I plan to go through a few lesson plans this week to make sure I know what I'm doing. :) My other two are home from school but that's fine. We tend to do a lot of things together anyway.


Good luck and keep us posted!


Nope....not even a little bit. As a matter of fact, this unschooling lifestyle suits me better than I thought. We definitely will get back to math after New Years, but my kids have been having so much fun reading, playing, using the new microscope, listening to music...etc., I don't have it in me to break the peace.




I can hear your contented sigh from here. :001_smile:


Dh asked for me to start lite schooling tomorrow. We were grilled over the holiday by parents.





At least I'm not the only one! I thought i was crazy there for a while. But we HAVE been off a long time.

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We've only been off a week, but I'd like to get started again. However, my dh is here visiting until Jan. 1. He works in another state, and this is his first visit in a month. We really want to enjoy his time home instead of being busy with school.


My plans were to start on Jan. 2, but I think it will actually be the 9th. I'd like to take a week to plan out the rest of the year. I've just been doing it week-by-week due to all the unknown moving issues. This has gotten old quick, and I hate spending so much time planning every weekend.


I'm not a fan of big breaks because we have to review and get back into the swing of things.

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Somewhat here ... this was supposed to be our first week of two off for the holidays, but we all ended up sick last week, so I'm already itching to get back into our routine again. But, I need to plan the rest of our school year, and dh is home for the next two weeks, so I am glad we have the scheduled time off. I do think we are going to have the boys stick to a smallish routine for the first couple hours of the morning and then give them the rest of the day to play with friends and enjoy their Christmas presents while dh and I get work done. Our first day back is the 9th of January.

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WAIT! We were supposed to take a break?


(3 days of seatwork this week, though the term seatwork is a very loose term around here!) Right now, the Slinkies are having a discussion with the ships in the new pop-up Ships book. :001_rolleyes: G*d truly gives you the children you need, not the ones you want! :D

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Not in the least. I start a new job with a regular schedule (also keeping the old ones of running DH's business and doing per diem clinic coverage) on January 4th and I'm not looking forward to being held to said schedule. I'm definitely not looking forward to having to come up with lesson plans for DH every other day. But it's life, sucky as it can be some times.

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Last year, we took the whole month of December off. That was too much. None of us wanted to get back into the groove and the transition was difficult. This year, we did school through the 23rd of December, but that last week was a very light Holiday Week. This is the only week we are taking completely off. Well, the kids are. I'll be working on lesson plans. I'm glad to have the week off, but will be happy to start back up again.

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Yes and no. I'm ready to get back to a routine, but I feel like I have soooo much to do before we get there.


This is me. We were also schedule to start back on 1/2, but then I realized we'll have family in town until 1/10 :001_huh: I don't think I can wait that long to get back to some kind of reasonable routine!


That said, I told the girls that I might take two weeks off from formal schoolwork and spend them on a "life skills" practicum :lol: I am SO TIRED of watching children accidentally knock something onto the floor and walk away from it, and of cleaning up other people's messes, and feeling like a waitress.

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I need time to get organized and get the school room cleaned out. The kids have off from "official" school work until after Epiphany/Theophany. They'll play board games, read, do History Craft projects, watch educational videos, etc. but no Math, Grammar, Spelling, etc.

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