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Right there with you on this one

I used to fight it. Not so much these days.


just noticed that your kids are exactly the same ages as mine. I have 5 as well. But 3 are boys. There's just too much else to do to worry about whether they are in proper bedtime clothing every night.

Edited by jenniferlee
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My kids sometimes sleep in their clothing also. Sometimes they wear their clothing all day, sleep in it and wear it again the next day because I can't tell. :blush:


My youngest child asked me the other day if she should take off her socks for the night. When I said yes she said, "That's good because I've been wearing them for 4 days." :eek: :ack2:

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Wanna hear mine? We don't own any PJs! :D:D:D


We tried for years and it never worked, so now the boys sleep in a T-shirt and undies in the summer and in sweats and a Tee in the winter.


I sleep in sweats and a Tee and DH usually sleeps in his sweats or a pair of comfy shorts.



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Dd refuses to wear pajamas unless I'm changing her in the middle of the night after she's wet the bed. I suppose at that stage, she's too traumatised to think of fashion. Ah well, she doesn't get around in a spiky dog collar, so while not ideal, there's no harm done to her or the mattress.



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Sometimes mine do too (my older ones often do). I don't really care about the items to wash. Dh handles that, and he'd prefer for them to change. But it's just not a hill I want to climb, much less die on. If I notice they're over 24 hours, certainly approaching 48 hours in the same clothes, I do send them to change. But sometimes I don't think that I notice.

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Sometimes I sleep in my own clothes.


My dh left last weekend to work out-of-state. The children and I will follow in a few months. Until I get use to this arrangement, I feel as if I am in this "ready" state. I've been sleeping dressed the last few night. Well, actually I haven't been sleeping much. Just not use to not having him here.


Other times that I've slept in my clothes were when the weather was bad or expected to be bad, when there were a string of children being kidnapped from their homes (wasn't sleeping much then either), or if a child is sick (or I'm due to deliver any time). It just varies. I'm just weird like that. :D

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The only pajamas we own were gifts. :001_smile: Yesterday I was discussing the kids' Christmas gifts with my mom, and she said, "Yeah, I agree that it would be better to go with the cheaper one. Then they could have another gift too, like pajamas!"


I was thinking, "Well, in that case, let's go with the more expensive option because the pajamas are not going to be worn." But I didn't say it. We always wore pajamas! I do send/bring pajamas to others' homes because I've gotten some comments. :lol:

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My kids sometimes sleep in their clothing also. Sometimes they wear their clothing all day, sleep in it and wear it again the next day because I can't tell. :blush:


My youngest child asked me the other day if she should take off her socks for the night. When I said yes she said, "That's good because I've been wearing them for 4 days." :eek: :ack2:



I'm so glad it's not just me:D



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I consider it an accomplishment when my 3 year old falls asleep wearing anything on her body. I don't care if it's yesterday's clothes, tomorrow clothes, or PJ's. I'm even happy if she is just wearing underwear. I can't tell you how many times she has crawled into bed with me in the middle of the night completely naked and ice cold. SHe takes everything off, falls asleep and then wakes up cold and comes into my bed and expects me to warm up her naked cold body. So any piece of clothing on her body is good in my opinion.

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