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If you earned a varsity letter, do you still have it?

So, what'd you do with it?  

  1. 1. So, what'd you do with it?

    • Kept it. I earned it!
    • Threw it away. Who cares about that stuff once we're out of high school?
    • Lost it.
    • Don't know. Maybe it's collecting dust somewhere.
    • Didn't get one.
    • Other.

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I keep seeing this jacket and thinking I should throw it away. My kids are homeschooled; it's not like I'm going to reminisce when they do a school sport. And it doesn't really bring back great memories; I wasn't that good and I only did it to try a sport and get out of the house. But I really wanted one when I was in school and now I can't seem to throw it away. I probably wouldn't even think about it once it was gone. So, what did you do with yours?

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I have a shoebox that has my hs letter, other patches (the jackets were too $$$), and my medals from rowing in college. I'd be willing to toss them, actually, but they still fit in the prescribed "memory box", so I just left them...thought maybe the kids might think they were cool to see. In fact, maybe I'll haul them out for some pretend play at some point...


ETA: All that was to say that you could take letters/patches off and donate the jacket itself.

Edited by Kertie
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A couple of years ago I kept looking at my letter jacket and couldn't decide what to do with it. It's not like I was ever going to wear it again! But there it was, with three letters on it (Academics, Music, and Sports), and all my medals from other activites attached to it... and I was a little conflicted.


And then my DD ripped a whole in her snow pants. It was late February, and none of the stores had snow pants anymore- bikinis had already taken their place. My jacket was made from the same quilted material, and the same color. SO I hacked out a piece of the jacket and made a good sized patch for her snowpants. I put the jacket in a closet to think about another time.


The next time I gave that jacket some thought, it made me laugh, and I just tossed it. Really, there is no value to me to all those things accumulated in high school. I certainly don't miss it now that it's gone.

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I have my jacket in the back of my closet. I loved wearing things from when my Mom and Dad were younger. My dh pointed out that my dd would probably like to wear it when she is older.


I have 2 letters, one on my Jacket, and one in my memory book. Dance Team and Drama.

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I still have it not because "I earned it and it's special," but because it's on a rather nice jacket that's still in good shape! It's a very warm, part-wool jacket, and there have been winters when one of my four girls needed a warm jacket and would end up wearing it. Apart from that, I really have no feelings of pride or attachment toward it. My kids can't imagine that I was once an athlete!

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mine is in a shadow box thingy -- it has all my pins on it


darn it i earned that thing -- deabte and speech -- and vas NOT EASY


yes i have it.


some day my kids will have it for their kids --


I have my Dad's letter jacket (also debate) -- some day my kids will have that too -- i wore it in high school a lot --

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mine is in a shadow box thingy -- it has all my pins on it


darn it i earned that thing -- deabte and speech -- and vas NOT EASY


yes i have it.


some day my kids will have it for their kids --


I have my Dad's letter jacket (also debate) -- some day my kids will have that too -- i wore it in high school a lot --


Huh. I was on the debate team in High School but we didn't get Letters. Mine are for football.



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my youngest dd wore my letter sweater with a poodle skirt for hallowe'en this year.......


"mom, did you wear it with a poodle skirt when you were in high school?"


"dear, poodle skirts were a 1950s thing. i wasn't even born then"


"really?" she says.....





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I 'lettered' in the arts (drama, band, choir)

I still have my letter - along with all of my solos & ensembles medals. (I never put mine on a jacket though. )


My daughter did her first S&E last year, and it was fun comparing our medals - they've changed a little bit in 25 yrs. ;)

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Yeah, if it was just the letter, I'd just throw it in my keepsake box. THe whole jacket takes up a lot of room. Someone suggested making a trunk of old bridesmaid dresses for dress up for their kids. I've been tossing around the idea of doing this for my girls. I know they would love it- I just also know it will gather all sorts of junk as well. But perhaps if I do that, I can just put the thing in there. And as someone mentioned, it is warm. So maybe I can think of it as emergency preparedness instead of clutter that's been hanging around for almost 20 years. :lol:

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Mine is on my school jacket, hanging in my childhood bedroom closet at my parents' house.


I am noooo athlete :lol:. I earned the letter for "academic merit".


Ds had no interest in wearing it when it fit him, but maybe dd will. After that, I don't know; it will probably stay in the closet :tongue_smilie:.

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I kept it... but I only have the letter (I lettered in Varsity Track for hurdles & sprints AND band my freshman year...). I went to 3 different high schools (the last one was at home), and knew I would be moving, so... a jacket would have been meaningless.


My children are *very* interested in looking at my old things. My oldest dd would like some of my old stuff for her room... I plan to oblige her, and put up my old Holly Hobbie room decor and gift her my old (small) collection of dolls.


My sons want dad's Star Wars stuff. My children are pretty sentimental, so they have really enjoyed looking at our old things, and hearing our stories.

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I have a box with all my music medals and the like, but couldn't tell you where my letter/patches (for Music, academic competition, and forensics) are now. I was really proud of the forensics one-as a person with a severe speech impediment who had an IEP for Speech/Language into COLLEGE (until I turned 22, I believe-I was officially considered dually enrolled and not aged out of high school so I'd still qualify), it was a big deal to qualify for the varsity team my senior year-and perhaps most importantly, to not place LAST in my category!

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Huh. I was on the debate team in High School but we didn't get Letters. Mine are for football.




A debater huh? That explains a lot. ;)


My kids' chosen "sport" is debate. My oldest is currently on the squad at UCLA and my dd debates in a homeschool league.


Debate takes up much of our lives here!;)

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I had a letter sweater which was way cool when I was in high school. As a young married adult, I got rid of it because it was meaningless. I don't regret it. I got rid of my ring too. I sold it to a pawn shop for cash when I was going through a rough time. That might have been a stupid decision, but really I don't care about that either.

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A debater huh? That explains a lot. ;)


My kids' chosen "sport" is debate. My oldest is currently on the squad at UCLA and my dd debates in a homeschool league.


Debate takes up much of our lives here!;)


I saw that your son is attending UCLA. Belated Congratulations to the both of you Ronette!

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I wasn't involved in "letter" sports but...


For some reason my folks still have my dad's letter sweater tucked away in the attic. He's never so much as brought it out for a reunion or anything but I did wear it in a couple '50s themed theater productions, sock hops and the like. (It is a genuine '50s letter sweater.)


I think it makes a great memento. I plan on keeping when I become the custodian. A few bits of family history hanging around can be a good thing.

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